Archangel Michael – Let’s Emanate Love in a Great Meditation


Today, I am coming here to invite you. As said yesterday, the beings you recognize as female are now acting in a huge undertaking to disseminate Love on the planet. The work is highly complex and challenging. Many will say that it is easy to love. But, I say that you don’t know what Love is.

The Unconditional Love we refer to is not the Love you live. You learned to love with disequilibrium in a wrong way and suffer the consequences of this form of Love. We said here many times, but it is worth repeating: Love is not bargaining, asking, begging, waiting for a return, or slavering; those who love do not become subservient. Those who love just love without suffering.

Love with suffering is not Love. True Love is Unconditional, light, and never causes suffering, doubts, or need. Unconditionally loving is to respect, donate, and give without asking anything in return, just for the pleasure of loving. It does not matter whether the object of Love will retribute; the heart is immense when it emanates Love. Also, loving does not depend on what comes back; this is unconditionally loving; it is loving without judgment or condition.

So, can you honestly tell me that you know what Love is? I will give another example. When we say: Goddesses are emanating Love to everybody on the planet, some may say: “Oh, hold on, what about those who cause so much harm to us? What about those who provoke a war? Do they deserve this Love?” My answer is: that they are the ones who deserve the most because it is not about deserving but needing. They are in the wrong way; they inappropriately see life.

So, they need more Love from us. How do you understand it? You perceive that we abandoned those who are correct and gave our attention to those who are not. Do you see how you judge? Do you notice how your way of love is? “I am correct, then he does not give attention to me but to an assassin” That’s how you think.

I will repeat: This is not love. Our Love is unconditional. Do you understand what it means? Independent of your errors, we continue loving you. We do not love one more than another. This is what you do. “Ah, I love you more than I love the other.” There is no such thing among us; we love you all the same.

When we say that we need to give more Love to those who do not have Love in their hearts, they need help, not our pity or 100% attention. They need us to treat them so they can find the way. We do not despise anybody. Each soul of this Universe receives the Universal Laws. This is required to be peace and equilibrium in the Universe. However, we can never condemn and forget somebody just because the person chose the wrong way. Indeed, he can be condemned according to our laws. However, that energy will be treated, and it will not continue existing in the Universe as negative energy. It will be transmuted in its forms and means. One day you will understand this.

So, do not open your mouth to say that you know how to love because you don’t. You love with disequilibrium, and this is not love. True Love is pure equilibrium. It is not to adore, to be passionate, be in despair or distress; this is not love. Indeed, Love is a strong feeling, but it does not unbalance; it brings peace, harmony, and beautiful feelings that you could imagine.

Then, I want to invite you to the portal on 6/6, when there is an important Meditation conducted by Maria and all the beings you recognize as female. The female force will take this planet to a new timeline, where Love will rule with much strength. So, wait for the communication about the hour on Monday, 6/6.

I want to clarify one thing: some superstitions were created to confuse you. Before the subject arises of the combination of numbers on that day, I ask you: What is more powerful, Light or non-Light? Each number or thing you put your focus on grows. This was once more a way to create fear and put you off the Love path.

We will emanate much Love on that day. Rose Ray’s energy around this planet, eliminating any vestige of whatever may be contrary to love, is encouraged on the portal’s day. So open your hearts, let Unconditional Love flow, and participate in this crucial meditation. Once again, let’s change the walk of the planet to a time with more Love and Light, so we can bring to each human heart the confidence, peace, and faith that you can change a lot on this planet.

If you just sit down and be discouraged, thinking: “There is no more hope, nothing to do!” everything will worsen. However, if you believe that the force of Love can change many things, then come on, let’s emanate this Love, and say no to judgment, criticism, adoration, and disequilibrium.

Let’s think that Love is an absolutely immense and strong force which can bring significant changes to your world. So, participate and contribute to this moment. Then, tomorrow, you can look at yourself in the mirror and say: “I did something for the planet and my brothers.” It does not matter what is being encouraged by those who believe that merely combining some numbers brings force.

The Love of Father/Mother God is bigger than anything in the Universe. In the Love of Goddesses, the female force is not simply a force. In the end, we will see who will stand out in the entire process. Those who worship evil are ready. Interestingly, we are too. I am not saying that the fight will be difficult and bring losses. I am just telling you that Unconditional Love will be emanated, and it will change this planet’s timeline. And later, you will certainly feel the consequences.

My brothers, learn how to emanate Unconditional Love. Learn to love. Not the feeling you talk about and emanate every moment. You think you love. To Love means equilibrium, sweetness, a feeling that leaves yourself and disseminates around you. Not loving a single object or person, but a feeling with such power that it spreads all around.

So, do not reduce such a beautiful, immense, intense feeling to something extremely unbalanced as you live it. I will be waiting for you on Monday. As I told you, Maria will conduct the meditation. Still, obviously, all of us will be together acting on this great day, the day of the Great Meditation to Emanate Love.

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