Archangel Michael Live 11-10-2023


Oh, there’s nothing to stop us! Whatever happens, we are always here!

Today, my brothers and sisters, I would like to talk to you as if we were all in a big circle, exchanging ideas. I believe that the vast majority here are waiting for me to say something about what is happening in their world. I will speak, but don’t expect to hear what you’re expecting to hear! I have to say this, my brothers: we’re not in the hammock drinking juice. We didn’t go for a walk on the next planet! I would say that there are more beings of Light on this planet (as you say) per square meter than you could ever imagine! Then I hear some people asking: “And why do you let this happen?” And I’m going to answer what we’ve already answered so many times: there’s one thing you always forget, two little words: free will! Where everyone makes the decision they want! “Oh, but I don’t agree, because the decision they make affects others!” Does it? Or does it affect those who vibrate in the same energy? Or does it affect those who choose to go through it? Or does it affect those who asked to go through it? It’s interesting, as we’ve said here so many times (but it’s no use, you don’t learn). I’ll repeat a phrase we’ve been saying all along: everyone is where they need to be! Can you understand that once and for all?

Then there are some who want to know everything: “Why don’t you say anything?” they ask us. “Why don’t you tell us what’s going to happen?” So I’m going to tell you a story.  A long time ago, this woman who is talking to you asked me some questions, in exactly the same way that you do. Oh, and many think I answered them. No! And she’s already commented on it! And why didn’t I answer? Because some things directly affect people close to you. So I ask you: if you knew something, even if I asked you: “No, don’t say it! Don’t comment!” But you love the people involved, who would you serve? What would speak louder: what I asked for or your love for the people? No, don’t tell me that you would do what I asked because you wouldn’t! The bond of love between people is greater. So that’s the answer I gave her, and I’m giving the same answer to those who ask why we don’t say anything. some people think that every day, I would have to have a schedule and bring news like you watch on your television, at that time there’s a news broadcaster, and that’s what I would be. Every day, at that time, I would come and say: “Look, starting today, this is going to happen. Tomorrow will happen that other thing. Oh, but it’s going to rain there tomorrow. Tomorrow it will flood there. Tomorrow there’ll be a drought somewhere else.” I would have to report the news every day, explaining every point. And how would you take that news? What would that bring to your hearts? Calm? Tranquility? I don’t think so! It would bring more confusion and disharmony than anything else. But many still think that we have to say everything, that we have to explain what’s going on. And I ask you a question: why? To bring more problems to your minds?

So, I’ll just say one thing: each of you looks at your own path! Because as long as you keep looking at other people’s paths, your path could be changing. How? I answer: you’re following a path, with a goal. Is it easy? I would say no because none of your paths are easy at the moment. And why isn’t it easy? Because you need to correct a lot! They need to change their habits! They need to change their habits! Is this easy? No, it’s not! But you are trying! Most of us here have scraped our knees from tripping over the stones along the way, but we’re not giving up and we’re still walking. Even looking forward, you still fall, you still get hurt, but you get up and carry on! So you’ve already got a good load on your shoulders to try and leave behind. Well done! Then you hear a noise, a strange noise, and you look away. When you look away you can choose who you look at and depending on what you see, it depends on how you act. Will you connect with that energy? Are you going to be okay with that energy? So you’ve just added another point to your journey, another stone. You’ve taken someone’s energy and put it in your path! You’re short of stones, aren’t you? Adding one, two, three, or four more won’t make any difference. But I tell you, it does! So instead of staring at the sky and asking God the Father/Mother why, don’t waste time asking questions, act! “Oh, and how can I act?” Emanate light, that’s all! Emanate a lot of light! When you have a tendency to comment, to talk, bite your tongue to remind yourself that you shouldn’t be talking! And emanate light! When you see scenes of suffering, don’t suffer with what you’re seeing because the energy will come to you, you’ve just connected with it! Congratulations, you’ve gained another load on your back! But if you like to suffer if you like to carry loads, keep doing it! I’ll tell you this: don’t expect sunny days! What do I mean, it’s going to rain every day? No! Don’t expect everything to turn to flowers overnight. Gaia is ascending! Gaia needs to cleanse herself! Gaia needs to transmute some energies, in some places!

Come on, souls have chosen to leave! Souls are being removed from the planet to other orbs! It’s all happening! Oh, you didn’t know? Oh, what a shame! What a shame you didn’t know all this! I didn’t tell you, did I? Oh, I’m really going to have to make a little daily newspaper to tell you everything we’re doing, how many ships are around, how many beings are around the planet, oh, and doing what! Understand, it’s no longer time for you to look at what happens and suffer! I wonder if you’ve learned anything. Because the main thing you haven’t learned is that you keep making mistakes! You keep reverberating energy that can’t be reverberated! There is something going on, leave the energy of what is happening there! Don’t spread it! Don’t feed it! Don’t bring it to yourself! Don’t spread the energy! That’s what you do! Many people think that God the Father/Mother is unfair and bad. They still think he’s bad because he lets these things happen. You’ve learned nothing! I come to that conclusion, you haven’t learned anything! And another thing, I’m not going to stay here repeating this all night. There’s nothing to say! There’s nothing to talk about!

Learn to look and emanate Light, that’s all! Don’t comment! Don’t spread it! Don’t suffer anything! Just emanate Light! Or, I’ll tell you, your path will get very heavy! Take it as you will! Or you get used to effectively being a pillar of light, which does what? Emanates light! Be effectively what you shout all the time that you are, because there are many here who only say that. “Oh, I’m a pillar of light!” Yeah, but you don’t do anything to be a pillar of light! So just be what you say you are! So just be what you say you are! And the Pillar of Light does what? It illuminates, it emanates light, that’s all! It doesn’t give an opinion, it doesn’t comment, it doesn’t criticize, it doesn’t judge, it doesn’t do anything, it just emanates light! So be pillars of light! If you want to be involved in everything that happens on the planet, it’s a choice, it’s a beautiful choice! Because that flowery, illuminated, and fragrant path is going to be strewn with stones, and what’s worse, stones that aren’t yours, you took them for yourself and now how do you get rid of them? It’s not your energy, you got it as a gift and what do you do with it? I’d like you to think about it! You absorb someone else’s energy, which isn’t yours because you feel sorry for them. Okay, take on their energy, but it doesn’t belong to you! How are you going to destroy this energy? Is it yours? It’s not yours! The person who owns the energy has the ability to destroy it, through their choices, their actions, and their changes. Now, if you take another person’s energy, how are you going to destroy it? I answer, that it will stay with you for a long time until it dissipates on its own. But it doesn’t dissipate quickly, it stays with you for a long time and you carry it around with you. Have you ever thought about it? Oh, no! Of course not! Of course, you don’t think about it, because the motivator of the day is to judge, to condemn, to ask why, and that’s what you do naturally. I ask myself again, what have you learned?

Let me comment on something else. Often, when I say certain things here, some of you get angry and answer me harshly, “I don’t do that! That’s not for me! Why are you saying that?” As if we were just talking about me and them, there are no other people listening. Interesting! The size of the ego is very interesting! I really hope and would like these words of mine to reach the whole planet, all the people. But, unfortunately, I know it won’t! Firstly, because they’re not ready to listen. Secondly, whoever is in charge would not allow it. So, I only have a few words to say to you now. Gaia is ascending! Gaia needs to clear the rotten energy that you have put into the planet! No, don’t avoid the blame! Everyone is to blame! So, in order to ascend, Gaia needs to clean up. You’ve messed up the house, the house needs to be cleaned! And don’t take this to mean that there is no love on Gaia’s part, there is a lot of love because if there wasn’t Gaia would already be in the Fifth Dimension and there would be no one left here on the planet alive. If we think about it this way, there would be no one left. Gaia would simply destroy everything and ascend, and that would be that! But you are there! Whoever is leaving has chosen to leave! You have chosen how to leave and you are exactly where you need to be to leave. Do you think like that? Can you see it that way? I don’t think so! They’re all poor things! All of them! Nobody has done anything! Nobody has a score to settle, nobody, not a soul! Ah, my brothers, this process will teach you a lot! You still have a lot to learn! And I sincerely hope that you will begin to change your vibrations in relation to what is happening on the planet. Don’t judge A or B! Don’t point the finger at anyone! You don’t know anything! The many people you idolize will be very disappointed. And those you condemn and point the finger at could be the saviors of your lives. Take it any way you like! You can be fooled and let yourselves be fooled with absurd ease! But each one of you will learn that. Because everyone judges, everyone points fingers, everyone, without exception, everyone! So everyone will learn! Unfortunately, sometimes in the worst possible way, with suffering. Why? Because you need to learn not to judge, you need to learn to look at the other person and not judge. You are not judges! God the Father/Mother is not a judge! The Universal Laws are always applied, but not in this form of judgment! So be careful who you judge! Be careful who you idolize! Because the fall can be very painful! You have no idea what goes on behind the scenes. We do, every single person on this planet.

So, in conclusion, I would like each of you, from this moment on, to look at your own navel and make a promise to yourself: “I will no longer judge my brothers, any of them!” Make that promise, but do it from the heart! And don’t do it because I, Archangel Michael, am asking you to! Do it because you understand that it’s the right thing to do. Because if you don’t agree with me, don’t do it, because you’ll break your own promise! No, I’m not going to punish you in any way! You’re only fooling yourself if you promise something you won’t keep. I can tell you right now, that this will be a fundamental point in the whole process, the lack of judgment! Because the time will come when you will judge us (understand that!) by the actions we take! Then, my brothers and sisters, the problem starts to get really serious, because at that point I’m going to say with all my heart: “You haven’t learned anything!” So look at your own navel! Stop looking the other way! Just emanate light! To anyone, to the planet, emanate light! That’s what you need to do! The time you take to suffer and comment emanates light! You’ll be helping a lot more than spreading energy! There are no underdogs anywhere! Everyone is where they need to be! And just to remind you, someone has to apply the lessons, do you remember that? Someone applies the lessons! Stop and think! And I would very much like to no longer see suffering for the other in the faces or hearts of any of you. I’ve already said, that you can show solidarity, you can reach out. But don’t suffer the suffering of others! Always think about what you are carrying. But if it’s good for you, it’s your choice, there’s nothing we can do about it. Be unique! Take care of your own energy! Take care of your journey! Take care of your evolution! This is the plot at the moment: everyone looking at their own path, which for many is not easy! Don’t make your path more complicated! Look at everything with love, not judgment, not suffering! Not by looking up and asking “why?”

Love will reign on this planet and everything that is being done is exactly for that! Whether you understand it or not! One day those who ascend will certainly understand! For those who don’t agree, there’s nothing we can do. The journey will still be long in the Third Dimension. Perhaps, further down the line, you will learn and understand what it means to look at everything with love. Make no mistake, my brothers and sisters, make no mistake! Look at your own faults! Don’t let your ego grow and say: “No, you’re right! Your opinion is right!” Don’t let it, because many are acting exactly the opposite of the path of Ascension, but they think they’re right! Let’s open our eyes, my brothers and sisters! Let’s look at everything with heart! Let’s emanate light! That’s all there is to it! Those who take care to follow this path, I guarantee, over time will have learned to look at everything with peace in their hearts, because they will have understood that everything that happens is the fruit of something, the harvest of something, the result of choices. There is no punishment! There are results! Listen to this video several times so that you really understand everything I’ve said! Whatever you don’t understand, ask for my help and I will help you understand!

But be sure, you have to change or your path will be very complicated! Because the process won’t stop, it will only accelerate and transform more and more. There is no stopping, no rest for Gaia. If Gaia were a car she’d be in top gear and there’s no way to slow her down, understand that! You chose to be here, each one of you chose to be here, now there’s no point in regretting it! Think about it! There’s a lot to think about in everything I’ve said today! And I sincerely hope that you do! And above all that you change! That’s all we want, that you actually apply everything you’ve learned, don’t be false pillars of light! That’s it!

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