I’m delighted. I am. There’s no other way to be. Some might say: “But how can he be happy when so many problems exist?” Here’s what I’m going to tell you: Turn off the news source, and you will see how beautiful the day is, how the sun shines every day in the sky, how the air is available for you to breathe, how there is food on your tables for you to consume. Of course, unfortunately, we cannot put everyone on the same level. Some people have a lot of difficulties.
I like to use images to tell stories. It is easier for you to absorb what I say. So, let’s start the story. It’s a big road where everybody’s going their way. It’s a vast road; you can’t measure the width of it. It’s an extensive road, but it’s getting thinner and thinner as you go along because people need to catch up. You are going on a trip and know you will walk a lot. This journey will have rainy, sunny, hot, and cold days. The first step is to bring along suitable clothes. How are you going to carry all these things? A small vehicle? A bicycle? Something you could even exercise on and take all the things you need for the walk. Ah, a tent would be good to sleep in, and you wouldn’t have to worry about the animals around.
First and foremost, you need plenty of water, which you must often replenish to maintain a good supply. So, if you’re going on this kind of trip, planning is necessary; you need to be careful with everything you put in your luggage so that everything is at the right time. You have to think about everything: a good flashlight and something to make a fire.
This journey is the journey of your soul, where you have not worried much over time. Still, at this moment, your souls are very worried about everything you are storing up for this journey. Why is that? Because you cannot make any more mistakes. It is your last chance to take this path and get where you need to go. There will not be another chance, not on this planet. You have already planned this over time. Some souls have prepared themselves, walked the line, managed to discard everything negative that they have done, practiced good actions, and practiced good thoughts. Today, they arrived with essential and complete luggage. Everything they think and need will be in that luggage for the journey. But some are those playful souls who don’t care about anything: “Ah, come on, I’ll have someone lend me something, and I’ll take it. Those souls didn’t care much about the journey; they always relied on others to go forward. Today, when they are on their way, they have nothing in stock, water, clothes, and nothing, and they start to fall behind. I am not saying that those by your side are not helping you. They are. But there are certain things that everyone must have; you can’t bring them for others. Now, for those, there will be no path; they will not leave the place. They will try and try and try, and they won’t move.
What am I trying to tell you with this little story? When you’ve incarnated on this planet, each of you already had your suitcase packed, and you already knew exactly how you would walk this path. Let’s put it this way: no soul was deceived or promised anything somebody could not fulfill. Everything happens in the best way. So those souls who didn’t want to follow the path said at the moment of incarnation: “When it gets tough when it gets bad, I want out.” And the will was done and respected. They are going. Where to? Oh. I can’t give you that answer. Many are eager to take the trams because they will continue with the same life and walking project they had here, and others are pleased to go to the new world in the future.
The story will always be the same. We will repeat this to exhaustion. Each of you is where you need to be. Each of you will go through what you must go through. You may have packed a good suitcase and packed your luggage many times, and along the way, because of some bad weather, you lost everything and were as lost as those who had nothing. But it won’t be impossible for you to stay on the road. It will depend on your path, and it will depend on your merit. The universe itself will give you what you have lost. So, there is no suffering or pain for what the other is going through. Everyone will go through what they have to go through. That is it. So, if many chose to be born in a place where there was a raging river that was going to flood the whole city and kill everybody, that soul knew that. It chose to be there, and it decided to die that way. No hard feelings.
There is no punishment. Everybody was there because it was the choice of those souls to be in that city, near that river. And that justifies every other phenomenon on the planet. There is no deception; everybody knows what they are going through. Everybody knows how they choose to leave, and that is respected. But you don’t understand. The attachment, the need to judge, to think that everything is punishment, prevents you from seeing what is so simple. No. We are not insensitive. We can sense the pain you feel at the loss of a loved one. We are not insensitive beings. We don’t see death the way you do. From our point of view, losing a physical garment is a moment of joy because another soul becomes free. And that liberated soul will be able to choose the path that it wants. You won’t be bound to anything. But you don’t see it that way. The attachment you feel is what brings you suffering and despair. What more can I say? Be ready. That’s all I can say.
If you think that everything is intense and weird, that everything on the planet is out of balance, you haven’t seen anything. It doesn’t mean everyone is going through the same things. Of course not. Every soul has a journey, has sown, and will reap. There’s nothing that can change that. So, because So and So lost everything, it doesn’t mean I will lose it too. No. There is no such thing. It was So and So’s way to lose everything. There’s a lesson for that soul. Let’s imagine how many people this soul has taken everything from (we can put it that way), and through the laws of action and reaction, it feels what it has caused. Is that punishment? No. It’s just reaping the energy that it planted in other people. And that is another mistake you make. You only see the present life. Forget the past; forget what your souls did back then.
So, my brothers, the time has come for each one to live his path and pay attention to it. There is no need to follow someone else’s path. You still have this terrible habit of living according to other people’s opinions. Where does it say that following what other people say is best? Somewhere. And other people’s opinions are often not good for the person giving the opinion, let alone the other person. But you are so dependent, you cannot do things alone: “No, I have to depend on the group.” What does the group say? If the group says orange is the same as banana, I know it’s not.
Still, if the group says it is, I will repeat that orange is the same as banana because I won’t be alone in talking about the idea that orange is different from banana. I don’t want to be the one who disagrees. No. I have to follow the big group. That’s what you do. But whose walk is it? Is it the group’s, or is it yours? And so you make decisions guided by others, never by your heart. Sometimes, your heart screams, showing you the way, but you say, “No. No, I’ll follow someone else. He is right.” And your heart withers away because it tried to warn you, but you didn’t listen. When will you stop listening to others and listen to your own heart? When? When will you stop complaining that you don’t hear, that you don’t see, that you don’t feel, that you can’t know, that no, no, no? It’s just no. Until when? How long will you not believe anything we say? Oh. Until the moment, as you say, the rope tightens, then you run towards us. When the rope tightens, you know how to pray and believe we will help you. But you ignore everything we tell you, and you do the opposite. I want to tell you this: I’ve never given up coming here, I’ve never given up teaching, and even though some of you attack me a lot, I don’t care. And why? For I am pure, unconditional love. I don’t care if they judge if they don’t believe; I don’t care. My role is to give the divine message, to help them see the path. Now look who wants it. If you don’t want to see it, don’t see it. But I will continue here.
I’ve been here for a while now, and I’ve changed the lives of many. No, just me. Me, in the beginning. But, with the wisdom of Sananda, Maria, Ashtar, and many other Beings who have arrived here, you have learned a lot. And those who listen to what we say with their hearts, not their minds, change their lives. Learn to listen with your heart. As Ashtar said yesterday: “Where will the truth be?” Will you know how to distinguish? Where will the truth be? If someone shows up tomorrow, another person channels me, and I say many things about the new world. Will it be true or false? How will you know? I answer: Asking the heart. Not the mind. Their minds will be unable to answer whether it is true or false. Now, the heart never makes mistakes, never makes mistakes. Because your hearts are full of Divine Sparks, your hearts carry the Divine presence within you. So, there is no lie; there is only the truth.
So, learn to listen to your heart. The way to reach the heart is short. See the distance from your mind to the center of your chest; it is a short way, not a long way. See yourself inside your heart, create what is necessary in your mind, and ask the question, and you will know whether it is accurate or a lie. Start by asking questions that you know the answer to and that you know what the truth is. Ask questions you know are lies to learn to trust your heart. I’ve noticed that many are now thoughtful, even worried. I want to bring these questions for you to think about. It is not equality in the amount of suffering that each person will go through. Each person will go through what they have to go through. And I say more: Some will not pass; they will ascend quickly without problems. So, it is also not true that everyone will have problems. No. Suppose you are preparing yourself, throwing away many things inside you, getting rid of the burdens you carry, and doing a series of procedures to elevate yourself. In that case, there is nothing more to go through. The walk will be light, easy, and peaceful. Now, if you are reluctant with everything, don’t trust anything, and do everything for the other person’s mind, what will happen to your journey so that you can learn? You will have to go through a lot to learn these lessons; there is no way.
So, as always, the choice is up to everyone. Everyone knows the path to take. Do you want to follow the path that will take you to the Fifth Dimension? Excellent. “Oh no. I want to walk the path that will give me what I already have today, that I don’t want to lose.” It’s also great. No one will force anybody into anything because we respect your free will. Make your decisions. But don’t make decisions based on other people’s heads. If you need to make a decision, make it with your heart. Listen to the heart. Don’t go through anyone’s head. The walk is yours. Your soul is you, and you are your soul, not the other. So, learn to listen to your heart. So, not to say that I left you only worried, apprehensive, and some would even say, afraid, why afraid? Fear of what? From suffering? I’m sorry to tell you that there is nothing to do about this. You will go through what you have to go through, period. Now, if you are afraid and don’t trust, do you think it’s unfair to go through suffering? Careful. Because you are planting this too. Now, if you surrender and try to raise your vibration, believing that everything you go through is for your good, you will make your journey lighter and lighter. And, perhaps, that suffering that, at first, would be heavy, you will take away (as you say) quickly. So, realize that everything is a choice. You decide how to face the problem. Taking the issue and putting it in your pocket and looking at it later is not a good move because it will be ten times bigger when the problem leaves your pocket. So, don’t let go of what you have to resolve. Don’t let go of the issues that you have to decide. But, I repeat: Always listen to your hearts.
But I will leave you with a small meditation today, and you can do it anytime. There is no time shift. At any time, you can stop and do it. It’s straightforward and effortless. I won’t repeat the joke from last time. (Vânia drank water) Let’s go. Each of you will get a glass of water. No, not now. You will take it later and do the meditation. So, the meditation has not yet started. I want you to get a glass of water before starting. Regular water, standard glass, big glass, small glass, it doesn’t matter. A glass of water that you can drink at the end. It won’t be like the one in Sananda, where you find out if you’re sick. It’s not that. It’s something a little different. Then, you will have a glass of water before meditation. Very good. And I’m warning you: Wait, don’t be stressed. Tomorrow, the meditation will be separate from the video because she will make a video process, play a little music, and do something extraordinary to share with you. So, there is no despair and no rush; learn to have things at the opportune moment. She will do it and pass it on to you. Well, you will have a glass of water in front of you. So, I will always speak in the first person as it is easier.
Place the glass of water in front of you. If you are lying down, place the cup next to you, next to where you are. If you are sitting, hold the glass of water and put it between your hands. Breathe deeply three times. Feel that from the top of your head, an energy begins to descend, penetrates your head, goes down your neck, goes down a little more, and focuses on your heart. This energy is the energy of Father/Mother God. And your heart, not the physical heart, is the spiritual one in the center of your torso. Notice that your spiritual heart begins to fill with this energy. It fills, fills, and begins to fill your torso, and this Light fills your arms, fills it, and reaches your hands. This energy will be fluidifying the water in this glass. At this point, ask whatever question you want. This energy that is in my heart will fill you with Light. After asking the question, imagine that your heart has become immense. It got so big that it covered you. You are inside him, a little inside his heart. And you see an intense light, just that. Repeat the question and wait for the answer. Perhaps many will not hear the answer, but you will certainly feel that your heart squeezes you, as if you were uncomfortable inside it, corresponding to a “no.” Suppose this heart expands, and you feel so comfortable inside it that you don’t want to leave. In that case, that will be your “yes .”After getting the answer, notice that your heart empties, and you return to exactly where you were. Your physical body returns to normal. You can drink the water from the glass at the end of this process. The purpose of the water will be to seal away any doubts, anything that prevents you from having an answer. And if you do not have the answer within your heart, believe that this is not the time for you to have it. Just wait, and one day, you will have the answer.
So, as you can see, it’s a small meditation. It is more of a procedure than a meditation. And I tell you more, if you repeat this constantly, there will come a point where you have a doubt every time. You can go into your heart and ask the question there. Everything is training, like physical exercise; the more you do, the more your body responds. So, if you do this often, it becomes easy for your brain. And if you want to know anything quickly, you can go to your heart and see the answer without even needing a glass of water. Just get started. Could you do it? As I said, with questions that you know the answer to so that you understand how your body will respond, there is no doubt. Enjoy. And always remember: If the answer doesn’t come, it’s not time for you to know the answer. But try it. I would like you to try it.
So, tomorrow, she will take this excerpt from the meditation and create a separate meditation. So be patient. Tomorrow, you will have it. And I say once again to each one of you: Anxiety and worry lead to nothing. The great wisdom is to live in the moment of the here and now. Learn to live in the present, vibrating high, Light, and love. And for sure, tomorrow will be much better than what was outlined a while ago. Every time you change the present time for the better, you are acting in the future because you are planting, in the now, what you will experience in the future. So, understand that if you plant fear, doubt, suffering, complaint, or discord, you are growing it here and now, in the present time, and what will you reap in the future? It’s the same as what you planted. Remember that.
I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL. Remember that you have my sword. Use it to eliminate doubts and fears. It would help if you used the sword. It is not to stay on the wall like a painting but for you to use. Use it a lot. And, of course, you will be planting a much lighter future.
Translation by Helena do Lago Basile