My dearest ones! I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL!
I start our meeting today, leaving your hearts full of joy. “Ah, you may ask me why.” That’s because I will praise you so much. Most are dedicated entirely to the journey and freeing their souls, looking inside themselves and the whole. This is wonderful! So, we are all delighted. That was a good choice when we decided to treat your souls and you indirectly. But, mainly, we did a good cleansing of your souls, which is incredible because many souls around the planet were cleaned.
Your souls have already crossed this planet and made antecedents in every point of the earth. Many issues have been cleansed in this journey. There is still a part missing, but it hasn’t the exact weight of the other parts. Although many fathers and mothers think it will be the most challenging part of the journey, I tell you it won’t. You will see it later. To love your sons and daughters is a huge lesson of unconditional love. Parents’ love is the closest you get to unconditional love. Unfortunately, I cannot say this about all of you. Some don’t see their children like that. However, the true love of a mother and a father for their children is very close to unconditional love. So, I tell you, it won’t be difficult. You are not so tied to them as you imagine. The most unconditional love you have for your children, the weak your connection gets. Did you know that? No, you didn’t. So now you know. It will be easy to break these connections because you live this unconditional love virtually. You already respect them, let them live, and give advice and good ideas. However, you don’t manipulate and don’t require anything, at least the majority don’t. Obviously, not all of you act that way. Many still have a lot of beliefs; they think a child is a product of them and must be equal to them; they must be what they believe their children should be. It is a pity because I won’t include you in these parents who love unconditionally. This is anything but love. To force a son or daughter to be what he or she isn’t is not love. It is egoism to want a son or daughter to be an image of what you are not or have not been. However, I am not here to talk about the opposing side. I am here for the positive aspects. Then, I tell you that fathers and mothers who love their children with respect, freedom of opinion, and respect for their lives are there like a safe harbor, without interference. They don’t live their children’s lives nor require their children to live theirs. For these parents, the seventh round will be accessible. I would dare to say that they wouldn’t need to do it, but there’s always something to release. So, do it for everything to be effective.
You have commented that the messages are getting more deep and realistic. I’ve already said that the awakening is close. As Ashtar told in the previous week, there are no impediments for us anymore. We don’t need your energy. Everything is defined. So, you can go up and down, oscillating your energy, but nothing will prevent what will happen. Those who still dominate a good part of the planet may do whatever they want, they may put fire on the entire world if they wish, but nothing will prevent our action. Each one will receive each criminal activity against the planet back with interests (as you say).
Our meditation of Lion Portal will focus entirely on Gaia. We will do a great job from the heart and love for Gaia, which needs this love and energy to avoid suffering with the wounds on its skin. These wounds were mainly provoked. However, there is nothing else to fight for. No reason to think that there is still a minimum chance; they lost. They continue attacking you and the planet to show that they are alive and can do anything. Nothing could be farther from the truth. They can do some things but not everything they think they do. So, everything is ready for the great day. It is close but not on our time because close for us is now. It is here and now. However, I can say that in your time it is very close. Again, I tell you to be careful with those who say it will happen tomorrow or next week, those who give you dates. Don’t believe in dates because nobody knows them. Only we, the main leaders, know and nobody else. So, no channel on this planet will receive such information because we won’t pass it. It will be on the day we decide. Nobody will know when. Again, it is increasingly closer because the date won’t change any more. It is defined and won’t change, come what may. The only thing I have to tell you is to keep yourselves elevated.
Each of you received a big bubble of violet light yesterday. I mean those who are on the journey. Do whatever you can to maintain this energy bubble in you. Listen carefully to Sananda’s video. You should analyze your position concerning the rest of the planet. Be careful when you say: “this is not with me. This is not my business!” So, I am just reminding you that you are brothers, sons, and daughters of the same Father. Do you love your brothers and sisters? I imagine you do. So, don’t tell me this is not with you. Everything that happens on the planet concerns each of you because the energy you emanate forms the entire planet. The sum of the energies you emanate creates the world you have today and continues to create. So, the most you think the world is terrible, it will be bad. The most you believe that each fact that happens is only a truth being exhibited and nothing changed, so it will be. That thing always existed. It did not begin now. The media wants you to believe that everything is starting now, the problems are increasing, and people have strange attitudes now. No, people always had these attitudes. The difference is that now they are appearing. What is the reason for this? To cause more fear, unbalance, and for you to feel that the world is getting worst. Simple as that. However, nothing is changing. Everything has always been there. It was under the carpet because it was convenient to maintain it so. There are no carpets anymore. The carpets were lifted. The Light revealed everything. So, there is only the truth now; nothing new, everything is ancient, old habits but they were not mentioned, and now it is like, “Ah, is it new?” No, it isn’t. It is pretty old. The difference is that everything is exposed now. In your world, nothing is hidden anymore; everything is revealed. Is it new? Of course not. Everything is old! You must understand this. Don’t think new problems are appearing. “Ah, are people getting crazy?” No! People have always been like that. The difference is that now things appear. People used to do this thing inside their homes, and nobody knew. Now they do it inside their homes, and everybody knows. Did anything change? No! Because they continued doing inside their homes, but now somebody saw and spread the news. You must understand this! Nothing is worst! Nothing is getting out of control! It’s been so long your world is out of control. Nothing is changing or getting worst. It has always been what you see now, but that was not exposed. In the old times, the Light necessary to take out the carpets didn’t exist. Currently, there is no way to hide anything! The weird things in your world are for those who want to see.
So, what is your world? It is the product of your own emanations. So, how can you tell me that this problem is not yours? How can you tell me that you have nothing to do with it? You do! At some point in your walk, you emanated small energy that created that problem. Have you ever thought about it? What was your contribution to the change of the planet’s climate? “Ah, I did nothing in this life!” And in other lives? Who were you in other lives? How many trees have you uprooted in different incarnations? Do you know or remember? No! You don’t know or remember. So, my brothers and sisters, everything there has your touch. Some more, others less, but all of you are responsible. Now it’s up to you to change your world. Do something for your planet, your home. You destroyed your home, and now you have to fix it. Is it getting difficult to live there? Who did it all? I guarantee that we didn’t. Neither was God Father/Mother. You destroyed everything and changed all. Now, you must withstand the consequences. Don’t blame us for anything; everything was made by you humans. “Ah, but we were oriented to do so …” It doesn’t matter. As I always say: evil is on the other side of the door. It enters if you open the door. If you don’t, evil does not come in. However, if you open the door, you are inviting evil to enter, and it does. So, you agree with evil. We have no saints here. None of you can say, “I have never made anything against the Earth!” Nobody! All have their share of guilty.
So, now it’s up to you to return with love, respect all evil you did to the planet, and try to live with more equilibrium. I tell you that if you don’t do anything, it. It will be challenging to live here. You must wake up and do something. Don’t stay just behind a table creating laws, giving speeches, going to the Internet, and saying beautiful words. You must act, get your hands dirty, and do something for the planet. If each of you plants a tree, how many trees will be planted on the earth? Billions of trees! Will this make a difference? Do you think it won’t? “Ah, it will take too long!” Yes, but if you don’t start planting, the trees won’t grow. So, plant them yesterday. You will be already late. Just plant! Plant how many trees you can. In the future, you will see. “You! Look what we did. We helped our planet!” This is how you will help Gaia: don’t allow trees to be uprooted. Don’t let Gaia’s skin be burnt. Why do they do this? For the interest of those who do this and then complain about climate? Who provoked this? Your industries, plants, the pollution in planet’s atmosphere. Did we do this? No, you did. So you must create plants that don’t pollute. “Ah, but this won’t make us money!” So, continue polluting the planet and don’t complain about anything that will come ahead. You have no idea of the reactions that have already started. Are you complaining now? Prepare yourselves for what is on because Gaia cannot stop, and the reactions are coming. The consequences of what has been done against the planet are on their way. There is no way to stop them. They can be minimized but not halted. Now, if you don’t want to do anything, it’s up to you and assume the consequences.
The journey has come to the most exciting moments, my brothers. The moment of the great awakening is arriving for all on this planet. This will be when all of you know that you are not alone in the Universe. The moment for all of you to understand the races from which you were created. This will be very interesting. You will see in the galactic people the similarities with you. I will watch, seated on the balcony (as you say). I think I will laugh a lot because it will be funny. Some of you think you are superior. You think you are wonderful and perfect. Then, suddenly, you will see a galactic being precisely like you. How interesting! You will think: “He is much like me! How come?” Would it be because you have his ADN? Would it be? We are all anxious, not like you, to see the reactions. We want to see those who said they were the only ones in the Universe. Where will their beliefs be? Will they continue affirming they are the only ones in the Universe? My God! Will this happen? God Father/Mother will look at the number of lies introduced on this planet, saying you are the only ones. And then many races, models of beings from so many places of the Universe will come. It is astonishing. “They told me I was the only one. How can I see so many different people from other parts of the Universe?” Indeed, it won’t be easy. This period will not be simple. It will be a period of revolt, not a pacific time.
However, we have been telling you that this will not affect you if you are in a higher frequency. It is as if you were on the 50th floor of a big building, looking down, and you see small things moving; they are the persons. This is a very high floor. You will just look at everything happening on the planet’s surface. And you are there on the 50th floor, calm and elevated. Some will take the elevator to go down and mix with the desperate and unbalanced crowd, which is anxious for answers. In this case, there is nothing we can do. You will be in the middle of the crowd because it was your choice to take the elevator and go down. That’s all right with those who want to stay on the 50th floor. You will be there, talking directly with a galactic being, exchanging ideas because you will be so elevated that you will do it. You can have a hotline. A telephone line? No, I don’t think a telephone would be adequate. It’s most probably that you will use telepathy. You can communicate by telepathy easily because until then your talents will be enhanced and you will have good conferences. See how interesting this is! You will meet with them at meetings to discuss costumes and ideas and to learn good things. This is incredible! The world downstairs will be attempting to leave that turmoil. Some will be successful. They will look at that magnificent building and ask: “what building is this? Ah, I want to leave this mess! I don’t want to be there. I will go upstairs to this building.” On each floor, they will find some people who will receive them and teach them how to go up every floor. They won’t go upstairs using the elevator but will use the stairs step by step. They will gradually elevate their vibrations and will go up. On each floor, a group of you will be ready to receive them. Hold on, weren’t you on the 50th floor? I would say that some are on the 50th, others on the 49th, 47th, and others on the first floor. It will depend on your vibrations. However, you won’t be with the crowd. You will be in the building, protected from confusion. Negative energies don’t enter this building. Only people with pure hearts do. Gradually, each will go up the floors, including those already on that floor, until they get to the 50th floor. Isn’t it interesting? So, my brothers and sisters, on what floor are you now? You are in the middle of the way, about the 24th and 25th floors. You are in the middle. Gradually and quickly you will go up till you arrive at the 50th floor. “Ah, is the 50th the Fifth Dimension? Unfortunately not. You are close but still have a long way to get to the highest floors. The building is immense and high. I would say that building is the famous pyramid I have already told you. Each floor is a level, and you are going up.
Some continue downstairs. It is challenging to go up for several reasons: “I am being punished! I don’t deserve it. There is something wrong with me.” You will never know the answer if you don’t insist. It is a pity for those who give up or have already given up. It is so because of all our tests. One of these tests is perseverance. Unfortunately, some have failed the test, but the choice is individual. Nothing more to say or declare. It’s useless to send questions through her for Me to answer what the problem is. You still haven’t learned that she is not Me and that I don’t give advice. Haven’t you learned that? I don’t talk to anybody through her, except when I decide. I have spoken to some people. Yes, I did it directly, but I wanted to speak, not her. So, don‘t send messages. Do you want to talk with me? Just call me; it is simple. Call me, ask me, and I will answer. It is pretty easy to arrive at me. At me and anyone of us. Why does it have to be through her? She won’t answer because I don’t want to respond to anybody. I will reply to those I select. So, interiorize yourselves, and you will find the answer to why you can’t move. I warn you to be quick because time is going by. You will be there on the first floor. You won’t be accompanying the others. You will stay there for a long time, except you decide to look inside and discover what is happening.
So, I will leave another message here today. However, before this new message, I will remember that the option is individual, as Sananda said today. Each one’s choice will create their future. The future, you call it tomorrow, after, in a while. Still, the choice is made today. Your options today will bring your future tomorrow. Don’t forget this phrase. If you emanate Light, you will receive Light. If you emanate harmony, you will receive harmony. Any other thing with low vibration you emanate will come back to you as low vibration. Don’t forget that!
Now, I want to leave a message. Before it, let me tell you that the instructions for the meditation on August 08 will be published timely. So, I don’t want to hear questions. And now the message: I have noticed that the groups are emptying themselves. How come? While you could speak whatever you wanted, dumping suffering, pain, doubts, and energy, everybody wrote and sent messages. So, nobody said anything when I told them that spreading misery is not good because the other has nothing to do with your suffering. Everybody disappeared and retired. Why? I will tell you why. Because they have nothing good to say and don’t know how to be grateful. They don’t know how to say a phrase with good vibration; they only talk about problems and suffering. So, the group will remain and continue as it is. If there is one phrase per day being grateful, I will applaud. I have already said and will repeat: I don’t bother with numbers. I worry about the quality of what I do, and you return to me. I liked this position of yours. You don’t have anything to say except for suffering. This posture is interesting. Then, many will say: “ah, I don’t say anything anymore because everything I say is wrong.” Your position is very comfortable. Continue without saying anything. If one day messages end, there is no reason to continue. Then, I will remind you why the groups were created. To exchange what? Did you forget the word? Experiences and exchange of experiences don’t mean to tell the problems. To exchange experiences is to say: “This is hard for me, but I will get there. Is it difficult for you” This is exchanging experiences and not telling a problem. So, it is up to you!
Another thing begins today. Since the channel was created, several groups of meditation were created. Meditation of water, earth, air, and health (I am inventing these groups). Many groups, one at 10, 11, 9, and 8 pm or am. This ends up here. I am closing these groups. Why am I doing this? Because nobody is doing this. This happened at a particular moment. Today, the time is other. So, I am informing you that gradually many groups will be extinct. A survey of all groups will be made. I am not talking about the Christ Letters. They continue under Sananda conduction. I am talking about the other groups connected to the Channel. After a survey, meditation groups will end. Some groups will remain, and you will know which are they. I will finish most of them because there is no reason to maintain these groups. They were created long ago at a particular time; they don’t fit today. The energy happened at that time, not today. You will be informed. Those who are in the groups will receive the notice about the closing. That’s it. No contestations. Don’t ask me to continue with the groups. I am closing them, and that’s all. Understand that some things happened in the past. It is the same as if today I asked you to redo the procedures you did back in the past. There is no sense in doing this. Today you have other vibrations. The atmosphere, the planet, and the energies are different. So, there is no use in doing these old things. It’s over. I will finish these groups. Those who didn’t receive a notice will continue. It is interesting, and so it will be.
So, I am cleaning the house for new times. Suppose the group with few messages continues as it is. In that case, I will end the group because it makes no sense to publish just gratitude for this and that; this is not an exchange of experiences. Ending this group is good for those who have the work of controlling and have to look up frequently. Please, don’t complain about not having a space for your voices. You choose this, not Me. You are choosing to be quiet, so if you do, we will close the group. What is the reason for the group? Nothing! It would be as if I had the Channel made a transmission as this and nobody appeared. Why would I continue transmitting? For nothing. So, think carefully about your position. Ah, you like to be in places where you can talk a lot? Good! Continue there. Here we have rules. I want my rules to be respected because I know what is good for you. If you disagree with me, what can I do? You were warned. Some groups will end, and others will remain. The Christ Letters stay the same. In the Channel groups, I interfere and will end many things. Let’s clean the house. New ways, times, methodologies. So it will be.
I hope you are looking to the future, an illuminated future. Therefore, you should be following your path to get there. We count on you. Prepare yourselves each day. Don’t wait for tomorrow. Be always ready today because it can happen at any time, and the readiest you are closer to the 50th floor you will be. You can climb those stairs quickly. The choice is yours. On what floor do you want to be? Think carefully. Where are you now? On what floor? There on the 50th floor? No! Nobody is on the 50th floor. I have already given a clue. Those on the journey are close to the 24th and 25th floors. Come on, think a little! Be honest. Don’t lie; don’t be arrogant: “ah, I am on the high floors!” Be true to yourselves. “Ah, I am on the first floor. I am humble. I know I am downstairs.” That’s all right. You are conscious of what you have been doing; congratulations. To look at the truth in yourselves is terrific. You deserve my applause. Don’t try to climb the floors where you can’t stay because you go up, and I make you go down. Nobody gets where has no conditions to remain because you go up and I push you down. You don’t stay. Do I command everybody? I do! The floor is mine, as well as the building. I put you wherever I want, according to your energy. You authorized me to do so. Don’t you? That’s all right. You just have to say: “Michael, I don’t authorize you to put me anywhere!” Ok, I will leave you. You will be there in the middle of the crowd. Now, those who are my soldiers, I put them wherever I want in this building because they are my soldiers. So, I put them wherever I want, wherever they deserve to be, and I think they can be. If you disagree, just tell. I put you down with the crowd. You are not my soldier anymore. Ah, am I authoritarian? Hum, do you still think I am authoritarian at this point of the road? It is time to go to the crowd. Isn’t it? Each will do a self-analysis and answer what your places are. In the building or downstairs with the crowd? However, be true. It’s useless to deceive Me because I know where each is.