Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM ADAMA!
I come here with a heart full of joy for being able to speak to you once again. We are all united in thought and heart, caring for each one who believes in our existence. We have not abandoned the other ones. They are also being protected. But at the moment, we need to give all support and protection to those who will be part of the process—to those needed for the process.
It is each of you’s energy, the love in each of your hearts, that is moving this ascension process forward. Indeed, there is a determination from Father/Mother God, but your heart and strength are making you take part in the process. Otherwise, you would not take part in it, as many on this planet do not.
We can relate Gaia’s ascension to a great ship. All those who start to empty their hearts from the ego, fear, evilness, vengeance, and all those bad feelings that all of you have felt and still feel but of which you are now aware and seek not to emanate anymore, all of those will be entitled to this ship. No, I am not saying it will be a ship. I am giving an example.
So, these will have a passport to enter this ship, and this ship will be the representation of Gaia’s ascension. This ship is big enough to contain all the planet’s inhabitants if all the inhabitants were ready for the ascension. But you know that is not the case. Therefore, the spaces are empty. The chairs are empty because many do not want to see; many do not want to know. Many are afraid to know, and certainly, they will lose their seat in this great ascension ship.
Those who believe, who are trying to evolve, and who trust in everything said certainly already have their seats secured in this great ship. They need only to continue and proceed with their journey of evolution and cleansing and, especially, to fill the heart with unconditional love.
Do not be afraid, my brothers. We have gone through that in Lemuria’s fall. We have survived, and we are here today. Know that you are protected by all of us. Let us say that every star seed on the planet at the moment is the fuel for this ship to take off. Even if there were none of you, the ship would take off, but with much difficulty, because it needs your energy to initiate the New World on this planet.
Therefore, do not be afraid, do not lose faith, do not lose heart, do not lose hope. We are with all of you, each one of us, in thought, in heart, in action. Everything will happen at the right time, neither before nor after. We understand your anxiety. And, know, there is anxiety on our part as well because we want to see all of you in the Fifth Dimension already. But the path is still long; many stages will have to be fulfilled. But those already on the journey who keep moving on, believing, and trusting will certainly get there, no matter what happens.
Much will still happen. It will not just be bad things. Many good things will also occur. But a cleansing must be done on the planet, and it is this process that all of you will have to go through, understand, and accept in your hearts. It will be a difficult process because you attach yourselves to death as if it were something that puts an end to everything. But we do not see death that way because we only see the soul. We do not see the body.
The body is just clothing. What we see is the soul. And I would say that souls will change clothes and houses, but they will stay alive. They will continue to live in other worlds—on other planets—following the path of evolution. Nothing will happen to them. Therefore, think at all times that those brothers who will go away are those who, today, are not ready for the Fifth Dimension. They are those who still have a long path to tread, and one day, they will go through the same thing you are going through now.
Believe it, my brothers. Everything will work out. Everything has already worked out. Gaia will evolve—or, better said, Gaia has already evolved.
Translation by Joana Rodrigues