Archangel Michael Live 13-09-2023


I am glad to know that so many have made themselves available to attend the gathering. Very well! Very well! And, as it has already been said, we will not open anything else. Those who have enrolled themselves are enrolled. Those who have not, unfortunately, will have to wait for the next one. 

My brothers, today, the matter is very delicate and serious. We have been talking, several times, for some time now, about the difficult times you will live. Therefore, before starting the meditation, I would like to remind you of some things. It has already also been said that each one is where he needs to be. 

Many still look at the sky and ask Father/Mother God: Why? I assumed that that sort of question would not occur to any of you anymore, that you had already learned that each soul chooses the path, that each soul decides the moment of going away, and that many souls choose to go before the transition to the Fifth Dimension. Therefore, will all the souls who are going away ascend? Not necessarily. Some are part of the squad that will. And they are being prepared for it. But many will not. They are taking the tram and going away from the planet. They will not remain here. Therefore, several situations are occurring. 

And I remind you again: many of you penalize yourselves for having children involved, and I want to remind you that it is a physical child, but the soul is not a child. Many think that there is too much suffering, that all suffer a lot before making the transition. Then, I ask a question: who told you that? Why do you think that way? When there is a cataclysm, as has been occurring, all those souls are prepared, and most go away before it happens. Do not apprehend that there is a physical punishment there because there is not. Those who survive, who pass hours, even days buried — the soul also chose that. Now, this is not the place for me to explain why because each soul makes its own choices. Therefore, when I say to you that, at this moment, you only have to emanate love and light — not questions, not pity, not suffering — you must emanate love and light so that all those souls receive your love, the light they need. But rest assured that no soul is alone. 

On top of all this, there is the planet’s ascension and Gaia’s movement. Is Gaia angry? Is Gaia mad? No, neither one nor the other. I have already said here that Gaia cries when what needs to be done must be done. But I can tell you that those are energies accumulated a long time ago. Those are energies that need to be transmuted. Those are energies that need to be stirred up so that Gaia continues her journey toward ascension. 

My brothers, everything is very well planned. I know that, in your minds, many of you think that it is absurd and that no one needs to suffer. I have already explained a part of it. And those who survive, however they survive and do not have anything anymore — there is a lesson there — an important lesson: trusting, restarting, and valuing what they often did not. 

Therefore, my brothers, each of those souls who survive these disasters, those, indeed, have suffering ahead and will have to face all that suffering as a lesson to learn. Because otherwise, if there is outrage, the future will be worse because the lesson was not learned. 

As I said, difficult times are coming and are already taking place. You have no idea of what is still to come. But what is important is that each of you knows that you will live what you need to live. No one is being protected. No one is being separated. Each one will live the necessary lesson to his evolution. Some more, some less, but each one will love his role, his path. Therefore, there is no point in worrying or being afraid because it will only lower your vibration and will not lead you anywhere because you might not even go through anything. You might survive all that without going through any sort of hassle or problem. Who knows? And someone by your side might have to go through everything, and you will not apprehend anything. You will only comprehend that you are a soul. And that that one by your side is another soul, and each has its burden.  

Therefore, my brothers, you have been preparing to be pillars of light for some time now, right? Very well! And you think what? That being a pillar of light is nice? Is it something in vogue? Is it something that makes you better than others? I would say no; none of those answers. Being a pillar of light is having a mission. It is not simply being. Being a pillar of light carries with it many responsibilities and many missions. Do not think that it is just to be because, then, it would be too easy.

Therefore, what I am proposing here today (…) Because many hearts sink, I understand. I completely understand that seeing a brother suffering and all the destruction gives, as you say it, a lump in the throat. Heart sinks. We all understand that. The only thing that cannot happen is you assimilating all that. If you feel it, transmute it. Transmute it in love and light. Do not remain in the feeling. Therefore, I want to propose to each of you to use the weapons you have, the magic you have in your hands. Do not deny it. Everyone knows how to use magic because it is inherent to your soul. But you will not be alone. 

In today’s meditation, you will have all my protection, Mary’s and Sananda’s, and many dragons who will be with us. Therefore, I will let you at ease to arrange whatever you want, but without any involvement of the channel. If you wish to create parallel groups, be at ease. Nothing will come out of the channel. Many might ask themselves: “What? But now we can meditate in groups?” And I will repeat what I just said: you will have me, Sananda, Mary, and the dragons around. Is it not much? I think not. Let us say that this is a special moment. It is a moment of taking positive energy to Gaia. No, I am not worried about the people. They will be part of the meditation. But, the focus of our meditation is the planet. 

Let me explain something to you. Man has changed many things on the planet. He polluted, deforested, and affected the soil, the air, and the waters. Gaia needs to cleanse all that, and the necessary force for that is immense. But if we lay a great mass of love, we help Gaia stir up in the same way, but with a much lesser intensity because the force of love and light has that ability.

Therefore, I ask each one to participate, but from the heart. Do not do it just for the sake of it because you will not be helping at all! There has to be the heart! There has to be love! And all of you can do it. As I have said, you will be protected. “Oh! But you will be with each one doing the meditation?” I prefer not to answer this question because, then, I will start to get very worried. But I believe many do not have that doubt. Otherwise, I would not be releasing you for this. Do it the way you want it, at the time you want it, as often as you wish. It will be up to you to define what to do and how to do it, as long as you do not change a single word in the meditation. “Oh! But I will put some music in the meditation.” Do not do that. What will come out from here today cannot be changed. Do you understand? Because those who try to change it will attract to themselves not-so-good things because we will not be with you. Understood? It is what comes from here that should be used. Do not come up with: “Oh, I will do my own meditation.” Do not make it up. You do not know the danger you are in if you do it on your own. I am being very clear. It is impossible to be any clearer.

You will do the meditation we will do now as many times as you wish, whenever you want. The more you do it, the more you will be helping the planet. I believe many will like this: you will even be breaking many karmas that you have relating to the planet. That will happen. But do not do it with this feeling. “Oh! Then I will do it to get rid of everything.” Be careful! We know what exactly goes on in each one’s heart. And if you think that way, you will add more instead of eliminating. Therefore, do not mess around! Do not mess with serious things!

So, at this moment, we will start the meditation. May each one of you be certain: you are capable. You can do what will be done now. You need only to believe it. “Oh! But I do not see anything.” Where is your imagination? The fact that you do not see a thing does not interfere with anything. See yourselves doing it. Imagine yourselves doing it, and it will happen. It is the intention that counts. It is the intent that counts. 

So, I ask each one now to sit comfortably and put your feet on the ground, the ground where you are. It does not need to be Gaia’s ground of dirt. Take a few deep breaths. At this moment, I am in front of you. Sananda is on your right, and Mary is on your left. Behind you is a great dragon with his wings opened, covering all your rear. 

Now, at this moment, bring an image of the planet to your mind — this beautiful blue planet. See it spinning. Bring it in front of you. Place the planet in your hands. You may touch the planet. 

Now, imagine the water element as you know it. The elemental water dragons present themselves and move around the planet, soothing,   bringing equilibrium, equilibrium of emotions, equilibrium of reactions, equilibrium of all processes. 

See the little dragons moving around the planet, upwards, downwards, to one side, to the other, cleansing what is possible to cleanse on the planet. Now, the water elementals go away. And the elemental air dragons come. They make the same movement, vigorously flapping their wings, putting out all fire outbreaks, turning over places, expanding energies, moving still energies, and bringing the equilibrium of the wind and air. The elemental air dragons go away. 

Now, the elemental Earth dragons surround the planet, bringing equilibrium to the tectonic plates, bringing equilibrium to the depths of the planet, the internal layers of the planet. At this moment, all intra-terrestrial brothers help in this equilibrium, emanating Love and Light to the bowels of the planet. Now, the elemental Earth dragons go away. 

And now the elemental fire dragons arrive and surround the planet, transmuting — transforming the energies that need to be transmuted, decreasing the negative energy charge to be stirred. The elemental fire dragons bring the energy that stirs, that changes, that transforms. And now they go away.

The four elements will act on the planet, helping Gaia to be a little lighter — not to need so much strength to do what needs to be done. 

Now, from the center of your chest comes a great beam of pink Light covering the whole planet, embracing each brother in Love and Light. Feel your brothers’ energy. Emanate, emanate much Love. Now, that beam begins to decrease, and Gaia is grateful to each of you for so much Love and help. Look at the planet now, in your hands. It glows! It glows so much that you do not see the blue anymore. This is how each of you does your part, donates your energy, and helps the planet and your brothers. At this moment, we are one! We are all around you, strengthening all that was emanated and leaving you with all our energy and our Love. 

Now we move away. The planet is not in your hands anymore, but it is in your heart. Remember: you are a piece of Gaia! The moment has come for you to repay everything she has given you for all your existence as a soul. Be grateful! 

At this moment, we leave you once again with all our energy. And this dragon who placed himself behind your back, from now on, will always be there. Each one has chosen one of you. He is a companion and protector. Be grateful for this gift and know how to use it with love and with respect!

Breathe deeply one more time, and you may open your eyes. 

As you have seen, the meditation is personal, and the protection around you is immense! But you may do it all together, at the same time, at the same place, as you wish! Get together as you see fit! Be at ease because there is no danger! Because, in truth, the meditation is personal. But, of course, everyone doing it together, with one heart and one feeling, potentiates it even more. Do it as you wish. There are no restrictions. Only the channel will not make the groups. You will make your own groups. Use the groups of the Letters, which are already formed. Some of those groups are large, others not so much. But unite! Understand, my brothers: the moment is for union! It is union for a greater feeling to be emanated, which is love! Always emanate much love in any situation. Learn that. Do not fire back. Do not respond. Do not respond to what attacks you. Emanate love! And be sure that, with time, you will not even pay attention anymore because you will be so used to it that nothing, nothing, will upset you.

Stay with all my energy and with all my love!

Translation by Joana Rodrigues

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