I love to see your joy when you’re drawing, it’s fantastic! Realize, my brothers, how simple it is and how easy it is to have a moment of joy. No one here is drawing to take part in biennials or competitions. Everyone here is drawing because it comes from the heart, drawing with Love, drawing with desire, and becoming a child again! And this is what I want! This is what we all want from you, joy in your hearts, the inner child alive, active, playing all the time.
It’s important, my brothers, that we raise our vibrations. Many may say, and indeed many do: “Oh, you say all this because you don’t live here. You don’t know the problems we have! So it’s easy for you to be happy, to see the beauty in everything.” I’ve never really incarnated and I can assure you that I don’t have the slightest desire to, but I would say that… I’m going to ask you a question, you say to me and to the other beings of light that we’ve never experienced problems, which isn’t true at all because many Ascended Masters have lived on Earth. Sananda lived on Earth, Mary lived on Earth, so this is not true at all. They did go through problems! Does anyone want to question Sanada’s suffering? Everything he went through to try to bring about Christ’s consciousness and the result he had? Is anyone going to question that? I hope not! So, I ask you a question, you who criticize me and others, that we always ask you to stay high, to think of beautiful things because we don’t know pain and suffering. The inner child is alive, active, and playing all the time. So, I ask you a question: has living with pain and suffering for 24 hours improved anything? Have you managed to get off this wheel you’ve created? Have you managed to improve anything? I’ll answer you myself: no, you haven’t! Because you only focus on the problem, you only focus on the pain, you only focus on the suffering. So, when you focus on these points, what do you attract? Joy? No! You attract more of the same, so you’re not gaining anything! Now, if you at least try to see things in a different light, if you at least try to see things with joy, with faith, with confidence that there is a way to improve, what are you attracting? More of the same! You’re giving the Universe the chance to show you a way out.
So, my brothers, don’t think we’re insensitive because we want you to keep drawing, thinking only of good things, and forgetting about suffering. Suffering is there, now it’s up to each of you how you live through it. Will it be suffering in the flesh, that suffering in which you hurt yourself, in which you live 24 hours a day? Or that suffering in which you live for a while, but stop to look at the other side, to look at other things, to see that the world is not just that. This is your big problem with suffering and pain. When you get into suffering and pain, you think you can’t get out of it, you think you have to live it 24 hours a day, because if you let it go, you’re being bad, you’re not living up to what society wants, you’ll be judged. “Oh, what do you mean? You suffer so much, but you smile. How can you?” Yes, you can’t smile, you have to cry all the time, you have to suffer all the time. Where does it say that? Is it written anywhere that suffering has to be experienced only? That there can be no joy? That he who is joyful is mad or insane and that he doesn’t care about anyone because he doesn’t suffer? “Oh, he’s very bad! Look how many people are suffering in the world and he’s laughing!” But whose walk is it, other people’s or his? That’s the question. Because many of you suffer the suffering of others. Many of you see someone in your family suffering and you give in to suffering too, you don’t think that you can and should continue on your way, not the other person’s way. Is the other person suffering? Yes, and why is he suffering? Because at some point on his journey, he planted it, his soul chose it. Are you going to do the same? Why? Did you decide that? Did your soul decide that? Then why do you have to suffer the suffering of others? “Oh, because otherwise, people will criticize me because I’m not suffering what so-and-so is suffering!” So what? So what? It’s the problem of those who criticize you, it’s the problem of those who judge you, not yours! It’s still the suffering person’s problem, not yours! So yes, you can and should have a good laugh, and live your life! I’ve already said this to you, my brothers, be supportive! Being supportive doesn’t mean suffering the suffering of others! To show solidarity is to help as much as possible, to help make the suffering a little less, if possible. But you don’t have to do this 24 hours a day, you have your journey, you have your life. Not the life of the other person who is suffering.
So here’s what I want to tell you. In the last few videos we’ve been very clear about what’s coming, and it won’t be easy times! They will be times of pain and suffering for many! So, what are you going to do? Are you going to stick your head in a hole like an ostrich so as not to see the suffering of others? Or will you understand that everyone is going through what they have to go through? And that perhaps you too will go through something. But it’s not about suffering the suffering of humanity. Everyone has made their own choice. The light has been there for a long time and why haven’t you chosen the light yet? Why are you still vibrating the third? Why are you still vibrating the vices? Because they chose to! Because you think there’s no way out, you can’t find the way out, you can’t find the way to the heart. And you’re going to suffer for them because of this? They had as many opportunities as you and you chose the light, at least many of them here. So why suffer their suffering? You don’t have to suffer anyone’s suffering! My brothers, my brothers, very difficult times are ahead. The planet needs to be cleansed. How will this cleansing take place? The souls need to leave. Oh, I know! A big ship is going to land and carry everyone. And who’s going to get on the ship? Will they be taken by force? No, that won’t happen. But the souls need to leave, they need to get off the planet. So tell me, how are they going to leave? With an invitation? “Look, this is an invitation for you to be part of another orb. Please get on the ship and follow your destiny!” Huh? Is anyone getting in? No one! Would you? I guarantee you won’t!
So, my brothers, let’s be crystal clear: the souls have to go. Do you hear what I’m saying? The souls, not the clothes. The bodies stay, and the souls go. It’s impossible to be any clearer than that! Do you understand where we’re going? Where are we going? And then what will you do? Cry 24 hours a day for those who are leaving? Well, that’s your choice too, to suffer for someone who is leaving. You have to, there’s no other way. Now, each of you will have to take it lightly, understanding that each of you has made a choice, that there is no punishment, there are choices. God the Father/Mother is not deciding to take these souls and release them into space. No, each one of them will be guided and taken with great Love and light to other orbs, to continue their journey of evolution in other third-dimensional orbs. No one will be released into the Universe to wander around. No soul will be co-opted by the shadows, except those who are shadows because they will have other destinies, which we can’t go into here. But you will also know. So, my brothers and sisters, suffering is not something to be cultivated, not something to be planted. Suffering is to be lived with and resolved, not tamed, planted, or fed. No! Stop it! Stop playing the victim! Because many people like to say: “Oh, I suffer so much! Oh, my life is an ordeal! Oh, my life is just suffering!” Could it be that there isn’t one moment, one little moment, of joy? Or do you want to draw attention, so that everyone else feels sorry for you? “Oh, poor thing! How she suffers! Oh, her poor life!” Is that it? Very sad! Very sad!
My brothers and sisters, life, living, is beautiful in itself! There is no more beautiful thing than having a soul that is pure energy, covered by a body. So the very act of being alive is already a beauty. The very act of breathing and staying alive is already a beauty. So let’s stop with these small things, complaining about everything, not finding anything funny, and thinking that everyone is going crazy because they don’t notice the suffering of others. As the word says: the others suffering, the suffering of others. So whose suffering is it, yours? No, it’s the other person’s. You don’t have to suffer their suffering. That’s why many of you make agreements and pacts. And when the agreements and pacts are enforced, you complain! What do I mean by that? In other lives, someone took care of you. You were very ill and someone took care of you, and then you promised: “All the time in my existence, I will take care of you in return for what you have done for me!” That’s a pact! And then, in the next life, exactly that happens, that soul comes for you to take care of it. But then you complain, you don’t like it, you think it’s bad, you feel trapped. But who made the pact? Who was it that said they would take care of it? Who was it? No, it wasn’t me! You understand that everything comes back because you decided that way, you made pacts and agreements. And this is not a pact with the non-light, this is a pact of Love. Love? Within your philosophy, it’s a pact of Love, of gratitude. But then, when the bill comes, you don’t like it, you complain! Oh, how you complain! Because you’ve forgotten that you promised that soul back there that you’d take care of it, and now it’s just collecting the debt, that’s all. Do you realize that it’s all about choices? That at some point there was this agreement, this pact? Well, the problem is that you don’t remember, and then, when it comes, you complain. Yes, my brothers! That’s why we’ve been saying so much: plant today what you want to reap tomorrow! Now you are aware. So I hope that, in the present time, no one makes these pacts anymore! It’s not because you’re going to the Farm that everything will fall apart, a lot will still have to be reset.
Ah, my brothers, you still have a lot to learn! So let’s at least start to take our sufferings more lightly. Okay, you’ve made a pact, you have to take care of that person. Right! But take care of them with love, with joy. Because the more you complain, the more you think it’s bad, the worse the situation will get. Because those who are ill, those who need care usually have a legion of negative energies around them. So when you don’t take care of them with love, when you take care of them with anger, contempt, or neglect, those energies grow, because that’s all they like, and they become stronger. And then, as well as involving the person who is ill, it involves you too! Then the cauldron boils over and everything becomes beautiful! Because you’re going to get angrier and angrier and it’s only going to get bigger. Do you understand? Do you understand that the path is always the opposite? The way is to accept everything with love to combat the energies that are there. Oh, and a lot of people are already answering me here: “Yeah because you’re not the one there!” Yes, you haven’t understood anything I’ve said! As long as you think that there is no solution and that Love doesn’t fit into the situation, nothing will improve, everything will only get worse. You need to learn, my brothers, that it is the other person’s suffering. You somehow have an agreement, a pact with that person. And what do you say to break that pact? What do you say to undo the agreement? You don’t ask that! What? The answer is only one: accepting with Love, looking at the situation as something that is allowing you to end it, but with Love! Only with Love can you break the pact! Only with Love can you finalize the agreement! And love, in this case, isn’t pampering, it’s not being cute, caressing all the time, it’s nothing like that. To love is to look at yourself and see that you don’t have to be stuck there and that you can make other decisions, as long as everything is done with Love. Love opens up paths! But let’s be very clear, when I say Love, it’s not the Love you live, it’s the Love that comes from the heart. It’s that unconditional Love! It is capable of breaking the pact, it is capable of breaking the agreement. And if you bring joy and Love into your heart, you can bring joy and Love into the other person’s heart, and then everything becomes easier. Now, if you feed anger, if you feed only complaint, you’re reaping the same thing.
So, my brothers, have your hearts prepared. I’m not saying here that you should be insensitive and have no feelings, you can have feelings, you can feel, yes. But understand each other’s journeys. Understand that you need to take care of only one journey, your own. And, exceptionally, that of the little ones next to you, who don’t yet have the means to make choices, who depend on you. So when I say your journey, that includes the little ones. Not the adults, everyone has their path, and everyone will go through what they have chosen to go through. So just look ahead to your little ones! Don’t look back or to the side! It’s your journey, it’s the other person’s. Understand that! So start looking at life, start looking at what happens to your heart. A glass breaks, and you complain: “The glass broke!” What if I told you that when a glass breaks, something has been cut, something has been shattered! Glass has this property, this is not a grandparents’ story. When a glass breaks, it’s a sign that something has been broken, something has been cut. So instead of complaining that the glass broke, be grateful for what it cut! Got it? Not everything is what it seems! Not everything that appears to be bad and negative turns out to be negative! So learn to look for the positive in everything. Learn! Someone lost their job. Why? It could be a path that the Universe is taking to bring something better, it could be a lesson in your behavior, or it could be many things! But you only focus on losing your job and then you complain, cry, and despair. Where the action would have to be: “I’ve lost this one, but I’m opening the way for the Universe to bring me another one and it will bring me a better one!” Do you understand how different the attitude is? It’s believing that it wasn’t bad, that it was something for a leap forward, for something better to come along. It’s believing without seeing!
So start doing this exercise, as Saint Germain asked today: see the beauty in everything! Everything has beauty! But you only focus on the negative side, the ugly side. So let’s change that! Let’s look on the bright side! Nothing that happens is by chance! So, every time you think it’s bad, stop and ask your heart: “Show me the positive in what happened!” And I assure you that you will see the positive side because everything in the Universe is in balance, everything is balance! So there’s nothing that’s just bad, every event has a balance, the bad and the good that comes with it. You just can’t see it, because you don’t want to. You only want to see the negative side, the bad side! So learn to look at the other side! I’d say you’ve been taught to look at only one side, the one that shows itself, which is the ugly side, the bad side, the negative side of the fact. So learn to turn around! Learn to look at the other side! And you’ll find the positive side, because it’s there, you just have to look for it. It’s there!
My brothers, my brothers, your minds must be elevated or you will suffer too much! You need to understand everything that is going to happen! We are in the middle of a transformation of the planet. We must! So let everyone raise their vibration! Let everyone find their point of balance so that they can look and see the beautiful side, the positive side. The matrix only shows the negative side. The news shows the negative side. The world is getting more and more negative because people only vibrate that. So let’s do a reverse exercise: don’t comment on the negative! Look for the positive! It may not be easy to find, but I guarantee that there is a positive side to every fact, in every event. And no, don’t talk to me about death. What positive is there in death? I could go on all night! Death is not the end! It is for you, not for us. Death is a passage in which the soul is given the opportunity for freedom, to leave the prison of the body. So, for us, there’s nothing more positive than seeing the soul free. But you don’t see it like that.
So, my brothers, start looking at the positive side of everything. This is a way of lifting yourselves up and out of the matrix wave, out of this wave of negativity that is reigning over the planet, the last gasps of the shadows. So don’t tell us that we don’t know what it is, because we see far beyond what you see. We know exactly what will happen and how it will happen. And I would say one more point: how many, how many on the planet have the opportunity for a moment like this here, now? How many? How many have had the opportunity to learn everything you’ve learned? How many? So realize that there was a choice, you chose and everything is there for anyone who wants it. We’re not hiding, nothing we say is hidden. On the contrary, everything we say is there, free to be heard. And how many listen? So I’ll say it again: these are choices and there’s nothing you can do about it! You can’t force them! You can’t make people choose! This is the path, you chose it. Why not the others? Oh, because you’re star souls? That’s one point! But not everyone here is a star soul, there are many souls here in this large group, which is evolving and is from Earth. So, what do you say? You heard the call and answered it. In the same way, there are many star seeds immersed entirely in the third dimension who don’t want to wake up at all. So what do you do? Nothing! Let everyone make their own choice. So, my brothers, don’t try to give us arguments for the beliefs you’ve learned, because there are no arguments. Everything is what it is! The truth is there! If you vibrate joy you attract joy, if you vibrate sadness you attract sadness! There’s nothing else! The laws are clear! So seek beauty! Seek to attract joy! Simply seek to love! And I assure you, whoever acts in this way will have many burdens lifted from their backs.
Don’t waste your time, my brothers, with quarrels, pettiness, problems, huge egos, manias, there’s no more time for that! Now is the time for unity and a lot of Love, that’s all! Make Love Live! Live intensely with Love! Stifle your egos, this will be the best way for each of you to find peace, find light, find joy, there is no other. As long as you get involved in small, meaningless things, you won’t see joy. Why are children happy? “Oh, because they do not commit, no responsibility.” Exactly! Exactly! The world is pink to them! So be like children, make the world pink. Of course, you need to maintain responsibility, but be more like children! Be freer! Let go of society’s rules! It’s not about making a fuss! It’s not doing anything against its laws! It’s not following stupid rules, rules that lead to nothing, rules that only separate, that bring nothing. Be children! Look at your children and act like them! It will be very interesting how much freedom you will gain! You can be children with a little bit of responsibility, but without so many silly rules imposed by a society that isn’t concerned with your well-being, it’s concerned with control, because with control it’s easier to deceive you. So lose control! Be children! Play, jump, draw, doodle, live! Learn from children how to live! That’s what you need: to live! Today you survive, you don’t live! So learn to live! Seek joy in anything! Be joyful and you’ll see the difference! God the Father/Mother doesn’t like to see anyone suffer. You want to please God, so be joyful! That’s how he wants to see you, smiling, happy like a child. The world is falling around you and you’re falling on your feet, because your heart is celebrating, your heart is light. So you can fall on your feet! Think about it! That’s what you need to see, my brothers, joy!
That’s what I’ve been trying to bring to you for some time now. We did the camp, it was a success. Now we’re on to the activities of the heart, drawings. But, my brothers, this is all a big joke! Don’t take it so seriously! Don’t take yourselves so seriously! It’s a big joke! That’s what I want, a big joke! But know that with this, you are learning to play and I can already say that this is a first step towards joy.
