Archangel Michael Live 08-11-2023


Yes, today I can speak freely, but of course, I know the limit. Today, I’d first like to comment on something that I think everyone will understand. Within this group that has been formed, from this channel, you exchange experiences, you exchange ideas, and often things that are said in there are brought up in our comments. Or Me, or Sananda, or Mary, or Ashtar, whoever, it doesn’t matter, the subject is brought to us and we comment on it. So, I’d like to explain a very interesting point about this. No, I’m not going to take away the feeling that we’re speaking exactly to one person, but I would say that it’s not very common for us to speak directly to one person. So here’s what I want to explain: you’re a group, yes, you exchange ideas, you exchange experiences, and often the experience that one person shares isn’t just that person’s, it’s an experience that many people, including those outside the group, are experiencing the same thing. So it often seems that we’re responding to just one person, the one who brought the subject up in the group. Unfortunately, I’m going to say it doesn’t work that way. When we answer or post something that seems to be the answer for someone, be sure that this someone is just the tip of the iceberg, that just like that someone, there are thousands or even many more going through the same problem. So we pay attention to what you’re going through, and when something is brought up and this subject is being experienced by many people, even outside the group, it’s brought up by us. So don’t think that you’re going to put various subjects in the group and we’ll talk about them, that’s not how it works. We bring up the subject when it will serve as a lesson and guidance for many, not just the one who posted it. So don’t ever take it that way! “Oh, so-and-so spoke exactly to you!” No, your subject, the subject that was brought up, is being experienced by many other people, so it’s worth commenting on. Don’t think you’re so important! Also, I don’t want anyone to think that they’ll post a topic and then a video will come out about it – that’s not how it works! What’s brought up every day or once in a while, it doesn’t matter, is something that will be heard by many. Or (as you say) it will fit many, not just one. We don’t usually speak for just one! Our job is always to speak for the whole! Never to just one! So let this understanding be very clear! It’s not a case of starting any subject and thinking that we’re going to talk about it. Yes, we will, if it’s important for the whole, not just for one! Well done!

We are approaching the meeting. I would like every one of you to go to this meeting with a full heart, an open heart, and ready to experience strong emotions! We’re preparing a lot of things you’ve never seen before and why will this meeting be any different? Not just because the number of people has increased, but because of the moment your planet is experiencing. We have insisted, we have spoken, we have asked you to emanate light and love! Don’t cling to suffering! Don’t cling to pain! Don’t cling to anything that takes you off balance! Now is the time to vibrate light, to vibrate love! This is the moment, and this is what we expect from each of you on the day of the meeting: a lot of peace, a lot of love, and a lot of light in your heart! Some rules will be given. No, it’s not the time yet and I would sincerely like you to listen to the rules with your heart because if you listen with your mind, you might contradict yourself and this is not the feeling that should be brought to the meeting. So I’m asking you in advance: listen with your heart! It won’t be a simple moment like the other meetings! It will require a quantum of light and extreme vibration on the part of the one speaking and the other brother.

So, some rules will be put in place and I would like everyone to accept them wholeheartedly.

A lot, my brothers, will begin to change. You have learned a lot of wrong things and all those things that you have learned have had a single objective, the imbalance between you. Nothing was created in your world that would easily bring balance, nothing! Everything was created exactly the opposite to bring imbalance, to bring a drop in vibration, to bring boredom, pain, suffering, and addiction. So what is the way forward from here? I’ve said here many times that intention, when born from the heart, is important, very important. So you often find it difficult to get past certain points, but you keep trying, you keep pushing to get through, and why? Because there is a very strong intention that comes from the heart, the intention of ascension! So we like to see when there is a sincere intention and every time you slip and fall, we help you up because we know your true intention. Intention is a choice! It’s something that moves you forward like faith, like trust. So we like to see this intention! But many don’t have it. Many are, I would say, like waves, sometimes well engaged, sometimes “oh, I’m going to relax a bit!” and then they relax and then they get engaged again and then they relax again. This cycle keeps repeating itself until the engagement becomes so small that the person doesn’t even realize that they’re no longer doing anything to move forward, they’re already leaving everything behind. What’s the point? There is none! And at every slip, we do nothing because there is no intention, the intention is gone, the intention is dead, and it has lost its strength. So, my brothers and sisters, nothing has to be done in opposition. What’s the point of giving up a lot of things and being unhappy? Being moody, complaining all the time, bitter. I’d say to you: stop right now because it’s not doing any good! You’re following a rule, but you’re making yourself miserable. So there’s no point, you’re just wasting time and the negative feelings you’re generating are far greater than following the rule you’ve created. I always like to remember a single word here, which is one of the words of my symbol the scales: balance! I like balance! I don’t like a plate tilting to one side because when a plate tilts to one side, there’s no balance. So there has to be balance! You have to follow the rule but follow it with love. So, if the rule is on one side and the satisfaction, the joy is on the other, the balance has been achieved. What’s the point of having a rule that’s heavy on the plate if there’s only anger and sadness on the left-hand side? There’s no balance!

So, my brothers and sisters, the path is hard, the stones hurt, the slip sometimes grates your knees, but it’s the path you have to follow. And if there’s intention, if there’s trust, if there’s faith, we’ll help you get up, we’ll help you heal your wounds. So nothing has to be done too much, everything has to be balanced. “Oh, but I have to because I have to do it to ascend!” No, nobody has to do anything! You have to do it, you don’t have to. Having a what is something very strong, it’s something with no other alternative. We tell you what you should do, but if you don’t do it, who loses? It’s you, of course! But if you do it, little by little, slowly, you’re already doing something. What you can’t do is do it and contradict yourself, be bad for your mind, for your heart. I’ve already said here, my brothers, your bodies are changing. Yes, they are! The cleaner they are, the more vibrant they are, the less discomfort you will have. The dirtier they are, the less vibrant they are, the more trouble you’ll have. But no one will die from them! No one will die from the changes taking place in your bodies! Everything will be bearable! So, can’t there be a balance? One day, you spend the day in balance, you eat well, and the next day you slip a little, if that brings you joy, fine, as long as it doesn’t become a habit or a subterfuge for anything. “Gee, I feel like eating that today. Oh, but I can’t!” Why can’t you? You felt like it, your body asked you to! Understand, my brothers, when you feel like eating something, somehow this order came from the body, it missed it, it longed for it. It may even be rubbish, but the body missed it. You’re not going to eat it because you can’t? And then there’s that wave of sadness: “I wish I could! But I shouldn’t, I can’t!” It’s not like that! It can’t snowball! It can’t become a habit, every day, when you want to slip up. Then you can’t! Then it’s that example I gave: the intention has gone, there is no more intention. But if you spend several days with your intention high up, keeping yourself as balanced as possible, it won’t be one day that you slip, that you throw everything away. Of course not! Of course, my brothers, everything has to have common sense! It’s not just because you’re in the mood for ice cream that you’re going to eat a whole jar! Everything has to make sense! Everything has to have balance! Do you want to eat? Eat as much as satisfies you, you don’t have to eat the whole thing! You often seem to let your ego get the better of you. In what way? In the following sense: “No, I always walk the line. I don’t do anything wrong. I do everything that’s asked of me because I’m perfect!” There’s the ego at work! Then I ask you a question: do you follow everything we ask of you, do you do everything right from the heart? Without ever getting bored? Without ever wanting anything else? If you answer yes to all these questions, then I’ll tell you that your intention is high up and there’s no ego. Now, I’m unlikely to find a person who will answer yes to these questions because many want to ask… “so, so-and-so, do you still eat? Oh no, I don’t do it anymore! I don’t do that anymore!” Then you get full of yourself… “I’m better than you because I don’t eat that anymore!” “Oh, do you still eat? No, I don’t eat anymore!” That’s ego, trying to be superior to the other! Now, if you do it from the heart, you’ll reply: “Yes, I don’t eat anymore and that’s that!” And that’s all right! You’re not showing off for what you’re doing. So you often think you’re the best because you don’t do anything wrong, you’re perfect! On top of whom? Who are you trying to fool? None of you are perfect! You’d have to give up everything, listen to me, everything, and keep smiling happily, but from the heart, not with deceit, and you’re not going to achieve that, not any time soon!

I’ll tell you this: many people here are saying, “Oh, the Archangel is saying things he hasn’t said before!” Yes, I’ve already given you a lot of advice about food, but I always want to emphasize balance and, above all, satisfaction and well-being. It’s not like you’ve just eaten a plate full of leaves and at the end, you say, “How delicious!” Was it delicious to eat just leaves? I don’t believe you were made to eat only leaves, you need much more in your bodies. Understand that! You need a balance! You need a colorful plate! You need a healthy plate with lots of things on it and if there’s something in the middle that shouldn’t be there, it’s all right because you’ve done the rest with balance, that little wrong thing isn’t the predominant thing on the plate, it’s just a little piece, it’s all right! I’m telling you this: very soon, and it won’t be long now, you’ll start to have an aversion to certain foods and then it won’t be your minds, it won’t be your hearts that determine what you eat. Your body will say: “I don’t want this anymore!” and it will throw it out! When you reach this stage, I’m going to say that it’s going to be a very difficult stage because many of the things you still eat today, you won’t be able to eat anymore. So, my brothers, balance is everything! At any point, in food, in fun, in everything! We don’t forbid you anything! We’re just asking you to start learning a new way of living, a new way of eating, a new way of having fun, that’s all, because the further you move away, the easier it will be to let go. Now, if you use it every day, then it becomes more difficult because the habit continues. So, my brothers, what is the great motto? What is the great action? Balance! What does balance look like? It’s making a choice and, at the end of the process generated by that choice, you’re happy, you’re well, with no regrets, you’re calm! Oh, and many are already saying: “Oh, so I can do whatever I want because I’ll always be happy in the end!” Is that so? I pose this challenge to you: if you do everything you want today, even if you know it’s not right, will you be one hundred percent happy in the end? Or have you, all your life, fooled yourself by doing this, trying to make yourself happy, and joyful, doing everything you want, but in reality, you’ve found nothing? I dare you to do it! To kick the can down the road (as you say) and be happy in the end, but that happiness that comes from the heart, I challenge you to do that! This is not the way to find joy! Joy is in the little things, in the small victories, that’s being in balance! Wanting to do everything out of arrogance or to show that you can, isn’t in balance and won’t even come close to real joy, real happiness!

So, my brothers, why am I saying all this? As you would ask: what are you getting at? So I answer: your world is changing, I would even say that for some, I’m going to repeat the phrase of someone: the world is getting very sad, because of everything that is happening. I partly agree! As long as everyone doesn’t suffer the sorrow of the other. Your world is changing and much suffering is yet to come. So the time has come for you to find a balance, my brothers. Find the joy you need every day in the little things, in the small gestures, because otherwise you’ll end up sinking into melancholy, depression, and sadness because you won’t be able to see the joy in anything else and that’s not what we want! If you can help him in any way, well done! But if you can’t, live your life! Look at your path! That’s what you need to do! Each of you, seek and find the joy you need every day! The joy you need to keep aiming high because if you don’t, you won’t get where you want to go. If you get caught up in what’s happening around you, you won’t reach ascension! So you need to seek joy! Healthy joy! Joy that will bear fruit, the fruit of more joy! Never regret! You have to look for it! If you can’t, we’re here to help you find joy, to help you find your way a little easier. We’re here at any time! Don’t live in the suffering of your surroundings! I would say that each of you is already going through too much to worry about and live with the suffering of others. Look at yours! It’s your journey, it’s what you need to look at and learn from, not someone else’s! The other person chose that, there’s nothing you can do about it! It was his soul’s choice, you’re making your own choices! So look at your path! Find your joy! Find a way to smile! Do you want to smile? Play with children, play! Be children again! Gather children together in your homes and I guarantee that you will laugh a lot and be extremely cheerful! But you need to go back to being children, without shame, without any kind of rule, without thinking you’re ridiculous, just be a child! This is the way, to take life more lightly, without so many rules, without so many repetitions, without so much routine. This is how you find joy! Break your routines! If it were easy, I would tell you to walk upside down, it would be a great break from routine. There are so many things you could do differently every day, but you insist on repeating the same thing over and over again. Creativity is something that is far from your mind because you get caught up in the rush, of your commitments. But even when you have time, you don’t change things, you think it’s silly. However, I tell you, my brothers, sometimes a change of path brings a new aspect that day. Different people. Different places. Seek joy!

This is my message to you today: you need to find joy! Stop getting involved with so many things that only bring occupation, not joy. The Third Dimension, my brothers and sisters, is a difficult world, but it’s not that terrible. You make it difficult with the feelings you emanate. Change those feelings! Vibrate joy! Exchange smiles! Smile at someone in the street! Even that, today, you don’t do anymore because it’s become dangerous, hasn’t it? It’s interesting how the world you’ve created has isolated you and is isolating you more and more. One day, you’ll run from your own shadow because that’s what you’re vibrating, fear and pain. Start vibrating joy! Start vibrating gratitude! Laugh! Laugh a lot! Listen to ridiculous jokes, whatever, but laugh! See the humor in everything! See the funny even in the things that annoy you! Look at them and laugh! You have no idea how powerful this is, laughing at everything! So at least, my brothers, try to raise your vibrations! Be happy! Be cheerful and when it’s very difficult, or at any time, ask for our help, and rest assured, we will make you smile! Now, you need to open your heart to see the beauty in the little things, in the simple flight of a bird, and give a beautiful smile to see it flap its wings! Use and abuse our company! Don’t be afraid! Don’t be afraid to bother us! We love you unconditionally and our role is to raise each of you to the highest possible vibrations and that’s what we’ll do, all you have to do is ask us!

Finally, I would like to invite you to meditate on the 11/11 portal. I won’t miss it! At the same time as today, we’ll be together on Saturday, November 11th. Don’t miss out! It will be a very important moment!

I leave each of you with a hug! Feel my embrace around you! And be sure: I am there, wherever you want me to be, at any time! Just call me!

Translated by Viviana Accorsi

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