Angels – We Are Always Nearby

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! WE ARE THE ANGELS!

We are always everywhere. We are always by your side. We are always the closest beings to each of you, protecting, guiding, and helping each one within their journey to achieve what is necessary in daily life.

Our vibrations are currently extremely high. The Light of Alcyon charges us, and with this, we feel extremely ready to help you at every point of your journey. Use our energy. Use our Love. How? By believing that we exist. By assuming that we can help you in every aspect, task, and obstacle.

We can help you be happier in moments of joy. We can help you soothe sadness in moments of pain. We can help you in daily tasks; making you have a good intuition, giving you strength so that everything happens quickly and objectively. We can help you in meetings so that you do well, have eloquence in your voice, have confidence in what you say; and, most importantly, achieve the objective of the meeting.

Yes, we are everywhere and can help you in every way. We can protect your homes. We can stay there as guardians, sentinels, helping you against negative energies. We are right by your side, very close. Even in your most angry, most difficult moments, we remain there, in that moment, to bring peace and balance.

Many times we knock things over, so you don’t use them.There are times, we rotten the food, only because it  at that moment it wouldn’t be good. You have no idea of what we do.. We just want you to know that we are completely involved in the lives of each of you. We don’t just appear occasionally. We are always there. But what is needed for us always to be there?

That you ask for our presence. Invite us to live in your homes, by your side. Your pets love to play with us. And we enjoy playing with them. Your plants are amazed by our energy. Just ask us to always be in your homes, at your work, in your car, as a companion on a trip, as a companion while driving, giving you protection, giving you intuition.

We are always ready, just ask for us. But you must believe that we are there. It is necessary for you to love us. To respect us. And believe, that we are capable of many things. You have no idea how much. We know our role: To protect you. And we always fulfill this role, even if you don’t ask us to. But we can be closer. We can be together. For that, you need to ask.

Ask, ask for us to be together. Ask us for proof. And we will be delighted to show you where we are and what we can do. We are powerful beings, we are not weak beings as many think. We have a lot of power. But always, we follow the journey of each soul. We do not interfere in your journeys, but our main objective I could say, the greatest of all, is always to make you feel happy, joyful, and laughting.

Then, a legion of Angels comes to play around you, because joy attracts us, joy brings us closer and we all laugh and giggle with you. And at this moment, the energy is only Love and Light.

Translated by: Ivana Bueno

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