Adama – Telos III – Chapter 9 – by Adama

Dear brothers and sisters! I AM ADAMA!

Today we’re going to comment on Chapter 9 of Book III of Telos.

In this chapter, we talk about the Crystalline Grid. Everything that our civilisation and the civilisation of Atlantis went through was a great learning experience. We made wrong choices and followed wrong paths, but this is not the time to look back with judgement, it’s the time to learn from all those mistakes.

At that time we had a direct connection to the planet’s Crystal Grid. It brought us power, it brought us all the gifts we had at the time, and we could use them freely. The Crystal Beings are as old as the universe. And it’s no different here on this planet. They are everywhere, in most of the planet’s internal structure.

We can say that they are the ones who maintain all the balance, inside and outside the planet. You have no idea of the reactions going on inside the planet. And if there were no containment, everything would have gotten out of control. These beings are very high consciousnesses who place themselves exactly at the key points in the structure of each orb, both physically and etherically.

As stated in the book, this grid was removed from the planet after all the events, because those who arrived here could never have had so much power in their hands. But humanity made a choice: humanity decided to return to being Light, to return to its own connection with the Source, to return to being just heart.

Would this happen anyway? No, it wouldn’t. Gaia would ascend anyway because the planet’s time has come. If humanity hadn’t made this choice, what has already happened on many other orbs would have happened to civilisation: it would have been extinguished or banished to be reborn in the right dimension, in the highest dimension.

But humanity chose, because those souls who had their origins off this planet, knew that at this time, at this time of Gaia’s ascension, they would have a great role, they would remember what they had always been, and they would begin a process of awakening for all of them, and also for Earth civilisation itself, which could also choose to evolve or not.

And it’s all happening. Because of this choice, of these evolved souls who have put themselves ahead of this process, the Crystalline Grid has been brought back. But it was brought back not before everything that had been placed here had been destroyed. Today, it is fully attached to the planet again, and each of you, each evolved soul, is feeling your energy changing over time.

This grid is part of the process. It is the Light that comes from Alcyon, it is the power of this Crystal Grid that helps every civilisation and the planet itself to ascend. Many of you have never really understood what a crystal stone is. You have always been led to believe that there is only something solid there, lifeless, with no function, and that it could be exploited, exploded, and destroyed to satisfy the ego and dominance of those who have come here.

Today, people kill and destroy in order to gain access to these supposedly valuable beings. Valuable, not energetically, but valuable physically. And everything is done to steal them, extract them, thus dynamiting the entire internal structure of the planet, the one that maintains all the pressure and the internal and external balance of the planet.  Everything has been very well planned.

Today, some of you have this awareness that in every tiny stone, there is a consciousness, there is a story. As you would prefer to say, there is a spirit in there. And every little stone, no matter how big or small, is part of a great consciousness. Each stone extracted from Gaia remains connected to the great mother, to the place it came from.

So in a way, there is always crystalline energy in many parts of the planet, not just concentrated in the great veins in the interior of the planet. This has been a good thing because you’ve spread the crystals around, whether it’s out of total disbelief or a total lack of knowing what they mean, but many people have crystals in their homes.

And right now this is bringing about a great change, because those who are there, even if they are inert to your vision, are doing a great job because they are all connected to the Crystalline Grid and are emanating all their energy to those around them. So indirectly, consciously or not, everyone is being affected. There are crystals that have immense power and potency, even small ones, and they are making a difference on the planet.

So I would say to you that if you want to help the process, spread crystals, give crystals as gifts. You don’t need to explain much. Buy beautiful crystals and give them as gifts to people who don’t have any at home. You can, because they will only emanate Light and Love; the Light and Love necessary for the evolution of each human being.

Fill your homes with crystals. No, you don’t have to be very careful, just clean them from time to time. they will play the role of balance, containment, protection and expansion. They have many facets and many functions. When you give them a function, they start to do exactly what you asked them to do, with a lot of love and gratitude. But if you only have crystals and clean them from time to time to remove everything they absorb, they will fulfill their original role, which is to cleanse, protect, absorb negative energies, and emanate a lot of Love and Light.

Give crystals to your friends. No, this won’t encourage further destruction of the planet because this has already become a habit, and right now these crystals are happy to leave their matrix and spread everything across the planet. So do it, help them spread across the planet, help them become what they really are: enlightened and developed consciousnesses far superior to any of you.

Just do it. Just teach; wash from time to time. That’s all. You don’t need to explain much. The mere presence of a crystal is enough to act in that environment and on everyone in it.

Translated by I. Arantes

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