Dear brothers and sisters! I AM ADAMA!
I’m going to comment on chapter 11 of book III of Telos.
In this chapter, Aurelia asks questions about taxes in your world. This is a very interesting topic. I could talk about it for a long time. But I’ll summarize it because the opening of your consciousness and your growth will come with time.
Your world was built on an unequal basis. There is no equal division. Does everyone have everything? No. Who is in charge of all this, who defines what your world is like, or rather, who defined what this world would be like? It’s those who have the most power on this planet, those who have created all this third dimensional experience and inequality on this planet.
I would say that there is not much that can be changed at this time. The collective consciousness of the planet needs to change, everyone needs to stop looking at themselves and look at their surroundings, stop saying “I” and start saying “we”.
In the world of equality there is no me, there is a part of the whole. We are all one. So whatever I do, I am fully aware of what is reverberating in the whole. So we learn to reverberate what is light, what is equality, what is love. There is no room for us to think otherwise. There is no room for us to act otherwise. We learn that we are a whole and that all together is better than one.
This is where humanity has lost its way. Humanity has started to look only at “me”. “What matters is me, the rest has nothing to do with me. This is the great delusion, because the rest is what makes up your environment, the rest is what gives you food to eat, what gives you a job and living conditions.
Many people think, “No, I don’t depend on anybody. Very well. So imagine you’re in a world, alone, where there’s only you. You’ll have to do everything. You have to wait for what you’ve planted today to grow so you can eat it. You will have to build your own house. You’ll have to protect yourself from the wild animals in this world of yours. Could you do it all by yourself, in a snap, or would you be very hungry, very cold, very afraid until everything around you was to your liking?
You have to understand that you weren’t placed in this world by yourself; you were placed as part of a great whole. So everybody has to help each other. Everyone with their own abilities. Don’t think that you will do everything in the fifth dimension. No. The ways are the same; everyone has a skill, every soul comes with a skill. It’s just that our exchanges are intense and pleasant and happy because we all work in the knowledge that we are developing the whole.
I’m not working for myself, I’m not working for my well-being, I’m working for the well-being of the whole. So it’s a very big change of consciousness that needs to happen in humanity. You only care about ‘me’; ‘my’ house, ‘my’ family, ‘my’ table, ‘my’ food. Meanwhile, so many others have no home, no food, no family.
Many of you may say: “Well, that’s the journey of a person’s soul! That’s true. I completely agree, but if it’s a brother’s journey to be in need, are you going to let him die because that’s his lesson? Or maybe there is a lesson for those around him to do something about? Nothing is isolated. No one is separate from the whole. No one is separate from the whole; you’re the ones who think that way.
So on this planet there are those who have abundance and throw it away, and there are those who die because they have nothing. Is that the whole? Is that thinking about the whole? No, that is thinking about “me. “I am rich. I have nothing to do with those who are poor. There are many rich people who take care of the poor and do their part. No one is condemned because he is rich. The condemnation comes from how you use your wealth.
Don’t look at those who have a little more with contempt or anger, for those who have a little more have made their way to receive the abundance that is theirs, which is everyone’s right. You all have your share of abundance, you just have to know how to follow the path to receive it. But you are often greedy and stingy, and that cuts off your share of abundance. The tap is turned off.
When you open your heart, share what you have and care for the Whole, the faucet opens abundantly. And it will remain open as long as you have a pure heart and use your wealth not only for you but to help the Whole.
This is the problem of humanity: you complain about everything. But what do you do to change it? You only sit back and say: “No, I’m nothing; I don’t have the power to change anything. And then there’s the world that you created. You created this world. Don’t blame whoever put the evil on the table. You went there and ate that evil. Who is to blame? Who did the first action of going there and consuming it?
Stop thinking that you’re the victim of what happens to you. The old saying, you reap what you sow, has never ceased to exist. Today, you reap what you have sown. If Gaia has to mess with a lot of things for her transformation, it’s because you messed with her first. Understand that. There is no punishment, there is retribution, for this is a Universal Law: Whatever energy you put out comes back to you. It’s not God, it’s not us that gives you back all the evil that you do.
You do it and it comes back to you. Simple, simple. So complain that there are taxes, complain that nothing is fair, complain about everything, what do you do? You attract more of the same. As long as humanity just sits around and complains about everything, that negative fact is only going to increase because everybody is focused on that. No one is focusing on the positive.
So until you learn not to value the bad and to be grateful, very grateful, for everything you’re given, nothing will change. Because you are complaining 99% of the day and you just attract more problems, never solutions. You can’t look at anything with grateful eyes. If there’s not enough food on your plate, remember: there’s someone who has nothing to eat. If your house is bad or ugly, remember: there’s someone out there who’s homeless.
Don’t think of yourself as the wronged one, as the one who has nothing because God-father/mother forgot. No, what you are experiencing today is the fruit of what you have sown; today, in this incarnation or in the past, it doesn’t matter. You are being given a great lesson. And as long as you don’t learn it, it will continue to bother you more and more.
So, my brothers and sisters, the way forward is not to think that everything is unfair. The way is to change. The way is to change your conscience, but not by force, not by intolerance, but by love. It’s everybody doing their part. Everyone realizing that what they do is not more important than what the other person does. Many people think that because they have a little more education, they are superior to those who have nothing. Instead, look at those who haven’t had the chance to have anything and help them. Don’t think that you are superior to them.
Perhaps your mission is to show the way to those who have never found it. But you don’t think like that. You place yourselves as superior, on a pedestal, and those below you are worthless, insignificant. So as long as humanity looks at each other in this way, you will suffer a lot, because you are planting it. And each of you will get your share in return at some point.
Change your consciousness and your world will change. “Ah, but is there still time to change?” Of course there is. The higher you rise, the more you change, the softer the transformation will be. The more you look at the negative, the more you look at injustice, the harder the transformation will be.
You need to walk the path of Love, my brothers. And the path of Love has no judgment, no injustice, no superiority or inferiority, everyone is equal. It doesn’t matter where you live, it doesn’t matter how educated you are, it doesn’t matter at all. Everyone is equal. No one is superior to anyone else.
The day you understand that, wow, it would be a miracle because you would achieve so much, and everything would be wonderful. But I say to each of you: Trying to change the Whole may be difficult, so change yourself. Look at each brother as yourself without distinction, without any kind of difference.
They are just as much a child of God Father/Mother as you are. There is nothing different between you, just different choices.
Think about it. And there’s still time. In fact, there’s always time.
Translation by Helena do Lago Basile