It is with great joy that I come here today. I hope you all had a lot of fun, or not. It is up to each person’s choice. There is no discrimination against those who like to party and who want to have fun. The whole problem is not the revelry itself; it’s what happens parallel to it, the excesses you commit. But no! No, this will not be the focus of our subject today. That was only a comment.
And what are we going to talk about today? Let us speak of your world! As many might say, we will talk about so many tragedies, deaths, victims, and bad things happening at once. So let me remind you of everything we’ve said for a long time: Every soul (this is already getting repetitive, but I will repeat it once more) who reincarnated at this time chose exactly where to incarnate. Every soul knows the fate of the planet. No soul is deceived; they all know. And many have also opted to avoid going through what is coming. Very well! In general terms, that’s it. Thus, those who have chosen not to go through the transition to the Fifth Dimension want to leave. They think that going through it as a spirit will be easier. Is it? Will it be easier? I can’t answer that! Only every soul will have the opportunity. Yes, indeed, to prepare for the Fifth Dimension. It doesn’t mean the soul won’t go through much simply because it’s become disembodied. It will need to elevate itself, to evolve, just like those who are incarnate here. Nothing changes. There are no privileges. But many souls think that when they disincarnate, as you might say, they will have a good life; they will lie in a hammock and drink juice. Ah! They are totally wrong because they will have to go through all the trials and tribulations that an evolving soul must endure—so, coming back. Each soul has chosen its own path. Each one chose where to incarnate, knowing that at a certain point they would have the possibility to leave. And that’s what many are doing—leaving happily ever after because they think they will lie down in the hammock and drink juice. Many know they will have a long way to go in their evolution, but everybody has already made their choice.
And let us not forget that many parts of this planet need to be cleaned up because the shadows have made their dwellings there. And nothing better than a little Gaia revolution to stir up the energies. As our brother Ashtar Sheran said today, “you have no idea what they are doing on the planet.” They have been holding a lot back so that it doesn’t become a major upheaval throughout humanity. But some things must be moved, and I sincerely hope you all begin getting used to them. As I said several times, it will have difficult times; it won’t be easy because the planet has to be cleaned. The souls need to go. So, you are mixing one thing with another, and a lot more is going to happen. Everything humans have built and changed on Gaia will be destroyed because humanity must learn not to mess with the planet. One doesn’t change the course of rivers because everything is in balance. A river doesn’t exist there because it felt like it. Everything was created in perfect equilibrium by God Father/Mother. Then humans come along and think they have the right to change everything. And then, today, you complain about what you are going through on the planet. So, lessons must be learned. Then, many of you start asking me, “But wait, for the lesson to be learned, do you have to kill many people?” Oops! Let’s change the terms, because nobody here is killing anybody. You still think that everything that happens in the world has the hand of Father/Mother God. He is not sitting there with a wand, pointing it at every place, and destroying everything. Everything has already been built. Everything is being stirred up because it needs to be. It would take centuries if we stood here trying to explain the whys of the whys. But, eventually, you’ll realize that everything that happens is the fruit of what was planted there. But, then, many will also complain to me: “Oh, but it’s not our fault that those who invaded the planet did this to us. It’s not our fault!” No, it is never your fault. I keep saying, “There’s a cup of water on the table; will you drink that water?” It is your choice. No one has told you to drink it, but many look at it, take it, and drink it. So I’ve always said that evil has taken control of the planet, yes! But you agreed to it. You enjoyed what they gave you, and you still do today. Nobody forced you to do anything. Oh, no! But some will say that they were manipulated, and I agree with that. Now, hearts, where there is Light and only Love reigns, don’t allow themselves to be controlled. Manipulation happens when there is no love in the heart. Then there’s no reason. Evil dwells here because humanity loves it. So don’t tell me you’re saints and that nobody should be blamed for anything. But for now, it’s not about pointing fingers or judging. And that is not what is happening. Everyone is just reaping what they have sown. It’s as simple as that! That’s all there is to it.
Then It’s time to close windows and doors, be alone, and look within yourself, trying to understand every second: Where do I need improvement? How can I fill my heart with Love? What is required to love unconditionally? What am I supposed to do to prevent myself from judging? What do I have to do to avoid criticizing someone? How can I be a good human being? No one is required to answer them—no one but you; it must come from your heart. Then close windows and doors and hear your heart’s voice. This is the moment. Oh no! But there will be those who will tell me, “No, but I can’t forget that there are people out there who are suffering.” And I will repeat: don’t suffer the suffering of the other. Is this your suffering? It is not; it is the others’. So it’s time for you to close the door, close the window, and look at your heart. There will come a moment when you will get up, open the door, and go out. So you’ll meet a brother who needs help, and you’ll help him. But you don’t have to look for someone who needs help because he will come to you. Understand this: The time is for self-evolution. I will say what happens to many of you (many won’t like it): you like to worry about others. You fill your mouths with: “Na! I help everybody. I like helping everybody out.” And you really do. Perfect! But the heart is still that way. With yourself, nothing works, but you fill your mouth to say you do it for the other. What good is it if you can’t do it for yourself? Yes, you help others. Kudos! Now you go on; let’s say you get soap under your feet, the floor is slippery, and you’re trying to get out of that place; you can’t because you are more concerned about helping others. In thinking that by helping others, “I’m free of all my problems. I have nothing else to solve because I help others.” Interesting that way of thinking, very interesting. Many may say, “Ah, but then, are we living in a selfish time?” Maybe! I wouldn’t say selfish because selfishness is when you do something for yourself and hurt someone. When you look inside your heart and care for yourself, you’re not hurting anyone. On the contrary, you’re contributing to the planet’s evolution. So it’s not selfish; it’s called self-esteem—loving and caring for oneself. Mind your path first, then come towards the others. You have learned everything wrong. You have taught yourselves to “look out for the other, because then you have forgiveness.” All wrong! Nobody is forgiven anything for taking care of another. Forgiveness is something different.
So there’s no point in me coming here and saying, “Listen, it’s only a period. It will pass.” No! It will not pass. It’ll be tough and more challenging because you must learn from it. Learn to what extent you have done wrong that you cannot repeat in the Fifth Dimension. That’s all! It’s hard, isn’t it, my brothers? It’s hard to face the world that way. But, then, many may say, “You are passing on fear to us.” And I’ll tell you, you wouldn’t be afraid if your heart were full of Love. Everything I say here would not frighten you, for you would understand that every soul has made its own choice; that’s what I began to talk about in the beginning, and that it isn’t a matter of passing fear. It’s a matter of being true. We cannot say that all of a sudden the whole planet will bloom, that the sun will shine, that there will be no more illnesses, that there will be nothing left, and that everything will be beautiful and wonderful. It’s a lie! That is not what will happen. As I have already said, the lesson will be tailored to each of you. And then it comes back to that old saying: the world will collapse around you, but you will land on your feet. If, and only if, you trust. That’s it! So why be afraid? If you trust that the world around you may explode, but you will be there in one piece, nothing will happen to you. So learn to live in this new era. Learn to look at others’ suffering and realize there is a choice. That was the result. There is no punishment. There is no divine punishment. God does not punish anyone, nor does any Being of Light.Then teach yourself to look into your heart. Take the time to close the door, close the window, and look and listen to your heart. Only then will you feel ready for what comes, regardless of what it is. Knowing for sure that everything is happening the way it was chosen. Just that! We understand that often you can’t understand that. “What do you mean, a person chooses to suffer so much?” Ah, a soul chooses. Maybe because it has caused someone else greater suffering and wants to feel everything it caused? That is a point! Everything is the soul’s choice. And even these choices are not satisfied by the lifestyle it carries out, and the whole journey changes, attracting precisely what it didn’t want, due to what? Thanks to its bad choices.
So, my brothers, this moment, now, can never, ever be a time to feel fear. Now is a time to trust your path and what you are doing. Believe in your choices because every choice, if adequately made, prevents you from all, we might say, misfortunes that may happen to you, not that you’ll become completely immune. No, you will live through some of them, but smoothly and peacefully. You only need to choose to vibrate high. Don’t choose to live on the energy that is generated by so much suffering. When you decide to experience this suffering, you equalize your energies with the ones there and begin to live at the same frequency, forgetting that there is a path to be followed and an evolution to be made. So, again, now is the time to close doors and windows, be alone, talk to your heart, and listen to what it has to tell you deep down. Now, it is also important that, at this time, you accept to listen because, several times, you want to hear some things but your heart won’t tell you. So you get angry and do nothing else; they’re choices too, not problems.
So, my brothers, the path will have stones; it will have obstacles; it will have moments of pain; it will have moments of suffering, but all in the name of evolution, in the name of the journey that must be made for your expansion. It’s not suffering for suffering’s sake. It’s suffering for learning. And when the learning happens, everything is light, even the suffering. The tendency is that everything begins to resolve itself, that everything begins to clear up. Realize this. The more you face suffering with Love, the faster it will resolve; that’s what you must learn. Look at everything.The bad, especially the bad with Love, because there is a lesson screaming, “Look, you need to learn from me.” The problem is that many times you want to avoid learning. You would rather continue the suffering than have to change, to have to change something on your path. “Oh, not that. I’m not going to change.” Okay! So, be like if you had soap under your feet and it was slippery; you’ll be in the same place because that happens when you decide not to change—you don’t move. It’s such a simple result. So, think about it. Think about it a lot. Don’t expect us to come here and start talking about many nice things.I will be able to come here one day and talk about the Fifth Dimension—what you will have there that you don’t have here. I can, and I will! Maybe you’ll be encouraged to change and follow the right path to get there, knowing what you will find on the other side. That may cheer you up; it might. I don’t think so because you have great difficulty letting go of things that are not good. You like to keep everything under control because then you feel powerful. However, the more you let go, the lighter the ride gets. And you can take very high leaps and cover huge, much greater distances than if you were walking, just step by step, carrying that pile of stuff you pull behind you because you can’t let go. Because if you let go, what will happen? You carry the world on your back through your choices. Always them—choices.
So I will leave you today with that thought. It would be an exercise. No! No one will get a grade for the exercise, and you can do it with whomever you want. Whoever doesn’t do it won’t fail the year. It is a matter of choice to do it or not. So, the exercise will be precisely what I said from the beginning: take some time alone, isolated, with no one around. Difficult? Ah, difficult? Ah, you can do it. You can do it; you just have to want to. And in this isolation, let your heart speak. Preferably, write down everything your heart says—everything—and keep it. After a while, read it; don’t read it on the day you wrote it. Just write it down and put it away. For how long? It doesn’t matter; keep it for a while. And those who effectively want to move forward on the journey will one day read everything you wrote and say, “I did it; I have evolved!” Do this exercise, and you will see how much you can change when you decide to do it.
Stay with my energy and all my Love!