As always, I was already here! It was not her talking! No! I won’t start our encounter with scolding, as you used to say. I won’t. I won’t waste this precious time with you to call your attention to something clear before your eyes. So, just listen to the video I prepared today. Listen very careful!
I will come back to a time when I allowed you to ask questions. Those were good times when I taught and explained many things. Why did it end? The questions were repetitive because people didn’t have the patience to come back and read what had been said. For this reason, the process finished. This is a habit of human beings. You are not the only one to be in this ascension walk. Humans act the same: they read something and pay attention to what interests them. However, I must say that you do read. As you used to say, you look over, you don’t read with attention, with the heart. This is what we mean when we tell you to take care of what you read and listen to on your Internet. You start listening, but you don’t listen with the heart. The heart may be sad because it is feeling that something there is not good. However, you are so distracted that you continue listening and receiving that energy, and it’s all right. You don’t do the things with your heart. You are always in a hurry. You always need to do something at that moment. You need to elaborate something at that moment. So, your heart is not involved in anything that is said, written, and read. Only the mind is engaged with all the aspects you already know. I ask you, my brothers, is this adequate for a being that wants to ascend?
What did Saint Germain teach with the Violet Flame and the Decrees? He taught there is a perfect and divine force inside you. This force is called the I AM. When you say I AM, a door, a portal opens, and something magnificent will come to your life and body depending on what you add after the I AM. So, you know it exists, you have the Divine presence, and it is the great counselor. It can give you some answers to questions and doubts of yours. Then, I ask: have you applied the Saint Germain Decrees? Do you use in your daily life the I AM? Ah, I believe so. I believe you say: I AM not capable of seeing. I AM not capable of listening. I AM not capable of this and that. Very well. Many decrees and affirmations to turn you into what? Incapable, you have just said that. What do you want to get to the Fifth Dimension? I already know. I have already seen this on the mind of many: a machine. Some already showed me this on their minds. A machine where you enter, such as a box, and your soul would be clean. All your errors would be forgiven. You would learn everything to learn and receive your soul’s powers. When you arrived at the other side of that box, you would be ready for the Fifth Dimension. Yes, I won’t deny it. That’s a good idea. I am thinking about doing this way to see if it works, but I have to tell you, my brothers, that things don’t work this way. There is no magic wand that transforms the things it touches. For the magic wand to work, you must believe and be trained in magic. However, you don’t even know how to use the essential magic, that is, the I AM! So, how could you use a magic wand?
I observe you. It is true when she says I am 24 hours beside her. I am watching her entire consciousness, the consciousness of her family and neighbors. I am everywhere, close or far away from her, and I learn many things. The way you talk, the expressions you use, your way of living. I try to find, within everything I learn, the best way and form to create that box, the one you will enter and leave ready on the other side. Why not? I try, sincerely I do! However, each attempt is a deception for me because most of you don’t surrender by heart. Most of you do things without commitment. They are not there at the moment with an open heart to receive what the Masters have to give. They just are there. It is as if you were submitted to a ray to become more tinted. This exists in your world. You tan your skins artificially. So, this is more or less what you do. You enter under the Master’s Ray and stay there just receiving the Ray. What about the heart? It doesn’t matter how the heart is. You are there receiving the Ray, the touch of that Master that fills your body with Light. You do this. Most don’t try to live that moment with a heart and soul clean. They are doing things without a care. Then nothing works, things don’t work, and then they complain. And how they complain. What’s your problem with hearing? What is the difficulty in being present at that moment? To be present, listening attentively to what is being said? What’s the problem? I still don’t find the answer. Do you remember when we started the Evolution Walk and why it began? Because we gave up changing your minds and decided to change your souls. Do you remember this or forgot? Did you forget that we are here treating souls, not minds? Even so, you still don’t interact with the process. You create answers and intricate events to live that. Then, I ask: what would be the reason why many didn’t see anything? Because they did not want to see the soul? Don’t they want to see the spirit? However, the soul had a body at that time. Nobody is seeing a spirit. You are seeing people. Why didn’t you see? There is a list of reasons, but I prefer to leave the answer to you. I won’t give the answer. Is there a reason? Obviously, there is a reason. The principal reason is arrogance, “I don’t think I hurt anyone. I did nothing. So, I don’t have anything to see.” This is one of them. “I have never hurt anyone!” Let me tell you one thing: some people listen to the videos but do not accept that they lived other lives; they think this is nonsense. They believe the soul dies with the body. The soul doesn’t have a life sequence; it is not immortal. That’s all right. So, they won’t see anything at all. This is one of many other reasons I won’t mention here. Each one knows precisely why nothing was seen.
You look like those children in school. The teacher arrives, but nobody pays attention to what she is teaching. Nobody hears what she is saying because students are playing with balls, scribbling, and talking to each other. The teacher is there talking, teaching the Then, one fine day, the teacher arrives at the classroom and says: “Look, tomorrow there will be a test about the entire subject taught this week.” What happens with the students? They panic! “I didn’t study.” “The subject was taught.” What to do? To have a 0 grade on the test because only those who paid attention to the class can answer the questions. The others didn’t care for what the teacher said. Those who ignored what the teacher was saying will not do the test. This is an example for you! You don’t want to hear what We told. You simply ignore it. Then, when the test comes, so does the despair. Why the despair? So, I will give you one reason for the discomfort: you admitted your errors! This is another problem of the human being!” To accept a mistake! Ah! This is death for you. It is almost inadmissible. So, on the last day, when the teacher informs you about the test, you look behind and see: “I didn’t pay attention to the class!” And you admit the error. Ah! There is when the despair comes. “My grade will be zero!” Right. This is the cause of pain: you must admit the error. Many will say: “No. I did it with faith. I did with surrender, and I didn’t see anything.” I won’t judge anybody. However, each of you knows how you did the meditations. You had an Ascended Master very close to you, bringing all the required souls, but you didn’t see anything. Interesting! Why? Because you didn’t want to see it. You consider yourselves too good to admit that you must bring such an amount of forgiveness. “Oh, no! I didn’t do these amount of nasty things. I don’t have to forgive anyone. I did nothing wrong. Ok, then. So, why are you making this journey? It makes no sense to stay on this journey. Why are you on this journey if you think you have nothing to forgive or ask for forgiveness?
So, my brothers and sisters, it is complicated. To deal with you is difficult. It is like being constantly on a roller coaster. One hour you are up on the top. You are following an excellent path, and suddenly you go down. It seems you lose your way and jump from the cliff without reason. You just jump. The despair is such that you jump. Why? Why so much despair? To be honest, I can’t understand. This journey will not be interrupted. It goes up to the end. No matter that in the seventh round, only one person is doing it. No problem. We will be there with this single person. We will go to the end because it is good for the planet. It is being good for the whole. Not only for you. Don’t think that you are only cleansing what your souls did. You are breaking the connections with the negative energies of thousands of souls, which is good for the whole. So, we will go up to the end. Those who don’t want to finish the journey and stop in the middle of the way, be our guests. Nobody is being forced to do anything. You have the free will, then you do if you want. You don’t have to feel compelled to do it. If you undertake to do something, do it with your heart and feeling, not your mind. You must do it with your heart. You have to open your heart because this is the only way you will do whatever is asked during meditation.
We already said that the last rounds will be challenging. Are you ready to get there? I hope so! I hope you are prepared because although I think of mounting that machine, that box, the tests will take many years. It is not going to be ready on time. So, you must follow the traditional way of changing habits, attitudes, and thoughts. You must begin believing the Divine Presence, the I AM. You must believe what is said, not what you think must be done. If we were to do the things the way you wanted, we would not be here. We would be some years behind because you only think with your minds. You don’t feel with your heart. We are the opposite: we do everything with the heart. Then, let’s begin improving your attitude about everything. Not only about meditation but about a walk, a journey. About everything! How can you emanate unconditional Love if, at every moment, you revolt, get upset, and think everything is boring. How do you want to follow this way? I can’t understand. It is not compatible. You want to ascend and have the same attitudes. It is unlogical. You have attitudes that are entirely contrary and adverse to your ascension. For this reason, you want that machine to make everything easy for you. Unfortunately, that machine requires many years of tests, and we don’t have this time. You must change. You must be heart. From the top of your head to the plant of your feet, you must be heart. All your cells must be heart, not mind. That’s what you need: heart. Whenever you think about something, think about the other, not only yourself. This is ego. I thought you had put aside your egos a long time ago, or is it coming back? I hope not. I hope each attitude, thought, word, and feeling put you in the first place and then the other. However, this pair must always be you and the other, you and the whole. The thought may never be: what is good for me. No! It is what is good for me and for the whole. This is how a person who wants to ascend thinks. Thinking about yourself and the whole. Not only yourself.
So, my brothers and sisters, let’s face the things with Love. Let’s live each moment with more Love. That’s sufficient for what is happening outside of your homes. Your world is not beautiful now. It is a world of violence, pain, suffering, and war. So, you must be Love. Don’t follow the pace of the world outside. Do your own world and be only Love. Firstly, the Love for yourself and then the Love for the other. The Love for the planet. Love for whoever may be. Love even for the one who pressed the button of war. This is Unconditional Love. That person is human. He is a brother. So, love him. Don’t judge, don’t feel angry because it is not how you will solve the problems of your world. Much to the contrary. Your world may change, but only if all think with Love. If one day all of you, beginning from the person who governs each country, would think about your people with Love, then your planet would change. There would be no hunger or pain. There would be nothing. Just peace, harmony, and abundance because everyone would look to each other with Love. There would be no fight or dispute. Why? Because the other is equal to me, not better nor worst. I am not better or worst than anyone. So, there would be no dispute. So, this would be a world of the heart. An optimal world for you. A world of Love, peace, and harmony. However, always ruled by the heart and by much Love.
So, don’t consider everything we talk about, as you used to say: “There comes scolding again!” My brothers, I would like each of you to be there quite ahead, virtually in the lowest octave of the Fifth Dimension. Already with your body almost transformed, ready to ascend. This is my desire. And this journey up here has the purpose of increasingly elevating the souls to the ascension. When we reprimand you, it is for you to wake up and see where you are making mistakes, distancing from the road we would like you to be in. I would like you to take my Sword, put it in the middle of this planet, and the energy of my Sword would ascend all human beings on the Earth. I would like it to be that way, but unfortunately, there is a mixture of wheat and tares. So, the wheat needs to be removed from the tares. Otherwise, these tares continue contaminating the wheat. I’ve been separating each piece of wheat far from the tares, so each one arrives where I want you to. Where God Father/Mãe wants for this planet. Don’t doubt our objectives. You must trust. We are dealing with your souls because this is how we elevate your vibration, making it easier to separate the wheat from tares. It is like you started fluctuating above the tares and became more receptive to the Light emanating from this planet. So, never doubt what we want. We are united in single thinking and idea, that is, to take an enormous mass to the Fifth Dimension. This mass would return and show to all: “look, we got it, you will too!” However, this mass must want this to happen. It must want to live the unconditional Love, equilibrium, and justice. Everything is necessary for the evolution of a human being, leaving behind all that is contrary to this journey. All that prevents taking a step forward. Everything that causes one step behind. This is the objective of this journey, and I would like each of you to arrive at the end of this journey because you will see the results when you arrive there. However, you must be with open hearts and minds, facing the challenges as a trampoline, not as a bad thing. Each obstacle is always a point of evolution. See it that way. Don’t be carried away by childish fears you still have inside of you. Be courageous and take one step further. This is the only way; there is no other. There is not a ready machine. Only following this way will you arrive at the Fifth Dimension.
We all are here, ready to receive and help you. However, you insist on asking for help from those beside you. You may have doubts. The only thing we ask is that you don’t ask anyone else. Ask us! We want, and it is necessary, that this connection be created. If not on the first time, try the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth time. One day it will happen. And this is what we want: to talk with you and help you as necessary. I hope you have a good reflection on what was said here today.
Your word will change and, as already said, you will be responsible for selecting where you want to go. Then, you can come back and vibrate equal to the whole, the great mass, or remain vibrating quite above, in another world and context. Ask yourselves: What do you want? Most will answer that they wish to the evolution. Very well. Then, deserve it. Don’t make these short trips because this is not helping your way. Learn to overcome obstacles! Don’t be afraid to face the obstacle. This is the only way to evolve. It is not helpful to hide the problem under the carpet. There is no carpet anymore. The issue will remain there until you make a decision. The situation is that the problem will stay there until you solve it. So, do everything with Love! Do everything with energy, with the heart! You will see how in the next rounds of this journey of forgiveness, nobody will tell anymore that it is not passing anything. However, this will depend solely and exclusively on each one; each must choose himself with the heart and follow with the heart. Just this! A big heart in front of the chest. You will be taking advantage of the entire journey as we created it! Be sure that you will not regret it.
