I am happy to be here today. Many of you have your hearts in joy too. This is fantastic! It is excellent. I can see each one who is here today. Never think, “Ah! I am nothing. I can’t be seen!” I assure you that this is not true. I see everyone here now, and the entire group close to me also sees. I am never alone. There is always a group of Light Beings increasing the energy in a moment like this. So, we have Sananda, Maria, Ashtar, the Seven Ascended Masters, and several other Beings you don’t know. They are all united in one thought and heart to pass you this energy on this new cycle beginning. Yes, we can say (as someone said right now) that we started with all energy.
It is worth returning to the subject. No, we are not crazy or regretful of what we did and want to change everything. Those who have been here since the beginning know how many things we have done. How many moments, walks, and procedures have we brought to you. So many things. Each on its time and planet’s time. Today, Earth is living another moment on the Alcyon Sun’s Light’s apex. The Earth reached the point closest to the Central Sun. So, many things need to be clarified. These things wouldn’t have an effect; this would not be correct. However, many things need to be revised now. And there are important things we want to bring to you in this period you must look to yourselves. Everyone must start looking at themselves with Love, without judgment or criticism. You should look at yourself with attention and Love (I will repeat this many times) to see what must change. There are no worries about what is around you; this is outside. The world is ending outside. What is important. You are important. How are you reacting to the world? Are you worried? Are you inserted in this world? Are you afraid? So, if you are scared, you are worried and involved with the world outside. You are sucked by that energy. You fail to emanate energy. So, you maintain yourself looking inside yourself and making a self-analysis. In that case, the world outside does not interfere because I hope you choose to be Light, to walk toward Light. Who has a loving look at himself and recognizes a lot to change going toward the Light. Such a person seeks evolution and changes independently of what happens around them. The way is yours. The path of the other, who can be as close as possible, is his or hers! “Ah, but we walk together; he is my husband, she is my wife, daughter, family; it doesn’t matter.” Each one has its way.
Imagine four people embraced side by side. Let’s say they’re a couple and two children. The couple is in the middle, and the children are at the sides, embracing and against the Sun. What will happen? The Sun is on their backs. What will happen? There will be a shadow in front of them. That shadow is condensation because they are embraced. They are a family. Ok. I agree with that. So, what happens? That image that once was complete does not blurs to reach the other. If each person separates, they are four independent shadows. They are not linked to any other shadow. If those four persons separate, they are four independent shadows. These shadows do not deform to remain united. The same happens with the walk of each person in a family. Each one has its own path. Why? Because each is one soul, they are not the same soul divided. They are four independent souls. The link that exists today is genetic and related to the family. It is not a soul’s connection. Many may say: “but they can be souls that made love pacts in past lives.” I won’t discuss this here. However, even if they are, each soul has its shadow and way. So, it is useless if you try to justify yourselves: “ah, I can’t follow my way because I have my family.” Beware! Don’t use your family as an excuse because the decision is individual. Each one will follow the desired way. Such a path does not require authorization or approval by any other person. If it does, then we have a problem here. You are letting the other conduct you; this is not natural for your soul. Each soul has its way and cannot be led by anyone. Children are educated. They are taught. However, they have their soul’s path; parents cannot and shouldn’t force anything because they have their way!
So, my brothers, there are no excuses to look at yourself in a mirror and see several people together. Each one of you is an independent and free soul. Therefore, you must conduct and choose your walk. Many of you say: “no, it is not that simple! I cannot choose my way.” I tell you you can because when a soul chooses something and desires it with the heart, everything conspires to make things happen. On the other hand, if you say: “No! I don’t follow my path because I am controlled!” it is because you let yourself be controlled. Nobody can control anybody. This is not Love. This is possession and dependency. Both things happen. But these are too complex subjects to be covered today. Today, the theme is about each one living its way, looking in the mirror with Love, detecting where it needs improvements, and evolving. What is required to assume new attitudes and practices? To be free of everything that is not good. “Ah, but this is way too difficult to follow.” Did I ever tell you that it would be easy? I have never said that. The path is difficult. Getting rid of beliefs, costumes, and things you dislike is difficult. I am not telling you it is, but you must want it. There must be an objective, so things begin to happen.
I will give you another example: a soul incarnated today has brought the way it is following and will follow. Many are in shortcuts; they are not following their soul’s path. They are far from that. Very far from the course. However, if you look in the mirror with Love, say to yourself: “my soul shows me the right way. It shows me how to get to the right way and leave this shortcut.” If this request comes from the bottom of your heart and is honest and profound, you may trust that Light makes miracles. Light is powerful. As you say: “pay to see.” Ask to be conducted to the soul’s path. Be ready for the gale and changes. Be prepared for the losses and news because everything can happen. All will happen when you leave a shortcut and start following your soul’s way. So, be ready for a windstorm or even a tornado. However, I guarantee that after the wind and storm are gone, you will look back and say: “I regret I didn’t do it before. Today, I am on my soul’s way. I am happy. I am at peace. I am following a way to the Light.” Each soul knows the way to the Light, except those who choose not to follow in the Light’s direction. Yes, we have all types of souls. Those who want to go to the Light and those who don’t. So, I understand that you are on your way to the Light. You may even be in the shortcuts, but you are in the path of Light.
So, don’t think that what we are doing means that the Beings of Light are entirely crazy or regretful, making a pointless change. Everything has a meaning. And many new things are coming. We won’t stop here. You will see many other changes. A long time ago, when we started, many did not like the way I talked. They thought I was authoritarian, and many left. Some will come back, and others won’t. So, again: I am not worried about who stays and who goes. I will be whatever I must: the guide of your souls to the Light. Those who like it may stay. Those who don’t like it be my guest. No strings attached. Each one may choose to remain under my rules. I don’t have any problem with that. I won’t love you less because you disagree with my methods. I will love you the same. You will lose, not me. However, I will continue loving you; no problem at all. So, those who don’t like the rules, think we are crazy or want to leave because they don’t agree with our proposal or disagree with what we say, feel free to leave. The doors are open; they have never been closed. You often don’t agree with what we say because your ideas are different; you think the way we want to make things needs to be corrected.
So, I tell you: we know here and now and what is ahead (here, you call it the future). We do everything to improve what is ahead. We changed the timeline to the mildest and most relaxed one. If this complicates more than helps, what can we do? Nothing, do whatever you want. I tell you that you will be surprised by many things. You still have something that dominates you, a thing called ego. A majority here live together in harmony with their egos. However, the ego is not entirely powerless; once in a while, it wakes up and tries to control everything. However, soon you perceive and send your egos to their places. And then, it returns to its place. Some have more control, and their egos almost sleep. Some egos still reign and don’t accept changes or rules because they think what they do is right and not what we say. “How come? It is absurd what He is saying. The way I do it is the correct one. He is talking nonsense.” That’s all right, my brothers. You can question us; no problem. Nobody will be punished. You may think differently from us, and that’s all right. Unfortunately, it must be, as I wish to continue here in this group. Not as you want to. I don’t give up on this. My group, my rules. Do you have regulations on your houses? And when somebody comes from outside, you try to put that person in your little world? This is my world. This is the group I created. So, this group has my rules. Does anybody dislike it? I am sorry. Go exercise your ego somewhere else because people tend to make their egos sleep here. Prevent egos from waking up. This group’s objective is to make their egos sleep and wake up only as and when necessary.
So, question everything; no problem, you may ask. However, if you want to stay, you must abide by what was created and follow the rules. I don’t give up on this and will never do. This is how the Universe operates. No, I am not an authoritarian or a dictator. I establish some rules. Without rules, there is a mess; each one does whatever he wants. What is the result? Nobody goes anywhere because the group is not united by the same purpose. Each one is doing whatever one wants.
I’m explaining why we are changing so many things to those asking. The moment, time, energy, and Light are different now. Everything is different from what it was before. So, processes, little groups, and meditations are not adequate anymore. This is over because it makes no sense anymore. You may remember that some time ago, we said that we no longer depend on your energy. Gaia is going directly to ascension. It can be stopped anymore by the energy of the planet’s inhabitants. It is fulfilling what God Father/Mother determined, and this can’t be changed by you, whether 3, 4, 5 thousand, 1 million, 10 million, 1 billion. This is over. Now, the change is for you, not for the planet anymore. “Ah, I need to get together to help my brothers.” No, you don’t. Each one is receiving the quantum of Light needed to evolve and expand their consciousness. It will only help if you pray, ask, and meditate for the other to raise consciousness. This role is of the Light that is coming to the planet. The big wave of Light is on the Earth. So, nobody has to ask for anybody. It is over; you must understand this. You must take care of yourselves. Each looks at their own path, mirror, and walk. You don’t have to worry about the other anymore.
“Ah, but many need our action.” I agree. Solidarity is one thing, and changing your walk through meditation or prayer is another thing. I am not saying that you should not pray for anybody. Don’t take it so literally. You can pray for whomever you want but pray for emanating Light. Do you want to pray for somebody? Send Light; don’t ask anything for another person. It is their way. You are asking something for another person. Will that person want what you are asking? Will it be suitable for that person? On the other hand, if you send Light, I guarantee it will be good for them. Love is always good. Nothing more. Stop trying to change the way of the other through a request of yours. Stop doing this. This is an invasion of free will. Have you ever thought about this? “Ah, I must ask! That person needs that job. He must get it.” Will that job that the other person can’t obtain be good for him? But you are asking. Who are you to ask anything for another person? You must ask: “I emanate Light in the way of that person, so he finds a good job!” In this case, you have put Light on his way. That is perfect. Please stop asking for others; you haven’t learned anything? Forget the other! Emanate Light and only Light. When you emanate Light for another person, you are exercising unconditional Love; you are doing something extraordinary to God’s Father/Mother’s eyes. You are evolving your soul. Anything except that is wrong. It is an invasion of free will. Emanate only Light because the other person has his own walk and lessons to be learned. If you ask for that, the other person will keep those lessons. On the contrary, you will be trying to change others’ ways. Stop doing it! Stop looking at the path of others. Instead, look to yourself, and I tell you that those who look in the mirror with Love will have much to change because you still have a lot to change. Many things to correct. So, forget the other, so you have time to fix your problems and failures. Instead, if you worry about others, your failures will persist, and there will be a time when you won’t have time to correct them because you worried so much with others that time passed. When the time comes for you to evolve, you won’t have time because evolution can happen tomorrow. Nobody knows when one’s growth will occur. So, act as if it was tomorrow. “I must be ready today, so if it happens tomorrow, I will be on that train to the Fifth Dimension; otherwise, I am risking taking the tram.”
So, my brothers, don’t be scared by the new ideas or definitions. We will have a busy year, and I want you to move a lot. This is my proposal. I hope you accept it. If not, it is all right! So, don’t think we are crazy. We want to show you that the path has changed. What worked before does not work now anymore. Now the route is different. Each one must look inside itself. Seek your failures and correct them because this is the only way to evolve. There is no other way. It is useless to ask: “ah, I want to evolve. Ah, I want to evolve! Ah, I want to evolve! Please, Joe Doe, help me evolve! Ah, I want to evolve!” However, you don’t take a single step to change. You don’t change anything, but you want to evolve. And you ask, pray, meditate, beg for evolution, but you don’t change. Changes are labor-intensive. Changing beliefs and habits takes a lot of work. Nobody wants it. They want to receive things ready.
“Is there a pill, a little pill for me to take and get ready for the Fifth Dimension?” Uau, the pharmaceutical industry would get rich because everybody would want to take that pill. The thing is that such a pill would be superficial. It would not be profound. It would be cheating you because changes come from the heart. Changes don’t happen in the body but in the heart and mind. So, stop waiting for miracles and miraculous treatments. “Ah, I do that treatment every day because I will evolve!” No, I am sorry, but you won’t evolve. You will evolve if you correct and look at your failures and don’t repeat them anymore. Mainly, you should use forgiveness; this is essential. So, think a lot about how you are conducting your paths.
You are beginning a new cycle. How will this new cycle be? Will you maintain everything you did in the previous cycle? Do you want to change? Do you want to grow? Do you want to evolve? What do you expect? There won’t be miracles. No creativity or begging for a place on the train. The ticket will appear in the hands of those who vibrate the Fifth Dimension. Those who don’t won’t have their tickets or a place on the train. There is no other way, no blackmail or purchasing a ticket. It appears on your hand. However, it will appear in the hands of those who commit themselves to vibrate the Fifth Dimension.
So, I will end this encounter by saying that the moment is to look at yourselves in the mirror with Love! Look inside your eyes and say: “my soul, please take me to the path of Light. Help me comply with what you determined when we incarnated! I want to go with you!” And that’s it! You may even use other words; you don’t have to stick with these. However, reconcile yourselves with your souls. Look to yourselves in the mirror with Love and ask this. Remember that the tornado will come soon because changes will come. Don’t regret changes; you will get through the tornado. I am sure about this because the soul will give you strength. Your soul will help you overcome everything. You must be brave; it is not easy. You must have courage. We are here to give you that courage. You have to ask, and we will fill you with the braveness to continue changing and be closer to that train ticket. What do you think? Do you want to follow this path? For those who wish to ask, we will be here to give you the required strength!