Adama – The Pyramid of Light

 I bring with me many other brothers and sisters from Telos, creating a large circle of Beings of Light. In the middle of this circle, we have a pyramid of White Light. Very powerful and very potent.

I ask each of you to bring this pyramid to mind. Just see it as a pyramid, high up, with a White Light emanating from it. And I ask each of you to place your right hand on this pyramid. Feel the energy it emanates towards you. Don’t expect anything, don’t expect visions: just place your hand on the pyramid.

The Light of this pyramid is being emanated by us. For all of us who are here, standing in a circle around the pyramid. And this Light is being emanated to you right now.

As of today, we will always be feeding this pyramid with our Love and Light. Then you can place your right hand on it whenever you remember. It will always be there, starting today, lighting up hearts, lighting up places, lighting up the planet. And you can receive this energy at any time. Especially when you’re feeling tired, discouraged, sad, or without strength; place your right hand on it. And immediately you will be flooded with a loving and extremely powerful energy. It will give you strength, it will give you everything you need for your journey at that moment.

Some of you may have visions or sensations. You don’t have to feel anything; it will depend on your soul. And as we’ve always said: It’s only the right hand. Don’t try to do things on your own terms and in your own head. Respect the rules you are given. Always remember: the Universe has laws. It wasn’t created in a disordered and meaningless way. There are laws to ensure balance throughout the Universe. So start learning to respect the laws.

Everything we do has a purpose. This pyramid will grow every day, as more and more brothers of Telos enlarge it in energy and size. So it could be that today you see it in one size and tomorrow you see it much bigger. That’s the idea. But the amount of energy that will be transmitted to each of you will be what your body can handle. It doesn’t matter how big the pyramid is. What matters is your heart and how you reach it.

If your heart isn’t pure, if there’s no love in your heart, nothing will happen to you; you won’t receive any energy. Nor will it pass its energy onto the pyramid. Don’t think we’re foolish or childish. The pyramid is very well designed to only emanate, never to receive. And so it will be. For how long? It doesn’t matter.

Emanating Love and Light has no deadline. It’s what we’re all doing to contribute to this moment on the planet. And many pyramids will be created. You just need to connect to one of them. It will be instantaneous. The moment you think of the illuminated pyramid, it will be in front of you, inside your mind; and you can touch it and receive the energy for as long as you want.

This is our gift. A very important gift that will be of great value to the planet. Because we know how much Light is needed on the planet right now. So we are making our contribution. And indirectly, contributing to each of you also receiving this Light and increasing your Light quotient a little each day.

Be with all the Love of the people of Telos. And with all my Love.

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