Adama – Telos III – Chapter 12 – by Adama

Dear brothers! I AM ADAMA!

Today, I will comment on chapter 12 of Telos Book III. 

There is not much to comment on in this chapter. There is something for guidance. It talks about the seven Sacred Flames, one for each day of the week. Therefore, I will just tell you to create the habit of allowing these flames to act on your body daily, as oriented. How to do that?

I imagine that each of you, on this journey stage, has created the habit of meditating in the morning and at night before sleep. If you still do not have this habit, I would say it would be good for you to create it. Because, in the morning, you are doing the anchoring of all your protections and entirely returning your body and mind to the physical presence, leaving behind what was lived at night; at night, before sleep, it is important because you prepare your souls’ protection so that any work that has to be done does not have any kind of problem. 

I hope that none of you will ask me what to do. This question cannot be asked anymore at this journey stage. Each of you should already have a small routine of meditations to do and protections to activate. There is no recipe. There is not anything prepared. Everything needs to come from the heart. And when I talk about meditations, that also is up to each one because it is better a heart full of Light doing affirmations than an extremely agitated mind trying to meditate. 

You must be aware that you need to dominate your minds. You must quieten your minds. I will teach a little exercise here. A little and simple exercise, but that, with time, will help you to learn to quieten the mind. Light a candle. No, you will not offer that candle to anyone. It is just a burning candle. Which candle? Any candle. And keep doing the exercise. 

Start with 15 seconds, looking at the candle flame without thinking about anything else. If a thought comes, you will repeat the 15 seconds the day after it. So, you will repeat the 15 seconds as long as thoughts come to your mind. Add up to 30 on the day in which thoughts do not come. And keep going that way until you reach a minute. It is a lengthy exercise for many of you. But I assure you that you will teach your minds to quieten, to create the habit of mentally looking at a candle, and the brain will know: “It is time to stop.” And thus, in this way, you will succeed in learning to quiet your mind. 

But, returning to the flames. So, each day, after the morning and night meditations, you will mentally put yourselves inside that flame. Read the book. Understand each flame and, when it is acting, make the request you want inherent to that flame. Each flame has a power. It is not about making requests for the daily routine. These are requests inherent to the flame color. 

Remain in this flame as long as you wish. It is also all right if you want to lie down at night, feel the flame acting in your whole body, and sleep. If you ask for this flame to remain in your body all night, it will. You need only to ask. These are small exercises, but they will bring much evolution to you. 

Now, there is a very interesting point. When you start to do any kind of cleansing, like this one, many things come up, especially problems. And why? Because these flames cleanse everything that needs to be brought to the surface. Therefore, be sure that each problem that comes up comes because you are doing the process, and it is now time to look at it with Love and face it, dominate it, and effectively leave it behind. 

I would say that it is not often easy to go through these exercises because they bring much reflection and, especially, the need to make a decision, which is not very pleasant for many of you. Because you procrastinate, always thinking tomorrow will be better than today and never doing what needs to be done. 

I will only tell you that the more you procrastinate, the more intense it will be what needs to come. Therefore, I advise each of you to look at the problem the moment it comes up. I assure you that it will be easier to solve it. 

So, there is another path you can follow. Now, it is important that you do not overburden yourselves. Choose what to do. It is not about adding these procedures to what you already do. Replace: stop doing one, and do this one. There is no need to do it every week. Learn to set boundaries for yourselves. Do not wish to do everything at once. Firstly, because your bodies cannot take it; secondly, your minds cannot take it; and thirdly, because you do not do anything right, because it is tiresome and you lose focus. 

Therefore, do a process each day. And do only that one. When that one is over, do another one. Do a treatment course, as you say it. Do not do every treatment together all at once. Know how to adjust each procedure to your only evolutions. And, if making this contact with the seven flames turns out to be very heavy, immediately stop. It means you are not yet ready enough for them. 

Not everything is good for everyone at the moment. Know how to assess yourselves because doing something beyond what your body can take will not bring any benefits. It will bring more confusion and lack of control to your mind. Therefore, know how to choose what you do. Know how to change the treatments. There is great wisdom. And in this way, at each time, you are exposing yourselves to something that will be good for you, but without exaggerating, without overburdening.  

This is today’s message, my brothers: do this flames exercise and do the candle exercise. But always, always, always following the heart. Not because I said so or others said so, but simply because your heart asked for it. Your heart said only one word: yes. Then, rest assured that it is the right moment for you to do what you want to.

Translation by Joana Rodrigues

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