Ah! We would enter anyway. These things happen. That’s all right. Nobody died. Nobody was desperate. I hope not. We are here again. I like it. I enjoy coming here. Obviously, I have to think about those who are our voices. However, for us … We would be here 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I assure you that we will have a subject for conversation. We would never repeat an issue because we have a lot to talk about. However, we can’t do that. We must respect human limits. Neither who is speaking nor you would bear it. After some time, you would all sleep, and we would talk to the walls. And this would not help. However, I like it very much being here today.
Many were affected by last Monday’s meditation. The energy was pretty concentrated and strong. In fact, if your body is not balanced, you may have many reactions. My answer for those who doubt repeating the meditation is: “did I ever say that you couldn’t”? I tell you when the displacement of time is not available. So, if you can do the meditation with time displacement, there is no limit to the times you can do it. You can participate as many times as you wish, no problem. However, don’t complain later that you are with excessive energy. So, you must always exercise common sense. You must be calm without despair.
So, to complement what happened last Monday: the energies are coming with more intensity each day that goes by within your time. Why is it so? It is like your planet’s orbit was taking the Earth to a closer point within your galaxy, referring to the central point that is Alcyon Sun. You are reaching a smaller distance between these two points. So, all the intensity of the Central Sun’s energy is coming to expand your consciousnesses. This happens so everyone knows the truth, first about themselves and then about others. Many are going through some processes. Some of them are tough and complicated. However, this is the time to show each one the things you must see. You must look at things with tenderness, not anger, because it would only grow the problem. Anger always worsens things and not the contrary. Suppose you look at an issue with Love, kindness, and dedication to solve it definitely. In that case, the problem tends to slowly disappear, and you would have left behind something that had to be solved. Don’t complain about current moments, and don’t despair; you will overcome it all. Each one will have its way, time, and solution.
Once more, I want it to be clear in your mind: don’t look at the solution others found. “Ah! That guy solved it a certain way, so I will do as he did!” I tell you: that guy’s problem was caused by something you don’t know because sometimes a problem is not generated during this life. It is the walk of a soul. Therefore, how can you affirm that others’ solutions will solve your problem? I assure you it won’t because your situation is yours. His problem is his. So, the same solution is not possible. Each one needs to find a solution. Each of you must get off the hammock and control your walk. Stop pushing the problem ahead because this is what happens today. It is no longer possible to hide the problem under a carpet or drawer. It keeps jumping in front of you, so you look at it. The more you refuse to look at the issue, the more it irritates and comes against you. Until you can’t avoid it anymore because it will simply swallow you. You will need an attitude to escape. My brothers, you can’t postpone your problems anymore. It is time to look ahead and face each issue. You must admit: “Yes, I made a wrong decision. I was wrong.” What is the problem with it? Is there anyone judging you? You have a severe problem. I affirm that 100% of humanity has this difficulty: admitting errors. What happens? Ah! The others will judge me. So what?. It is your life. Forget others’ judgment. The other is digging another hole in his walk because he buries himself a little more whenever there is a judgment. We don’t judge. Father/Mother God doesn’t judge. So, how can a mere human judge the other? The time to look ahead for those who judge you and do nothing has arrived. What would I say? Look at him and slap him? No, you have to look at that person and show that you are not affected because you are aware of your error. And precisely because of this, you won’t do it again. You have learned the lesson.
Laugh out loud to those who judged you. A good laugh from the bottom of your heart, not with irony, but a laugh of joy. Why? Because you finished that. You understood the lesson and are going ahead. The one judging you is taking two steps back at that exact moment. So, who is the winner in this story? Those who judge are poor wretches because they dig holes in front of them. In fact, you have done it for a long time. It is no surprise to see how the world is now. You always knew how to diminish, tease, point fingers at, laugh at, judge, criticize, and separate the other, whatever the reason. You have always done this. Please, don’t be self-righteous, saying: “No! I have never done that!” Who are you cheating? Not us because we see what you have done at each point of your lives! This is marked on your souls! You don’t need to rummage through your lives to discover. Your souls show it. The little stains that remain around your souls. We know that a soul full of little pints is a soul that judges and attacks others a lot. Although not totally cleaner than others, we know those clean souls are souls that respect others. So, you can’t cheat us. You have been taught to attack others and make them feel inferior. What criteria do you use? “Ah! I am more good-looking!” What do you do with it? Please, be polite when answering me. I tell you that you don’t do anything with your good-looking. If your ego is inflated because you are handsome, you will be empty and despicable. You think you are better than anyone just because you are good-looking. However, inside, you are empty and hollow. There is nothing there. On the other hand, those who are according to the pattern that I don’t know who created and who are not so good-looking have beautiful hearts and respect and love others. They don’t hurt or recriminate anyone and take care of its life. Ah! This guy has a beautiful heart; he is illuminated. However, he could be better-looking, couldn’t he? So, if he is not pretty to you, he doesn’t matter. Why? Because somebody also said that only those who have beauty have some value. Someday, somebody noted that high-class people have value and other things! I won’t repeat the silly stuff you created. So, I can guarantee that all you did will return and knock on your door with strength. You will have to look behind and ask for forgiveness from all who judged you and those you perhaps have mistreated, separated, and discriminated against. You must do this because the moment has arrived. All those attitudes won’t be unanswered. The lesson must be learned.
Now is when you can’t look at it and ignore it. You can’t help but accept that you did what you did. You can’t deny it, even because it would increase the problem. So, it won’t help. The time has come for the truth. Ah, but the truth about the other is more interesting. This is fantastic and becomes gossip and comments. You put it in your social media (as you say). “Did you see? Did you know?” Look how wonderful it is to talk about others’ truth. Did you look in the mirror? Did you look in the mirror and see your truth? Did anyone there see your own reality? Did anyone laugh behind you about your truth? And you are there laughing at others’ truth. So, what right do you have to laugh about the other’s truth and say: “He deserved this! He did the wrong thing and is paying for that!” You say these things, I see you. You do say these things! “He deserved it!” Beware! Because when you say these things, you are creating one thing you sent to that person; the energy you sent was not good. On the other side, the boomerang you made will go and come back to you. It returns to you. How? In many ways!
So, the energies arriving are bringing the truth, including yours. This is a moment to look at yourself. Forget others’ truth; this is their problem, not yours. Take care of your truths and errors. Take care of your bad decisions. Now is the time. There is no way to escape. The moment arrives when you have no option except to take care of yourself. You must look to yourselves. The time has come for forgiving and asking for forgiveness. I have said this before and will repeat: few are so brave to ask for forgiveness or forgive face to face. Only a few are that brave. So, we take care of things because nothing would happen if we had to wait for you to look at everybody face to face. After all, you are fearful and ashamed. So, if you think about a person and ask for forgiveness, that person will receive forgiveness or a request for forgiveness. A person with an evolved heart will think twice because you emanate an energy that echoes in that person’s heart. Then, you would talk to explain things!” And everything is settled. The same happens when you have to forgive. Forgive whoever wronged you. You have to think about that person and forgive. So, the energy in that person’s heart changes, bringing happiness because of forgiveness. This is a little dispensation we gave you because otherwise, nothing would happen. Few of you can ask for forgiveness and forgive face to face. So, it can be at a distance. However, you must do it from your heart. It is not just saying, “Ok, I forgive you.” This is useless. You talked to the air, the Universe, and not the person. You must think about that person with Love, not rage. “Ah, ok, I will think about so-and-so.” Forget, you won’t do anything. You must think with tenderness, Love and send the energy of forgiveness or a request for forgiveness. Do this!
You’ve got a lot to do. To forgive and ask for forgiveness does not apply only in a fight or when you break off relations. It applies to judgment, criticism, discrimination, gossip, and other actions you do every day. So, it would be interesting for you to forgive everybody. You do it as you remember; fill the planet with forgiveness. When it happens correctly, it takes Love with it. This is fantastic because it breaks those rage and vengeance vibrations and generates a new egregore. Try it! Did you think about a person you criticized? Ask for forgiveness. The person will receive energy. That person may not understand from whom but will receive, which will be good. It certainly will.
So, try to change the way you see your life. Stop worrying about others’ lives. Stop with gossip and take care of your way. Now is the time to look at your own paths. I will leave you with an exciting thing for you to think about. Who knows if everything won’t happen tomorrow? And then, tomorrow is the day, and you will say: “My God! I didn’t do what had to be done! And now?” It is too late, my dear. Your moment is over. Do you see? The moment may be now or tomorrow. Who knows? Does anybody know? Does anyone sign a document saying that it can’t be tomorrow? So, you are wasting time looking at others’ paths and life, looking at their errors, and forgetting you must clean your errors. If things happen at any time, will you be ready and clean? What do you think? When will it happen? Nobody knows. It can be tomorrow. What if God, Father/Mother, decides today that Gaia will ascend tomorrow? How are you? Clean? Did you do your homework? Unfortunately, I will tell you that nobody will be approved. Nobody! Do you see that you are wasting your time? You are losing your time criticizing the other, finger-pointing, and judging. Look inside yourselves, improve your lives, and forget others’ lives. Now is the time to look inside, not the surroundings. Take advantage of this chance because you can be surprised at any time, and worst, you can lose the opportunity! Then, you will cry and regret not doing what we have been telling you constantly.
So, take advantage of what is coming. Look inside yourselves. Ask for the energies that are coming because they are mighty. You may ask whatever you want:
“May the energies make me see where I must improve.
May the energies make me see whom I must forgive.
May the energies make me see to whom I must ask for forgiveness.
May the energies make me see where I need to improve.”
It is as simple as that. Gradually, you will be conscious because the energies are doing this. They are putting all those entangled concepts and old, wrong, and ridiculous beliefs in your minds so you can see yourselves from another perspective. This is what is happening right now. Don’t let this moment go by. Please don’t push the problems ahead because it will be impossible to bear them. Then, when the suffering comes, you will remember: “Yes, I had to treat this way behind, and I didn’t. Now I am suffering.” This is true. Why? For lack of courage, laziness, and losing time looking at other’s life. So, fill yourself with courage and face your problems. Face and show them who is in charge. Because when you do this, you understand what generated the situation and learn the lesson. And the problem disappears because you have learned.
So, this is the message I want to leave today. The moment asks for self-learning, self-healing, and recognizing your errors, failures, bad decisions, attitudes, and thoughts. All of this is connected to the moment to forgive and ask for forgiveness. After that, you will make great strides toward the Light and evolution. Each one selects the way. Many may agree with what I am saying, and many may say: “I don’t agree with anything you said,” And that’s all right. You make your choice always. I cannot help but warn you that you may skip doing what you must. You are warned. Now make your own selections. What is the exact way you will follow! Where do you want to arrive? Do you want Light, evolution, Fifth Dimension? That’s good. However, there is only one choice for this to happen: do everything I told you. Otherwise, forget evolution or that illuminated path because there is no time anymore for you to arrive there. Take advantage of the power of this Light that is coming into the planet. Use this Light to your benefit because it helps you dissolve the problems, not only show them. The Light helps you see the clear and crustal solution because it is Light. Light illuminates and shows. So, abuse this Light. Make this Light that is coming to your companion at every second. Do this! And, when you look behind, you will say: “Uau! What a beautiful path I created! I didn’t walk on anybody; I didn’t hurt anyone, and I didn’t send bad energy to anyone. Look at the beautiful path I took!” And this is not ego. It is the confirmation that you learned that you must respect the other completely, whomever the other is, and whatever the other has done. It is not your problem. It is his problem, and the day you learn this, you will give a giant leap in your evolution.
Again, it is a matter of choice. What are you choosing to live? How do you choose to live from now on? Forget the past. You will begin eliminating the past now. What will you do from now on? Will you continue doing what you used to, or will you avoid repeating the same errors? Will you try to evolve? These are only choices, and we can’t do anything about them because you have free will. Choose the path you will follow; indeed, someday in the future, you will be close to or far from evolution because the moment is ending. The moment is near. So, make your choices. Which side do you want to go? There are different sides and directions that are not parallel. They are in opposite directions. If you take the path to Light, you are close to the Light. If you take the opposite way, you get stray from Light. There is no other way. Make your choices. In the future, which is not so far away, you will see the results. I am sure about that.