Don’t think that once again I come here just to draw your attention. But sometimes, my presence with this deeper and incisive aspect is necessary to bring you to reality. I have never said, not even once, that your ascension would be an easy process. It’s not easy, it hasn’t been easy, and it won’t be easy. And why? Because the determining factor of all this change is just one: your minds; there’s no other.
So let me restart the story, the story we’ve been telling here, right from the beginning. Who chose to walk away from the power given by God the Father/Mother? Who chose to open the door to feelings that don’t come from the Divine? Who chose to live new adventures, exercising feelings contrary to Love? Who allowed this planet to descend in vibration? What’s the answer? I hope everyone has one single answer: You!
The project for this planet was created with something called free will, where you could make choices, any choice you wanted. And your souls have been making these choices for a long time. The souls that are essentially from this planet, many of them did know the Fifth Dimension, not all are solely from the Third. But they got carried away to such an extent, in such a way, that they no longer remember anything, they can’t feel anything of what they felt back then.
So we can affirm that they are souls of the Third Dimension entirely because they’ve forgotten what they once lived. The souls that arrived here and helped populate this planet, that helped live through the golden age back then, they know exactly what I’m talking about. But many also chose to have more power than God the Father/Mother, they chose to fall into consciousness. So there’s a sum of desires and wills of the souls existing here, desires with terrible consequences for the planet, because it ended up causing this planet to fall into the Third Dimension.
And so you have lived, emitting more and more negative feelings. I would like you to remember just one point: No soul on this planet was born now, they are extremely old souls, they’ve been here for a long time. And with each incarnation lived, they’ve been put on the path of evolution. Yes, you are no longer the barbarians you once were, because the Light has always intervened in the ascension and evolution of this planet.
So I ask each one of you: Where have we been all this time? Ah, I answer, in many people’s heads, sleeping in the hammock, chatting, drinking juice, feeling the sea breeze, letting the human and earthly civilization self-destruct. So I tell you the following: If we had really been lying in the hammock drinking juice and feeling the breeze, you would have self-destructed a long time ago. You wouldn’t have passed the dark ages; this planet would already be a planet totally devoid of human life on its surface.
So don’t think and don’t assume that we do nothing, we just can’t change humanity’s free will. Everything you are experiencing is a consequence of your minds and your actions, not ours. And be grateful for everything we’ve done so that you have gotten this far, because otherwise, as I said, there would be no more life on this planet.
Many insist on thinking that we’re watching everything with our arms crossed, doing nothing, just watching you fight, kill each other, self-destruct. And I answer: Unfortunately, really, we can’t do anything, because we respect each soul’s choices. When do we act? When a soul realizes the mistakes it’s making and asks for our help. “I want to change, I want to evolve!” Ah, that’s the signal for us to act.
So let’s think as follows: Many of you have made the same request to us, many of you have awakened to Love. So we’ve been acting for some time now on changing this planet, shifting the timeline for evolution. And that’s what’s happening. But… no, we’re not doing anything, not helping you in any way, still lying in the hammock. Now, what do you do to change this? What do you do to change the planet’s vibrations?
Oh yes, I would say that sometimes, on some days, in some moments, you do beautiful meditations, pray, you even behave properly. But when the first obstacle appears, you seem like those spoiled children who stomp their feet wanting something; and then you start screaming, crying, complaining, blaspheming because you have that obstacle in front of you. You can’t realize that each obstacle is a level that you will elevate. It’s like saying, “Look, you’ve come this far, congratulations. So now you have a test, you have an exam, so that you can move on to the next level.”
And then instead of filling your hearts with Love, filling your hearts with trust, remembering everything you’ve learned, and asking for our help first: “Help me overcome this obstacle, with awareness, and expansion of my consciousness, so that I do it correctly.” It would be a great joy for us to be there by your side, guiding you, showing you within your heart how to overcome that obstacle. But no, you stomp your foot, throw a tantrum, roll on the floor; “I don’t want to, I don’t want to, I don’t want to!” You return to being those Third Dimension children, as you always were, where the ego speaks louder. “Everything I want, I want to have! So I scream, I tantrum, I complain, I hit someone to get what I want!”
So realize that your egos are still there, huge, big. I’ve said it here before and I’ll repeat it: there will be losses. Done, everyone panics. “What am I going to lose? Will I lose my home, will I lose my family, will I lose everything I have, will I lose my money?” And I ask a question: Are you going to the Fifth Dimension, are you taking anything with you? So why the “mine”?
Your home isn’t yours, you don’t take it with you. Your family doesn’t belong to you, you don’t take them with you. Your things are ephemeral, you won’t take them with you. Your money won’t be valuable in the Fifth Dimension. So why the concern, why the fear of losing everything? Losing what you don’t have? So observe how you put things. You want to gather everything in a big bag and drag it along. And I tell you that the path is full of rocks and nails that will tear your bag apart quickly, and you’ll continue to lose everything because you won’t be able to carry anything.
So when we say: There will be losses; detach, what do you do? You start that desperate chant, “What am I going to lose?” Will you lose what you don’t have? You live today in the Third Dimension, within what is needed. With each step, with each level you rise, much will be left behind, much will change. And if with each step you take, you cry, throw tantrums, roll on the floor, stomp your foot… Let me tell you, the slip will be great, and you’ll go back to the end of the line again. Because apparently, you haven’t learned anything, you’ve forgotten everything that’s been said here.
Nothing is yours. You’re living within what you have through your soul’s journey, but you won’t take anything. So why so much despair, why so much fear of losing everything? Memories remain in the heart, not in papers. Now if you need so much to have the security that “what is mine is in my hands”, feel free. What was said is not to trust what is in your neighbor’s hands, not physically, because nobody leaves anything physical in the neighbor’s hands; these are things that are important to you today, and if they disappear, you’ll be sad; we don’t want that, not at this moment.
I would say to you that it’s a journey of detachment over time. It won’t be instantaneous for those who prepare. Now you take everything literally. No one stops to ask us, “Can you explain better what you meant?” No, you start spreading despair, and then it involves other people who have nothing to do with it, who were balanced and end up becoming unbalanced too.
And then I ask you: What do you think Gesara/Nesara will be? It’s a perfect system, there’s no injustice there. But you still fear losses. What losses? You will have what you deserve. Each will have what they deserve. And then, how does it sit in your heads? Ah, I think I’ll cause some more despair. So I’ll tell you the following: The only thought each of you has to have right now is about your journey.
I’ve said it here a few times and I’ll repeat it because you’ve forgotten: Each will go through what is necessary for the evolution of their soul. “Ah, I’m afraid of starving!” If it’s necessary for your soul to evolve for you to starve, you will, even if you’ve bought a whole market; you will starve. Those who bought nothing, didn’t save anything, if in their journey it’s not written to starve, they won’t starve. “Ah, but how will this happen?” Either you trust or you don’t.
This is the big test, to surrender the journey to your evolution. Each will go through what they have to. I’ve also said and I’ll repeat: Each is where they need to be, no one is in the wrong place. So, if where you are, you’ll lose everything, but you’ll come out unscathed and ready to continue the journey, it’s a point of evolution of your soul. Now there are those who will remain well positioned in their homes, that’s also a point of their souls. Each will go through what is necessary for their evolution; there’s no changing that, no predicting what will come.
So I don’t understand these despairs, these imbalances. And don’t judge us because we do nothing. Haven’t you learned that yet? Everything you go through is a consequence of your vibrations, we can’t do anything. Unless there’s a consciousness of humanity, so that we can act as a whole. We hope you reach this consciousness very soon, we have faith in it. But if every time we speak, you have these attitudes, really that soon, it will be very far away. Because you’re not ready, you’re becoming more unbalanced every time.
Effectively, you are generating your journeys, you are driving the planet’s change. And if every moment of doubt is reverberated, this moment of change is getting further away. What do you lack to trust what’s coming? And it’s no use imagining how it will be, because it’s each soul’s journey. You will have to get rid of everything that’s there as a shadow on the path of your souls. So each will go through what they have to, and if you trust and have courage, you’ll go through it well. But if you sit, cry, throw tantrums, and roll on the floor, then you’re really signing the term that you don’t want to evolve, you just want to complain, just want to feel fear, just want to contest.
Really, when we think you’re moving forward, you take two steps back. And I can say the following: Each message every day will be harder to swallow because the time is approaching. So if with each message, you push the moment further ahead, then we have nothing to do, we’ll simply remain silent. And when everything starts happening, then you’ll look at us and say, “Gee, you said nothing!” What’s the point of us talking?
So if each message lowers your vibrations, we won’t say anything anymore. You’ll be taken by surprise and you’ll complain anyway. But at this point, we’re deciding to do whatever it takes to change this planet. So if you’re not ready to hear anything, you won’t hear, you’ll be taken by surprise. And then when you realize, it has already happened, and you didn’t have time to do anything. Is it better this way?
So that’s how it will be. We won’t warn you anymore, we will let you follow your own path. It may be that in this way, you will reach the necessary point of great change. And then when this day comes, maybe the crying will be greater, maybe the suffering will be greater, but at least you will be there.
So this is an option that we will have. We’re not going to tell you anything else, we’re not going to say anything else. Just messages of optimism, messages of Love, messages of overcoming. We will not warn you anything more, so that you can learn to simply trust. We will let you follow the path, without knowing what it will be like, you will be taken by surprise. Then don’t complain, but we know that you will complain a lot, that we didn’t warn you about anything, that we didn’t give you the chance to do anything. For what? For you to push the whole process back?
So we won’t say anything else, let’s continue the journey, let’s continue the way we have been doing. We no longer have time for this back and forth of your vibration, it’s no longer possible. The planet’s vibration has already dropped too much with this war, we need to push the planet forward. When I say planet, I’m not referring to Gaia, because Gaia is already up front; I’m referring to the human race.
So let’s push the human race forward, giving everyone the chance to make their own changes; but without alerts, without warnings, just showing that we are there, all the time, and whatever happens, we will be by your side, as long as you ask for our help. So we end here, any kind of warning we could give. You won’t have that anymore. We had planned a sequence of warnings, so that you could prepare yourself, it doesn’t work. And don’t think that you are few, because you vibrate in a very high range and this range has a higher speed than the lower ranges. So everything you emanate quickly spreads across the planet.
So we won’t do that anymore. We will go, as you say, to plan “B”. A plane where the world is wonderful, everything is right and you will be taken by surprise. We will do nothing more. Yes, we will be, giving you strength, showing that we are there, giving you ways to protect yourselves, giving you the paths to clear your paths; this we will do. But you won’t know anything else. This was the path you chose. And no, there’s no point in asking us to change. It’s a decision made. Let’s emanate only Love, nothing else. This is what you want, so this is what you will get. Our help for the journey, that’s all.
What will happen up front, when it happens, you will know. We are changing everything from today. And rest assured, we are with each one of you who asks for our help, and who trusts in our help, and who trusts that whatever happens, we will be by your side. Every choice has a consequence. And we are truly choosing today to let you lead the process by raising your vibrations. Let’s change tactics, so that you effectively raise your vibrations and each one exercises what they have already learned. Now, when everything starts to happen, don’t look at the heavens and ask where we are. We are where we have always been, always respecting your free will and choices.
Translated by: Paula Prado