Archangel Michael Live 05-07-2023


Let’s keep to the subjects I will deal with today! 

Today I am going to talk about an important subject, which many have been worried about, many keep asking. So, let’s talk about it: our next meeting in November! I would say, my brothers and sisters, that we will have to have another look at the place where it will be. Every time we meet, the number of people is increasing, and I’m sure the next one will increase even more. In fact, I would like it to really increase, that more and more people gather in a great egregore, in a great moment of union, of knowledge, of friendship so that you get to know each other and create bonds, stop being just a name on the other side you don’t know where. So, as I said, I will give you the rules! And please don’t try to be like, “Oh, but this or that.” No! No! The rules will have to be followed.

As I said a while ago: we will no longer have a specific T-shirt for the meeting. It will be a T-shirt, which from now on can be worn at any meeting, with the symbol that you already wear today, but without a date, without anything. So, this is the first warning: you will have a new T-shirt, yes, because you will not be able to wear the one from past meetings. But this new T-shirt will serve forever, until the Fifth Dimension. Or do you think we won’t meet there? We certainly will! So, that’s the first point! So, it will be an investment that will serve for all future meetings and not only those that happen twice a year. In any meeting you will be able to use the T-shirt, this is a fact.

Second point: there is no point here for me to define the state, the city, the neighbourhood, there is no point. And why is it no use? Because we are talking about a large number of people. And it’s not just any location that will be able to accommodate so many people, it starts to limit a little. So, I would like, in advance, everyone who has an interest to research in their neighbourhood, in their city, in their state, research! And there will be a way for this information to be shared. So, what is the idea? Each one will research the place, what it offers, its value, and how to get there. Because it’s also no use being a place where no one can stay overnight, being an extremely small town that is unable to handle everyone. So, all this has to be taken into account. I will leave it up to you to create a group so that this information can be received. It will not be her, who is speaking, who will receive it. So, I ask everyone not to start sending a lot of messages when you finish here, wait for the group to be ready! And for the group to exist I need volunteers. So, yes, they will volunteer to do this role of receiving the referrals. All right! This will all have a deadline, and when the deadline is over, all the information will be made available and you will vote.

So, there is nothing definite yet! It is obvious and clear that I know where it will be! But, the movement has to be done by you, not by me! So, repeating: volunteers to create the group, to analyze all the information, within the rules that will be kept as in the last one. Nothing will change! So, you look for and get the information to this group. Then, each one who knows the place that fulfils the requirements, send it to the group the information. And then those places you will evaluate and vote. I want something very clear, it is not A, B, or C that will define where it will be. There will not be any kind of privilege. Everyone will vote. Of course, those who are interested. And the most voted will win, as you know.

Another important point: I have noticed and observed the organization of this whole process. The first (meeting) had some problems. The second (meeting) new problems. But I would like to tell you that experience brings perfection. Perfection is not what you understand as everything is nice, perfect, and nothing goes wrong. There is no such thing! But at each moment you learn a little more and try to solve the problems that arise. For the new ones that appear, the next one will be solved, and so on. So, some things will change. There will be no contact with the channel to book the invitation, or the ticket (whatever you want to call it). This is a rule! Nobody from this channel will be responsible for selling access to the venue! I don’t want to! You need to learn to walk on your own legs! This is set! There will be a site where you will buy access and that’s it! No involvement from anyone from the channel team! The only involvement they will have is to take all the amount raised and pay the venue, this will be the only involvement! It’s over! I don’t want this contact anymore! Because it is trouble! So, you need to deal with something cold, unreal, not a person, so it will be so! Accommodation, arrival, it doesn’t matter, everyone will take care of their own! Everyone will ask for help from whomever they want!

I repeat: no one from the channel team will be involved in this! Many may consider it funny what I’m saying, but there needs to be a commitment and a more standardized way of doing things. The involvement of known people does not facilitate the process at all, on the opposite, it ends up generating a problem! So, each one will take care of his own way. When you want to travel, don’t you run after those who understand, those who do? Then do it! Anyone from the channel team is forbidden to get involved with anything that is to help you buy or get to the place. I am forbidding it! I hope this is clear! Everyone is going to run after their trip, they are going to run after their accommodation. No one here will get involved. The involvement will be: having the place’s contact and making it happen, trying to correct everything that was pointed out in the last one so that it is better and better. So, it’s agreed! We are agreed! And don’t think that “Oh, so I won’t make it!” Then I will answer you that you will not succeed! Because you usually put things in a very complicated way and if they don’t go the way you want, everything is difficult! “I can’t do it! Oh, I can’t do it! Oh, I won’t make it!” Yes, you are decreeing it! You need to learn to walk on your own legs! I have told you this in many ways, but you insist on not learning! You always have to have a little help from the other! “Oh, I can’t do it! Oh, I can’t!” This phrase is the most repeated phrase among all of you! “I can’t do it!” Why? Is anyone here devoid of thought? Is it devoid of reasoning? And I am not talking about intelligence, I am talking about reasoning! I believe not! So, everything in this journey is possible to be conquered, it is possible to be achieved. You just have to want it! You just have to get up from the hammock and try to solve the problem. Lying in the hammock, waiting for the other to solve it is very easy, it is very simple, but it does not take you anywhere.

So, let’s try to stop with this lousy choice, a very low-vibration phrase. “I can’t do it!” You are all capable of doing anything, but you always think that asking for help from others is easier! Oh, and worse, it is to think that the other always has to help. To have to help, you have no idea of the energy of it. Having to help is forcing someone to do something, have you ever thought about that? “Oh, I’m going to ask Mr. So-and-so for this because he has to help me!” Have you ever thought about the energy you put in there? No, the other does not have to help you! You can ask for help, but humbly. Do not think that the other has an obligation to help you. The walk is yours, not the other’s. So, let’s start learning to walk on our own legs? Without depending on anyone? Oh, and don’t start with that other story: “Oh, I’m too old to learn that!”. Why? Are you tired of thinking? Or because you think you’re old, are you too lazy to think? It’s because this is another phrase I hear all the time! The justification that age is an impediment to learning something, and I assure you it is not! This is a very interesting excuse for most of you who say this. What for? To make the other person feel sorry for you? “Oh, I’m going to help that little old man, that little old woman because he can’t do it.” Is that the pity you want them to feel about you? I don’t think it’s a good feeling. I don’t think that’s a good feeling to feel!”. So why this story that because he’s old he can’t do it? That’s just in one place, in your head, in your mind. Because there is no such thing! You put yourself that way! “Ah, I’m old, so I can’t learn!” Look at the sentences! Look at the sentences you just said! Being old is a state of body, not of soul. Being old doesn’t mean being unable to think. It may be that sometimes it does, but it is not always as you put it. So, let’s stop with these catchphrases, with these repeated phrases and start running after them on your own. Without asking anyone for help! I always say this here, but you don’t seem to listen: the day will come when there will be no one to ask for help, there will be no communication and then what will you do? Are you going to go out screaming in the middle of the street desperate, asking for help from someone? I’ve said it here several times and you don’t listen. They think I’m exaggerating! So, okay! Keep thinking that I’m exaggerating! And don’t cry in the future, because you haven’t learnt to live on your own, you have always learnt to depend on others. I have warned you this many times! But many do not listen! They think I exaggerate! Then you are right! I am exaggerating! In the future, we will see who is right.

So the rules were set! I don’t want a lot of comments! I don’t want a flood of messages! The first point now is group formation and this group will be informed so that all of you who have gathered all information will pass it on to this group. I didn’t say it will be the one you are talking about, did I? I didn’t! So don’t send anything to her. Understood! Of course, whoever is volunteering for the group will have to talk to her, that’s right. But once the group is formed, it’s over! She’s out! My order! I want to see the organization for the next meeting, how it will look and I want you to show me that you are capable of running after your own things! I hope that was very clear! And I believe I have been!

In two days we will have a portal.  From now on, I invite you all to be together again, at this same time, so that we can do a great meditation and who knows, we can advance more in the timeline, accelerate the process even more. Do you think it is fast? We can make it even faster! That would be good, so that everything happens as you want it to happen, that everything happens fast. But speeding up the process is not speeding up the process, it is just speeding up some things. So, you are already invited to a big portal meditation on 07/07, at the same time!

And I would like to talk just one more point with you: the process of the ascension of the planet is unfolding exactly as we planned, nothing is delayed, nothing is out of step. Many of you, I see in your hearts, are curious to know more about what is happening, every detail, to know more news. I will remind you of something here: each channel on this platform has a mission. There are those who have the mission to guide. There are those who have the mission to inform. There are those who have the mission to bring truths, others to bring lies, and others to bring nothing, just to create turmoil. So, each one has its mission. I have always said that the mission of this channel is Knowledge and Evolution! Everyone who knows me knows that I have never been one to give much news about what is happening out there. I speak what is strictly necessary and so do the other beings of light. So, I would just like those who feel such a need to hear more things, to understand, to seek, be at ease! Do not think that you are, as many say, betraying me. This is nonsense! I have never forbidden anyone to search for anything. “Ah, but you forbid us to put information from other places in the groups.” Then whose group is it? It’s my group! So it has the information I want, not what you want! And this has been the case from the beginning and will continue to be so! Now if you are very upset that I don’t say anything, that I don’t tell you anything, that I don’t explain anything, feel free to look outside! I have never forbidden it! Just be careful to know where you are going to walk! Because not all gardens are green! Some are green only on the surface, but if you put your foot in it, it sinks! That’s all you need to be careful about! I don’t forbid you anything! My role in this group is one of teaching and evolution! I am not concerned with passing on to you what happens out there. My concern and that of all the others is to make you evolve! What happens out there each one seeks as they wish, there is no problem with that. Just don’t bring it into my groups, not there! Because the energy that is coming there, the one who brought it may not know what energy it is, and contaminate the whole group. Then I don’t want to! That’s my order! You don’t like it? It’s not my problem! Be very careful with the news! Be very careful about the things that are said. Not everything is what it seems. But if you want to look for it, be my guest! I’m not going to wrinkle my nose, because I don’t have one! I’m not going to pout, I don’t have a mouth either! I’m not going to turn my back, I don’t have one either! I would never judge any of you for seeking another path or I would not be who I am! It doesn’t matter to Me what path you choose to follow, I will always keep trying to bring you to the right path. This is my role! It is not to judge you, ever! So, feel free! It is it, what is outside the house anyone can access. Where to walk, anyone can choose. Now when you enter the house you have to leave everything that was outside, that’s all I want! The rest is up to each one! Do not feel impeded or afraid that I will be upset! You really haven’t learned what unconditional love is! What is unconditional love from any being of light, if you knew you wouldn’t think like that! I just want respect inside my house, which are my groups, that’s all! Outside is up to each one. And I will continue to be what I have always been for each one of you, without a hint of change! It is astonishing, it is astonishing, that you think this way. It saddens me a little because I realize that I have not managed to convey the main concept of the whole teaching, which is not to judge! You think that we judge you. And then I begin to wonder if I and all the others have taught you correctly, because you think that about us!

The messages have been given! We’ll meet on Friday!

Translate by I. Arantes

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