Dear ones! I am ARCANJO MIGUEL!
I come here today, first, to tell you that everything continues…the process is, as the saying goes, “Cruising speed”. Everything is indeed happening, much ado, without much confusion. We’re just poking the bear, and I can assure you it’s quite angry. We’ve been doing a rather intelligent job in destroying everything on your planet that isn’t Light. When I say destruction, I mean anything; I mean destroying physical things, barriers, I mean weapons, hiding places, bank accounts, trickery… everything is being destroyed and laid out on the table, visible to all.
The vast majority doesn’t see it. You don’t see it either. And why? I would say that today, at this moment, you’re concerned with surviving, with staying away from this disease that refuses to leave. So the focus is all on it. Interestingly, because whatever you focus on, you grow; and it will never go away because you’re focused on it 24 hours a day. Right now, it’s not just another disease, it’s the only disease on the planet, within your minds and hearts.
So nothing will change for a good while, until you forget, until you start noticing other things, until you start noticing what is actually changing on your planet. It’s very interesting when some people think: “But I don’t hear about anything.” Then I’ll just remind you: Who controls the news, who controls your Internet? How will you find out about something? Only through the interference of some who aren’t tied to these news, to these groups.
Your world is very big, your planet is vast, but you’re spread out all over the planet. There are no, let’s say, native people only living in their own country. You’re everywhere. There isn’t a country that isn’t already filled with immigrants. You’re spread out, and it should be that way. There shouldn’t be barriers, borders; the planet is one and no one owns anything. Why borders, why barriers? Everyone could choose to move freely back and forth.
Then one thinks about supposed security…”Because we could be invaded, so we have to protect ourselves.” And why would you be invaded? Would it be because you possess something the rest of the world doesn’t? So some countries consider themselves sovereign because they have what the entire planet needs. And why? Because those people were taught, as a lesson, as a mission, to be born in that homeland and precisely to learn to share. No, that’s not what happened.
So for these and other reasons, borders were created, each with its wealth, each with its power. And of course, some stand out because of their size and their will to dominate the entire planet. Interestingly, over time, polarization has happened in all countries. No one helps each other. Each only looks inward. To some extent, I understand, because you need to take care of your own people. But if one country has something the other needs, and that other has something you need, why not trade? No, wealth must be accumulated, lots of money must be had… And so your world was lost.
Today your planet is moving in the opposite direction. The entire financial system as it is will collapse, everything will be new. It’s very interesting to realize how many ideas, how many projects, how many things are emerging in the name of something nobody even knows how it will be. Really, everything is very well done. Those who currently hold the power of the planet continue to want to maintain power. They pretend to be good, very concerned about humanity, and try to impose ways and means exactly like those already in place, and worse… you believe them.
Really, there are moments when we all, together, close our eyes and cry because we realize how unprepared you still are to trust in something greater, to trust in something nonexistent on the planet, which is unconditional love; which is giving without expecting anything in return, it’s giving for the sake of giving, not because you want to be in good standing with the universe, not because you want to receive back the same amount or more; it’s simply giving.
What do you think we’ve been saying all this time? Lies, stories for you to believe? Then I’ll tell you, from today on, it’s better for you to stop listening to everything; because apparently, you haven’t understood anything. Humanity has to take a step, humanity needs to grow in consciousness, humanity needs to want to change. Let’s repeat this countless times: You have free will, we can’t impose anything on you.
So every time you doubt, every time you believe in supposed benefits, you take many steps backward. Because you put there, all the doubt possible about what we are capable of doing. Really, there are moments when we become extremely sad. There are moments when you move forward, elevate yourselves, and we notice there’s a wave there, truly wanting to believe and wanting to change the planet. But you let yourselves succumb because with every wave of prosperity and advancement, they always plan a contrary wave of greater intensity and you let yourselves be carried away, you return to the shore.
It’s a pity, it’s a pity because you’re wasting precious minutes, you’re wasting precious time. If you didn’t let yourselves be carried away by these waves, everything would already be happening. What do I mean by everything? Revelations, Galactics on Earth, curing diseases, healing your oceans, healing your lands. All of this would be happening along with the financial balance of the planet. But you don’t stay put. You always believe in what’s easy, not what’s just. “We have to believe in what will come easily to our hands.” And I tell you, if something arrives very easily to your hands, be suspicious. No lesson is easy, so it wouldn’t be a lesson.
So if something you want comes very easily to your hands, be suspicious; there’s something wrong there. But you like ease, you like shortcuts, you like the easy way out, no matter who you step on; you like it. So I have only one thing to say to you: Attention, a lot of attention. Attention to what you hear, attention to what is proposed to you, attention to what is said by the news. Attention. I tell you, you’re heading to the extreme. What is the extreme? It’s you swimming, swimming, swimming, and with every contrary wave that comes, you return to the shore because you can’t stay where you are.
And there will come a day when the planet will ascend and few will have reached where it was necessary. It will be a great pity because the warnings are there, we’re warning and alerting you daily, but you don’t listen. You keep listening to the contrary waves. And worse, you seize them, you ride the waves. We’ll continue doing our job. Gaia is being cleansed, that’s our job. But as for each of you, we can’t do anything. Because it’s the free will of each one that commands, and the choice of each one of you, to where you want to go.
Do you want to move forward and reach that point of evolution or do you want to just float and return to the shore? And swim again; and return to the shore. I tell you, you will tire yourselves out and the day will come when you wake up, you’ll realize the time you’ve wasted, and it might be too late.
Translated by: Paula Prado