Do any of you hear the thunder? I told you last time I’d laugh, and it would be like thunder, and many haven’t forgotten. So let’s agree: every time you hear thunder, have a good laugh. It’s for relaxation.
What do I have to say today? Maybe today, I won’t be as philosophical as last time, but it’s always worth bringing some more teachings. What have we been telling you? Hard times were coming. We warned you. What is happening is the final breath of the great black mass on the face of the earth. Ah, but is it all over the planet? I would say: no. I would say that it’s at an essential point, a pivotal moment in the planet’s evolution, and your country is part of it.
I want to refrain from commenting here on any outcome. This kind of comment is not up to me. Each one has made a choice. The choice corresponds to each person’s vibrations. It is vital that every person, no matter where on the planet they are—not only here in this country—be aware of their choices. There is no point in choosing, then turning back and saying: No. Every choice has a consequence in everything in life. What do you get in return if you choose a healthy lifestyle with good nutrition without abusing artificial food and care for your body and mind? A healthy body and mind. Oh, but you decide to eat everything without limits, you choose to have a lousy diet, totally unnatural; you choose to be sedentary; and you choose to gain weight uncontrollably, believing that everything will be ok, that it is normal. And what is the consequence? Oh! There Will be many imbalances of all kinds.
So let’s talk about other choices. You start your life at work, filled with dreams and plans, but life shows you everything backward—nothing of what you want. And you despair because you want to work and produce. So you agree to everything. What is the outcome of such a choice? I guarantee you, most of the time, you will work unwillingly. You will be bored with everything because what you do is unsuitable for your heart. You’re there because you have to be. I’m not going to get into the merits of the “need” issue. I’m getting into the merits of “not doing what you want to do.” Then you will forever be a person who has never achieved your dreams. You do it because you have to and do the minimum, the minimum, the minimum. You don’t do even a little bit more because you don’t like what you do. So you are a person who doesn’t grow and evolve. And you put your energy of disgust into what you do. I cannot say 100% that everything you do is terrible. No, you can do the bare minimum, which could be right. But it would be better if you loved what you do. It’s pretty different from someone who likes what he does. It is very different from the one who throws everything up and trusts. He trusts in what his heart asks for and goes into battle. He doesn’t sit down and cry. He’s going into action. He never stops searching, and one day he succeeds and is happy. And wow, he will do everything with so much love, so much affection, and so much goodwill that he will only tend to grow. So, I would be here all night talking about choices. Every choice has its consequences, whatever the case. It can be a good choice that brings evolution, wealth, and prosperity. And it can be a wrong choice that brings stagnation, scarcity, and poverty. Everything is a choice.
Now, how to choose? How do I make a good choice? I’ll give you a few examples, then. It’s not exclusively for women; it’s for everyone. Walking down the street, you pass a windowshop and look at something that catches your eye. But there is not just one. There are many (whatever, it can be clothes, shoes, car, appliance), it doesn’t matter. But there is always the one that seems to ‘samba’, the one that wiggles in front of you. It seems to grow before the others. And then your heart (gee!) starts pounding. It starts to beat faster because it has touched your heart. Then you look at it, and unfortunately, what happens? You look at the price tag, which is very complicated because, often, it’s way above what you want it to be. And then, you leave, upset, sad even. But the next day, you’re there, watching again. Then you say, “I will buy it.” The Universe will give me the conditions to buy it. And you make it a mantra. Every day, you walk by, look, and say, “The Universe will give me the conditions to buy it.” You walk out of there radiant, trusting the Universe. What is the result? The Universe will give you that. It might take a while. It all depends on how much you believe, but the Universe will give it to you; you made that choice. There were many similar ones, but you chose that one. And someone else could be looking at it, too, and saying, “Wow, that’s really ugly.” Then you say, “No, to me, that’s great.” Who cares what other people think? Do other people’s opinions matter? I answer, “nothing at all!” So, you made that choice. Your heart beats. You went for it, and you did it. All right! Perhaps many don’t. It could be that you dream a lifetime. Yes, it happens. Why? For your walk, let’s not get into that.
Then, whatever you choose, it is because you love it. That’s because it touched your heart; it made a tremendous bond with you. Imagine if everyone liked the same thing—what a dull world it would be. No, but everyone has a different taste, a set of desires, and tastes that rarely resemble any other person. The same is true for the world, with such diversity. You are also diverse. There is one like you from time to time, except for twins, but it happens. But most of the time, you are pretty different from one another. But that doesn’t matter. I am talking about choices. Now for the physical choices. The choice of inanimate products is easy; it is effortless because today, you can choose one, change your mind tomorrow, and choose another before purchasing. But even if you buy it, you can exchange it. So, it is easy.
So let’s talk about the most complex choices. When you choose a person. Then let’s talk about partners. Difficult. But there’s still that first glance, that first impact, like that stuff in the window. There is something that catches your eye. Something makes you stop and see that person differently than the others as if they became a big colored ball and you started seeing only that ball; you don’t see anything else. And then, passions arise. Love appears. Whether they last or not is irrelevant. That is not what I am getting at. I mean, this person who, somehow, you fixed your eye and your heartbeats, there’s energy out there that, at that time, was consistent with yours. It’s as if each of you is walking around with a glass of water. Each of you is on this water level, and when you meet people on the same water level as your glass (I mean the water level of the glass; don’t confuse my words), it attracts your attention because you vibrate in the same range. I can call this glass of water everyone’s vibration, and at that moment, that person was at the same point as yours and got your attention. Many of you will say, “Oh, wait a minute. There isn’t just one person with the same vibration at that moment.” Of course not. There were millions of other people with the same vibration as you in many parts of the world, but at that moment, at that place, at that time, it was that person who had the same vibration as yours. Then, we will talk about the tricks of the universe. Very good. So that person caught your attention, and maybe you will catch their attention too. And when that happens, I would say that you hit (hum!) the same value. It’s reciprocal. Well done. And that vibe will tend to hold for a while—a very long time. This is why, as I can tell you, many couples keep their vibrations the same; they never change. So this attraction remains just as if they met that day again and again. No, don’t think of it as impossible. There are relationships like this. Very well! Similarly, changing one’s vibration affects the other. And much love is needed to understand the vibration change. The two need to learn to accept each other’s vibration shift. If there is genuine love, it is possible. And that love takes you two to a new vibration together, and it all works. Now, when there is no love involved but true love, the tendency is that each one reaches a point in the glass where they no longer care about each other, and that’s when separations happen. And that choice, which was eternal and wonderful, is no longer there. Why doesn’t it exist anymore? It’s because you changed your vibration; the other one changed as well. That compatibility isn’t there anymore, it’s over. There was no love to sustain the creation of a new vibration. This is what happens in the world today.
Love was left aside. Love has been around for a while, then it ends, and no one can bear one another. The one who loved, fell in love, and caught the eye, doesn’t exist anymore. He has become someone else, and there is not enough love to overcome it. Such is your world. Love has reached the stage of friendship. There is no more involvement; no longer that love forever. There is the love of the moment of convenience, the moment’s situation. “Ah, I got excited today, so we’ll stay together; tomorrow, I don’t want to anymore.” There is no respect for the other person’s feelings. It’s over. These unloving attitudes are fostered in your world, but through what means? It’s through the means of your own choices.
In the old days, a couple lived for each other. There was no need for someone else to maintain the relationship. Many couples today require subterfuge to remain together, supposedly. So they open the door to all sorts of distractions, where that relationship is no longer the focus of the two. The focus is on friends, drinks, drugs, gambling, gadgets, and everything else created within their world to take the focus off the family. To distract the relationship because each one is looking in a different direction. Now, what’s that for? It’s because each one is making a choice. They choose to give everything else more importance than their relationship. It got boring because there wasn’t any love. When love is real, living in a relationship is not boring. The two complete each other; they don’t need distractions in their relationship to stay together. That’s a big joke. But that’s how most couples are today. “I am in my world, with my friends, with my affairs, with my decisions, with my choices, and you are with yours; we live just fine, each in our own world!” Ahh, is this a relationship? Is that family? Not to mention that many times they are the children in their relationship; there in their own little world. So, there is no family. Let’s put an end to this hypocrisy because this is incredible hypocrisy. Is living in a house, each in one corner without caring about the other, a family? Oh, no. It’s not a family because you’re all under one roof. That isn’t very honest. Family is when everyone loves, respects, and enjoys being next to each other; this is family. Oh, and in detail, it doesn’t matter the type of family, which is also another incredible hypocrisy. “Oh, I don’t accept this person; I don’t accept that person.” Why? Do you pay their bills? Why do they bother you? Because they’re capable enough to show what they feel and you are not. Do you live within that family of hypocrisy, where each one is in a corner? What choice are you making? Are you blaming someone else? Now, to look at yourself, that is never. It is, therefore, relatively easy for you to wave hypocritical flags. It’s straightforward to prove yourself perfect. Now, if we go in there, look, what a lie, right? But, each one makes his own choice. You are happy with each one living in their world, but you fill your mouths and say, “I have a family.” But you don’t know what a husband’s or wife’s love is. What sort of decisions do you make? What kind of example do you give your children, they will follow precisely what they see. A couple, each on their own, barely speaking to one another. Ah, well, it’s a family—a lovely family. You have long forgotten what the concept of “family” is. You have long forgotten what love among family members is, what respect is, what it is to enjoy being together, what it is to enjoy sitting at the table to talk, to exchange ideas, telling jokes, and laughing together. You have long forgotten what that is. You are now concerned, each in their own world, each in their own life. “No, my life comes above all else.” Yes, of course. Then, why? Why all the false flags? Because that’s what you do. You raise false flags for allegedly maintaining hypocritical morals; that’s it. It’s not real. If it were true, you wouldn’t be in your own world. You would all be in the same world. That’s family.
Everyone decides what life they want to lead. That’s right. Each person chooses his own path to happiness. That’s right. Only, I say this: don’t get involved in other people’s lives. If you choose to be happy that way, keep your way of life to yourself. Don’t recriminate the other. Don’t discriminate against others. Don’t point the finger at each other. Don’t separate the other because they don’t do it the way you think is right! Is your way the right way? Where is it written that your way is the right way? Oh, in those booklets or services you attend from time to time? Ah, interesting! And who wrote all this? I guarantee you one thing: It was not us. Men wrote it, and within its concepts, they wanted you to follow them. No, the concepts of God the Father/Mother. No, the concepts of those who came here as avatars and Jesus’ words were distorted. But you blindly follow what is written and don’t admit that they say it’s untrue. Choices. Everything is a choice. And each choice always has an outcome. So, as I said, I will not comment on what happened in this country, Brazil. But each of you made a choice based on what you believed to be right.
And then I’ll say this: the rule you adhere to is like that person I told you about over there, who is the same height as the glass. It is the same. You don’t see him as a relationship; you see him as your representative, a person who thinks like you. So, you have the same glass height as him. So, you choose him. It is a choice. Oh, but are you correct, or are you wrong? Time will tell. That’s what always happens. Time will tell. Let’s get this straight. Do not spit (as you often say) into your plate afterward. Take responsibility for your choices. I’ll leave it at that. Be responsible for what you choose. Everything is crystal clear, but you don’t want to see it. Why not? Why are you ashamed to admit it? So, it is right. Choices have been made. Now, don’t turn your back tomorrow. Have the honor and shoulder to say, “I made a choice, and I was wrong, but all right.” Yes, that’s it! As you often say, “Be a man. Assume the choice you made.” That’s what I said, and I’ll repeat it: many are worried about the outcome. So, what’d I said? Have you forgotten what I said? Here and elsewhere on the planet, nobody will remain. I will not say it will be everyone, but the Light will replace the vast majority. So, why the apprehension? Why are you so concerned?
Ah, is your world out of whack? Ah! Is it getting out of control? What is at work now? What is happening on the planet on a massive scale? I assure you, it’s not Light. So, this mass that is there brings this. It brings discord, violence, turmoil, and protests. This is what it brings: war, and you’ll see plenty more. But, for now, you are not seeing anything. Now, why so much apprehension? Why so much judgment? Who is right, and who is wrong? Ah, now you’ve decided on labeling. “Let’s label, one is A, and the other is B.” It’s funny that the one who thinks one is A, someone else thinks he’s B. And the one who’s B, others think he’s A. That’s quite interesting. “Let’s label everybody because that’s how we think.” Very good. Judge a lot. Label a lot.
Now, don’t regret it afterward because it all returns. Who gives you the right to judge and label? Has anyone given you that right? Someone said, “Listen, you’re capable of perceiving who the person is, so you label them and judge them.” Oh, and you condemn; you do it all simultaneously. Is that coming back to you, or do you think that’s not going to be the case? Oh, I forgot that you think you are the perfect one. You think you’ve made the right choices. “Well, that’s all right.” No harm will come to me.
What if I say nobody made the right decision? Few choose the right one. Do you know who the right one was? The Light. That was the right one. But the vast majority needed to learn how to select it. So, you labeled, judged, and condemned others. And let me tell you something else: you made an extensive line, like a child’s play, that you can’t cross on the other side, where A won’t mingle with B. Who’s right and who’s wrong? Choices. Choices. Choices. Let me get this straight. I want you to remember: Your choices are always consistent with who you are. Always remember this. No one is forced into anything. Please don’t give me that. Don’t give me that. Each of you made the choice you wanted. So, you chose the one compatible with your ideas and way of thinking. There is no denying that! So, the time would be suitable if you stopped dividing sides. It’s no weeds and wheat! “Ah! Because A is weeds, B is wheat!” What if the reverse were true? B is a weed, and A is wheat. Then who made the right choice? I shall say no one because no one is wheat, and no one is weeds. So, each one’s posture, now, if you want to see your world improve: “get out of this mass” And how to get out of this mass? There is no side. Come out neutral. That is what I advise everyone to do. Come out neutral. There is no A and no B. There is the Light, and neutrality. Then you will emerge from this mess that you created.
Now it all comes down to choices. Whoever wants to continue on their path, choosing A or choosing B, is fine. Just be true tomorrow. Take responsibility for your choices because the return will come. For sure, the return will come. And I say once more, get out of that mass, or you will cry along with them inside. Understand it your way!
There are better times to take sides than now. The time is to rise and look to the Light. This is the moment. Sadly, very few of you are doing that right now. You are all immersed in the mass, taking sides and thinking that everything is excellent because your choice was the right one. Very well. Each one of you keeps yours. Now, be sure. Every choice always has one outcome that can be right or wrong. Time will tell. Well, wait and see. Ah, you don’t want to be neutral. Then wait a while. Remain immersed in the crowd. Keep going. Clap your hands on it. Help the dough grow. It’s excellent. So don’t keep asking us, “Oh, but why is it difficult?” Why?
Time is necessary for humanity. Not just here but worldwide. Everybody will need to learn plenty of lessons. But don’t worry, it won’t be long. This will be very brief, but I can assure you that the learning will be profound and, in fact, unforgettable. You may understand what it means to vibrate the Light, because most of you today do not vibrate the Light. You are vibrating everything but Light. You think you are so proud and powerful that you have chosen a side. How wonderful. You can challenge me all you want. It is your right. It’s your right to agree with me or not. I’m not at all concerned about that because I see what’s going to happen, and I know exactly what’s happening there today. But the choices are yours, not mine. I told you that we don’t depend on anything else to perform. But the lessons must be learned, the Earth will learn, and humankind will learn. You will learn to understand your own choices. Then, the day you know it, it will be over. Be at peace.