Yes, I can tell you that yesterday was a little too much energy because, in addition to all the light from the portal itself, the masters also put a lot of energy into you! But I can guarantee that those who know how to take advantage of all this energy will see the results and will not regret it! Don’t be sad if you can’t do it yesterday! You can’t do it again! Repeat the mantra: I AM THE FORCE THAT CREATES MY WALK TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION! And the mantras of the Masters: I AM Creation! I AM Wisdom! I AM Love! I AM Balance! I AM Perfection! I AM Courage! I AM the Violet Light! And that’s it! Enjoy everything that was done yesterday, because the light is there, the light is still very intense! The portal is still wide open! So you can still enjoy it without any problem! Do the mantras! Mentalize your dreams! Believe that they can come true! And just believe it! Believe and focus!
Today, I want to talk about something a little different from what we’ve been seeing these last few days. Your whole planet, this whole beautiful planet, is covered in the green light of Hilarion! It is covered by a healing dispensation from Raphael, Hilarion, Mary and the Arcturians. You are having access to some treatments by the Arcturians. What I would like to say to you: Why, from one moment to the next, are we all so concerned about the healing of the planet? Firstly, because the planet needs to heal from a lot of things in order to ascend. So all this work being done around your planet has this objective: to heal the sick areas of Gaia! And what do I mean by sick areas? I want to draw attention to everything that you, the human consciousness, have done and those who have come here to mine this planet and build great tunnels and holes inside Gaia for their own protection and to keep all their evil at work without being discovered. I can tell you that these places are not few! There are many! The vast majority have already been discovered, cleaned out! Cleansed of what was inside! Not in terms of energy, because all these places were sealed with their energy so that they would never be discovered! But against the light, there is no technology, there is no will, there is no program, there is nothing to prevent the action of the light of the Central Sun. So this light from Alcyon was able to show us exactly where we had to act to clear all this up and that’s what we’re doing. You will soon learn and be surprised to learn that near your homes, your dwellings, there were places of so much suffering and pain, there were places of torture, there were places of evil and extreme violence. And you will ask yourselves: how come you never realized that there was something strange there? I tell each and every one of you not to blame yourself at any time, because you would never see anything! Everything was very well camouflaged behind portals that prevented anyone from observing what was going on inside! So you would never see anything! But soon, all these portals will be opened by Us! For now, they are still closed, there is no need to alarm everyone on the planet yet, but soon everyone will know the truth! Why there is so much sexual violence on this planet, why there are so many sexual crimes on this planet, everything has a reason! The mental imbalances of those who cause such suffering are also part of this context, they are souls who are properly prepared to act in this way, to mistreat, violate and assault those who we supposedly see as weaker, you see as weaker! But all this will come to light!
So, the healing energies, all of them, are focused on improving the air on this planet, on improving the water you drink, on cleansing it of any and all poisons or anything that could be swallowed and then reach you! This no longer exists! There is no chip, no negative implant that can withstand the light of the Central Sun! There isn’t! This light has an extremely high vibration and nothing technologically speaking that serves evil remains functioning, everything is destroyed! There’s nothing else to worry about. Yes, you were infested with chips, small programs, a series of poisons that intoxicated your cells, attacked your organs so that you would be slaves to drugs. That’s over too! Nothing works anymore! Unfortunately, many bodies are so destroyed, so attacked that simply canceling out the evil force of these objects placed in you is not enough to get the organ back to normal. You need to work on your consciousness and consciously work on your own cells so that the new cells produced by your bodies are perfect! This is the role of this cure! Nothing is instantaneous, everything also depends on your vibration! The light of the Central Sun penetrates your bodies down to the smallest particle in your bodies, those that are not even visible in your microscopes. It acts on all ends, changing, crystallizing your bodies, altering all this evil programming that has been done in your bodies! It’s all over! You try to keep it going, but nothing works and it won’t work anymore! There is no longer a program implanted in you that still works! There is no longer a program implanted in your land, in your food, in your medicines that still works! Nothing works anymore! Everything is being destroyed by this light that is coming! I’m not talking about the light from the portal! This light from Alcyon has already been on the planet for a long time! And in you, I assure you, nothing works anymore! Everything has been destroyed!
So the way to involve you now is through the mind! No longer with programs in your minds! With news that is propaganda! News of war, news of disease, news of new epidemics, something they have to do! They can’t stand still because if they stop with the news, you start to fill up with the energy of the Sun, you start to vibrate high because the fear is gone! So we’re going to put out new news and frightening news that affects the whole planet. We’ve already told you here: there are ways for you to know if what is said is true or false! Listen to your hearts! Listen to your hearts! Many still say they can’t do it! “I can’t do it! So I don’t know how to tell right from wrong!” I just say to each of you: If you take a deep breath, often even for a feeling, a good feeling, sometimes for a bad feeling, you breathe deeply and feel, intuitively! You feel in your heart the reason for that sigh (as you call it). Whether it’s a sigh of something wonderful or a sigh of pain, a sigh of suffering, you can tell! So how can you not know? Do this same process: Think about what you want to know whether it’s true or a lie and take a deep breath, like a sigh, and I’m sure you’ll have the answer! So don’t give me this “I can’t do it! I don’t know!” You don’t know because you don’t want to! You can’t because you don’t try! It’s all a question of believing! Only in this way will you learn, little by little, to distinguish what is true from what is false and know, at the right moment, what is being said.
But back to healing! It’s important, right now, for each of you to seek therapy! Not the therapy of your doctors, the so-called holistic therapies, so that you can treat your bodies, not just this physical body that you parade around in! But all the bodies that make up your auras. So now is the time for you to seek any kind of treatment. Don’t ask me which one! Each of you has a taste! Why do you choose a certain color? Because you like it! Why do you choose to cheer for something or someone? Because you like it! So, how can we, I or any other Being of Light, say to you: “Look, from tomorrow, everyone will be queuing up to receive Reiki in such and such a place!” Does everyone like to receive Reiki? No! There are those who like to receive Arcturian energy! There are those who receive Pleiadian energy! There are those who receive Sirian energy! There are those who treat themselves with Magnified Healing! There are those who treat themselves with Thetahealing! And who is right and who is wrong? No one is right and no one is wrong! There is no right or wrong here! There is what you like, what your heart says: “Go for it! “I like that!” And you do it! Now is the time for holistic therapies, no more drugs! Don’t take this to mean: “Oh, Archangel Michael said I shouldn’t take medication anymore!” I didn’t say that! I’m saying that, right now, if you feel something strange in your body, don’t try to heal yourself with the energy of medicines anymore, try to heal your aura! Now, for those of you who take medication, for whatever reason, I say this: Keep going! Holistic therapies are, as the name implies, alternative, supplementary, complementary, not primary. For you to abandon all medication and say: “No! I only treat myself with holistic therapies now!” You’d have to really believe in what you’re getting! And I can tell you that none of you believe in it 100%! You participate, you receive, but deep down there is that question: “Does this really work?” So I’m not telling anyone to stop taking their medication! What I’m trying to say is, don’t add to your illnesses! If you feel something, seek holistic therapy! Now, if it doesn’t get better, very well, go to the doctor and treat yourself with medication. The tendency, my brothers, is for you to get rid of the medication, but not now, not at this time! But the first step towards this is balance! It’s balance, it’s the healing of all your bodies outside the physical one, which is where holistic therapy works. And by gaining this balance, your physical body will certainly begin to show signs of healing from the illnesses you have today! You need to start learning how to treat yourself in this way.
Now, first of all, what did Hilarion say yesterday? I AM Perfection! Some didn’t understand! So I’ll explain! You, the human body, were once perfect, there were no diseases! Why were there no diseases? There was no imbalance! There was only love in your heart, joy, solidarity, friendship, only good feelings! So their cells were perfect, their bodies were perfect! As the fall in consciousness happened and you absorbed these negative feelings, the imbalance happened, opening the door to illness! So perfection does exist! And you will move towards it again because in the Fifth Dimension there is no illness! There is only balance! And where there is balance, there is no illness! So start taking the first step and treat (as you say) the soul, not just the body. Treat those points in your souls that bear scars, traumas and reverberate in your bodies! Start believing in and delving into holistic therapies! They are the future! Will there be holistic therapies in the Fifth Dimension? Absolutely! Keeping your chakras in balance and in alignment is an important factor and you will still need a lot of this in the beginning, as you won’t yet have the expertise to stay balanced 100% of the time! But you need to start acting now! Here! I just have one caveat! Know where you’re going! In whose hands you are being treated! There are therapists, countless, thousands, I could even say millions, who use the energies for good, use the energies for good. But there are those who are foxes in sheep’s clothing, just waiting for a fool to fall into their webs. How can you tell? Oh, I’ve already given you the answer: Listen to your heart! That’s it! Every treatment done for good brings results and you feel it in the way you think, the way you talk, the way you eat, the way you behave! A change is made in you! When you receive something that is not for the good, that imbalance is accentuated and it is very easy to see that everything in you has become unbalanced! Then many people may ask themselves: “But why are there these people who do this?” Because they still think they have power! They still think they can lead you astray, causing all sorts of imbalances and making you lose hope and faith! That’s it! But I can tell you that they are dwindling by the day! But they still exist! Beware of pyramid treatments and machines! Beware! Look for information, look for references! There are many good people working, helping their brothers and sisters to balance themselves! There are! It’s up to you to search with your heart and you will find them! Look for references and you’ll know exactly where to go, who to look for!
I want to make it clear in your minds today: Seek the healing of your bodies, not just the physical body. You have 7 bodies in your aura! Treat each or all of them and you will feel the results in your physical body, but one thing is also very important: you have to believe, you have to be open! There’s no point in going to a holistic therapist, lying down on a stretcher, having them start laying hands on you or doing whatever and you saying inside: “Ih, it won’t do any good! I don’t believe that! Nonsense, I’m throwing my money away here!” So I’m going to tell you that you really are throwing your money away because that therapist played his part! He treated you, but your disbelief, your debauchery, your lack of belief in that energy closed all your chakras. It’s as if all the pores in your body had been closed and you received nothing because you closed yourself off, not because he didn’t, it was your choice to close yourself off.
So get treatment, but do it with faith, do it with confidence, do it with the certainty that it will work! Seek what your heart asks for! There are plenty of them out there! But I’ll remind you again: Always ask your heart first, “Is this what you want? Will this person help us? (You’re asking your heart!) So, will this person help us?” And listen to your heart! Start making it a practice. You can do it! You just have to want it! Start training and in a while, you’ll be fast and everything you want to know, you’ll quickly feel! Believe it! There is nothing to stop you from feeling what your heart has to say. The only thing stopping you is disbelief! It’s a lack of will, that’s all! If you believe it and if you really want it, you’ll listen to your heart! You see, it’s not listening to the other person, it’s not asking the other person: “What do you think about me doing this therapy?” Then the other person will tell you, they’ll say: “No! Do it, it’s good!” And you go there and you don’t like it! Of course! He chose it for you! You don’t have to ask anyone! Stop being dependent on others! You are thinking beings! Why so dependent on others? Seek your hearts, not others! What is good for others may not be good for you and vice versa!
This is what I want to make very clear in the minds of everyone here today: Healing is in the air! Healing dispensations are in the air! The waves of healing are in the air! And what do these waves in the air do? They potentiate all the therapies applied! So the time has come for you to start taking this step towards healing the physical body. But you can’t start with the physical body and then move on to the other bodies! It’s the other way around! You need to heal your soul, that these bodies are part of your soul, and then heal the physical body. Think about it! And make the necessary attitudes and choices! There are many Beings here helping with this healing! Many! The Arcturians play a very important role in this whole process on the planet! There isn’t a disease they can’t cure in the Universe! So, use the therapy that catches your eye, that you feel, that your heart tells you will be good for you. Just do it!
To close, I’m noticing some people saying: “Oh, but I can’t afford it!” I understand! And I’m not going to say here that therapists have to work for free! I won’t say that! What did I just say about working? Everyone who works has to get the results of their work! Some even offer to help without charging anything, but that’s up to each individual! So I would say to you: If you can’t afford such therapy today? Go for it! Because there are many out there that are being applied and it doesn’t have to involve money, you just have to look for it! Many groups are working, sending energy free of charge! I’d say it’s not a personal, individual treatment! It’s usually a group treatment, but I can assure you that even in this way, if you take part, you’re already taking the first step! And if you make a habit of it, you’ll get the results you want! So don’t make it an excuse or an obstacle! We are doing everything possible to envelop this planet in the Green Light of Healing, enhancing all therapies. Don’t waste any time! Just trust and enjoy! And you’ll see how, little by little, your illnesses, those little things, will start to disappear! And in the not too distant future, all the illnesses you know today will be wiped off the planet because you will come into balance and balance will bring perfect health, it will bring perfection! Think a lot about what I’ve said here today! And practice, practice listening to your heart, this is essential! Listen to your heart!
I AM ARCHANGEL MIGUEL! And I leave each of you today with Hilarion by my side, enveloping each of you in a bubble of Green Light, helping to balance all the energy you are receiving these days. Be grateful for this gift!
Translated by Luiz Santos