Adama – Telos II – Chapter 2

Dear brothers and sisters! I AM ADAMA!

Continuing our journey, let’s go to chapter 2 of book II of Telos.

In the hearts of many there is doubt; in the hearts of many there are many questions. If we are so powerful, if we are so close, why do we do nothing? Understand, for every action there is a reaction. 

What happens to those people who have an ego bigger than their own body? They were children who at the first tantrum got presents, had everything they wanted, the way they wanted it, never heard a no, because in the concept of their parents to love is to satisfy all the wishes. This is how tyrants are born; those who do not accept the negative under any circumstances; those who do not accept the challenge of the ego; do not accept the challenge of their ideas.

Many of these tyrants today are rulers of their own world, of the surface of this planet. They do not accept any kind of agreement that stands in the way of their ideas or their power. It has been said by many here, that many leaders of this planet know of our existence and know of what is to come in the future; and many are positioning themselves, are looking at their own power with different eyes. But I could say that the great leaders are those who have always dominated them, they are those who have caused all the poverty and all the hunger on the planet. And they will continue to do so until the last moment.

There are the bad losers and those who lose from the heart. Those who lose from the heart are those who go into any kind of dispute, do not win and understand that there is a lesson to be learned there; it is not something to have hatred, anger, revenge, because they lost, they accept the loss with their heart. But there are those who do not accept losing and when they lose they try in any way to cross the winner’s path, and often take him out of his own way (understand it as you wish). 

Then there are those who will do anything not to lose. They never see themselves as losers, they never see themselves as those who will be below, as they imagine. And they do everything in the vast majority of times dishonestly to become the winner again; and no matter for them what needs to be done, they will do it. I will bring this example to the planet today, where those who have dominated the planet for so long, know that their time is running out, they know that everything they have done outside of the plans of Father/Mother God will provoke a reaction; they will not get away with it.

But inside their hearts what is the important thing?”I will not come out as a loser. I will come out but I will destroy what I myself have created”, because that is how they see themselves, as owners of the planet. And I can tell each one of you that we have done a lot to prevent what they want, what they wanted to do, which was to destroy this planet entirely. The underground bases were not made in the center of the Earth for nothing. The idea was to implode the planet from the inside out, but these bases no longer exist, everything has been dismantled.

What can they do now? Anything that hits you on the surface; anything that brings fear and hopelessness; new techniques; new laws; new ideas that to many will seem wonderful, but deep down are just sinking more and more the physical bodies of the surface dwellers, and consequently destroying the body of Gaia, contaminating more and more the body of the planet. But we always like to remind you of something: Are you puppets, are you manipulable dolls? No, you are not. You have free will, you agree with a lot of things if you want to agree.

We understand that many things that happen you have no way of going against. Is that not the case? Would it not be the case, a great collective uprising against those who decide, and decide against the planet? You have the strength to do it, but you do not believe in your own strength. So you don’t think you are capable of changing anything, so you just accept it and then complain. So my brothers, the lessons are there to be learned. We cannot just come and cleanse your planet of everything. The galactic brothers around you have this technology for this almost instantaneous cleansing, but what would you learn? I would say it would be more dangerous than it is today, because you would be sure that you could do anything and everything would be taken care of; it would give them more power.

So there is nothing we can do but help you to expand your own consciousnesses, so that this expansion makes you question a lot of things, makes you not accept a lot of things. The great problem of humanity on the surface is that they think they have no power, that being one doesn’t change anything. And I would say that you are very wrong, because it is enough for one to think about changing that this consciousness expands. Read about the 100th monkey and you will understand what I am saying.

There is a collective consciousness, you are interconnected, it is enough that one effectively wants to contaminate others, and you form a great powerful network of consciousness and action. Do not question us my brothers, because we do nothing. I can tell you that our work has been tireless because if we were doing nothing, the planet would have already been destroyed. All their weapons have been destroyed, not the weapons that you use and know in your dimension; they were very powerful weapons of intense destructive power.

So we are doing nothing? The galactic brothers around us have destroyed their bases, their ships, everything of theirs, but we are doing nothing? Why the question? Because you want everything to come easy, you want to have no work, no need to change, no need to get involved, stay in your little corner just waiting for what happens out there. So I would say that this moment is the moment of those who stand up and act. Whoever stands in his corner waiting for things to happen outside without taking any action will be swallowed up by everything that will come. And then you will not be able to get out of this big mud.

The expansion of the consciousness of those who are vibrating Light and Love for everyone on the planet and for the planet, makes your vibrations increase and you are able to increasingly change what is being changed, because when your consciousness collectively grows and you make big decisions we intervene so that these decisions happen. So it is necessary that there is a collective interest in change, this accelerates the process a lot, and I can say that today the process is well accelerated because you have done it; you have wanted it, but you still think you are incapable and powerless.

Look around, but learn to look. When you go to look at something come out of the mud that many of you are still in. Get out of the mud and look outside of it, and you will see that you are able to stay out of it, that when you are in it you see the world in a totally hopeless, totally unresolvable way, that there is no way to get to this world that we are talking about. Now if you come out of that mud and look out of it you will see the Sun, you will see the world that we say will exist, and your heart will rise, and more and more you will feel strong enough not to go back into that mud, because you will vibrate so high, you will vibrate with so much Love in your heart, that you will become light and you will walk on the mud, you will no longer dive into it. Now if your heart falters, if your heart doubts, you sink again and you will have to do the whole process to get out of the mud again.

So my brothers, there are no miracles. There is no salvation as a ransom. Salvation will have to come from your own heart, it will have to come from what you believe, it will have to come from your changes, it will have to come from your desires. All this will rescue you from that mire. The choice my brothers, to be in the mud or out of it is up to each one of you. There is no way to be in two places; either you are there or you are out, because when your bodies become light they are expelled from the mud, now a weight is enough for the body to dive whole. There is no middle ground, there is no way to be half there, half out.

Look at everything with Love. Every problem that comes up, look at it as an expansion of the collective consciousness about a fact that was hidden before, nobody knew. It is not getting worse, it is just being revealed. And if people are becoming violent it is because they have no Love in their hearts; it is because they do not know how to deal with their own lowest possible desires. And to fight against them, they fight against the world. It may be that one day they will wake up and realize how wrong they are, that the way is not revolt. There is only one way out of the mud: Love, to everything and everyone.

Translated by Luiz Santos

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