You throw everything at each other! Everything! And you don’t think, at any moment, how the other feels! I would like to ask a question here: how do you feel when you are doing something you like, something that gives you pleasure, something that brings you happiness? You are there, wrapped up in that moment, you are giving yourself, in that moment, you are happy! Then someone taps you on the shoulder, “help me do this here?” How do you feel? That request for help broke everything you were doing! Then you can have several answers! You can be polite and answer, “No, it’s okay! I’ll help you!” And go over and help the person, or you can be extremely angry and look at the person with that unfriendly look on your face, and the person understands that you don’t really want to help them, but you do! So, come on! Let’s be honest! How do you feel when this happens? Is it good? No, it is not! It is not good at all! I’ll tell you something, my brothers: helping is the sister of giving, they go together! In what sense do they go together? “I want to help someone!” Great! Perfect, because it came out of your heart! You felt like helping someone! Then you fill your heart with love and help someone or some people, it doesn’t matter! It came out of your heart, out of your will, and you do it with love! So you are receiving something back from the Universe which is compatible with what you emanated, and at the same time you are emanating good energy to whoever is receiving it, because you sent good energy along with it! You sent love there! And whoever receives it will receive it with your love! They might not even know you, and you might not even know the person, which is fantastic! But, you helped! And they will feel that what they are receiving has come with a nice, wonderful energy! Well done!
So, let’s go the other way around! “Help me to this, this, and this!” How do you feel? Obligated to help? You will be rude, so you interpret, that it would be rude, to say, “No, I’m not going to help you!” And then that person interprets it as, “Oh, that person is bad! That person is bad! That person is miserly because they didn’t help me!” In other words, you didn’t ask them to help you! But, you got back a load of judgment, of criticism, just because you said you wouldn’t help! And who was it that said you were obligated to help? Where is it written? I would say to you that everything that is not done from the heart should not be done, because you may be giving, but a bad energy goes along with that donation because you were obligated to give, to help! Or you have a third option and you say, “No, it’s okay! I’ll help you!” But, then when you say “I’ll help” what happens? Are you going to help within your concept or are you going to help within what the person is asking? Will you judge what the person is asking for, or will you think that the person is asking for too much? And then, where does that leave us? Because those who ask for help have a list together, they usually know exactly what they are going to ask for. But you don’t agree with it! You think that it is not important for her! And then, what about your help? You said you would help, but you don’t want to give his/her the list he/she gave you! You don’t want to give his/her the suggestion he/she gave you because you think it is not good for his/her. So, where does that leave you?
My Brothers! My brothers! Help and giving go hand in hand! It is the same thing! Now, I tell you: nobody is obliged to help anybody! So, come on! But, you are aware that that person needs help, so what to do? You don’t agree with what he/she is asking of you, you want to give his/her what you want! And if he/she asks you again tomorrow, what will you do? Because that’s usually what happens! You give once, and the person thinks he/she has the right to ask you again and again because you gave once! Then, the next time, they are there asking for the same thing again, or something different. So what do you do? Until there comes a day when you get tired and say, “No, I’m not giving anymore!” And how does the person react? With joy? Obviously not! Because he/she has gotten used to asking you and you giving. So he/she will curse you, he/she will criticize you, he/she will judge you! So, do you see that both sides are wrong? You, when you try to impose what you think is right, and he/she who makes a living out of it, because people don’t understand that nobody is obliged to help!
That’s why we say that help and giving can’t have a face, so that there isn’t this bond! So that there is not this energy being exchanged! So, you want to help? Very well! Help someone who gathers all the donations and distributes them to whoever they want! It’s no longer your problem! “Ah, but is it fair for me to pass the problem on to someone else?” No, because that other is there with exactly this mission: to receive and pass it on. He wants this mission! He chose this mission! You did not give him this mission, because then you would be wrong! Yes, my brothers, it is very complex! But, many don’t understand! They don’t understand who helps, and they don’t understand who asks for help! So, I will make El Morya’s words my own: help and donation cannot have a face! Help has to be from the heart! “Today, I can only donate one bar of soap! That’s what I have with me to donate!” Donate a bar of soap! And know that someone, someone you won’t know who it is, will bathe with that soap or the whole family will bathe with it. You will be doing good for a family with that small gesture of yours. But, you gave that soap with so much love that the whole family will bathe several days with it! Look what a good thing for the family that received it! “Ah, but it was just one bar of soap!” No matter! Someone needed a soap and someone received that soap, no matter who it was from! And you gave that soap with so much love because it was the only thing you could give! And who received it, did they receive it with gratitude? No, I’m not going to get into that! Let’s say that, yes, the one who received it with gratitude and used that soap abundantly.
So, giving has to be from the heart! Donating cannot have judgment! Giving cannot have a face! There are so many people who gather everything they receive and pass it on exactly the way people need it. Look how wonderful! And you didn’t judge anyone! You were not judged! “Ah, but I gave, just…” Your currency, of money, is called real. So, the person might say, “but, I can only give 1 real!” Okay! That person will get their 1 real, and they will get 1 real from several other people, and in the end that will buy something. Now, if you don’t even give 1 real and nobody gives because it’s 1 real, it won’t add up to anything! They understand that it doesn’t matter how much, what matters is how it is given! What matters is how you are helping those in need! With little or with much, it is according to the life of each one! But you are doing it because you want to! Not because someone is asking you to! You are doing it with your heart! You are giving that one single real that you have, with so much love that it will join many others and will buy something for someone because you gave with love! You wanted to help with love! Without knowing where it goes because you have that too! You donate the amount to that person who gathers and divides and keeps asking, “How are you going to use it? What are you going to do?” So, it is better not to do anything! It is better not to donate because you are already judging the one who has the greatest work and the greatest love to gather and pass it on. Which you don’t have the ability to do because you judge! Isn’t that right? Why do we say that help cannot have a face? Because you judge! You judge the person! “Oh, will she really take what I gave her and do what she said? Will she eat what I gave her? Will she wear the clothes I donated?” Look how many judgments! So, it is better if you collect everything and give it to someone and forget that you donated it! So that you don’t break this chain and this feeling that you may have put of kindness in your donation, in your help!
So here, too, it`s a message to those people who only ask, who ask for everyone. You don’t know, but you ask! What do you expect? That everyone will answer your request? There, many are answering to me here now, “but I am hungry!” Correct! I will not judge your hunger! But it is not by asking for one, two, three, four, five, a hundred thousand that you will satisfy your hunger! You need to find your way, your journey because your hunger is a lesson you are going through and are you bothering to learn the lesson or are you just prolonging it with your requests for help? Think about it! Wouldn’t it be time for you to stop and look at why you are in this situation! What have you done in your life to get to this point? Have you asked yourself these questions? No! Most don’t! Most find it easier to ask! Why? Because it is easier than changing! Than trying to find a way, than trying to find something worthy to satisfy your hunger! No! It is easier to ask! “Oh, if I get it well, if I don’t get it…” Then you still criticize the one who doesn’t answer you, the one who doesn’t give to you. You emanate anger! You emanate judgment! Do you know when you will come out of your hunger, as long as you act like this? It will take a long time, because the day you look at your walk and try to understand what brought you to this situation and try to find a way out, I guarantee you that your hunger will pass! Now, as long as you sit down, reach out and ask for help, your hunger will continue! It will be appeased momentarily, but tomorrow, it will come back because you did nothing! You found it easier to ask! You find it easier to judge those who don’t answer! So you’re just attracting more of the same to you! No! And it’s no use getting angry at what I am saying, because I am being extremely truthful! Many people have problems, serious problems, but they find their way! They ask for help, yes, but they exchange, they make themselves available to do something in return. Is this not different? Of course it is! That person is aware that what they are asking for has a price, that they cannot pay, but they can pay it with something they can do! See the difference?
So, when it comes to helping and giving, you still have a lot to learn! A lot! Because you do it half right, rarely anyone does it right. Rarely! So, I would just tell you not to forget the words of El Morya: donation cannot have a face! It cannot have attachment because attachment is not good for either side because both sides judge! It is not just one side, both judge! Those who donate, judge because they are being obliged to donate, again, for innumerable reasons: out of pity, for wanting to help. But, deep down, he says: “I wish I could stop this because the person doesn’t change! The person doesn’t get better! So, I wanted to stop it!” And the day you say, “I’m not donating anymore!” That’s it! A flood comes back! Who is right and who is wrong? It is a difficult question to answer! That is why the right thing, the ideal thing, is not to have a face, not to have a bond, because then no one can judge anyone! You donate when you want, how much you want, what you want! Without knowing where it goes, who received it, if you received it, if you didn’t receive it! You cannot judge either! You have to give and forget the energy! That energy is no longer yours. It was, with what was donated, and I hope it is an energy of love, because otherwise it will also come back against you!
So, many people think, there is also another side to it, many people think that by creating a bond, that by always giving, even grudgingly, they are doing their part for society! If you are not doing it from the heart, you are not doing anything because you are pushing a bad energy on the other person that will inevitably soon come back to you! This is what you don’t understand! Everything that goes, comes back! There is no such thing as one-way energy! Every energy that you emanate, you get back! So if you emanate anger when you give because you are being forced to give, it will come back to you in some way! Observe that! What are you doing with your abundance and prosperity? If you give in anger, in ill will, watch your prosperity! Observe it! Observe what happens to it because you have emanated something bad, and it comes back! How does it come back? With scarcity, for lack of prosperity! Beware of attachments! Be very careful! Giving and helping is necessary in your world because many really need help! Many! Now, donate to those you don’t know! Do not create an attachment! Don’t see the face of the person who is receiving! This is a very important lesson! Do not create an attachment! Donate, but without knowing the person or persons! Help, but without knowing the people!
The other time it was said, a lot of people didn’t understand! So, I would say this, for example: always donating food to the same people, is that right? No, it is not! There are many other people who also need to eat. So, make a rotation: today here, tomorrow there, then far away, then back to that other one! But, don’t make it an attachment! Don’t bind yourself to people so that you don’t get their ingratitude back when you can no longer give! Understand this! You can donate, but not to the same people over and over again because it creates attachment! Donate to others! Why does it always have to be to the same people? Don’t create a bond! That is all! It is not difficult! In every corner of your neighborhood, of your city, of your state, there is someone who is hungry! It does not have to be always in the same place! It doesn’t always have to be the same people! Does it? Or is it self-indulgence on your part? Think about it! I am not saying here that you do not hurt! It is necessary to donate! It is necessary to help! But you cannot have a face! There can be no attachment! Understand this so that you don’t get anything back and also don’t emanate anything to anyone, because many times you emanate ill will, anger, and it goes and hits the other person too. Now, if you don’t want to understand it that way, I can’t do anything about it! There is nothing I can do!
It’s interesting how human beings are always used to doing what they want! They don’t want to change! And when we say that what they do is wrong, wow! A lot of people start coming against it! As they are doing, now! Or do you think I am not listening to what you are thinking or saying? Do you think I am not? But, for me it’s all right! Everyone has their own way of thinking! We are trying to open your eyes! Then, most of you here complain that you are not prosperous, that you don’t have abundance, that you don’t know why your financial life doesn’t get better! You help so many people, but nothing gets better. Why is it? Why is that? The answer has already been told: stop creating attachment and you will see how your abundance will arrive! That’s all! It is very simple! It is not difficult! You just have to want it! And when someone comes asking for help, try not to emanate anything! Try (there is an expression you use that I find very interesting!) to play dead! Interesting! Very interesting! That’s it! Play dead! Look at that message and don’t emanate anything! Don’t emanate anger because the anger will hit there and it will come back! So just don’t emanate anything! Ignore the message totally! Ignore it! Play dead! Just like that! And that other person will see, that there was no echo there! There, he/she won’t get anything out of it! It will bother the other person because it is a nuisance! But, people don’t think like that!
So, I go back to that first scene, which I started talking about today, that you were extremely happy, doing something you liked, and someone took your attention away from you to ask you for help in doing something! But, you do it all the time! You do it all the time, you ask each other for help! Oh, what would it be right? You try to do it, and if the other person sees that you are having difficulty, they offer to do it! Then, it is the junction of the marvelous! That is all! To receive help, when you don’t ask for it, it is fantastic! It is wonderful! First because you will be very grateful, and the one who offered you help, offered it to you from the heart because he is offering! He didn’t ask you if you wanted help, he said, “I will help you!” And he came because he wanted to, of his own free will! This kind of help can have a face because it is a little bit different! Let’s say it’s a help in tasks, not in food or money.
So, the moral of today’s message is only one: think twice before bothering the other! I would say think three times, four times, five times, a hundred times! And only really bother if it is urgent and strictly necessary! There are things that unfortunately are necessary! But, think hard! Are we going to get unaccustomed to leaving the hammock and getting the juice from the refrigerator? Staying in the hammock, with your hand outstretched, with an empty glass, asking for juice is good, right?! It is very good! So, let’s get used to get up from the hammock, go to the refrigerator, get the juice and put it in the glass! Let’s go! Or laziness won’t let us? So, it is easier to ask someone else!
And to close, I will only say one thing! In fact, I will repeat a phrase that is already more than known: everything you emanate, comes back! So, if you disturb another unnecessarily, it comes back! My brothers and sisters, this is Universal Law! All the energy emanated will come back to you with the same intensity, or more, depending on the feeling you put into it! So, let me give you an example: you emanate something good with love, it will come back to you multiplied! What you emanated that was good will come back to you multiplied because you added love to it! You emanated something with anger, it will also come back to you multiplied, in the same way! One was an extremely positive feeling and one is an extremely negative feeling, so both have power! Don’t forget this: that everything that goes, comes back! So stop bothering each other! Stop being annoying, because annoying others is annoying! You don’t like to be bothered, but you bother others! Why? What’s the difference? I go back to the scene where I started this message: You are happy in life, when someone interrupts you to ask you for something! Is it good? Do you like it? I doubt very much that you like it! And you do the same thing with other people!
So, my brothers, let’s have a little more discretion! Let’s look inward a little more, before we bother the other! Let’s think twice before bothering the other! Let’s learn to walk on our own legs before we bother the other! Let’s learn to overcome our own challenges, without asking the other one! Let’s go? I know it is not easy, that this is already in your blood (as you say), but you have to become aware and learn a little bit every day! And you will see that in a while you will think several times before bothering anyone! There are some horrible habits among you! Where you trigger the other person without knowing if they can be triggered at that moment, and out of politeness, they respond. Yes! It’s complicated! Very complicated! But, all this was created with only one purpose, exactly this: to invade the other person’s space! You do this all the time, you invade each other’s space! Think about it, how much you invade other people’s space! How much? At the end of the day, I will say that it is a lot! So, of course there are situations and situations, but try, try to improve this addiction! Try to look them in the eye, because eye to eye, you know, the person is there, so you can talk to them. He/She is there, beside you, in front of you, you are not invading his/her space, he/she is there. Unless they turn their back on you and don’t want to talk to you. Let’s look his/her in the eye! Let’s talk personally! That would be a good exercise. Stop taking people by surprise, another exercise! Yes, you have a lot to learn yet, a lot! But start by learning to respect each other’s space! This is already a great lesson! By learning this, little by little, you will realize how good it is to respect the other! Don’t give him what he/she doesn’t want! Not to bother him/her when he/she doesn’t want to! Little by little you will get there! But you have to start! And think! Think a lot: how far would you rather stay in the hammock, just stretching out your arm with an empty glass and asking for the juice? How far?
Translated by Luiz Santos
