Archangel Michael Live 05-04-24


It’s swift; I won’t take up your time! For those who participated in Wednesday’s live, I commented that the school has reopened but has not reopened for classes because there is no more to be taught. What we had to teach, we already taught! So, now everyone applies what they learned!

However, as people have felt a little discouraged, I created a summer camp within the same school. Isn’t that what you do? School ends, and there is playtime.

So, what will this period be: each day, pay attention so you don’t keep asking what is being said here; each day, a joke will be published. That’s the term. It’s not a task; it’s a game! I want you to laugh a lot! I want you to be happy! I want you to be satisfied! I want everyone’s inner child clapping! So, I’m not going here… don’t expect Me to give you tasks, it’s a summer camp! And what do you do inside a summer camp? Play! So, these are games that will be brought up every day. For how long? I don’t know, it will depend on you! If you like the games, it will be an extended period; if you don’t, it will be a short period! But I believe you will like it! Because I exactly want to bring joy to your hearts. Taking away this frown that many carry for various reasons, this is not the time to discuss this. 

So, here are the rules: from Monday to Friday, the games will be published. There won’t be a weekend because she won’t do it, that’s all! Very good! The game must be played between 9 am and 6 pm. “Ah, but why do you have a schedule?” Because I don’t want anyone to lose sleep! So, do it until 6 pm, or at night, whatever you want. Very good!

How many times should you play the game? It depends on the game. So, pay attention, and the game will tell you how often you should do it. Did you forget to do it? Is there any punishment? Not! You didn’t play the game that day; do it the next day! “Ah, can I combine all the games and do them all in one day?” He can! However, you will have to be very careful not to forget anything. So it’s interesting that you do it every day. But if you forget one day, do it together the next, no problem. Before you ask: you can have a holiday, you can have a Saturday, you can have a Sunday! These are games, so there are no restrictions on days! 

So, I wanted to come here today to explain this process. It’s straightforward, and it will be hilarious! It’s supposed to bring joy and nothing else!

Now, something significant: many of you will find it absurd, you will think that I am wasting my time, you will feel that I am acting strangely, so I respond to anyone who thinks this way that they do not participate, stay out! Participate for what? To contest? To question? To criticize? So, don’t participate! Stay out! Let your other colleagues participate, and everything will be fine!

The main objective of this movement is to bring joy! I want a lot of laughter, a lot of laughter! Is this bad? Is this childish, as many will say? But that’s what I want! I want the inner child to come out, play, clap, and do many things that kids do, and no one questions! So, let’s go! Let’s play games! Participate! It costs nothing! It will be a few moments, a few seconds perhaps, or a minute possibly of your day, several times. Nothing that will take time or make them take any risk.

On the contrary, it’s just a joke! So, whoever wants to participate, join the group to receive the game! Because it won’t be placed in the place where we put the videos, it will be something separate where anyone who wants to participate can participate! Anyone who doesn’t want to doesn’t participate, and that’s OK! So, registration in the group is to receive the game of the day and will start the following Monday (04/08/24). 

Do you want to comment on what happened? How are you feeling? Comment in the group you already use today, the experiences and exchanges group, and everything is fine! I don’t want something open; I only wish for those who want to participate, so we will have a group for that. That’s all! So, please realize that the rules are elementary; you can do it any day and repeat the game. “I feel like doing it again,” repeat it; there’s no problem, any day. Don’t gather too many on the same day; you’ll get lost!

So this is today’s message, quite exceptional! But I want to bring you everything we need to get started on Monday. So, bringing it on Monday and starting on Monday would be a lot, so I’m bringing it today so that there is time for everyone to join the group and participate in the games on Monday. It will be one game a day, from Monday to Friday! OK? 

Participate and laugh a lot! That’s what we want, to bring joy to your hearts! 

TRanslation by Helena Basile

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