Adama – Telos II – Chapter 3

Dear brothers and sisters! I AM ADAMA!

Let us continue our journey with chapter 3 of Telos book II.

Many wonder why there is so much difference between the regions of your planet Earth. Each place, each country, and each region has a history; many stories of pain, of wars, which can bring to the minds of many much suffering. Much will be brought to your attention soon. We can say that it will be the truth of truths, which have been totally manipulated to become false truths.

But back to the chapter of the book, we talked about an energetic union between 3 countries: Canada, Brazil and France. The planet Earth is divided into many energy points, points that are fundamental to the entire energy balance of the planet. Realize that these 3 points form an inverted triangle. This triangle has an essential action to the 3 countries that are united to those I mentioned: Argentina, United States and Germany.

I am not going to remind you of the story that you yourselves created, but all these countries have a very large quota of negative energy to be transmuted, and precisely the proximity to these energetic points means that all this has been worked on for a long time to reach the current point, the point of the ascension of the planet.

Many of you create negative feelings towards some kind of race or people. I would say that this has all been very well manipulated and implanted in your minds. There are no better or worse people on the planet; all are children of Father/Mother God, all are Divine Sparks. Now each soul chooses the path it wants, each soul chooses the side to which it wants to fight: the Light or the shadow. There is no country on this planet where all the inhabitants are Light, nor where all the inhabitants are shadows, although many think so.

So you generalize and look at some countries with anger, with hatred, and often think of even destroying them, wiping them off the map because they only bring pain and suffering. I would say that these feelings are no longer appropriate. There is no need for discrimination or separation. I would say that very soon you will be able, (in fact, today many already have this ability), you will be able to look at a person and see his soul, see what he vibrates: Light or shadow. And what will you do? Ah, if the person is Light you will run to hug him, without asking yourself, or rather without asking him if he wanted that hug or if you see a person of the shadows you will do justice with your own hands because you will be revolted by everything you will become aware of?

I would say that you are not entitled to any of it. You need to love unconditionally. You need to look at a sibling be it Light or be it shadow, in the same way. This is the great teaching. So the points of this energy triangle attract high-vibration souls, attract souls who are able as a whole, to change the vibration of those around. But it is as I said none of these countries are entirely Light. They all have a percentage of each. Of course, I am not going to say here how much.

So it is not to look at these countries that I have mentioned with anger or with some kind of judgment. It is necessary that you learn to forgive, to understand that you as souls have also made many mistakes in the past. Today you may judge yourselves to be almost perfect beings of Light; beware of the ego, for there is no perfection in any of you. You are on the path seeking to reach the proper vibration for the Fifth Dimension, but there is no perfection in that. None of you are there yet. So how to judge a sibling?

I would say that if you are a Being of Light today, your soul has learnt its lesson and has brought you into this incarnation as an evolved being, a being who has consciousness and who is seeking to ascend. Not all souls have achieved this; some have remained what they always were and are incarnated today in the same way. So will you feel superior to them? Will you boast that your soul has been able to find the way and they have not? Then because of that, they deserve to be destroyed.

My brothers as long as there are these thoughts of judgement, discrimination, superiority and power on the surface of this planet, you will achieve nothing; you will achieve isolated, not as a people, not as a country. So what will happen in the future, probably that, some souls from each people, from each country, will ascend, not as a homeland, not as a race, not as a people, because you cannot look at yourselves as equals. You judge yourselves, you separate yourselves, and in what you separate yourselves you lose strength.

So we are not talking  about countries so that you now look at them in a wrong way, with rancour in your heart. We are talking here about souls who need help, who need to see the Light. The role of every Pillar of Light on this planet, incarnated at this time, is to attract souls who are in the shadows to the Light; and it is not by pulling by the hand, it is not by imposing, it is simply by being Light. Being Light is very difficult because there is still so much ego in each of you. So each one thinks that he is doing better than the other, that his way of emanating Light is more perfect than the other.

The emanation of Light has only one way, it comes from the heart. Is there intensity? Of course there is, you are pillars, and pillars are not fully illuminated; you are pillars with illuminated bases and with each step you take towards the Light you fill this Pillar with Light. The more enlightened you are the more you attract those who need Light on the path. So do not want to be superior to anyone because you are not. That is exactly why nothing has happened up to this moment; nothing that you can say, “Oh, you see, it has happened,” because we have done everything to save humanity not just a few.

We are not focused only on those who emanate Light, on the opposite, we are focused on those who have not yet found the Light, because the great will of God the Father/Mother would be that this whole planet ascends, every soul here present. And this is our work, to work the souls that have not yet found the path and the souls that are in the shadows, because those who have already found the path of Light do not need help, they already know what has to be done.

So my brothers, do not think you are superior, do not think you are better than anyone else, because each people has their own story. Each point of this planet has a lot of negative history to be fought, to be transmuted, and Gaia is playing this role, transmuting many energies so that the people who remain can find the Light. Then many may ask, “But finding the Light through suffering?” This is one of the ways; this is the way where you stop and think; this is the way that we find to bring it to your attention because otherwise, you don’t see it. You need to go through very difficult situations so that you stop and think, and from there you can choose a path.

So my brothers, you who reside or live in these countries that are points of this triangle, you are not superior to anyone. I would say that there is a greater concentration of souls of Light, of evolved souls in these countries, but that they are not yet able to avoid much injustice, to avoid hunger, to avoid violence. So where would be your superiority? You see, you are not even capable of keeping your countries totally within the Light. So do not think you are superior. You have a role, of course, a very important role, but do not see yourselves as superior because of that.

Each one is treading its own path, each soul; shadow or Light, it doesn’t matter, each one is making a choice and it will be on the basis of each soul’s choice that the planet and those on it will ascend.

Translated by I Arantes

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