My dear, I Am Archangel Michael!
I won’t say that I subscribe to all that was said here because I do not subscribe to anything; however, I agree. To follow a walk to the 5th Dimension means to follow the rules. In fact, I like rules very much. “I ADORE” rules and like when you follow mine. But, please understand what I will say here from a general perspective. You have the terrible habit of not agreeing with the Government. Consequently, you disagree with Laws, with this, and with that. So, you do all that is contrary, what is out of Law.
I must say that everything in the Universe follows the rules. There is not a single place in the Universe without rules. There is freedom for sure, but there are rules because nothing can stay organized and stand firm without them. You won’t change your world by being contrary to the rules and acting against them. You change the world by helping those who can change the world get to the top. Unfortunately, your selections are wrong on the entire planet because you don’t think as a whole. You only think about yourselves; you see what is suitable for you. Other people do not matter. So, you think: let’s do the wrong thing. I disagree. If I find it absurd, then I will do the contrary.
The rules are there, whether you agree or not. Laws are there. Those who don’t follow the Laws are committing a crime, as you say, on your planet. I am not minimizing or maximizing any action. I am merely talking about being contrary and performing wrong actions because you want to be rebellious and disagree with what is there.
So, let’s talk about the walk to ascension. I’ve already laid many rules. The walk has lots of rules, then let’s remember the rules of ascension. Do not criticize, do not judge, do not speak ill of others, do not hate, and do not seek revenge. Do you want more rules? There are plenty of them that I can say. These are rules. You do not see them as rules, but they are. Each of you who slips in any of these rules harms your walk. You don’t go forward. This is why you keep going forward and backward all the time. Sometimes, you criticize, judge, condemn, and point your finger at someone.
At this point, you go back on your walk. There is no way around it. You must follow the rules. “Ah! It is difficult!” Okay, if it is difficult, leave the walk. You find difficult all that is complicated. You don’t like complex things. You want that everything is easy. You destroy the planet, your brothers, you kill. You kill the animals and other human beings, but it is all right for you. So, there must be rules indeed! Always! In the entire Universe, rules always existed, and they will always do. Father/Mother God did not create the Universe in disarray. Look at the Universe, the Galaxies, and see how the Universe is. Does it seem to be made by one who acted disorderly? Surely not! Everything requires lots of organization and calculation to be maintained as it is.
By the way, stop recriminating things you disagree with. It’s useless to complain. If something bothers you, do whatever you can to change it. It won’t help to groan. The more you complain, the more the problem grows because you emanate negative energy, which returns with more intensity. You complain about the violence, prices, people, and things get worse. Instead of emanating Love, hope, and harmony, all you do is complain when you don’t destroy. You are angry and then destroy everything, kill other people, and want easy things.
Sometimes it is pretty difficult for us to understand the human mind. You surrender, just like now, with open hearts, and I see many shining hearts, all happy to be in this moment. Half an hour later, when that moment ends, you look at the person next to you and start discussing, look at the son and quarrel because the house is a mess, he did not put the things in their places. Is it worth so much fighting? Is it worthwhile so many demands? Is it necessary so much supposed perfection? Is it worth it? Wouldn’t it be better to talk, explain, and show the right and wrong instead of talking aggressively and fighting? This is the world you created and continue creating. We have to do miracles to raise the vibration of the planet, which is increasingly worst. Do not think that the vibration is improving; it is not. People are unbalanced because nobody wants to look at themselves in a mirror. So, the problems that arise unbalance people. At the same time, they don’t want to see the problem. They push the problem ahead or pass on the issue to another person and blame the other. Then, you should not expect your world to improve.
Now that you are living what you are on the planet, the masks fell down. Some who were very docile, and loved by everyone, suddenly became aggressive and bad. Did that person change? No, that person did not change, but it is true. That person is being what has ever been. That person had a mask and acted like he was in a theater and now shows what he really is. But, then, you are surprised by what you see next to you, with people you see next because they were not like that. Don’t expect people to change. The ones who got worst will continue getting worst until they understand that the solution is to look in the mirror, validate the errors, look inside and say: I made a mistake and will fix it, or I did not make a mistake, and it will remain as it is. Each has to choose and knows what to do.
The walk is not easy, never was, and will get increasingly difficult. Don’t expect amenities or beautiful days. You will have to learn how to live with the chaos that will be outside. Are you ready for this chaos? As we say, those who wish to get involved with the chaos. You can look at the turmoil and ignore it. That’s it! Did you focus on the chaos? No, you didn’t. That energy that would try to reach you won’t get you anymore. You will continue your walk. In one minute, another attempt to take you out of the path, you will look with disdain and say: I do not connect myself with that and continue your journey.
This is what I expect you to do. However, suppose you look outside and feel sorry, suffer or connect with the energy from the outside. In that case, you are going to make a wrong decision. It is an avalanche, and it will be challenging to get rid of it if you connect with it. Think about a big wave. It is a wave but not of water; it is a wave of people who will be much unbalanced and aggressive in the entire world, the whole planet. You will have to know how to deal with it, protect yourself, and abstain from connecting with them, and everything will be far from you. It is like that phrase:” The world is falling down outside, but your world inside is standing and will continue.”
This is how you must see the walk. Continue in contempt of what is happening outside. Does what happens outside concern you? No! So, why connect yourself with that? Ah! I suffer from other brothers and sisters. Do you know their walk? Why are they there and you are not? Your walk brought you here, and the walk of your brothers and sisters took them there. Is there anybody terrible here? Is someone judging them? Ah okay! Father/Mother God is at a desk stamping a paper: you go here, you go there, you here, you there. Right? Is this how you understand other people’s suffering? God is throwing all of them to hell, as you say.
You who are good will stay in heaven. I believe that this is not in your mind anymore. Nobody is judging anything. All are reaping what was planted. There have been many attempts. You arrived here through me. I recognize that most of you came to this channel because I brought each of you here. Do you think I do not try to do this with the ones outside? No, I do this just for you. I forgot the rest of the planet. Of course not! They had many chances. I tell you that I brought up many people outside and started thinking differently. They are not on the walk to ascension. They have a long way ahead, but at least learned to think and analyze; they are no longer little robots or puppets. I did this with so many! However, many disdain, laugh, and consider everything nonsense. Very well, they chose the way the path was shown. A path of roses and a path of thorns. They say, I am accustomed to the thorns and will stay right here. That’s all right, stay with the thorns. You will get thorns up to the end.
Therefore, there is no reason to pity those outside; they stay on the other side. I already told you and will repeat: there is no wall, the wall is over, it fell a long time ago, but there is a line, which is your vibration. Those with high vibrations are on this site. Those with low vibrations are on the other side, outside, where you fight each other every minute. Then, someone from the outside world looks at you and thinks: Look! Why are they not here? I want to go there too. Fine, you will be ready to receive that brother or sister with your big hearts and open arms. There is so much to explain, to show, but there will be sufficient time for everything.
So, nobody must go to the other side to bring anybody. They will arrive, they will come. We go to the other side to bring them, not you. So, keep yourselves in your walk. Don’t change the way you think because of what is happening outside. Ah! There is a war. Yes, there is a war, and who emanated it? Who derived a world war? Who originated a war that would destroy the entire planet? Who was? We? Of course not. You emanated this war because you always said that a war would destroy the whole planet. Unfortunately for some, this will not happen. The planet won’t be destroyed. On the other hand, there is nothing we can do about the war because the decision is yours, not ours. Ah! The planet is under attack! It surely is. Each of those provoking this will have its lesson, will have the return, don’t think we are not seeing. Each of us has been analyzing things. Then, just wait. From the balcony, as you say, you will see what will happen to them. It won’t be a beautiful thing to see, I assure you. However, those with strong hearts, minds, and stomachs who want to see will, no problem, they may see. However, there must be no judgment of what will be done. As I told you, we have rules, the Universal Laws, and those who don’t abide by the Universal Laws are punished. You don’t know what the Universal Laws are. You know the Laws of men created on your planet but not the Universal Laws. So you cannot judge anything because you don’t know how things work and what is required for the Universe to keep its balance. Otherwise, there would be one planet, Earth, at each point of the Universe, and I guarantee that there is not. We do not allow it precisely due to the Universal Laws.
Well, enough talking. Today I want to propose one of those interesting meditations. Let’s give a jump in the planet’s time axis. I am sure that all here will do it, and we will. Today is not a portal. Tomorrow, 05/05, is a portal, not on the scale of others, but it is a portal. So, we will open a way to tomorrow’s Portal. What you will see and go by today will be valid tomorrow. Then, you can live this Portal calmly. We know how to do it.
So, let’s start!
Put yourself in a comfortable position with your foot on the ground. It does not matter if you are directly on Gaia or meters above Gaia. It does not matter. All have Gaia on your feet, not at your feet because Gaia is not at none feet, but your feet are on Gaia’s surface.
Illuminated roots leave your foot soles and proceed to the Earth Star chakra. From this chakra, all the roots go to the planet center, to the planet’s heart. The planet’s heart is a giant crystal that shines a lot and pulsates, pulsates. Your roots touch this heart. Gaia is amazed when a son or daughter connects with it. Gaia returns all the Love it feels for each of you through the crystal connection. With each beat of Gaia’s heart, it returns all Love through that connection, and it goes up and up and reaches your feet. Then, the Love goes up through your legs, fills your legs, and reaches your lower abdomen, upper body, arms, neck, and head. An immense beam of Light leaves toward the Universe.
Halfway is your spiritual heart that receives all this energy from Gaia. You can feel the heartbeats, not from your physical heart but from the spiritual heart in the middle of your chest, measured from the neck to the lower abdomen, a few fingers above the navel. Your spiritual heart is beating at the same pace as Gaia’s heart. So feel the energy of Gaia beating on you.
Now you are seated, foot on Gaia’s surface, and you can see yourself sitting in a vast green field. Today, my army is sitting, not standing. You will be information, organized in a vast green meadow, all sat down, connected to the planet’s heart and source through the connection that leaves your crown chakra. You are all sat down in that green field. Look to the sky, it is night, and you see the stars. There is no Moon, just the twinkle of the stars in the sky. Then, far beyond, something starts to come. It grows and grows. It is a beautiful ship, a cylindrical ship in the vertical position. It lands close to you, and nobody leaves the ship.
Another ship arrives. It is a brilliant ball that lands on the planet’s surface close to you. In front of you, a Portal opens, the Portal that will happen tomorrow. This Portal is a ball of Light. There is a form that delimits the Portal surrounding this ball. It is round; from the border out, the Light spreads limitless. A slight mist, a Light mist, is at the inner part of this ball, which is not so intense as the borders of the ball.
Ah! I forgot to say that this Portal is huge. You can imagine it as a ten-story building. It is immense. All of you are seeing and looking at this Portal. Some beings will pass through the Portal to be part of our walk today.
Sananda appears immense, almost to the height of Portal, with his shining Light, bright clothes with a huge heart in the middle, and blessing all of you with his hands. Sananda positions himself on the left.
Now comes Maria, beautiful, marvelous as always, irradiating Love, much Love, and you feel the intensity of this Love. She extends her arms and embraces you all. Feel the energy of Maria. Now Maria sits down on the right.
Many of you may be asking where I am. I am behind you, at the back of the battalion. My sword is stuck in the ground, shining with an intense shade of blue. I am behind the sword, which has the size of the Portal. We are all immense. We are not small. We change our measures to be in the meditations, but we have no size. We are what we need to be.
Our beautiful commander, Ashtar Sheran, is closing the Portal with his extraordinary gala uniform. He greets you. He positions himself next to Sananda. Now, look at each ship. On the right, the Pleiadians come as an addition to our battalion. At left, the Arcturians. Their number is not essential. They are many and surround you, closing this circle of Light and Love. Finally, a King Dragon will pass through the Portal to crown our meditation. It greets us and assumes the guard of Portal.
The 05/05 portal is open to you now. From now on, we will be all around you, guarding your passage through the Portal. I will say some words that you will repeat when you wake up tomorrow morning:
May this Portal bring equilibrium, consciousness, truth, and the help necessary help for my walk to the 5th Dimension.
At the end of the day, you will say:
I passed through the 05/05 Portal. I am stronger, powerful, loving, and closer to the 5th Dimension.
So, you already know what you are going to do tomorrow. You will put both hands on your spiritual hearts, and a massive egregore of Love and Light will be created. Feel the energy covering your body. Emanate all the Love for Gaia.
Now, the connection that left the high starts dissipating. The energy from Gaia that filled your bodies starts going down and taking the unbalance and all that is not good for you now. All tiredness of the walk, doubts, and uncertainties, leaving only equilibrium, Love, and Faith.
Internally, your bodies are not shining anymore. Gaia took with it everything it had taken. Each being here around you emanates Unconditional Love on your minds and hearts. The energy emanated will remain with you until the end of the day tomorrow. Remember that when you elevate yourselves, you are also elevating the planet. We will be taking each of you together to the new temple in Gaia.
Pay attention to the energies you will emanate tomorrow. You are complete, vibrant, and illuminated. It is up to you to maintain all this energy. Emanate just Love, Love, and Love. The energy you receive now will remain with you until tomorrow.
Let’s say this is an exercise where you must look,m see, hear, and feel what will come from the outside, and nothing will affect you. This is an important exercise. It is a preparatory exercise, so you can learn not to be affected by anything coming from the outside. The King Dragon will maintain the Portal open until the end of the day tomorrow. After that, the Pleiadians and Arcturian leave, Be internally grateful for this moment. Ashtar Sheran also leaves. Me, Sananda, and Maria stay. The three of us emanate an immense dome of Blue Light around you, and each will be shielded when going through the Portal.
All dissipates, and the Portal disappears slowly. Sanada, Maria, and I also disappear, and you return to the consciousness where you were.
Those who couldn’t do the meditation today can do it any time until the end of the day tomorrow, not later. Just saying the following words:
“I ask the guardians of time to displace me to the meditation on May 04, 2022, where I will be shielded to pass through the 05/05 portal.”
After this, you can do the meditation normally. You will be participating in it.
I leave each of you with this immense energy that you received. Maybe some of you can’t sleep because the intensity of the energy is extraordinary. I assure you that this will be an exciting night, not a stressful night, with that anguish you experience when you cannot sleep. I repeat, the night will be very interesting. It is okay for those who can sleep. There is no problem with sleeping. Some bodies are not accustomed to so much energy, and it will be difficult to sleep. However, tomorrow you will be brand new, as you used to say. Nobody will be tired, be sure.
This will be an important Portal for each of you that participated. Then, during this period, think only about good things. Dream, dream a lot. Put your craziest dreams outside. They are crazy because you think they are. Dream, dream of many beautiful things and say good things. Who knows what could materialize? I leave you with my energy. You will have an important test from now to tomorrow to learn how to isolate yourself from everything around you. If something happens, do not connect to it. Just ignore it. If someone talks to you, you can but do not enter the energy. Be quiet, if possible. Many will say that you are strange today. Just answer, yes, I woke up this way today, don’t explain anything. I woke up this way, that’s all, it is just for one day. However, it is a fire test. Don’t assume it will be easy because it won’t. It is a fire test, but you will start learning because soon you will have to live it intensely every day, then let’s start learning. You can. You just have to want.