It’s amazing how often falls make you think, and make you analyze what is important in your journey! This is an example of how necessary it is for each of you to look at yourselves. I know that there are many brothers and sisters here who dedicate their lives to caring for others, to caring for those close to them and often focus all their energy on this care, on this affection, and end up forgetting about themselves.
This is a time, my brothers and sisters, when each soul needs to find its way! Each soul needs to take a close look at what lies ahead! I’m not saying here that there should be abandonment or mistreatment, ever! But you always need that word I like so much: balance! In which there is care for the other, there is love for the other, there is respect. But there must also be love, respect, and care for yourself! You have to share! You have to share your time! You have to be careful with your journey!
Many of you give yourselves with an open heart, with a lot of love and I can tell you that it’s a beautiful feeling, because many… I don’t know if I could say the majority, but I think I could, most of you don’t value those you have around, who, as they get older, often become little burdens to carry and many choose not to. Are you right or are you wrong? There is no right or wrong! Each case is different! Each path is different from the other! I would say that it’s not a question of loving more or loving less, it’s a question of choices, and it’s a question of reaping what you once planted. But often, giving up one’s life or giving up so many things for someone else, is a beautiful path, yes, in the eyes of God the Father/Mother, yes, it’s a beautiful path, but it’s a selfish path. Why selfish? Because most of the time those who do this forget about themselves, forget to look at those who also need to be cared for, to be looked at. So that’s why I say it again: there is no right and there is no wrong! I won’t condemn those who don’t accept the burden! Nor will I clap for those who do! As long as there is balance!! There has to be balance! Because when there isn’t, I won’t clap. You have to be very careful with your dedication, with giving yourself to another human being. And I’m not making a difference here whether it’s a mother, father, brother, son, daughter, husband, or wife, I’m not making a difference, it’s the dedication of caring for another. Of course, there is often the journey itself, where you have to go through that, you have to be careful, you have to live that burden, but that doesn’t prevent or determine the one who is carrying it from forgetting themselves, they can’t be forgotten. So this is a great example of surrender, of giving up a lot for the sake of another. The result isn’t always good, because things are being put aside, care is being put aside because the other person needs it more. Why? The other person does need to be cared for, but you, the carer, also need to be cared for!
So, my brothers, have balance! Balance is important! I once said here, and it was contested, that there is no obligation, there is no obligation! There must be love! Love must always reign in the process, because otherwise it becomes a bad relationship for both of us, for everyone! But even if there is love, there has to be a balance! Often, those who are cared for, ask for more than is necessary and force more than is necessary, because it’s part of being human, selfishness, and very often, even anger. “Why not me and her? Why not me and him?” So there’s that side too! So, those who take care of them, need to be smart enough not to get carried away, not to let themselves get caught up in this plot, that is not at all enlightened because it happens! Nobody is a saint, if they were saints they wouldn’t be in this dimension, they’d be on another planet.
So there has to be balance! There has to be love for yourself, self-love!
Each moment is divided into equal parts, neither too much there nor too much here, equal parts, in which you take care, but you also take care of yourself, and then everything is fine because nobody is a burden, the burden becomes light. Because you look at yourself, you’re not carrying any more than you can.
It’s very interesting how things are presented and have been presented to you for a long time: “It’s an obligation! That’s it!”, there are a lot of labels, but what nobody said, what nobody talked about, is that everyone needs to look at themselves first! No, that was never said! It was always said that you had to look at your child, look at your partners, look at your parents, and you were always last. You always had to give to everyone, whatever was left over, was yours. No! This is wrong!
Each of you needs to take care of yourself 100%. Love yourself first! Respect yourself first! Do yourself first! Then there are the others, and then there are your children, who you cry out to so much: “Oh, my children! I do everything for them!” Why? You must look after them as long as you have to. As soon as they start thinking for themselves, your job is done! You can guide them, you can give them good advice, but your mission is done! The mistakes and successes they make, are their own business, no longer yours! But you give in, you forget, you cancel yourselves out for your children! Wrong!
You had a mission: to be a mother and a father, to educate, to teach good values, to prepare them for the world. Now the path they choose is no longer yours, it’s theirs! Their souls need to go through everything they were prepared to go through. It’s not by putting your hands on their heads and putting them in a bubble that their soul will evolve! And then you forget about yourselves! Because you start living for them! All wrong! In the same way, parents are under no obligation to do anything! There is no obligation! There is love! There is desire! There is the pleasure of caring! But not obligation! There is no such thing!
Energetically speaking, within the light, there is no such thing as obligation! What is an obligation? It’s forcing someone to do something! Do we force someone to do something? No! The light doesn’t force anyone to do anything! So there is no obligation! There is, perhaps, recognition, affection, love, dedication, or any other feeling, but no obligation! So doing it out of obligation is wrong! Everything has to be done out of love, out of gratitude! It doesn’t matter! Never out of obligation!
And the most important thing: balance! Knowing how to set limits! Knowing how to set things right, so that there’s no wear and tear on either side.
Now is the time for each of you to look after yourself! Child, you take care! Because while they’re young, you have to take care of them, you have this duty, because you’ve taken on the role of mother or father, that’s all! But there will come a point when they take charge of their own lives and you’ll go back to thinking 100% about yourselves. Yes, there are many here scratching their heads that they don’t think like that! And I would say that if you don’t, you’re wrong! You need to think about yourselves because you are independent souls! Mothers and fathers don’t give birth to another soul; children, not children, are souls from anywhere in the universe. Souls who have chosen you as their parents, but have no connection, they are not a product! Yes, but there is a bond of love! That’s different! Because a bond of love doesn’t charge, doesn’t ask, doesn’t demand anything, it’s just love! So this doesn’t change the fact that everyone needs to think of themselves first, then think of others. “Oh, but I have to do it to please so and so!” Do you do it to please someone? What are you, begging for gratitude, begging for love, begging for attention? That’s wrong! Nobody has to beg for anything! Everyone has to be and reap what they sow. If you don’t receive it, at some point in your soul’s journey, you planted it and today you’re reaping it or you’re not reaping it.
So, my brothers, within this world that you are living in now, which (your words) is not easy! I’d say it’s going to get worse, it’s not going to get better!
And why not? And why isn’t it tending to get better? It won’t get better until all this dirt comes to light! We have to get to the bottom of it! You have to bring it all up! Then it will get worse and worse!
So that once it’s cleaned up, the light will shine through and everything will be fine! But until then, a lot still has to come to the surface, a lot has to be exposed, and a lot has to be completely blown apart so that the smallest details come to light.
So, at this moment, what is needed? For each of you to be in balance! That each one of you is okay with yourself so that you don’t get overwhelmed so that you don’t get carried away by what happens out there. What happens out there is out there! It’s not inside your house. And if it’s inside your house, it’s because you have to go through it, period. But what do you need? Balance! You have to trust that everything is for your good, that everything is a learning experience, that everything is a lesson! And that in the future, each lesson learned will allow each of you to move up, one more step towards the Light, one more step towards the Fifth Dimension. This is the purpose today!
So don’t feel sorry for yourself, or be bothered by what happens next door. Stay focused on your path, in front of you! Which path is dazzling in front of you? This is your path, so look at it! If, by chance, something happens that you didn’t expect, well, understand it, understand what’s going on, learn the lesson, and continue on your way. Forget about the other person’s path! It’s always the other person’s path, not yours!
So this is the big moment, my brothers, for everyone to know how far to give themselves, how far to allow themselves to be sucked in, how far to allow themselves to be used!
Many here are used and sucked in and why do you allow this?
You can’t allow this! We have to stop it! We have to show that this is no longer acceptable, this is not the way! Be strong and courageous! Don’t let yourselves be subjected! No one can be submissive to anyone! No one! You must wake up! You must stand up! If your head is down, raise your head and show: “I am me! I’m not something manipulated by you or anyone else!”
Be strong! Be powerful! This is the way today! There is no other way! You must understand what is to come! You must understand that you must be firm, always! So that you can look away and see the world falling, but you can still stand! Because that’s not your world, it’s someone else’s world, not yours! Yours is still standing! A piece of it might fall tomorrow, but you’ll get up and keep walking and the rest of the world will fall and you’ll be standing!
That’s the lesson of the moment!
Because those who lower themselves, those who let themselves be used, and abused, won’t have the strength! Up ahead, they won’t have the strength for anything! They’ll look at their neighbor’s path and think it’s their own, and they won’t get anywhere! I’m being very clear! I’m not going to lay a hand on anyone’s head! Stand up! Stand up!
You are not cockroaches to be smashed on the ground! You are a powerful human being! And that’s how you need to be! With a lot of love in your heart always, love for everything, love for anything, but powerful!
Being strong doesn’t mean not having love! To be strong is to be able to face everything with love! That’s being strong! So love! Take care! Do everything you love to do! But never forget: you have to look at yourself first! Never put your head down in the first place! You must always be strong in the first place! And be sure, my brothers and sisters, the journey may seem complicated, ugly, and difficult, but I ask you a question:
Which walk is like this, yours or someone else’s?
Which walk are you referring to?
If it’s yours, I’d say it’s time for you to stand up and rebalance your problems, look at them with love, and move on.
Or are you generalizing, saying that everything is bad because of someone else’s journey? Then everything is wrong!
Do you realize that there is a difference?
Which path is bad? Which world is bad? What’s not good, for you or the rest?
If it’s for the rest, well, let’s keep the rest! Forget it! Look at your journey, it’s what matters, not the rest! The rest is everyone’s, not yours! You have to look at your journey!
So, before you go off repeating that everything is bad, difficult, violent, dreadful, in what way? Yours or the rest? And if it’s the rest, shut up! Don’t repeat it! Don’t amplify the energy! Don’t amplify the energy, let it go! It belongs to the rest who are vibrating that energy, it’s not yours! Now if it is yours, take care of it with love and I guarantee that it will stop being all that you’re talking about.
Know how to behave, my brothers! Know how to look at your own feet! Not at other people’s feet! Other people’s feet don’t get you anywhere, it’s your feet that do! So look at them! Thank your feet for bringing you to where you are! Forget about other people’s feet! And above all, look at yourself first, always, and with balance! If they hurt, yes! With love, perfect! But with balance! And nothing, nothing, nothing out of obligation! Because I’m going to end our meeting by saying:
The one who does it out of obligation is planting it, have you thought about that? And the harvest really won’t be good, because you’re not doing it with love. So be real! Take action! If you don’t like it, don’t want it, don’t do it! But don’t do it out of obligation, because your harvest won’t be any good! I can assure you of that!