I will start our meeting today by saying this: each of you taking part in this whole process of the colony has yet to realize what it represents in your journey. Many of you are still contesting it; you think that things have effectively gone wrong because an Archangel worrying about drawing pictures and playing games is not in line; it’s not Me in any way. But I’m not too worried about that because what matters to me is seeing the heart of each one of you shining, seeing the inner child in each one of you laughing, coming back to life, coming back to existence. And many of you are feeling so well that it seems as if your problems have disappeared.
Ah, my brothers, as I always say, I don’t tie any knots. I answered the call of the one speaking because she was always worried, saying she had to do something to bring you back together: joy, companionship, and unity. The groups were withering, silent, with no reason to comment, and the channel commented on this. I felt and saw her heart suffering. I could never remain silent. We know what to do to raise your vibration. You have no idea how high you are vibrating just by going back to being a child. No, nobody here has stopped being an adult, taking care of their problems and their family or work. Only the joy and lightness are taking hold of you, and, effectively, this makes me realize more and more how important it is to maintain this colony. Unfortunately, I’m telling you that it can’t be eternal, but it will undoubtedly last a long time. Oh, you’ll laugh a lot. And that’s what I want. I want joy. I want vibration. But a vibration of light.
Some of our brothers might be sad and concerned, but it’s essential to understand that every place has ups and downs. Each place has its unique history and karma, and cleaning up the mess is necessary. Also, please remember that everyone is where they need to be, and their current situation is part of their journey. They are not there to have fun or take a vacation but to go through the experiences they need to go through. Therefore, it’s essential to understand that nothing can be changed according to what needs to be done.
My beloved, the Earth is going through a transformation, and for this to happen, it needs to cleanse itself of negative energy. This includes all energy found in the ground, in every location on the planet, and within all living beings. It’s important to understand that no place on Earth is 100% safe from this process. Any location can experience challenges and difficulties. Unfortunately, energy transmutation can involve pain, loss, and even death. This is a global process not specific to any particular region or group of people. The purification process is essential, and it will occur wherever it’s needed. This process is unique to each location and depends on the energy that needs to be transformed. Therefore, there’s no point in blaming God or thinking that certain places are unfairly punished. The energy of each city or neighborhood also has its collective consciousness, or egregore, which can also be transformed. Everyone affected by this process will go through what they need to go through.
Why do some pass and others don’t? Because those who don’t don’t have to. This, my brothers and sisters: you should get used to it. Your planet is changing, and much cleaning up will still be necessary. I’ve said it several times, but you don’t want to understand. Many are not on the side of the light, and those who are not on the side of the light will not stay on the planet. And it won’t be with the kind invitation that they leave. Understand as you will. Stop thinking everything happens is, “Oh, it’s just here.” No, it’s not just here. It’s everywhere on the planet. You only know some of the news.
It would help if you were aware of everything happening out there. So stop thinking that everything that happens to you is worse than others; no, it’s not. What needs to happen for the cleansing to take place happens. Each place will have its share. Now, I tell you there are various forms of cleansing, and not all areas are the same. There is cleansing through pain, through violence. “What do you mean, cleansing through violence?” Well, what does violence often cause? Death. It’s a cleansing. So, my brothers and sisters, don’t just focus on what happens to you. There are countless possibilities for things to happen, and there are infinite places on this planet for things to happen. Everything is in its own time. Everything is in its way.
In one of your meetings, I said a while ago that no one is better or worse than anyone else. There is no place that is better or worse. Everyone is equal before God Father-Mother. What each place carries is part of its history and its egregore. Unfortunately, some have a heavier egregore than others. But you are still going to see a lot of things happening.
So, do you understand why joy is needed? Why do you have to let your inner child come out? So that you can look at everything with love, resignation, and acceptance. Not with a complaint. Not with fear. Not with “Oh, that’s unfair.” Nothing is unfair. Everything happens as it should. Man planted, man is reaping. “Ah, but it’s none of my business.” No?. Everyone has something to do with everything. Don’t be a part of anything because everyone has a responsibility. Everyone is part of the whole. So there’s no such thing as, “Oh, this doesn’t belong to me. I didn’t create it, so I don’t care”. The whole belongs to you and everyone. And no one is left out. So, my brothers and sisters, fill your hearts with joy so that when sadness comes, it will be easier to bear, and the burden will be lighter. Why do children only like to play? Because they don’t think about problems, they don’t have problems to think about yet. So let them think about their problems when they arrive. Focus on what has yet to happen.
Look forward to every step of the way with joy. Vibrate joy.
Many people have asked me: “How can I feel joy if my brother is suffering?” I’ll answer your question: each of you reap what you sow. So, if you’re going to suffer the suffering of others, I’m sorry for you. That’s not how the world works. Everyone goes through what they have to go through. And understanding this is the first lesson of ascension: everyone reaps what they sow. It’s not your suffering that helps others’ suffering. So look at your path. Be joyful while the other is suffering. He is suffering because, at some point, he planted it; he has to go through that lesson. Your suffering won’t help him at all.
Learn to look ahead. How many times have I said this? Look forward, don’t look sideways. The site belongs to the person next to you, not to you. Take care of your path. Take care of your joy. If you have joy today, you’ve planted it, so you deserve joy. If the other person is in pain, they have planted it and experienced the result. You can show solidarity, not suffer the suffering of others. I’ve already told you, my brothers. Your intention is to help others? Bring them joy. Bring them something that makes them happy. If it helps you, do it. Now don’t suffer with them, because there’s no point.
So there’s no point in you answering me with ready-made phrases because they don’t resonate with me. And I repeat, “You’re unlearning what I’ve already taught you here.” everybody goes through what they have to go through. It’s not your suffering that will lessen others’ suffering. So, take a look at your path. Each one of you, have a look at your path. Consider this: If I have a group of 10 people, 2 of them are sad, then the other 8 look at those 2 sad people and feel sad for them. What happened to the vibration of this group? It has gone down because everyone is sad. And sadness is something that grows the more you feed it. So, this group, a good part of which was once happy, is now all suffering and sad. What happened to the vibration of the planet? It also dropped because that group is part of the whole. Consider another example: there are 10 people, 2 are sad, and 8 are happy. Those who are happy show solidarity with those who are sad but still happy. What has happened? The joy of those 8 people can create joy for those 2 people, and the planet’s vibration stays the same; it remains high and brings more joy to those who need it. So, in which situation do you want to live, the first or the second? I hope you choose the second.
There’s no point in magnifying the suffering of others. It would help if you didn’t think you suffer more than others because you’re not. Each person experiences suffering that corresponds to what they have sown. If you have sown little, you will reap little; if you have sown a lot, you will reap a lot. Everyone knows this rule. You won’t be the one to lessen the suffering they have to endure. Try to think about it and learn to observe everything that happens on the planet with your heart. “Oh, but can I send energy? Can I send love?” Yes, you should.
If you want to help, send love and positive vibrations, but don’t ask to change anything. Because what is happening has already been determined. When you send love and positive energies, you are lessening the suffering of those in the middle of the hurricane. The event takes a lot of energy to change, and anything already determined cannot be changed. Understand that. The Earth will be purified, I repeat. If you think all that is already happening is insufficient, wait, for you will see much more happening. So be ready. Each of you looks to your path. Show solidarity with those in need and do not suffer the suffering of others.
So, back to our colony. Today was a holiday, so there was no camp. Tomorrow, there will be more of a mess. So, what do I want? You’re going to open the paint bottles and place a little bit of color on the lid. If you start putting a dirty finger in one color and then in another, you’ll lose the original color. So, open the jars, paint the lid, and the game is on. Put your finger in one color, then in the other, and create a new color. Draw and make a big mess using all your fingers. Use your hand if you wish. I want a nice flowery drawing. Yes, draw flowers with the colors. Big flowers, small flowers, whatever you want. But use all the colors and mix them on the lid. When you’re done, clean the lids, and the colors will stay the same.
I’ll help you avoid making too much of a mess with the paint. We will put some paint in the lids tomorrow, not the whole lid. Then, we’ll mix the colors individually and draw lots of flowers of all colors. It doesn’t matter what kind of flowers, draw flowers. Also, look forward to next week. Those of you who still need to buy the clay, please do so because next week will be a lot of fun. I want all of you to have fun and joy and bring out the inner child that many of you didn’t even know existed.
How many people have saved their childhood? How many are now doing something they never had a chance to do? Isn’t that wonderful? Of course, it is. So come on, let’s have some fun. Leave everything else outside in the moment of drawing. Remember, you’re all in kindergarten together, just coloring. People need to learn to draw anything, paint, and create a mess. So focus on creativity and always hear your heart. Don’t criticize the drawings. There’s no ugly or beautiful. The drawing is yours; it’s the fruit of your energy. So it’s gorgeous, it’s you. So don’t stop criticizing it as beautiful or ugly; there’s no such thing. That’s the energy that went into it. If you can do it better, do it. You can repeat the tasks as many times as you like, and we’ll do it again after we’ve used all the material, we’ll do it again. Rest assured, my friends, this community will go far. It won’t last eternally, but it will go far. Because I like what happened with this group, I like how you raise your vibrations. This is wonderful for me. Let each of you express yourselves freely without judging or criticizing. Follow your heart’s desires; that’s the purpose. If anyone thinks I’m not the right person for this, it’s too bad because they’re missing out on a great opportunity. I don’t care. I know who I am, what I’m doing, and what I bring to this group.
Translation by Simarea Marques
Review by Helena do Lago Basile

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