Adama-Telos III – Chapter 14 – by Adama

Dear brothers and sisters! I AM ADAMA!

Today I’m going to comment on chapter 14 of Book III of Telos.

I should add that the meditations corresponding to each chapter can be done. But don’t forget: everything has a limit. Listen to your heart. Each trip to a temple begins a process; a process of profound transformation. So if you do them all at the same time, what happens? An overload of actions happening at the same time. Do one every week. Let your bodies absorb everything that will be passed on.

Don’t want to speed up the process in this way. That’s not how you speed up the process. Speeding up comes from within, not from outside. Understand that. It’s the changes, it’s the ways of thinking, it’s the actions that make you move towards ascension. What comes from outside are tools that, together with your will, will lead you to the right path. They are a support, not the process itself.

I would say that those who do nothing, but change from within, look at themselves, choose the right path, will walk faster than those who don’t and rely on external tools. They won’t make you walk; what they do is broaden your awareness, so that in this way you change, you make the necessary changes.

Don’t cling to the tools as a lifeline or as… “Oh, this will take me to evolution”. They will take you to evolution, yes, but as a support, not as an end goal. They help with awareness, they help with cleaning, they help with observing everything, but they are not what make you walk. Walking has to come from within each person’s heart. 

This is the path, there is no other.

Following the same reasoning, this chapter talks about the Pink Ray, where we also mention Mestre Paulo, the Venetian. Today the Chohan of this ray is Rowena, no matter why. Many things have changed. Paulo is following another path and Rowena has taken over this ray.

Talking about Love is a very long topic, and if we could we would talk about it for years and years. Such is its importance, such is its depth in your journey. But don’t understand this Love as the Love you propagate; this Love that isn’t calm, isn’t patient. It is a Love driven by the ego. The ego still interferes a lot in your relationships. I can tell you that this is where it acts the most, because when you want to be right about everything, it’s a lack of Love. When your opinions want to prevail over others, it’s a lack of Love. When you criticize or judge a brother or sister, it’s a lack of Love. When you ask, beg, bargain for actions, it’s a lack of love.

I could go on and on. Then you could ask me: “So what is Love, really? Love was created by God the Father/Mother, unconditionally. He doesn’t judge, he doesn’t criticize, he doesn’t separate. He just loves, all his children, everything that exists in the universe, whether of the Light or the shadows. This is a point that many of you don’t accept, that God the Father/Mother loves the children of the shadows. And why wouldn’t he? They are children like all the others.

Don’t judge that child who is of the shadow. He’s just lost his way, and he’ll reap what he’s sowing or has already sown. But he is still a child of God the Father/Mother. And that’s how he sees you. Not as wrong, not as ugly, not as despicable; he sees you as a son. But he respects each son’s decisions. If a son chooses to follow the shadows, he loves him all the same, because that is his choice. And he knows that that son will reap everything he sows, and his Love doesn’t change, it’s unshakeable.

I ask you: Do you see Love in this way? Some mothers and fathers would say yes, that they accept their children as they are, no matter what they do. But many don’t allow the return to happen. They protect their children. They know that what they’ve done is wrong, and in the name of excessive love, they protect their children, where the action should be: You did it, you will reap it.

It can’t be helped. 

Love is not the feeling you propagate in your world. You like to have power, you like to have the person, to have dominion over the person. Is this love? No, this is not and never has been any form of Love. Love is synonymous, just like respect. Whoever loves does not bind, whoever loves does not idolize, whoever loves does not impose, whoever loves does not ask, whoever loves does not bargain, whoever loves does not dominate. This is any feeling but Love. Not the pure Love of God the Father/Mother, which is within the heart of each one of you.

Learn to love yourself before anyone else. Those who don’t love themselves can’t love others, can’t understand others and can’t accept others. Think about it. Those who love themselves, who are happy with themselves, see the world in pink, as you say. And what is pink? It’s the color of the Pink Ray. 

Be happy first of all, so that you can make those around you happy too, because you will emanate this happiness. Now when you’re not happy with yourself, what do you emanate? Anger, discomfort, frustration, lots of negative feelings that you emanate and pass on to those around you. And this becomes a snowball. You emanate and receive, emanate and receive, emanate and receive.

And you get angrier and angrier. There’s no escaping what you emanate. Learn to love. To simply love, without pleading, without fighting, without demanding, without judging, without criticizing, without imposing; accepting everyone around you just the way they are. You don’t change anyone. No one changes anyone. This is an illusion created by the ego. “Oh, if you do it this way, he’ll change!”. No, he won’t. He’ll change from your point of view, because you want him to change so much that you’ll see the change, but in reality nothing has changed. Everything remains the same. Nobody changes anybody.

Love is respect, always. To love is to see the other person as a brother. To love is to understand that even the bad things that happen to you, you attracted. Accept that. You attract everything you go through. In what way? By emanating at some point, against yourself or against another. Understand that. You experience the return of what you emanate. I wish you all had this awareness.

So, no judgments, either against yourself or against others. You are a Divine Spark. We are all a Divine Spark. And as such we have the Love of God the Father/Mother in our hearts. So, may you learn to emanate it, because I guarantee that only this feeling will be able to take you to the Fifth Dimension. No other. It is only this feeling that will allow you to get there. So learn to live it and emanate it. Every instant, every moment. Always remember this.

Translated by Luiz Santos

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