Adama – Telos II – Chapter 4

Dear brothers! I AM ADAMA!

Let us continue our journey  through book II of Telos, chapter 4.

In this chapter, we commented about the grids that are on the planet. There are various grids that involve the planet Earth, beyond the surface and in the inner of the planet. All of them are interconnected. When this planet was blocked for not having any kind of contact with the stellar grids, the inner grids always have been kept, because even being here, they didn’t have power to prevent our action, the action of the intraterrestrial, and we kept the grid of the planet always activated.

Today, with all the blockers left, the grids are connected again with the stellar grids, and much more energy arrives to this planet now. The Alcyon sunlight penetrates fully with any kind of refraction. So my brothers, what do these grids provoke on you? Each human being is connected with it, to one or to all the grids, that is why you connect yourselves to anyone in any place of the planet, as a huge communication web, very similar with the web you have today and use it freely in your computers and communication devices.

All of you can communicate with each other through networks, and now I’m not talking about technological networks, I’m talking about magnetic and energy networks. Why can’t we just amplify the amount of energy in these networks and have everyone on the planet ascend in a unique way? This would be an easy process for us because we would have the energy of the intraterrestrials. Currently we would have the energy of those who are around the planet and all at the same time we could emanate a lot of energy and it would reach each being, each inhabitant equally, in a unique way, making everyone awake at the same time.

This would be fantastic! But we must not forget that the inhabitants of this planet have free will, they have their own choices. So this kind of action cannot happen. All of you are being bathed by the Light of the Sun of Alcyon, but each one absorbs this Light in his own way. It is as if the Divine Spark in your heart absorbs Light in proportion to your own size. So if your Spark is dimly lit or consumed by shadows practically this body will attract nothing of the Light of the Central Sun. It will be reflected, not absorbed.

Now if the Divine Spark is illuminated, immense, loving, it absorbs more and more Light from the Central Sun and this absorption is exactly through these networks that are around the planet and that join the internal networks of the planet. It is like a great ocean of energy and you are immersed in it. Now the quantum of energy that is absorbed is dependent on the Spark of each one, the amount of Love and Light that is in the heart.

So my brothers, the process becomes more complex because there are many souls on the planet who resonate the shadows, who resonate power for power’s sake, who do not respect, separate, are dictators, and many vibrate in this same energy. So we cannot simply equalize everyone into one energy. Each one needs to go through the necessary points for their own evolution. So those who are shadows today, are receiving the Light, and if tomorrow they decide to open their hearts and let the Light in, they will start the whole process of reaction for everything they have done; it may be a long and very complicated process, but if so, it will happen.

This is what many do not want, because they know what they will have to go through, what they will have to learn, what they will have to transform themselves to vibrate Light again. This takes work; this is not an easy process, you know that, so they choose to remain in the shadows, because for them it is easier to remain where they are without changing anything, and unfortunately trying to still capture more people within the same energy, but it is each one’s choice. Each one knows the path that their heart attracts, that their choices attract.

Then the process of ascension of this planet will take place. There is not the slightest shadow of doubt about that. Now, who will light up together with Gaia? Those who today are on the path, those who today are vibrating Love and Light, even going through all the mishaps, all the lessons, all those difficult moments to overcome each of the points, continue to vibrate Love and Light. So those will have a lot of chances to ascend. And why can’t I categorically say that they will ascend? Because there are these choices. Today you are on one path, tomorrow you may choose another. So nothing can be said, but the great probability of those who are following the path of Light is to ascend; some more easily, others with more difficulty, but if there is the interest, the will, that comes from the bottom of the heart with much Love, they will certainly be helped to get there.

We will not help you  to eliminate the lessons, we will help you, giving you strength to go through them; and you will arrive at the last minute, but you will. So my brothers, the connections are all around you. They are not near, they are not far, they are around, connected to your physical and subtle body. You are immersed in these energy and magnetic grids, you just have to wish from the heart to be connected with them and you will be connected, always, all the time, and more, you will be connected with any brother of this planet.

Believe it. Try to think of someone with a lot of Love, a lot of Light and see the result. It may not happen immediately, but it is a great exercise and I suggest you start doing it.

Translated by: Ivana Bueno.

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