I like this vibration and joy. You must maintain your heart in enjoyment. The moment is difficult, much more so if you are carried away by all this energy. Hum! It doesn’t work. You should laugh a lot, meet your friends and do what you like to do. Observe Nature. It is not just looking at the sky, sea, or land. You must live in Nature. Take some time to be in Nature; sit on the ground to feel Gaia’s vibration.
Many have been feeling the planet’s vibration and are pretty busy because Gaia has been energized by much Light. So, those who are closer, who have their hearts tied to the planet through Love, kindness, and respect, are feeling everything Gaia is feeling. This is the time to be in Nature, to be one with Gaia. It is like the moment you enter the sea. You let yourself be involved by the water, dive, and play with it, and all this sea water energy cleans you and brings balance and force. So, you can do the same with Gaia. No, I won’t tell anybody here to dig a hole, get inside of it and cover yourself with earth. This is a thing a child would do; it wouldn’t fit you. Those who would pass by and see you would think you got nuts. If you did this, they would say I got nuts, which is not the idea here. Not digging a hole in the earth. It is sufficient to sit on the ground and imagine that Gaia is covering you with all its Love and energy. Immerse yourself in these thoughts, ideas, and images that you create so well. In fact, you make good images. Many complain that they don’t see anything. However, when we talk about a place or something, you create beautiful things in your mind, and I tell you they are much more beautiful than the real ones. So, imagine yourselves bathed by Gaia’s energy as if it was the sea, a wave. Not an earth wave, don’t imagine the earth covering you. Nobody is dead. Imagine an energy wave. A powerful energy wave comes from the ground and constantly spins to surround you with much Love and Light. Ah! Those who do this exercise and imagine this will see beautiful things in their minds. Do you think you create everything alone? Ah! How arrogant you are! “No! I am creating everything!” What if I tell you that we put the images in your minds? Ah, this won’t be funny anymore because I told you that you created beautiful things! Ok. I will turn back a little. No doubt you create beautiful things. However, we give you the intuition, and you complete and form incredible things. So, live in Nature, enter a waterfall, and let that water beat your shoulders and your head until it aches. Let that energy run through your body, and you will have much joy by the end.
This is not the time to look around, the problems that appear, or what is happening in your world. I am not telling you to become robots. This is not the question. It doesn’t mean to have a cold heart or be indifferent, but instead to look at each brother and think that their situation today is the result of their choices and their walks. Obviously, I won’t say: “ah, this is the result of their walks, so the problem is theirs. They must live their walks.” Absolutely. However, you must do what we always told you: don’t suffer others’ pain. You can soothe the suffering of a brother without suffering their pain. You can help a brother without living their pain without any judgment. So, helping others is not an easy process. Many ask me: “how can I help the other? What if the other does not return as we wish? I help, but I hope the other acts as such and such!” Tell me: is this correct? It isn’t! You help just for the mere fact of helping. You cannot demand that person to live or behave differently just because you are helping. “Ah, their behavior is not good, and I disagree with it? Do I have to continue helping?” So, what does your heart say? Is your heart restless? Your heart is not helping with joy; you are judging and thinking that because you are helping, they must behave as you wish. If they don’t act as you want, you get upset. So, I tell you: Don’t help because you are not doing good for yourself or them. If you help, and deep inside your heart, you are upset and revolted, passing this energy to them, and it hurts you too. So, don’t help. Seek another person. I guarantee that many people want help. There will be those who will be grateful for your support and may even behave as you think is correct. Did you understand? You determine what is correct, not the other person. Up to what point are you right? And the other person? Who is right, and who is wrong? This is a conversation I always have with many of you: what is the right way to help others? Is it without interference or contact? Is it just helping: “I don’t want to know who it is. I just helped.” This is comfortable. Donate to whom? “I don’t know, I just donated!” Ok, you did your duty. That’s right. It was good because you didn’t demand anything from anyone and nobody bothered you. You helped somebody. Yes, you did a good thing. However, the right thing would be to help your brother by looking into their eyes? Is it wrong to help at a distance? What do you think? No, I wouldn’t say it is wrong. You helped somehow; you managed to get that act to reach someone; this is not wrong. However, there are better ways.
The best way to help is by looking in the eyes. However, the best way to help is to donate and respect whatever the other does because it is another person’s walk. You donated and did your duty with an open and joyful heart. You did your responsibility because the Universe will return to you many times what you donated. If the other person used your donation to do wrong things, you look at this person and say: “That’s all right! It was their choice. They missed the opportunity of using the help I gave. This is their choice.” That doesn’t bother you, and it’s perfect. You learned the lesson. If tomorrow you decide you won’t help that person anymore, I will help another person. Yes, it is. However, why did you stop assisting that person? Because they didn’t do what you wanted? And, if you continue helping that person, isn’t it possible that, in a way, that person feels ungrateful for everything he could have done with what you donated? You continue donating, even if he didn’t do anything and did what shouldn’t be done. You continued giving without bothering with his decision. So, one day, with your Love and donation energy, without considering what is done, it will be such that he couldn’t help but understand your action and will change. I mean keeping the character the same, but he will see that he was wrong. Also, there will be some cases where you donate many times, and the person will only value what he receives. Is that right? It’s right for you, not for him. It is right for you because he is ungrateful. Now, if you are donating, it doesn’t matter what he does. Your gesture, immense Love, and respect for the other are the most important. However, you can always choose to stop donating. You won’t be judged for that. The Universe won’t think: “Ah! He changed, so we will think twice before helping him.” No, because you will continue helping; you just changed your help focus. That’s all right. The other person lost the chance to learn with you how to change. So, is it easy to donate? Is it easy to help others? No, it isn’t. And more, you are not ready for that. You don’t donate Love, much less money, or any other help. You need to figure out what to donate. You don’t know what is giving without waiting for anything, just for providing, without judging. You don’t know how to do this.
Just because of fear, you build a wall in front of you with a small hole where it is written: “put your donation here.” You go there and put your donation; it doesn’t matter to whom you donated. It is easier because you don’t judge, don’t ask for anything in return, and do your good action. You did a good action for the Universe and your heart. So, for many, it is easier. Then, they should continue. However, note you need to learn how to donate. You don’t even know how to donate to yourselves. You don’t even know how to appreciate yourselves. You don’t even know how to love or put yourselves first. You do everything for the other person. You are in any place except the first one. So, how do you want to learn how to donate to others? You can’t even look at yourselves. This is a problem with humanity: you don’t love or appreciate yourselves. You never put yourselves in the first place. So, to please the other, you annulate, diminish, and inferior yourselves. Someday in the future, in a fight, you will say everything to the world: “I did that, I did this, I didn’t do a, b, c, d, e, f, the whole alphabet, for you!” You will, but who told you should annulate yourself? Who told you to pamper the other to your detriment? Who told you to do that? So, I tell you: you don’t even know how to look at yourselves, much less the other.
When we tell you that you must look at a brother with Love and respect, without discrimination, judgment, or criticism. What’s the matter if he likes to use a yellow cloth from head to toe? He likes it. Many will look and laugh. Some will laugh because they think it is funny; however, most will laugh with sarcasm, mockery, and disrespect. He wanted to dress that way. What’s the matter? Did you pay for his clothes? Are you wearing those fancy clothes? No, you didn’t and aren’t. However, you mock and sarcastically laugh at that being. You don’t respect your brothers, and, to start with, you don’t even respect yourselves. How can you respect others? How do you want to love the other if you don’t love yourselves? So, my brothers, there is a long way for you. A path to self-love. The walk of self-respect, putting yourself constantly in the first place. The others come later. Everything that was taught to you was wrong. What is the use of putting the other before you? It disrespects you, and you don’t respect the other without it.
All was well manipulated, and thought for humanity reached the point where it is. You created the wars; you killed your brothers without any contemplation. What are these brothers? They are enemies! They became enemies just because they are where you would like to be? They didn’t ask to be there. However, you are exploding a bomb and killing them because they are your enemies. Why? Why destroy whatever the other has? Why take possession? To have power? So, there is no respect between yourselves. You like to be respected but don’t respect others because you don’t have self-respect. You are carried away by illusions, concepts, and prejudice. When prejudice hits you, then you fight, shout, and complain. However, you can act with prejudice concerning the other. This is right; you can laugh at the other and finger-point. You can hurt and even kill the other. This is right. However, nobody can do anything against you. This is how humanity thinks. So, why is the world as it is? You are living with that because you created that. We didn’t create wars or disrespect. You did it yourselves. Now, you must learn to live with that. No, we can’t do anything. It is the harvest of each one. Each has one crop: for some, an abundant one; for others, a small, quiet, and easy-to-manage harvest. However, some have enough yield to live because they know how to sow. Not good things, they planted many bad things, and today they complain. So, you complain. However, who took this world to this point was you, not us.
Some laugh when we say that the world will change to be just Love and joy. “Ah! This world will never exist.” But, I tell you, it will. This world will happen very soon. Now, each must look within. Look at yourself in the mirror and see who you really are. Not that angel you think you are. All of you have a little of a demon. All, without exception. So, look in the mirror and find this part, correct it, and shed Light on it. Start being only Love; this is what you got to do. But you are afraid. Why don’t you look at yourself in the mirror for real? Because you are fearful of what you will see. So, you prefer to stay in the darkness and continue doing the wrong things without looking in the mirror. But, if you do, you will find an ugly image. And you will have to live with that haunt, your shadow.
So, my brothers, what is the lesson in this whole story? There is only one feeling that can change everything: Love! But it is not this Love you live. This is not love. You live dependency, possession, envy, power, and arrogance, not love. Most don’t know what it is to love and beg for love. “Ah! We will live together. I can love for both of us.” Is that right? Will you accept living an entire life with someone who doesn’t love you because your love is enough for both of you? You will be unhappy for the rest of your life, interiorized, and suffering because you were not loved. You didn’t respect yourself. It’s nonsense to be with someone who doesn’t love you because your love is such that you can love for both. You don’t have respect for yourself and then suffer and cry. “Ah! He doesn’t love me!” However, didn’t you say that you have a love for both? Now you want to charge? So, my brothers, you don’t know what Love is. You kill for Love. How come? Do you kill in anger, envy, or fear of losing possessions? This is not love and has never been. So, when you love, meaning L O V E, with capital letters, you will know what it is to look at the other with respect, Love. See and accept others as they are, so they can see and take you for what you are. You are not perfect, so don’t demand perfection from others. Who said you are perfect? Do you think you are perfect just because you are tall, blond, with blue eyes? Who told you that? Who imposed it as a rule of society? Ah! Then, the small, fat, brown hair and eyes are not handsome? Why not? He is as beautiful as that tall, blond, blue-eyed person. In God’s sight, he is as beautiful as anyone. Who told you that one is gorgeous and the other is ugly? You created this. What for? To discriminate, mock, and minimize the other. To hurt the other because you think you are the best? You are nothing. You are the same as any other. So, you are nothing beyond what the others are. Nobody is better or worse than anybody. So, where is your Love? You don’t know what it is to love.
All the teachings we bring here gradually attempt to make you see what love, respect, and being valuable is. Not the value of ego but the value that all have. God Father/Mother, does not create a being without value. All are valuable. However, the ego inflates, and you think you are more than others. Sweet illusion! You are all equal, and then you don’t accept this. “No, I cannot be equal to that one. No, of course not. I am better, more handsome, richer, more intelligent, I have more influence.” Do all these adjectives make any difference when you die? You rotten and become dust precisely as the one with none of those adjectives? Why? Because God created you equally. All are born and die the same way. A rich baby is not born differently from a poor one; all are born as babies. Nobody is born through the head or foot just because they are rich, blond, with blue eyes. All are born the same way: from encountering male and female cells. All! When you die, whether buried or cremated, all of you return to dust. A rich person is no different, becomes dust, and the poor person becomes dust.
So, my brothers, when will you learn that you are equal? There is no difference between you. Having money does not make anyone better than the other? Those who don’t have money are not inferior to anyone. You are all equal. You are the ones to differentiate. In this case, I would like to see many of you when you learn your actual origin. Ah! I will have to laugh silently so as not to cause many claps of thunder on the planet. I will laugh out loud when you discover your origin! Ah! I will laugh a lot. I want to see your arrogance, superiority, and power at that time. I do want to see when you know, “ah! I descend from that galactic being. Ah! I am a descendant of that! Ah! I descend from that other! This is why I am this way!” Everybody thinks they came from the same place! My God! You are misled so quickly that we can’t understand. But it is all right. You want to be deceived. However, I will laugh out loud when you hear many claps of thunder in the skies you already know. I want to see the power and superiority of some. I will.
So, my brothers, many think this conversation is weird. Do you believe that all who are hearing agree with me? Obviously not! Most say: “Oh! The Archangel is on one of those days! He is crazy!” Each one understands at will. What have I just said? Each runs from the mirror as he can! So, it is all right. You may run from the mirror not to see your own shadows. You can do that. However, I tell you that those brave who look in the mirror and say: “Yes, I was wrong here. I learned a lesson”, are evolving because they accept their errors. They take everything they have learned. Now, there is a long way for most of those here now running from the mirror. They will have to fall and learn to escape from the rocks. They must understand that you don’t step on the rock to go to the other side. You either take the stone out of your way or skip it. If you ignore the rock, it will be bigger ahead. There is no other way until the day when you won’t be able to skip that rock and will have to work it.
So, my brothers, the teaching I leave with you today, among all the things I said, is Love and respect. Since you don’t know what Love is, I mean true Love. Start with respect. Respect yourselves. Have good feelings for yourselves. Praise yourselves. This is no ego. Praise yourselves in the sense that: “I am an interesting being, on my way and form!” Like and respect yourselves. Look at the good things you do! Would you do just the wrong things? Haven’t you done anything right? I don’t believe that. Everybody has their capacities. You forget them sometimes. You focus so much on the negative side that you forget the beautiful and good things you do. So, start looking for the good things you do. The things that are good for you and give you joy. Those things that when you finish, you say: “Uau! What a beautiful thing I did!” Nobody is looking. So, this is not ego. You are not showing off to anybody. You are showing off to yourself and feel proud of what you did, without ego, because you noticed you could do that, which is terrific for you. There is ego when you shout to the world what you just did. This is ego. However, you are alone with yourself; therefore, there is no ego. You are going to show off to who? Nobody. You are happy with yourself. So, please do it.
Look for the beautiful and positive things you do. Create those beautiful images I told you about at the beginning. Dream and create a lot with Love in the heart, even if you do not know what it is. Believe in your dreams and be good to yourself, not to others. You must be good to yourself first, and then you can be good to others. First, make yourselves happy. Look for your own way, and when you finish, you may say: “Uau! I am so happy!” It is beautiful when you say this. This is how you learn how to love. First, love yourselves. This is terrific! Then, you begin exercising this Love for others. However, first, you must love yourselves. This is what God Father/Mother wants. Each spark and piece of God Father/Mother must love, respect and make themselves happy. This is not selfishness. This is to love and respect yourselves. I guarantee this is the first step to learning what true and unconditional Love is. As the name says: it is love without conditions. It is simply love. Nothing is asked, asks, no exchanges, nothing to give. It merely exists, without exaggeration or lack, just equilibrium. This is unconditional Love. Seek this Love inside of you. I guarantee you will be on the right course to learn how to love others and be part of a better world. A world where all respect and help each other. However, without intending to change the other, help. No matter what the other will do with your help. This is the perfect world. A world with Love and respect.