I like the excitement so much! I like it. I like it a lot! Because it’s a sign of joy in the heart! It’s a sign of pleasure in many hearts! Today, my brothers and I will do something very different, something we haven’t done for a long time: we’re doing a great meditation! But before this meditation, I would like to talk a little.
My brother, Sananda, once commented that each therapy is like a vase on a shelf, where you can accumulate several vases but can’t hold several vases, or they end up falling and breaking. Let’s draw a parallel. There’s no point now, at this moment, in getting desperate and wanting to do everything at once. Even worse is thinking there are no consequences. “Oh, everything is light! So I can do everything at once and there’s no problem!” Yes, there is a problem!
Although everything is light, your body is finite, your body has a finite capacity to absorb light, and you are not yet in the Fifth Dimension! You’re in a dimension where the body is physical, so there is a limitation! “Oh, but what could happen to me?” Lots of things! I’d tell you this: each body reacts differently to energies! Each body receives energy, metabolizes it, and stores it. If it’s an energy it already knows, okay, it’ll store it in the right place, for the right amount, and the rest be thrown away. That’s how your physical body works. You throw out what is more than what the body has already used up, take what it needs, and throw the rest away. So this is a body, the energy comes from the food, the energy comes from the air, and the energy comes from the water you drink. And then, the body is within what it was created for. It was created by Gaia, so it has contact with the elements that exist on Gaia. Nothing is foreign to the body, what you eat comes from Gaia, what you breathe comes from Gaia, and what you drink comes from Gaia. So the body knows what it is metabolizing because it was created by Gaia! Great. This is the human body.
Now, come on! An energy that doesn’t come from Gaia, arrives. It’s an energy from another planet, or an energy from other beings, or an energy that comes from the source. It doesn’t matter! It’s an energy that doesn’t originate from Gaia. What does your body do? It takes this energy and tries to fit it somewhere, tries to metabolize it somehow. But how? It doesn’t know what it is! It’s a new energy, it’s an energy that doesn’t match anything in the physical body. So what happens? All the energy that arrives is metabolized and passed on to the etheric body, to your aura, because the etheric body has this capacity to absorb these energies because it is also subtle. Very good. Then I remind you again: the body is finite! So, this energy comes in, it fills the whole etheric body until there comes a point where it can’t fit anymore, it filled the whole body. And then what happens? You get drowsy. You get nauseous. You get dizzy. You’re a bit out of it. Sometimes you find yourself forgetful. And why is that? Because that energy in the etheric body is messing up the physical body, which doesn’t know what it is! Very well! But if you do it judiciously, if you do it sensibly, that energy arrives, enters the etheric body, and doesn’t overload it. It’s there and little by little, it works on the physical body, which is also gradually being changed by it. Because gradually your body is changing, but in a very slow process.
Is anyone seeing themselves as transparent in here? Is anyone seeing themselves in a different color? No. Everything is the same, because the process is very slow, the time has not yet come for the body to make that turn. Well done! But then you’re clever! Oh, very clever! There’s no shortage of cleverness! “I’m going to do 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 courses at once! I’m going to learn all the therapies on the market!” And so you do, one after the other, day after day, and what does the etheric body do? It fills up and overflows, because there’s no more room for energy to enter. Yes, there is a limit, but you don’t care about that, you’re stuffing energy into the etheric body. And then I’m going to tell you something so that you understand: that’s not how it happens. When you eat a lot, what happens to the physical body? It puts on weight because it has to put in what you’re eating. Then the etheric body starts to do the same thing, it starts to swell up! What for? To absorb the energy you’re putting into it! But there comes a point when it can’t swell anymore! All this begins to pass into the physical body, and then those symptoms I mentioned, begin to worsen and many others begin to appear because it’s a lot of unknown energy to the physical body that’s reaching it! Do you understand what the problem with stuffing yourself with lots of things at the same time is?
So what do you need to do? One thing at a time. I’ll tell you: doing 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 things at once doesn’t speed up the ascension process. Oh, you didn’t know that? My bad for not telling you. But it doesn’t speed things up at all. So, do one at a time and that’s enough for your bodies to assimilate and gradually change. Got it?! I hope so because many of you think it’s silly when we tell you that you can’t do 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 things at the same time. “Oh, that’s nonsense! Everything is light, so I can do as much as I want!” Well done! Blow up your etheric body and then don’t complain about the physical results that appear in your body, which can lead to pain, can lead to serious health problems because there’s a lot of imbalance, and everything that’s out of balance generates what? Illness. “Ah, but I’m capturing light!” How much light? You’re far exceeding what your body can handle. So, I’ll say it again, don’t forget this: doing 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 things at the same time doesn’t speed up the ascension process! Have you learned? And I say more, doing one at a time will make you move faster. Why is that? Because then the body can metabolize, the body can absorb, so the body becomes more and more crystalline. Now, if you take it all at once, nothing happens. I hope you’ve understood!
So each thing that is done must be done in isolation, only that. Except, for example, the summer camp, there’s no energy there, there’s action. So it has nothing to do with energy. But you never do two or three days at the same time or anything that involves receiving energy. “Oh, so I can’t even receive reiki?” Okay, we need to explain it detail by detail! What I’m talking about are techniques, journeys, procedures, and walks that can’t be done more than once at the same time. Receiving energy one day, one moment, is fine, it’s peaceful. Receive your reiki, receive any other therapy you know, it’s all right because you’re not receiving anything in volume, it’s something your body can pick up. So keep doing it! But don’t do deep procedures more than once at a time. Sananda had already said that, but you insist on doing it differently. Thinking – this is the most interesting thing – that you’re speeding things up. I’m not going to laugh here because it will sound strange, but you should laugh, because it doesn’t speed things up at all. Learn that! It’s one at a time, for as long as it lasts. “Oh, how long will the ascension journey last?” I don’t know, as long as I want it to last. Is anyone bothered? Is anyone upset? I’m sorry to tell you: there’s nothing to do. You’ll have to wait for the ascension journey to end and that’s it. You don’t know how much these light codes are messing with you! “Oh, I don’t feel anything”. Yes, you don’t feel it in your physical body, now your soul is certainly feeling it. And many souls are being cleansed, and I would say improved, along the way. But if you think it’s silly, then don’t do it, it’s all right. Then, don’t complain if you get stuck in the middle of the road, because the others keep going. But you think that everything has to have your understanding, so that’s fine, stick to your understanding. Well done! Now on to our meditation.
And before you ask: can you do it again? It can be repeated. And why can you repeat it? Because I am leading the meditation, I and a whole host of beings will be with us. So you can repeat it as many times as you like. Maybe she’ll even separate the meditation from today’s life to make it easier, she’ll do it, I know she will. So, at this moment, I ask you all to put away your gadgets, those little things, because we’re going to meditate and those who meditate don’t write, and those who meditate don’t read. So let’s put the gadgets aside. They won’t die without you around.
I want everyone sitting down, feet on the ground. Do you need to take your shoes off? No, you don’t. Then let’s go! Everyone sits down, feet touching the floor, even with shoes on, no problem. Let’s inhale through the nose and exhale quickly through the mouth (it wasn’t ME who breathed, let’s be very clear!). I want this breath 5 times. Very good! Try to empty your mind of any thoughts, commitments, or anything that takes your focus away from what you’re doing now.
Right now, I’m taking all of you, whose hearts are connected to this moment, to that beautiful green field we always go to. See yourselves in this field, it’s night and the sky is very starry. You will even be able to see spaceships in the sky because our brothers will be accompanying us. At the head of this large group is my blue sword. This sword is transmitting energy and love through the ground to all of you. Feel the energy rising through your feet. Let the energy take over your whole body, right up to your head. Well done! Now, at this moment, I call Maria and Sananda. I am behind my sword, Sananda is on my right and Maria is on my left.
At this moment, Mary is covering all of you with her beautiful mantle. Open your hearts, my brothers! Let yourselves be carried away by this beautiful energy! An energy of love, of warmth, of peace. Sananda is immense and covers the whole group with his hands, sending each of you all the love he feels for every child on this planet. Let yourselves be carried away by these energies, empty your minds. At this moment, hear the clarions ringing. The Angels are coming, thousands of them! Beautiful! A legion of Angels filled this whole place. Bringing with them their energy, their love, their peace. And they settle among you. And you become one big block, of beings and Angels, together, in one tune, in one thought, in one energy. The hearts of the Angels connect to the hearts of each one of you, raising your energies, your vibrations. Removing pain, fear, anguish, and all low-vibration feelings from your bodies. At this moment, Sananda is back by my side and so is Mary. The Angels remain with you. I would say that there is an angel in front of you right now, your hearts are connected. He is facing you. Let this angel take with him everything that worries you, that hurts you, that brings you uncertainty, and doubt, give it to him. Let him transmute all these energies and leave only love, gratitude, and peace in your heart!
At this moment, the Angels begin to leave, with a lot in their hands, everything that you left with them. And you are now light, loving, bright, with lots of Light! My sword is still emanating energy from you. The hearts of Sananda and Mary surround the whole group, filling you even more with Love and Light. Feel your hearts swelling, hot, big, with so much Love and Light. Now Sananda leaves and so does Maria. I remove my sword from the ground. You have enough energy to bring each of you a peaceful night of sleep and rest. No, it won’t be a restless night! It won’t be a sleepless night! Because Gaia, at this moment, is taking all the excess through your feet and into her. Leaving your bodies with only what they are capable of absorbing. And right now, I’m taking each of you back to your homes, to where you were. It doesn’t matter. This is my gift to you today!
You can repeat this meditation as many times as you like! Whenever you feel tired, sad, or out of balance, do this meditation. We can call this meditation the Meditation of Love! You are filled with our love, our Light. From this moment on, try to spend some time processing all this energy. Don’t get distracted by anything. Don’t change your thoughts to futile things. Stay in this energy. If possible, try to go to sleep so that this energy stays with you for as long as possible.
And don’t forget – it’s your vibration that takes you to the path of ascension. It is the right path that leads you to the path of ascension. Thoughts, actions, and correct enlightened words are what take you to the path of ascension!