I would say I am very calm today! I am relaxed! You may ask if I am worried? No! I am not concerned! Why am I so calm? Some time ago, some weeks ago, I said that we would change tactics because most minds were not ready to follow the walk to the Fifth Dimension. So, we would pause a little and start working with the souls! The decision could not be better! Your souls are receptive, collaborating all the time. This is why I am so relaxed! I am calm because the majority merely allow the journey to carry them away. Everybody liked the last week, I mean, everybody liked this last round! You just started and were sleeping! I never saw so much sleep! However, there is an explanation: the moment you surrendered to those fifteen minutes, you can’t imagine how many things happened! Making you sleep is the best thing in the world because you don’t get in the way of the work done. Maybe if you were awake, they could see something that would not be good for you. So, this was an excellent round!
Each round will be different. We are still planning what to do in the third round. Please, do not expect me to comment again about the rules of this journey. Some of you seem lazy to hear two videos and listen only to the meditation video. When you hear the comments about what is wrong or right, you ask about what has to be done. I don’t believe you haven’t learned to listen to what we are saying! It is astonishing! Each Ascended Master of this journey came here every day and talked a lot. Still, many did not hear! Why is it so difficult to admit that you are wrong? Honestly, the majority here has a very quiet ego; it is nestled in a corner. Then, what is problematic in admitting your errors? Why do you need to ask? “Look, I made a mistake, did I?” Why such difficulty? If you know you were wrong, why ask if you really made a mistake? Ah! I want to see if there is another way,” look, let’s forgive only this time!” It doesn’t exist with us! We don’t make exceptions for anybody! The rules are clear! So, learn to hear all videos, and you won’t have doubts! Suppose you are lazy and don’t want to listen to both videos. If you want to do just the meditation, then don’t disturb the others by asking what to do because you drive everybody mad! “But tell me I did this! I did this way! No! But I did this way, and now?” And everybody is desperate, trying to find an answer. And the answer was in the videos. Why is it so difficult to admit that you made a mistake? Nobody is in the Fifth Dimension here! You are aspirants to the Fifth Dimension! So, you make mistakes? You still make a lot of errors! Learn to accept that you do wrong things! Learn to accept your errors! You don’t have to ask: “Look, but I think that …” No! You are sure that you made a mistake. However, you must ask and try to find another way to do things! This doesn’t exist! There is no such a thing here! If you made a mistake, you must start the round all over again! Stop doing this! Why is it so difficult for you to understand? Each Master comes and explains; the other Master does the same, and another explains again, but you must always ask the same thing. I really can’t understand! However, let’s not blame only the ego because it is tranquil and tucked now. When you make a mistake, you are accustomed to saying: “Ah, I will tell a sad story. I will tell a little story that will make the one on the other side feel sorry for me and let me proceed wrongly in the journey.” Unfortunately, it does not happen! Stop doing this! Stop trying to make the other feel sorry for you, so the problem is solved, and you can go on wrongly. No! You cannot do this! Have you made a mistake? Start all over again. There is no other way.
Let’s grow up! “I did a wrong thing! Good! That’s all right! I will start again!” This is what you have to do! In your world, you are used to making ‘angel face’ for everything and asking with kindness to make people do what you want. However, with us, we don’t have such a thing. You can make whatever ‘angel face’ you want. We won’t change our minds. So, let’s learn to listen to what is said. Stop listening with the mind. Listen with your heart, and there will be no doubts, never. There are doubts because you hear with the mind! You listen, criticizing the rules we establish. You won’t go quickly this way. It also adds negative points. So, stop it. Did you make a mistake? Assume your error and do what you have to do. Don’t tell sad stories to try and change a rule because it is useless. The rule won’t change. Meanwhile, almost one month has passed. We had two weeks in the first round and two in the second round! Nearly two weeks because you are still in this week. You see how everything will be quick? In four months, you will virtually close the whole process.
So, my brothers, have you listened to today’s video? Ashtar was all sweetness! I confess he surprised me! I have never seen him so delicate when talking, so moderate with the words. He is pretty calm too. I think this is why we are all calm. We have no concerns. We are not anxious as you are with everything. Look to your world. So much is happening in your world. Most of you do not even know, but many things are happening. Things that, we can say, are preparatory for the significant change. And you are walking within a world where war is encouraged every day. It is interesting. We did our most to prevent it. We tried diplomatically, let’s say, but we failed because some rulers still have control and are not ready to lower their heads. Do not look outside of your window! Look what you sow inside of you and around you. The world outside is not beautiful and will get increasingly ugly. You can even open the windows and look at Nature, the sky, clouds, trees, flowers, and animals. Do not look to your world because your vibration goes down due to so much sorrow, sadness, suffering, war, hunger, and violence when you look to your world. So then, why look to the outside world? Look at everything that is at your vibration level. Look to Gaia. Everything connected to Gaia is in the same vibration as yours. See the animals with Love. You can look at them. They are ready to be close to you. However, do not look to the world outside. You should not be interested in the exterior world.
May use to answer: “Ah, but I have to go out in this world, I work, I leave my home, I live in this world.” I agree with you! I admit that many of you are still professionally active. However, if you leave your home and maintain your vibration high, you will be part of this world, work, and come back home holding your vibration. “Ah, but let’s say that all are vibrating low in transportation, and when I enter the transportation means, my vibration also goes down.” Does it? Why? If you believe in it, your vibration falls when you don’t trust your Masters around you! Your vibration falls when you leave your home without any protection if you don’t create a shield around you. I agree. Your vibration falls because you will match that energy around you. However, if you make your shields, vibrate high, think about good things, and don’t start your day complaining, you will come back home in peace. On the other hand, if you start complaining about everything like the other people, you will go back home at the end of the day with your vibration undermined. So, my brothers, you must choose your side.
We have already taught you a series of protections. You don’t need to be a therapist or be initiated in some technique to have protection. I have given you here the tube of Seven Masters. Do you use it? Most don’t! They forgot! Then you complain about arriving home tired, feeling bad because of the bad energy. That’s because you don’t protect yourself. “Ah, but I don’t know how the tube is!” Try the Masters that are around you. Do you call them? Do you ask your Masters to be in circles around you, protecting you against all evil? Do you ask your Guardian Angels to free you from all evil? Do you? Most of you don’t. You merely leave your homes and come back complaining. So, my brothers, choose the side you want to be! It seems you forget everything we say here. You do not apply these things and then complain about what is happening to you. Well, this is a slight scolding. It is not a big scolding. Just a finding. You must protect yourselves. You must have all possible protection around you; it is never too much. Call all of us and the Masters. Call the Ascended Masters. Call the Guardian Angels. Call whomever you want. We will be next to you. So, choose on what side of this world you want to be; on the side of those on that road, walking step by step but walking towards the ascension, or do you want to walk in circles like the world outside? What do you want? So, do not mix with the world outside. Be always protected. Vibrate high! Do not enter discussions or fights. If you hear something unfair against you, do not argue. What’s the use of this? The problem is not yours. The problem is with those who unjustly accused you. It is not a shame to be quiet, not reply. You will do good for yourself. Those who unjustly accused you already have a debt for him. Don’t want to be better than anybody or assert your egos again. They are so quiet! You managed to let their egos relatively low, almost invisible. So, what’s the use of being right? Why do you have to be on top? What’s the benefit of being the owner of the truth? This is ego! Or better, it was ego! So, I hope you have learned this lesson. Sananda has been doing magnificent work with his letters. I hope you are learning what is needed to live in this world. It is enough being just and emanating Unconditional Love all the time. Without mixing with those outside, those whose vibrations are not like yours.
One thing must be clear: you don’t have to be saints. Some of you are used to seeing things radically. “Ah, I don’t eat animals anymore. I don’t drink spirits anymore. I don’t drink those junk that they sell around. I don’t do this. I don’t do that.” Then, I ask you: how is your mind? Are you doing things with equilibrium and acceptance? Or are you doing it because somebody told you to do it? Maybe I said this. Then I will tell you that everything needs only one thing that is equilibrium. Obviously, it is good to avoid eating and drinking those things. It is suitable for your bodies that are getting cleaner but don’t do it when inside you are longing for just one sip, just a bit. This does not exist, my brothers. You must have balance. All you stop gradually eating leaves your body. You don’t feel any unbalance or stress because you gradually lose the habit. Everything is a matter of habit. It is not because you think, “today, I feel like eating something, but I won’t eat.” Things don’t work that way because your body asked for that deep inside. So, don’t be radical. Another important point is don’t judge those who don’t act like you. Many of you like proudly to say, “no, it’s been three hundred years that I don’t eat anything that comes from an animal. Why? Why judging? The other person is you? Are you the other person? So, there is no judgment involved. Each one knows … you have an expression that says, “Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches.” I don’t use shoes, but it seems adequate in this context. So, don’t judge the other because he cannot do what you do. You are one. Each one thinks one way. And you, who are super radical, are doing good or trying to appear what you are not just to prevent finger-pointing: “Look, he still eats animals.” So, be careful. Do not judge anybody. You must lose your habits slowly, so your bodies don’t feel. Many of you cut some foods but don’t substitute for anything and become sick. So, everything needs what I am always saying here: equilibrium. It is not because somebody is eating something of animal origin that this person will not ascend. I have already told you here: the more junk is in your body, the more painful the ascension. I told you this before, and I emphasize it now. Do you really think you won’t feel anything? Many changed habits recently, and what about the rest of your lives? Where has it gone? Ah, it doesn’t matter? Yes, it does. And a lot. So, everybody will feel some little pain. There is no other way, no way out. The pain will be proportional to the contamination with everything. I will not deny it. However, stop judging the others. Each person changes and improves habits in their own time. Another thing, don’t tell tomorrow: “Archangel Michal liberated everything. We can eat whatever we want!” Did I say this? I don’t believe so. Please don’t twist my words, you who only wanted a reason to eat everything. I am saying that you must have equilibrium and lose the habit gradually. That’s what I meant.
Well, I talked a lot, and today I want to give you a present. Gaia is walking, and there is no need to change the timeline. Everything is happening precisely as it should. So, today I will teach you something, a straightforward thing. It will help you pass through this journey feeling better and better. It’s simple. I don’t know if all of you will like it, but I will give you two options. You will drink a cup of tea every day. It does not have to be more than one cup of rosemary or mint tea. You chose! If you find that rosemary is too scented, and it is, you may substitute it with fennel. So, prepare the tea without sugar, and drink at least one cup a day. What’s the purpose of it? I will explain. Some herbs have attractive properties in terms of energy. You already use rosemary for cleaning and spraying in closets. I am using important terms here. I am learning them. I keep a dictionary around the whole day, looking at the words, but I listen when you talk, and I have learned a good vocabulary. So, these three herbs I mentioned have exciting properties. One of them is the property of energetic cleansing. You can drink the tea before going to bed, when you wake up, or during the day. In other words, there is no time. Before you start asking: “if I fail one day, what happens?” Imagine if I said that you must have a cup each day, and if you fail, you will have to drink the cups retroactively. It would be funny! You would drink barrels of tea. This is just a guideline. You don’t want to drink tea every day? It is all right. Do you want to drink every day? It’s fine. Do you want to drink tea many times a day? It’s all right. Do whatever your heart is asking. It can be cool, hot, warm, it doesn’t matter. As you wish. “Ah! Can I make the tea, leave it in the fridge and drink it slowly ?” Yes, you can. It will be interesting because it is refreshing and you drink it during the day. Each will do its own way. So, this is a small contribution I am leaving with you for the energetic cleansing of your bodies.
Now, let’s do a small meditation. No, as many of you were expecting, we won’t go to the Fifth Dimension today. However, I want to elevate your frequency so that you maintain the violet energy, which was put inside of you for a more extended period until the beginning of the next turn. Just put your feet on the ground. If you are using shoes, I prefer that your feet are directly on the floor. I will give you some time for you to take off your shoes. Let’s go. Breathe deeply. Roots start leaving the middle of your feet, which go firstly to your Earth Star chakra, then directly to the heart of Gaia. The heart of Gaia is a giant shining crystal. Gaia will feel all the roots touching her heart. Now. she will return all her Love to you through your roots. This energy coming from Gaia’s heart arrives at your feet. It goes up and up through your legs and lower abdomen, fills your entire body, arms, neck, and head, and continues above the infinity, leaving through your coronary chakra. You are entirely filled with Gaia’s energy. Now, I am in front of each of you. Don’t worry, you don’t have to see me, just pay attention to what you are doing. I put my Sword on your head. My energy mixes with Gaia’s energy. A big whirlwind happens inside your body, throwing away everything that should not be there and contaminating your body. The whirlwind decreases slowly, and you see yourselves internally with beautiful blue energy, which bathes the interior of your body. Now, I remove the Sword from your heads. Join your hands as a prayer, and I will put my Sword in between your hands. Feel the force. Now, repeat with me: I AM A LIGHT BEING! I AM A LIGHT BEING! I AM A LIGHT BEING! Now I remove the Sword from between your fingers. You can lower your hands. My energy mixed with Gaia’s energy will remain inside you for some time. As you walk, this energy will dissipate. Those who will go to bed after this will maintain it longer. However, don’t worry because both energies won’t entirely dissipate. They will involve your hearts in strips of light, spinning around them, and remain there. If you keep your heart vibrating high, vibrating the Unconditional Love, this energy will stay there. Otherwise, it will dissipate as fast as you emanate low vibration energies. So, stay illuminated and elevated, and this energy will remain in your hearts.
Don’t give up my sons and daughters! Always follow the way I have taught you.
I AM SANANDA! I come now to add to this energy in your hearts and energy of red color, which will add to the white energy of Gaia and the blue energy of Michael. They will stay in your hearts for the time you allow them. Keep yourselves in faith and Love. Whatever may come in your world, never doubt the journey you are doing. Never question where you are going. Vibrate unconditional Love. Have faith and confidence, and indeed, very soon, you will see that your world is different. You will be in an ascending walk to the Fifth Dimension, and the rest of your world will be in a walk that will take them outside of the planet. So be ready in your hearts. The energies that we put in your hearts will help you pass through everything to come. Not in disdain or indifference but with confidence because you know that each has already laid out the path. Each will have chosen to maintain this energy in your hearts as long as you can. Repeat this meditation if you feel that your hearts are unprotected. We are always with you. Never doubt it.
I AM SANANDA! I came to this world to bring Christian Love. My mission is almost done, and indeed I will complete it with all the Love I got for this planet. Those who vibrate this same Love will be with me soon in the Fifth Dimension.
Sananda came to close our meeting today. We are with you, never doubt it. Be ready for what is right there ahead.