I am going to start saying something very important: coming back being a child, letting your inner child come to light, open the heart and to take off negative feelings, open the mind and throw away the worries are proceedings that you have no idea about the result caused on you!
As I Always say here, anything I do is meaningless. Instead many are ignoring and thinking that it is not Me effectively, who is here! Because an Archangel would never lose the time passing games for people to do!
Unfortunately, there are still minds that do not accept that we are not what was passed to you, unattainable, insensitive and that speak only strong things in such a serious way and that any other way we can use. They are losing! Because each time they criticize and judge me, they are attracting to themselves more judgment, more criticism. And there will be the day they will regret not having participated in the games. But each one follows its own way! Each one follows what its own heart asks! Each one follows what they want to follow!
So, what can I tell you? Many students in the camp! And I have only one thing to say: Congratulations! I am proud of my children! Many are tooters, many are more retracted, but all of them are playing in the camp. Those ones who use tricks, “ Ah, I have no time! I couldn’t do it! I would say to look inside your heart and find out the real reason for not doing everything on the right day. And I will tell you that there is a reason. It’s you that don’t want to see what it is!
But it is all right! Whoever wants to catch up on the drawings during the weekend, there is no problem at all! Who wants to make many repeated drawings, ih, do many of them! The more drawings you make, the more you will be living this moment of joy! Don’t be judgers! I am not rewarding the best drawing and I am not going to laugh at the worst drawing. Nobody will do that! The important thing is that each one of you makes what you are capable of doing!
If everybody were designers on the planet, gosh, your world would be wonderful, perfect, everything would be nice, would be organized, with straight lines. The curve lines are also important! So, there is no ugly drawing, no beautiful drawing! There is a drawing that each one can do! And anyone is better or worse than the other!
You are judging yourselves! Don’t do that! Look at your drawing – and it is possible that you have done one only scribble – look at the drawing and say: “here is what I know how to do!” And that’s it, because you don’t feel like doing it, ah, there would be so many reasons! You are capable!
All of you were children one day. So, turn to me and say: “Ah, I don’t know how to draw!” Take a look. I am seeing you as a little one, sitting in the school drawing, so don’t say to me that you don’t know!” because all of you know! I don’t want artists! I don’t want professional designers! I want people who put on the paper, what your hearts feel, anything else! If you draw two little balls, put a little eye, and a little tail and say that is a cat, ok, if you say that is a dog, ok, if you say that is a Bird, ok too. It is all right! I am not analyzing anybody’s drawing! So, stop saying that you don’t know”! You are not so childish! The era to say “I don’t know” was there in your childhood, not now! I am not asking for works of art. I am asking for energy on the paper!
Now, there is something that is important to be said. Many of you are doing it with joy, you are being careful, you are trying to do beautiful things. Now, there are some of you that are making it just to do it! So, I ask you a question: what for? Did I obligate you to do it? Did I say here: “All of you must do the drawing? The ones who do not do so will be punished. Did I say that? I didn’t! So, if you are doing it grudgingly, only because I asked, don’t do it! Because you are putting on the paper something that will stay there, forever. The energy that you are putting there, will keep emanating back to you!
Ah, you did not think about that? So, think about it! A Picture, a paper with a drawing has an energy of what is designed there, of what is showing there. Over there, the moment is focused. So, if you sit and draw a house, a sun, clouds, trees, birds, pets, unconsciously, that house can be the house of your dreams and you can be putting on the paper your future. That beautiful house you have always dreamed of, but you still don’t have it, but who knows what was designed there, on the paper, it doesn’t start to become true?
And it is not because of this that everybody from tomorrow on, will remake the drawing and put up a beautiful house, and only because you want to have a beautiful house. Stop that! Understand, what is there is the clear representation of what is inside you! The beautiful or the ugly, there is not in this judgment! What is there, is the joy, the imagination, it is a kid thinking and putting everything on the paper. I repeat again: I don’t do anything by chance! I know exactly the reason for having created this camp! And I am getting my objective, because you are happy, you are smiling, you are laughing at your clownings around, you are laughing at your drawings, and this is wonderful! Do you want a better thing than that? Then laughing? Or you want me to stay here a whole night telling jokes! Yeap! I would have to study a lot to learn so many jokes like that and make you laugh the whole night.
Understand my brothers and sisters! You are putting on the paper a little bit of you! “Ah, but what I drew is very ugly, so I am ugly?” No. Don’t take it so literally! What is on the paper is the representation of what is inside of you! If you make a house – I will make the psychologist turn – if you make a beautiful house, all colored, beautiful, organized, everything right, you are this way! You are a methodical person, extremely detailed, so there is a little bit of your personality reflected. So, if you come, make an unconventional house, some crooked lines, but the house is still on its feet, it could be possible to live in it, it reflects what you are. You don’t pay much attention to the appearance, to everything in the right place, you are more disconnected. Got it? The drawing is the reflection of you! But nobody is better or worse than the other!
I only want you to understand what you are putting there. It is your energy that is on this paper! That is all that passes through your mind! It is a drawing that will be kept in touch with your things and every time you are sad, you will catch the drawing and look at it in a fixed way, and that joy, at the moment it was done, will return to you. So, it is like a saving of joy, that can be used in a moment of boredom, of sadness, of boredom in the future. “Ah, so, I will make many drawings!” Do many drawings! Increase your savings! But it is not an obligation for you to make a drawing, as I am doing. Each day I put one more thing in the drawing. That is what I want, my brothers and sisters. It is what I want! I want joy! I want to laugh! I want jokes! It is a pity that I can’t put all of you to play with the wheel. It would be very nice! It would be very interesting to see you effectively becoming children again!
Many of you keep thinking that it is not really me that is here. So, to those who are listening to me, and are shaking your head and saying: “Everything is wrong”. This is not an Archangel! This does not exist!” So, I make you an invitation: get out! What are you doing here? Are you testing me? Or do you want to prove that it is really me? If you want, only ask me and I will prove to you now! So, get out! Don’t mess up the energy of the group! Don’t mess up the energy of everybody that is here open-hearted, happy and in joy! Take your sadness, your anger, and your doubt to another place! Not here! In this camp you don’t stay! Go away! You have nothing to do here!
So, my brothers and sisters, keep on drawing! And I will tell you more. This camp won’t be eternal. There will be a time that it will end. But I would tell each one of you: keep on doing everything it was done here! Sometimes take a piece of paper, make a drawing, make a joke, play with your kids. They like parents to participate in the games with them. Play! Come back to the games in Family! Unplug a little bit of your appliances! Play with games where there is nothing of technology, old games, but that are very good to the mind and there are moments of union among parents and children.
For those who do not have children anymore, play with the grandchildren! Call your grandchildren to play. Show them the toys of your time! Ah, I guarantee they will like it! Ah, and who does not have children, who does not have grandchildren, does what? Look yourself in the mirror and make a grimace and begin to laugh alone. Paint your face, smear yourself with ink, smear yourself at all, do anything, but make yourself laugh! Return to your childhood, my brothers, and sisters! Becoming children again, is to forget a little bit what happens outside, and that in truth, it doesn’t matter to you. What each one must pass, is passing and period! So, the moment of joy, of laughing, of laughing a lot, is very good! Talk nonsense! Make jokes only to speak nonsense! Make jokes to imitate other people. This takes time and it is very funny, and apart from the appliances!
My brothers and sisters, the joy and love walk hand in hand. They are the biggest positive feelings there are in the Universe! The one who is happy splurge Love, and the one who splurge Love is happy! So, be happy! Splurge Love! Splurge happiness! Sit down with the children and draw! Buy a lot of pencils, sit down with the kids and say: “Let’s draw!” And each one draws something! Look how interesting! There are “an infinity” forms of you to feel happy, forget the problems and start to vibrate high. This is very important at this moment!
The camp will be kept for a little while! I won’t finish it very soon! It is necessary for you to consolidate this joy that is in your hearts. Now, be prepared, because I can pass some tasks to you where you will have some work to do! But I will warn you in advance, for all of you to have the chance to buy what is necessary. No, I won’t ask anybody to buy anything expensive! But we will have to mess up! And how does a kid mess up? With a lot of color. So, I will only say that! Wait! I will pass the material list. Isn’t it the way you speak in your schools? “The material list?” So, I will pass to her the material list for you to buy, so we can bang! So, the game will be complete!
Do not worry. The ones who cannot buy, can play the same way! No, there is no problem! Nothing is demanded! Bring your joy and this will be too good for everyone! Or do you think that one’s joy ends in oneself? No, it doesn’t! The joy of one reverberates at the group’s joy, and it is very important.
I like the comments you are making. Very interesting! Exchange more comments. It is good for everybody to see what you are doing. You can comment in the group. Don’t be afraid! The group is for experiences! You can put in there! “Ah, but the subject is game!” And what is the matter? Is there any prerequisite of subjects in the group? Nobody is speaking ill of anybody! Now, I don’t want this, because if you start judging and criticizing the other, I will close the group! But you can write: “Ah, I drew a house upside down.! “Ah, I drew a pink tree! Ah, I drew a red sun!” Write there. The group is for that. For you to expose your experiences. So, you can write! You have my authorization, since nobody criticize the other! I don’t want this! All of you are capable! If you want to put pictures of your drawings, put the pictures of the drawings! There is no problem! I don’t know if you can put pictures, but if you can’t, stay to each one of you, because otherwise it will mess everything up, right? But you can comment in the group, there is no problem! Comment! Put all the joy you were writing here before we start. How much laughing you haven’t given? This is important! And as I have said: This drawing is the reflex of each one of you! It is a good moment for you to make a self-analysis! “Gosh! This drawing is sad! “Probably, that’s the way you are feeling! So, improve yourself! Make a happier drawing, and this for sure will reverberate in you! And I don’t want anyone else saying that you don’t know how to do! This phrase: “I don’t know! “I don’t want to listen among you! “I don’t know! I can’t! I can’t do it! I don’t have!” No! Turn these sentences off your lives! You can’t. Always say: I am capable! Never I am never capable!
So, let’s continue the camp! And soon, I will say what you need to have. Anything difficult! Everything is very simple! But I want a lot of bangs. This is the spirit of this camp! At the vacation camp, what do the children do? Play! So, I don’t want anyone serious! We will have a lot of games and be sure you will like them!
Translated by: Ivana Bueno.