Adama – Telos III – Chapter 10 – by Adama

Dear Brothers and Sisters! I AM ADAMA!

Today we will comment on chapter 10 of book three of Telos.

In this chapter, I comment on immortality and renewing. No, don’t wait for me to give any magical formulation for this to happen.

Over time, humanity has been self-destructing in many ways, but the greatest destructive power is in their minds, in their thoughts and feelings. Look at a sad person; they are sick, sick in the soul mainly, but also sick in the physical body. Look at a happy person; they may not be in perfect health, but they look very healthy.

Before the fall, our bodies were perfect. No kind of disease could attack us, because our cells were in balance. We used to live for many years. There was no worry of death. We lived every moment, day by day.

The fall in consciousness has meant that thoughts of a negative origin have begun to dominate our bodies. It’s like a glass of water. The water is pure and crystalline, but if you drip a drop of mud into it, for a glance, it seems clean, but if you analyze it microscopically, the water is no longer pure. And if you keep dripping a drop of mud into this glass of water every day, it will start to cloud up and settle at the bottom, and it will no longer be that pure, crystal-clear water.

So are your bodies. You started a process of self-destruction a long time ago. The first step you took in this direction was to eat animals. The energy of each animal is incompatible with your bodies. But over time, your bodies have learned to consume this energy and make the most of it. But this also degraded your cells.

Because it’s like a machine that works when it’s well regulated when it’s well oiled. If you put in poor-quality oil that doesn’t have the right viscosity, the parts will degrade over time, losing the strength and power they once had. And one day this machine stops. And that’s the way you are.

This whole process of contaminating your cells leads to aging, it leads to fatigue in your cells, because they have to work beyond their capacity to metabolize energies that they don’t know, that they haven’t been prepared to process. And over time, everything has added to this habit. Drinks, sweets, and substances put in to improve their appearance, improve their crunchiness, and which today are doing them so much harm.

That’s why you age and die. Your cells are exhausted from working so hard. They lose their vigor because they were made to work, but if they worked in a clean environment, they would work all the time, and nothing would happen to them. But they work in an unhealthy, dirty, contaminated environment and with more energy than they can handle. So they become tired, and they grow old and lose their strength.

Is this a rule? No, it’s not. Many people have vitality even in old age. Why is that? Firstly because of their mind, because they don’t allow themselves to agree with everything they’re told when their body gets older, they go against the tide. They say to themselves: “No, I’m not like that. I’m going to continue to have the power I’ve always had”. Then the mind takes over, and they manage to look their age and be healthy, even at an advanced age.

And you try to solve these problems externally. You spend fortunes on creams, baths, pills, and supplements to try to keep your body younger and healthier. But I’ll tell you why you’re putting more junk into your cells to metabolize. Because everything is artificial, nothing is natural. And everything that isn’t natural your cells don’t recognize, they take an enormous amount of time to metabolize, and they don’t always succeed. And that’s where diseases come from, which is the accumulation of everything you consume and think about.

Yes, we can never, ever forget the effect of thoughts. Never. They are very important because if they are light, peaceful thoughts, it’s as if the cells receive a tonic, something that gives them more strength to carry on living. Being a cheerful, optimistic person who doesn’t think about bad things makes a big difference; the cells thank you for it. Now, anything that goes against this overloads your cells and the diseases come much more.

My brothers, everything lies in change: in changing habits, in changing thoughts. Turn the key to the future off. Worry less about what lies ahead. Always think: what I plant today, I will reap tomorrow. Then there’s nothing to worry about. Worrying is putting more load of work on your cells. To live in the present is to trust, to know that everything will happen in response to what you are emanating.

How long will it take? It depends on your emanation. Everything happens because of what you emanate. If you emanate faithfully, with Love, that happens quickly. If you emanate without much strength, without much belief, it takes a little longer. The response is proportional to what you are emanating. The more you emanate Light, the faster you receive it. The less you emanate, the less you receive and the longer it takes.

So what’s the way forward? First, get rid of everything that isn’t natural, processed food, preserved food. All food that doesn’t spoil isn’t good; there’s something in it that will harm you. Try to eat as much natural food as possible. I understand it’s not easy. I understand that even the food you buy today, which is natural, has already been completely modified for the sake of durability and production. And even though they are natural, they are no longer the foods that Gaia created specifically for you humans. They have become modified foods, not to do any good for humans, but to cause more problems.

Your water is not pure. Even the mineral water you buy is not pure. You would have to go to a natural source now and then, from the very bowels of Gaia. Then I would tell you that you have pure, crystal-clear, energetic water, ready-made by Gaia. But I know this isn’t possible. It would be an attack on all the sources and they would perish. So what should we do?

Is there anything to do? There always is. Take a glass of water in your hands and pour a lot of Love into it. Imagine that glass illuminated by your Love, and be sure that everything that is not good for your cells will be destroyed. Likewise the other foods. No, you don’t have to do it on each one.  You put the food on your plate to eat. So throw that Love and Light on the plate and all the food there will lose its harmful effects on your body.

But I must warn you: This is for natural foods. You will be removing the genetic modifications made to the food. I’m not talking about processed, canned, or preserved foods. I’m talking about natural foods. Meat of any kind does not receive this Light, simply because it is what it is. So this whole process I’ve taught you applies to fruits, vegetables, and greens. It doesn’t apply to the rest.

I understand that it’s very complicated for you to change your diet from one moment to the next. But minimize the amount. Gradually reduce it and you’ll see how your mood improves. You won’t feel so tired from the energies that are coming in. Because this is an overload for your cells. They have to work to metabolize what you eat, what you feel, and what’s coming in. It’s a huge overload.

Then, at the end of the day, don’t forget to see yourselves inside a green bubble. Ask Hilarion or Raphael to cleanse your bodies, to help your cells recover. Now, there’s no point in consuming a lot of the wrong things and then asking to be cleansed. I’ll say it again: Only what has been consumed naturally will be cleansed, the rest will remain in your body. Like that glass of water with mud in it, and every hour you put a little more mud in it.

Always remember this image. Every unnatural thing you eat fills your water glass, which is you, with mud. How is your glass of water today? For many of you, I’d say it’s almost empty. Is there a way to clean up this mess? There always is. Change your habits. Change your emotional frequencies. And as if by magic, the mud will begin to disappear.

This is a process, my brothers, that you need to pay attention to, otherwise all this energy that will be arriving, and which will be increasingly intense, will throw you on a bed, without the strength to get up, because your cells won’t be able to cope. Be aware of what you consume and try to eat more natural foods.

Translated by: Ivana Bueno

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