Archangel Michael Live 02-08-2023


I see some happy hearts, some not so much. But, my brothers, at this moment, I would like all to make an effort to let the problems out of your minds. Let us imagine. No, we are not meditating. But let us imagine each one, now — look at the invitation I am making — each one is now on a stunning mountain with much green, birds singing, on a cottage’s balcony. Guess where — lying on the hammock! No, today I want you to lie on the hammock and be very comfortable. I just do not know if there is juice for everyone to drink. But, by all means, place yourselves on that hammock and see yourselves in this place. It is a place of much pleasure, of much beauty, mild weather, neither hot nor cold, birds singing, there may be a river sound, a waterfall sound. May each one create his own around his cottage. But try to be lying down, very relaxed. You just cannot fall asleep. Because, then, you will not listen to what I will say. But it is a moment of relaxation. It is a moment to forget what happens outside of this environment. Leave everything out, everything very far away. Let us focus on this wonderful environment. 

So, I would say to each of you that a moment of peace, a moment of light, is possible. I understand that worldly preoccupations take up a hundred percent of your mind throughout the day. What about you start doing a little exercise? When you wake up, get ready, put on your protections, be grateful for another day to live, and, at that moment, there is nothing to think of, only gratitude — only being grateful! Just getting ready, putting on the armor, the swords, the stones, whatever you want — a moment of preparation. When you get out of bed, the day begins. 

So, another exercise: breakfast. No, do not comment on your problems. Gather the family around the table. Comment on the warm or not-so-warm bread or on those who, unfortunately, do not have bread. Comment on that moment of union. But complain about nothing. Bring no problems to the table. If there is nothing to comment on, remain silent. But have your first meal light-headed, with no issues on your head. I tell you, my brothers, the first meal of the day is the restitution of what was spent at night. Many think that, at night, your bodies gain weight because they do nothing. So, I say to you that it is precisely the opposite. What do your bodies do while you are asleep? You have no idea! Why? Because your souls do not stay sleeping with you. The souls go out, go to work. Indeed, they go out to work on the missions they have. Therefore, the soul also gets tired. It also loses energy. And from where does it get the energy to sustain itself? From your physical body. And every single action the soul carries out demands much energy because it is not physical. It is a piece of your body, but it is not physical. So, everything it goes through and lives it draws from the physical body. Therefore, during the night, your physical body tries to maintain all that equilibrium so that the soul is all right. So, what would the first meal be? The restitution of the energy spent. And I will tell you more: Many of you have the terrible habit of skipping this first meal. I say to you that that is an error because the body needs to get nutrition and energy. Oh! And, please, do not exchange the most healthy breakfast possible for the junk you eat on the street with other, other, other, and other garbage! You are ripping your bodies apart. The body wants energy, but clean energy not junk!

Therefore, my brothers, rethink breakfast. It has to be the physical body’s restitution. It is the moment when your mind is still finishing arranging everything it did during the night. It is, let us say, it is as if the entire soul experience was now being stored in the physical body. “Oh! But I do not remember anything!” Right! You do not remember anything, but I assure you that it happens. Therefore, when you are in the first hours, the body is still organizing everything it received freshly, coming through your soul. And it needs energy — clean energy. Therefore, two recommendations: have breakfast and do not eat garbage at breakfast. Why am I calling it garbage? Those are things you can eat throughout the day; they are not to be eaten in the morning. Try to eat correctly in the morning. A good breakfast brings the necessary restitution to your body for everything it lived at night. And you will have an exciting day in a good mood. 

But, many times, you go through the day dull, almost without any strength, and ask yourselves: “But why am I not feeling this way? I slept well. Why am I like this?” I reply: Because even your breakfast was poor for everything your body lost. And I will tell you more: Your souls are very active, working a lot. Therefore, my brothers try to make a good meal. Try to eat as healthily as possible. Do not suppress certain things from your breakfast. I know there are preferences. And I assure you that there are preferences so peculiar that I am surprised by how you harm yourselves with the quantity of bad things you eat. It is surprising! I would say that this first meal should be the cleanest possible because it has to carry energy to the body, but a clean, healthy energy. But many only eat garbage. 

I have been saying for a long time: You will cry later, my brothers. Do not think the change in your body will not come with that charge of rubbish you eat. If you maintain a healthy diet, the change will be painful but bearable. Now, for those who fill the body with garbage, I am telling you: You will suffer greatly with the change because there is a lot of rubbish there. My brothers, there is no need to stop eating everything overnight. There has to be reasonableness. There has to be a boundary. You may eat garbage. But do not do that daily, at all times. We understand that, for you, diet is a very complex issue because not everyone has the means to eat pure and healthy food. Therefore, what will you do? Starve? No, you will eat what you have. We understand that, as long as you have a reasonably controlled diet, though. It is not wanting to eat the entire cart of the boy who sells the garbage at once. Have boundaries. Set boundaries because, then, you generate less rubbish. 

Your bodies are changing. You cannot eat many things you used to eat before. Some bodies are becoming rebellious: “I do not want this thing here anymore!” And they throw out. You feel sick, and that does not go down well anymore. I would say they are bodies with a personality! They are bodies that are not letting you lead them anymore. They are taking the reins of their own journey because the body knows what it is going through with the change. Therefore, observe the things you eat that do not go down well and are not good. Avoid them. It is the body warning: “Look, I do not want this anymore.”

So, my brothers, these are little pieces of advice and ideas that many think are nonsense. Many might even say here: “What? Is the Archangel talking about food? Did he turn out to be someone who knows about nutrition?” Look, I would tell you that I really do not know about nutrition as you know it. But I know about everything that harms your body because we see it. When you wake up, your aura is beautiful, glowing, and clean. Then, what do you do? You eat a lot of garbage. What happens to your aura? It stops glowing. It starts to dim, without any glow, because you have eaten things unhealthy for your body. Therefore, it starts to lose its glow. So, do you think we do not see that? We see it all the time. We see everything that you got used to eating and addicted to drinking. We see all that. Therefore, we do not need to be a doctor in nutrition to know what is good and what is bad. And I am telling you: The first meal is the most important these days because it restores the energy your soul spent during the night. Oh! And there is no point in telling your soul: “Stay still. Do not go out.”; because they do not obey. They all are involved in a greater good, which is the planet’s ascension. And each one is doing its part. What are they doing? Oh! We cannot tell you that. But, one day, you will know because you will start to remember all the places you have been to during the night. 

When we talk about these things, my brothers, it is precisely to help you maintain a purer and more balanced body. Drink a lot of water because water helps to get rid of the garbage. Now, you eat, eat, eat, and do not drink water. Then, what happens? You put on weight, weight, weight. And I have also already said that, with that, you make transformation more difficult each time. You think — and I know this crosses the mind of many here — you will go into a machine, chubby, and come out thin on the other side, with a stunning, wonderful, and perfect body. Look, I can tell you that that machine has not been invented yet at any point in the universe because everything you do wrongly against your bodies comes back, my brothers. It returns. So, it would be very interesting if you stuffed yourself with garbage, went into the machine, and came out beautiful and healthy. Everyone would be like that, on that wave, eating unruly. Then, you would go into the machine and come out thin and beautiful. It would be easy and good, right? It would not be because you are misleading yourselves. 

Transformation is already taking place. “Oh! But I do not feel anything.” It’s good for you that you do not feel anything. It means there is a certain equilibrium in your body. Now, many feel very uncomfortable and do not know why. They just feel something is bothering them, but they do not know what it is. Therefore, start to take care of your body yesterday, the previous year, ten years ago, and you are already late. 

So, continuing with my train of thought. Is everyone awake? Do not sleep. So, you have a nutritious and energetic breakfast. When I say energetic, with no garbage, do not misunderstand me. It is something that carries pure energy, clean energy. Very well! Then, you start the day, you go to work, take care of the house, take care of the children, each with his obligations, each with his adversities, each with his problems. Very well! Then you spend the day complaining, working, insulting others, complaining about transportation, complaining about food, complaining about colleagues, complaining about the boss. I see all that. Am I lying? If I am watching each of you, I see all that. There are only complaints! It is what you mostly do throughout the day: complaining. You complain about everything! Nothing is good. Everything is a reason to complain. Very well! Then, you return home. What kind of energy are you taking home? A clean, healthy, light energy? Or are you instead bringing inside the house a train full of stones? And worse! Many arrive home, and the complaining litany goes on because they insist on telling those who were not together with them everything that occurred. And those who were at home, in turn, will also describe what happened to them, complaining a little more. And then, the conflict time comes, the complaining time, because a mixture of awful energies, heavy energies, is set around the family. Then come the quarrels, the arguments, and many other things. 

So, I would ask you to learn one more little thing. There is a door to enter your house. As far as I can tell, no one enters through the window. You enter through the door. Therefore, before you put your hand on the lock — on the door handle — to open the door, do not open it right away. Look back and leave the train outside the house. 

Grab the complaints bag and throw it far away.

Grab all your fatigue and leave it in Gaia.

Ask Gaia to draw your fatigue.

Fill your heart with light until it glows!

Then, yes, you can open the door and enter your house. 

And, then, there is another side. Those who were at home were already inside. But they will also fill their hearts with light to create a new family moment. A moment to laugh, a moment to watch a good movie together, a moment to say amusing things. “Oh! But we cannot live without addressing the problems.” I will get to it. 

So, that moment of looking at your house and seeing the place where you are now lying: that cottage on a beautiful mountain, and you arriving tired and lying on the hammock to rest. Look at your houses and see this image in which you are now. You left everything outside: anger, sorrow, resentment, everything was left outside. At the moment, you are now swaying on the hammock. Everyone is united, talking with the atmosphere created in this environment: an atmosphere of light, of joy. 

All right! There are problems to solve as a family. You might even talk about them because the atmosphere is favorable to new solutions, fantastic solutions. It is favorable for problem-solving because everyone has an enlightened heart. 

The moral of this story: If you have a problem at home, at work, wherever it may be, who is living the problem? It is you. Therefore, do not spread your problem to others when you arrive home. It is your problem. If you are having trouble, it is probably a lesson to learn. And who needs to learn? You. Therefore, live the problem alone. You created the problem. Oh, yes, because no problem comes without you kicking it off. Therefore, live your problem yourself. Do not wish to share with others something they have nothing to do with. It is your problem. 

Now, if a problem affects the family or the group, the issue may be addressed after that moment of relaxation and rest on the hammock. And that will quickly bring the solution because there is love, harmony, and peace. 

And to wrap up this long story: With what feelings do you go to sleep? With good feelings, because the problems were solved, your house is pure harmony and pure serenity. You will lay your head on the pillow and sleep. And your soul will leave light and joyful to its activities, and a new day will start tomorrow. 

So, let us now return to the movie. You arrive home, do not do anything of that which I told you, and are already venting all your anger, all your hate, all your discontentment. And that one, who was at home and also had his problems, also vents them. After all, he will vent on you if you vented on him. There is nothing fairer. And what happens? A pleasant environment? Will there be any agreement in that environment? Will there be peace? Will there be harmony? Certainly not. And you will sleep with a heart full of anger, a heavy heart, an exhausted mind, and you will have a terrible night. And what about your soul? Do you think the soul can leave when you are in this state? No, it does not leave because your body is in such disequilibrium, in such disorganization, that your soul cannot leave the body. In other words, what have you caused? I will say something amusing: the soul will miss work, and its boss will quarrel with it the next day. That might be amusing, but talking seriously, you prevented your soul from acting where it had to. Therefore, see what you bring about to your lives. If so many here think that all this I am talking about is a bunch of nonsense, that it is easy for me to talk because I do not live, because I do not have a family, because I do not have a job, because I do not have any problems, I will reply with what I said a while ago. I really do not have anything of that. But I see the state to which your bodies get. Therefore, I already have enough background to talk. Now, it is like I have always said. My brothers, I am here talking. No, I am not saying I waste my time because I do not have time. To me, time is always the present, the here and now. I am not worried about time. Therefore, I will talk about what is always more correct for you. Although many laugh, shrug their shoulders, turn their backs, and do the exact opposite of what I said. And, then, I will reply to you: those who sow, reap. Therefore, what will those who sow improvement in their lives, those who sow pursuing harmony, peace, and serenity in their houses, get in return? More of the same. Now, likewise, what will those who seek quarrels, arguments, and disagreements actually attract? A lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot more of the same. It is your choice, my brothers. I really do not have to go through any of that. I never have and never will. But I can guide you on how to follow the right path. 

So, I ask each of you: Isn’t it good to be there now, on that hammock, relaxed, in this paradisiacal place you just created? Many will answer yes. Therefore, make your houses this paradise. The world may be falling apart out there. But inside your houses, there is harmony, peace, and love involved. And when there are these feelings inside the house, nothing matters out there because everything was left out there, and it is out there it has to be. Your house needs to be a peace, harmony, and love refuge. That is what a home means. Harmony reigning! Equilibrium, understanding, and respect reigning! That is important: respect. A home with those attributes is a harmonious home. It is a happy family. It is a prosperous family, a family moving forward. It is a family that receives gifts from the universe without even asking. Now, if it is not like that, that family only loses. It loses peace; it loses health; it attracts more and more scarcity. 

So, my brothers, what choice do you make? What type of home do you want to build? And, no. Do not tell me that “Oh! There is no way to fix it anymore.” There is always a way. Be a role model. Change yourself if others do not want to change their way of being. Maybe others will not understand at first. But they will observe you and, be sure, with time, they will also change. Believe that! Think, my brothers. It is delightful to sway on this hammock in which you are now, isn’t it? It is possible to achieve it. You need only to change your habits. You need only to really make your house a home of peace and harmony.

And to conclude, try it out, and you will see how your lives will change. You are often stuck in one place; nothing moves, and things seem stuck. So, make a significant change within yourself and around you. And the first habit you need to learn to lose is complaining. Those who complain claim for the same thing two times! Complaining is asking two times. Lose this habit because the more you complain, the more things worsen because you increase the negative energy, of course! Therefore, initially, start by losing the habit of complaining. If you really feel like complaining, reverse it by being grateful for something. Be thankful for something that pleases you, and you will immediately forget about complaining. 

Change, my brothers.

Make your lives a paradise, not a hell. Small gestures each day make a significant change. You need only to want it. 

Translation by Joana Rodrigues

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