I am glad to be here today! Indeed, I am happy. Despite the awkward mass on your planet, particularly in this country, I am so pleased. Many will ask: “Why are you happy when something bad happens?” Because our actions are closer. You accelerated the process indirectly. So, I am happy because we will present the Light. We will show new options and the beginning of a new world. Obviously, I am conscious, not only me but all of us. We know many will not like it. Most of you won’t like it. The first impact will be hard to process and accept. However, I guarantee that everything will settle down with time, and the energies will calm down.
So, I can tell you that you are going through a storm where the dust is acting very strong and taking out the view of many, bringing darkness for many. Adding doubts and bad choices because there is no way to see anything; everything is darkened by the storm dust. However, even the big storms, hurricanes, and sandstorms have an end. They are not forever; sometimes, everything calms down when the dust settles. You must count the damages at this time, but everything has an end. That was over. It ended. I guarantee that this torment that plagues the planet will end very soon. Unfortunately, many think they will dominate and control the Earth again. I like seeing the arrogance and haughtiness of many. They laughed at and challenged us as if they thought we won’t do anything since we didn’t, right? We haven’t cleaned your planet. We didn’t release Light to enter. However, for many, I must admit, we didn’t do anything because what we did is not visible to the naked eye. It is only for the hearts of those who believe in us.
The most important, and I would like you all to note: is to look for serious channels. There are many around. Look for them and listen to other channels’ messages; you will see that they all talk about the same thing. There is no divergence of information. All indicate a big revolution now, as the last sigh, the last bullet on the arms. They will continue shooting while there are bullets. However, even those bullets will end someday, and they have no extra munition. They cannot purchase new bullets. So, there will come a time when they will be unarmed and only have their bodies to defend themselves. When this time comes, nothing more will hold us. It is not that we fear their arms. We don’t. We fear what they can do with you because they have you on their hands as a menace. You become hostages. So, we cannot act with intensity because they still have some power. They can hurt, kill, and be violent with many of you. Violent in the sense of feelings, losses, and many things. So, we cannot act with force. It is like they always have a gun on your head. So, we must compromise some points to protect you. However, we have limits and have gone too far, and they know it. So, there is no bargaining anymore. No more threats because we will not compromise anything else. We guarantee that those who could be affected are protected now.
However, there is another point. There is Gaia. They are mistreating the planet. They are doing whatever they want with Gaia. They burn Gaia’s skin, pluck the trees, and think they are hitting us, showing they still have any power. They are doing it more and more, destroying the planet’s soil. There is a limit to everything. Be sure we have already reached this limit. There is no way back, nothing to wait for. And now they know it, and we are ready to act. So, they started a new maneuver, a spiritual one. A big wave of negative energy. Such energy reaches your mind, manipulating many of you to act as they want. No, there are no chips anymore. No implants on anybody. The Light has destroyed it all. However, they spread a negative and robust mass throughout the planet to manipulate many minds. Again, we have already reached the limit and will act soon.
Why didn’t we act yet? I will explain to make it clear in your mind. Why did this negative mass manage to anchor? Why did it get down to the surface and manipulate the minds? Many vibrate on the same range and applaud those who conduct all, becoming their hostages; they are the first to be used and hit. So, we cannot just interfere now because there is a lesson to be learned. There is a lesson to show those who think they know everything; they know the truth and see the Light, how foolish they have been. How stupid they were to believe those they thought were outstanding and how they cried for them. So, this mass must understand and see the truth because it wouldn’t help if we arrived now and eliminated everything because they wouldn’t believe anything. They must feel and see to believe. So, when this big mass realizes that applauds, cheers, and flatters the planet’s manipulators, the mean beings, they will wake up and see how foolish they have been. Will this mass revolt? Yes, it will. Will this mass react? Indeed, it will. Will this mass generate more wars? Yes. They will never learn until they stop looking at everything with their minds’ eyes instead of their heart’s eyes. While the mass looks at everything with the mind’s eyes, heads down, indulging in navel-gazing. They will never discover that they must look at things through their hearts because the heart is never deceived since it is Light. When the heart is Light, it is not mischievous. If the heart is not Light, it agrees with that energy. It becomes a mass of manipulation by this negative energy on the planet. This mass is not small but huge.
However, this has an end, and it will end. When we act on your planet, removing all these beings responsible for introducing non-Light and non-Love, all will be freed from manipulation. However, they will have the chance to choose sides because many will continue on the side of non-Light, living as was taught, even without being manipulated. This is how they are; they were born this way and descended from those of non-Light. So, these will have special treatment for a long time. In other words, they will make short trips outside the planet and exercise this non-Light mind far from Earth.
I ask how you discover the truth? Using your mind or heart? In what group are you today? Ego is involved in the group that thinks only about themselves by that mass or in the group that says, “I see the Light and truth because I look with my heart?” In what group are you? I ask you: in what group are you? Do you idolize anybody? Would you die for someone? Do you think that somebody is terrific? However, that person continues as a human being, so why does that person have so many qualities? Why is that person capable of being idolized? Why is that person so adorable? Would it be because it is a being that wants to take your energy to his energy? Does that person like you vibrate with the same energy? And you don’t look at him with your heart? Do you always look at him with your mind? Would this be true? I would say yes because those who follow their hearts don’t manipulate or conquer anyone. They simply exist. And people get closer because they vibrate the truth and Light! They begin to like it and follow that because somehow the energy becomes pleasant, a good feeling when thinking about it! “He has never asked me anything, but I like him as he is!” So, I would say that being is of Light indeed. A being of Light does not ask or beg for anything. They don’t fight to have anyone besides them. A being of Light emanates Love, and in this case, what does it attract? Much more Love. Love, friendship, companionship, joy, harmony, many qualities around it because it is, and that’s all! It just exists and does not ask or beg for anything. There is no exchange. It does not give you anything in exchange for something. This is a being of Light!
So, I believe it is easy to perceive your feelings when looking at a person. I don’t mean physically because you would act with your mind. However, looking at means to open your heart and feel what comes, feel the energy that comes. If you do this, you will never be misled. You look at the person by their physical appearance. You only see what a person is and what they can give you in return. So, you resonate with their same energy. That’s the same. In times like this, you become one with the manipulated mass because you flattered a person. You connected to that person and did what that person wanted. So, you will be controlled until you learn how to look with your heart and not your mind. The time has come, my brothers. Where is the learning you achieved up to this point? Did you forget everything? Ok. You made your choice of where you must be. Is it in the middle of that manipulated mass or above it? Follow your heart; follow the Light. Where are you now? Don’t fool yourself. It is no use to think: “I follow the Light. However, you are in the same range of the manipulated mass; you are not in Light frequency. So, now is when humanity must learn a lesson: look at people with the heart, not the mind. The time when the reason ruled the planet is over. Now only love rules and nothing else.
And don’t tell us: “Ah, you will take these beings from the planet. This is a lack of Love!” Don’t judge us because you don’t know these beings’ opportunities for redemption and change to the Light side. Do you know? No, you don’t. So, don’t judge us. And don’t judge us when the truth comes to you; you know many things that were made. Don’t judge us. Who are you to do it? Learn to look to your heart. Perceive that you have made many mistakes. You don’t have the capacity o judge anyone, much less us. Does each of you know what your soul has done? No, you don’t. Most of you have no idea of what your souls did. So, don’t think you are a saint. Don’t think you are perfect because you are not. There is much to be cleansed on your walk, so you can say: “I am clean.”
My brothers, this is not the time for any judgment. The moment requires looking at your heart instead of navel-gazing or looking with your mind. You must look with your heart. It is almost taking the physical clothing out of a person, seeing the other person’s soul and heart. I tell you: you are reaching an evolution point where you can see the heart if you wish. You just have to want it. Be ready because you can find many dark hearts you can’t imagine. What will you do then? Will you run away? Will you publish on the Internet and social media that you found out that such a person is non-light? This is very interesting. The first act is a judgment, and the second is exposition. Have you looked at your heart? Have you ever stopped in front of a mirror and looked at your heart? Is your heart fully illuminated? While you are shouting and exposing those with black hearts, is your heart of Light, or do you think it is? Look at the mind and ego. So, before looking at the other and having any aversion, look at yourself. Look to your heart first. Just look in the mirror. I have already told you: you don’t have this capacity. “I want to see my heart!” And you will see a brilliant or a dark ball; there is no middle ground. There is not anything like a little here and a little here. There is light or non-light. I tell you that your small slips don’t make your hearts dark because you continue being Light. Let us say that what your soul did way back does not show anymore; not now because have been cleansing yourselves for a long time. So, those who are on this walk will probably see illuminated hearts. However, it may be that one or the other considers a black heart because he was so misled that the heart became black. Such a person has been colluding so much with negative ideas that the heart became dark. Take care! You might be surprised. So, don’t judge anybody. This is not and has never been the moment for judgments.
This is an act we must ban from the planet. Let’s say that your current laws that judge will end. They will not exist anymore because the judgment will change. It will be a Universal judgment, not the judgment of your planet or humans judging other humans. It doesn’t exist. This is a thing created in your world by those who want to manipulate it. So, this is over. Each person that must be judged will be judged through the Universal Laws. Not by another human but by a council of highly evolved beings who will analyze each case. So, what do you think? Do you think we are kidding you? When I often make jokes here, do you think I am kidding? I am, but with a symbolic meaning. I know what I am doing. At this moment, I am thrilled. I am not sad or upset. I am happy because everything is being revealed. Those who vibrate in the same mass are there, and I am here seeing all the manipulated persons, like muppets, doing what their masters tell them to do. Wonderful! They found their essence. So, I am glad because they separated from the wheat. No, they are just weed, and this weed is all separated. We managed to separate the entire weed. The wheat is clean because the weed is left and is collected on only one point. Then, this is easy for us. So, I am delighted. My mission on this planet is being fulfilled. I am happy because there is no more deceit. It ended. You will see who was deceiving you and, for me, this is truth, justice rules my way and my battles. So, I am shining and happy. If someone could see me, would see me shining more than ever because I won. We won. Not those who thought they would win. Now they believe they are acting. No, they simply helped us to collect all the weed. This was wonderful!
So, my brothers, be ready. Once more, those who live by their hearts choose to live, feel, and act as evolving beings. They don’t have to worry because they are kilometers above the rotten mass that is on the surface. You are very distant. Don’t worry. Unfortunately, you will have to endure many things. The planet is one; there is no way to divide the wheat and the weed planet. So, you will also suffer many things but not with the same intensity. They will be mostly protected. No, this is not the correct term. I would say that you are almost untouchable. I say almost because you will feel some spills; it is unavoidable. The planet is one, but certainly, we will do an extensive cleaning or, at least, we will expose many people and you will be surprised. Here, on our side, we will applaud those who are isolated from it all. Only those who knew how to look with their hearts. For those who managed to recognize the truth. So, we will applaud them. As to the others, unfortunately, they will fight each other downstairs, blaming each other for what they did with their lives. Some will survive and wake up on time, but most won’t.
So, my brothers, be ready with open hearts. Don’t be afraid of anything. What do you fear? You know each of us is around you. You have to call. So, why fear? There is no reason to be afraid. I already said that those who have an illuminated heart are virtually untouchable. So, there is no reason to fear anything. Don’t worry about your families; we know how to separate things. Your families will be protected, even those who are not awake. No problem. So, know that we will analyze each case. Just watch on the balcony, as I say. No, there are not any balconies now, just what will come. Will it be nice? No, it won’t. However, it is worth observing and learning so that you don’t repeat what you did on this planet in the future. This is the most important lesson. It is the path you must learn.
So, I leave my energy with you today. Feel a blue and hot ball entering your heart. This ball will be there, helping you with the courage and strength to overcome everything. Unfortunately, this ball will not enter a black heart because I respect your choices. If you don’t want the Light, I won’t impose the Light. I put this ball on an illuminated heart because I will take more Light. So, stay with my energy on your hearts, and when you feel fear, for whatever reason, put your hand on your heart and remember this ball. It will immediately cover you with strength and courage to endure everything. However, you must believe that this is possible. However, to do this, you must believe that everything is possible.