Dear brothers and sisters! I AM ADAMA!
I come today to comment on Chapter 15 of Book III of Telos.
This chapter talks about the Ascension Flame; a flame belonging to the Fourth Ray, whose Chohan is Serapis Bey.
As I’ve been saying, do these meditations, one at a time. The important thing is that you set out on a journey, set a goal. If you realise that your body can handle it, you can do more than one every week, but don’t let the ego speak; don’t let the ego command this process. Because it will tell you: “Do them all. One after another”.
Some of you may be able to do them all at once and not have any kind of reaction, but I guarantee that most of you will. And they’re not easy reactions. There’s a lot going on in your body. You have to take it slowly. There’s no point in wanting to do everything at once. It’s like I said: work out a strategy. Do it calmly, one every week. If you think you’re really ready, do a maximum of two. And try to give yourself plenty of space between them.
The Temple of Ascension is in Telos, and we have had the affection, the love and the responsibility to sustain this flame throughout all this time, right up to the present. The White Ray is the sum of all the colours. So it’s a ray that has a lot of power, a lot of strength, and it’s the one that’s leading this whole process on the planet and in you.
Ask Serapis Bey to make this path smooth and easy for each of you. External changes, internal changes, physical changes, sometimes bring results that are not very pleasant. But they are all necessary. Every event that makes each of you think, change, act differently next time is a point of ascension; it’s a point of cleansing your souls.
Behavioural change, which you must have Love as the first feeling to receive everything. It’s not an easy apprenticeship. It’s not a simple apprenticeship. You have been trained to emanate many bad feelings, to put Love aside, to look at everything rationally. Because looking with Love, as has been said, has always brought pain and suffering. And it’s exactly the opposite because every low-vibration feeling you emanate comes back in the form of pain and suffering.
Love doesn’t make you suffer. If Love makes you suffer, it’s not Love you’re feeling. It’s any other feeling: lack, attachment, wounded pride, anything but true Love. True Love doesn’t cling to anything; it sets you free, it doesn’t imprison; it accepts, it doesn’t impose.
So, my brothers and sisters, the path of ascension is a difficult one to tread, but not impossible. We say it’s difficult because we know how difficult change is for you, each and every one of you. Changing the way you think, changing the way you are, changing the way you act, changing the way you eat. There are so many parameters to adjust almost simultaneously.
It’s not an easy process, we know that and we’ve been through it. But I can assure you that if you give yourself over to this whole process, without any kind of resistance, it will happen naturally. The lessons will undoubtedly come, but you’ll be ready because you’re not reacting to them. The more you respond, the harder it will be.
Give yourself up. Give yourself over to the Light that is coming. Surrender to this whole process, and you’ll find it a little easier to get through it all. Do not be under the illusion that: “Oh, the way I am is enough”. It never will be, because that’s your ego talking. Don’t listen to your ego anymore. Let it go. Start looking at things for yourself, and always with Love.
Those who look at everything with Love don’t listen to the ego, because the ego thinks it’s all rubbish. It was taught that way. So you need to tame it, show it that Love is the main feeling in everything. This is the path of ascension. Live Love, emanate Love, believe in Love, and above all, live Love.
There is no other way. There are no miracle formulas. There is no rescue. There is nothing that your minds can imagine. There is, however, all the Love of God the Father/Mother at this moment for every being on this planet, wishing them to fully return to their connection with him and to use Love, only Love to re-establish it.
Translated by I. Arantes