Adama – Telos II – Chapter 9 – by Adama

Dear brothers and sisters! I AM ADAMA!

Today we will continue our journey by commenting on chapter 9 of Telos’ book II

In this chapter, we have received some beings from other realms. So this will be the focus of our subject today. What do you understand by beings? Just what you see, just the animals, the insects, even the microorganisms that you see through your microscopes? Is that all there is in the universe? God  Father/Mother in his infinite wisdom looked only at planet Earth, is that it? It sounds like a repetitive subject, but unfortunately many still think that way, that they are the only beings in the universe, that there is nothing beyond this planet, apart from human civilization.

I would say that it is quite egoic thinking, quite rudimentary, because to think that you are alone and that you are just a single thinking specimen in the whole universe is really something to be studied. Why is it so difficult to accept that you are not alone? Your scientists study hard. Many are guided by us. Many philosophers, many beings with exceptional wisdom were not mere humans, they were souls prepared to bring evolution and knowledge to humanity. And little by little, over the course of time, the revelations have been happening. And why wasn’t everything revealed back in ancient times?

I can assure you that much was already known, but there was never an interest in changing what had been taught. You believed what you were told and the vast majority still do today. But I am not here to comment on the inability of many to open their minds, to expand their knowledge, on the contrary, I want to state that there have always existed on this planet and throughout the universe various types of beings, and realms.

You establish that the Animal Kingdom is everything that thinks, that has consciousness; the Vegetable Kingdom are the plants, they do not think and do not have consciousness; the Mineral Kingdom much less, they are only stones that can be broken and scattered at will, but I can assure you that all have consciousness. Each Kingdom is a living being, not from the perspective you have been taught to understand. Each crystal has its function, each plant has its function on the planet, each microorganism has its function on the planet.

To keep a planet like this in balance, with so much diversity of animals and plants, only God the Father/Mother could create so much life, so much energy so that everything exists in balance. You will yet learn that there are kingdoms of all kinds, all the variety of energies in the universe. You know very little. In your history books, many of these realms are brought up as legends; legends or something that needed to be said that did not exist?

Many writers receive precious information and put in their books such thoughts that often even they are unaware of how that came to their minds, but which actually take you through worlds that you think are legend and history, but are true worlds. Many when writing movies, books, and short stories, think they are creating something totally absurd, but that it is worth writing about, because many of you like it, and why do you like it? Because your souls remember times when you were together with all these who are mentioned.

There was a time when the forest had not only trees, the elemental beings existed, or rather coexisted together with humans, and you had their Love and partnership in everything you wanted. The plants were very well cared for because each being had the commitment to keep them beautiful; the animals did not serve man, they helped man in their tasks, but of their own free will, not by imposition, not by slavery. So I would say that you will still be very surprised to see many beings that in your books are imaginary, non-existent and that many even today, even some with expanded minds still stubbornly deny the existence.

I tell you: Everything is possible for God Father/Mother. There are no rules, rules that I say that stop the creation of a being that is necessary. No, God  Father/Mother does not create the kingdoms for sport or by will; each animal, each being has a function, it is as if they were responsible for something that happens, for a reaction, for a process within nature and in the human being itself. You have elementals within your bodies: water, air, fire and earth, and it is they who keep the whole balance and this whole set working.

Many find this absurd. So I would say open your hearts, open your minds because you will meet beautiful, beautiful beings and that at some point, in some children’s book or in some movie, you have already seen. Yes, my brothers, there are many kingdoms; on the intra-Earth, there are many that maintain all the balance for the surface to live. You have no idea how hard we work to maintain the balance of Gaia on the surface. It is a lot of energy of Love fighting the energies, the thought-forms that you generate every second. If it were not for our work you would have a cataclysm every second, the result of the very energies you generate.

Now is it just us, humanoids or humans? No. There are many realms that are here within the Earth, each doing their part, each with their function, each keeping their aspect in balance; and all at this time are focused on one purpose, to help humanity and planet Earth ascend. Open your hearts, open your minds, and when you look at a crystal, do not just see a lifeless stone with no reason to exist. There is an energy there, there is a consciousness there. In the same way, when you enter a forest, do not just see trees, there is a world of beings of various types, sizes and shapes reigning within.

Have respect for where you enter, have respect for where you walk. One day, very soon, you will have access to all these realms, and surely many will not believe what they will be seeing.

Translated by I. Arantes

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