This joy is very good because it ends up passing this joy on to you too. And this is what we have always asked: forget the world outside! Forget what’s beyond the door, beyond the window! Live each day, but always bearing in mind that everything has already worked out and that there’s no point in worrying about what’s to come. What will come is already written, there’s no changing it, there’s no altering it. The only thing you can do, (so listen carefully to what I’m about to say!): the future, what you call the future, for each of you, is already written, it’s already defined! The only thing you can do today is vibrate confidence, vibrate faith that you are ready to go through anything. So this feeling of acceptance, of tranquillity (in terms) makes you emanate good things. And I can guarantee that in this process you can improve what is to come for each of you. Because it’s as if you were giving yourself a boost (energetically speaking) to improve anything.
Now, the opposite will also happen. So, if you keep vibrating fear, you keep vibrating worry: “Oh, what’s going to happen to me? Oh, because I’m not ready! Oh, because of this! Oh, because of that!” You’re putting more spice into that food. It’s as if you’re cooking and adding more and more salt until the food becomes unpalatable, you won’t be able to eat it. Remember this image: the pot, the food and you adding salt, every time you worry about what’s to come. Now, if you let it happen, lie on the float, and let the river take you away, that food becomes even tastier. You’ll have to eat it, it may not even be very nice food, it may have some ingredients that you don’t like, but you’ll have added some seasoning, something that will help you eat it. And everything will be fine!
So, my brothers, there’s no need to imagine, to have any idea what’s going to happen. I would say that you can even imagine catastrophes, tragedies, and horrible things happening, which doesn’t mean that they will hit you! It doesn’t mean that it will happen this way! So why worry? Thinking that something is going to happen, then you get there: “Well, nothing like I imagined happened! Everything was different!” I’ll tell you this: what I’ve just told you here is happening on a global level! So, if everyone vibrates with a positive feeling, things will go more smoothly. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true.
So, I can assure you that you can’t define what will happen. It could be that a lot happens and it could be that very little happens, it will all depend on humanity’s reaction. So, my brothers, why imagine? Why mentalize stories that may not even be foreseen, but you are creating a new egregore? And whatever you create, it takes shape, it happens. So let’s stop worrying, shall we? Let’s each of you worry about the path ahead! Let’s plant flowers along the way! Let’s water the flowers! Let’s attract the birds! Always have some food on hand to give to the birds. Attract birds! Be ready to stroke an animal, showing no fear! So what you need to do now, every one of you, is to look at your path! It’s to create a flowery path! Oh, don’t forget to take some perfume to scent the path too! Be like children who jump when they’re walking! Some can’t even walk, or they run or jump. Be children, be joyful! “Oh, but what will those outside think of me? They’ll say I’m insensitive! That I’m crazy! That I’m crazy!” So I’m going to tell you: as long as you worry about other people’s opinions, you stop living! You stop looking at the road! And beware: you could trip over a stone because instead of looking ahead, at your road, at your path, you’ve looked away to see what the other person is saying about you. What do you care what the other person says? If you pay attention to what they say, you’ll get caught up in their energy and forget your joy. Look at them and smile! When someone says something that hurts you or makes you sad (as you often say), go for it with all your heart. By the way, that’s a terrible saying! I didn’t like it! I’m repeating it, but I didn’t like it. Why make your heart work? It doesn’t fit, I don’t think it’s right. But come on! You talk and I, like a good parrot, repeat. Let’s go! Do your best and give a good smile! That’s it! Go crazy! If they already think you’re crazy, they’ll know for sure! And then maybe they’ll leave you alone!” ” Oh, that one’s no good! I won’t even say anything, because he’s gone mad!” Great! And you are on your way, smiling, bouncing, flowering your way, perfuming your way, attracting animals, attracting people! But everyone is on their road!
You can walk together! This is something I don’t think I’ve ever said: this road that I often say you need to walk, can have company, it can! You can have someone by your side! And I would say that you can have many people with you walking on the same road, all happy, and joyful, each doing their part: one planting a white rose, another planting a pink rose, another planting a tree. Look what a wonderful path you’ll create! You can have company! What you can’t do is look away, at people who have nothing to do with you or at people you don’t know, who don’t know what road they’re on. Because those people next to you are probably your friends, they’re people you know, so you can exchange ideas, you can look the other way because you know what road they’re on. Now the other road, no, you don’t know what it’s like! So forget about the other road! Always look at what you’re walking towards!
So, my brothers, come on! Let’s stop worrying about what’s going to happen! Be happy! Many people insist on answering me at this point: “I can’t be happy when so many people are suffering!” So I’ll give you an answer: poor you! Because you’re failing to live your life, your road, to live someone else’s. Foolish you, very foolish! Silly you, very silly! Because it’s not by suffering the suffering of others that you’re gaining points on your journey! And then, I’ll be even crueler: you won’t earn any points, because this is a way of forgetting yourselves and that’s not good, it’s not good for anyone! So, if you want to worry, if you want to do something, do it for yourselves! Forget about the other person’s pain! I’ve already said it here and I’ll say it again: you can show solidarity! You can. And I’d go further: you must! Now, because so-and-so is sitting in the middle of the mud, in the middle of the street, are you going to sit in solidarity with him in the middle of the street, in the mud? No! That’s not your road! Your road doesn’t involve sitting in the mud and living on the street. That’s not how you’re going to help that person! You’re going to help them, in a way, by trying to get them out of there, by enabling them to live, but not by living through their suffering! Whose suffering is it? It’s hers! So let’s stop this pseudo-kindness! “Oh, no! Because I have to suffer what humanity suffers!” Let’s stop it! This is small talk! It’s of no benefit to you or anyone else. Because usually, those who suffer together don’t help at all! They’re just there to make up the numbers, to say afterward: “Oh, I suffered as much as so-and-so did!” Why? What for? What did you get out of it? Did you improve so-and-so’s situation? “Oh, but he saw that I suffered with him!” So he’s a good egoist because he suffers and wants others to suffer with him? That’s wrong too. No one has to force anyone to suffer with you! It’s your suffering, you don’t have to share it with anyone!
So, my brothers, let’s stop the hypocrisy! Let’s stop showing false kindness! That’s not how kindness is shown! Of course, there must always be common sense. It’s not about ignoring someone else’s pain. Know how to make a difference! Experiencing another person’s pain is one thing, ignoring another person’s pain is another! So you can look at another person’s pain and do something about it, but you can’t suffer another person’s pain. And you can’t even look at it and ignore it! That’s where the great wisdom lies! So, that’s what I’m saying: it’s a false kindness because you suffer together, but you do nothing to improve the situation of the one who is suffering. You’re there just to say you’re a friend: “Oh, I suffered with you! Great things! Because you didn’t do any good for yourself or the other person! So let’s stop it! You can live your life, and be happy and the person next to you can’t, that’s their way! Of course, you don’t need to rub (as you say) your joy in the other person’s face, dancing in front of someone who is suffering. “Oh, I’m happy and you’re not!” Less! That’s not it either! That’s where respect comes in! So know how to live your joy for yourself, you don’t have to have an audience! Does everything you do have to have an audience? Does someone have to be watching? Does someone have to know? Oh, you have to put it everywhere, so everyone knows about it! It’s an audience! What are you? Artists? Actors? An important person in politics, to have an audience? So be happy for yourselves! Make yourselves happy! Make yourselves happy! That’s the goal right now! Look at yourself with love. Take care of yourself, make yourself happy, and try to do things that make you happy! Forget the other person. If there’s a point on your journey where they cross your path, it will happen, and you’ll be able to do something for them. Otherwise, let’s go our separate ways! Let everyone go their own way! The more you elevate yourselves, the more you elevate the whole. Understand that! And the more you fall, you bring the whole down! This is the great challenge: to always hold your head high, your heart bursting with love, light, and joy! Life sucks (as you say), but everything is fine, “I’m getting on with my life!” Good! That’s how it is! Outside the door, chaos reigns, and violence haunts. Don’t let it get to you! Don’t get caught up in this chaos, this violence. From the street door inwards, there needs to be joy, light, love, friendship, understanding, abundance, prosperity, and, above all, the thing that brings all this that I’ve been talking about: balance! When there is balance, all this happens! The world is falling outside and you’re standing up. Slipping, but not falling!
So, my brothers, why worry? Why feed what you don’t know will happen? I’d say think about this: many of you have been used to believing that our Father/Mother God was merciless, punishing, highly separatist: “No, you’re nice, so I love you! You, gee, you’re a devil, I hate you!” Many people still think that about God today. So I’m going to say it again, I don’t even know how many times: that God the Father/Mother is infinite Love, unconditional Love always!
So what can you imagine? That He programmed this whole process, He wanted you to pass into the Fifth Dimension in the physical body, “Oh, but He’s going to do something…” (she was going to say a word, but I’m not going to say it!), do you think He’s going to set you up? “Oh, I’m going to put everyone through the physical body, and at hour H I’m going to catch everyone!” That’s God the Father/Mother talking? Is that God the Father/Mother talking? Is he setting something up, something sinister, so that when the time comes, he can harm everyone? Is that what you’re thinking? Who is God the Father/Mother? He is pure Love! So what does he want? He wants this passage to be as easy as possible! How is He going to spread this throughout the Universe if tomorrow someone from the news agency on the other planet arrives, a reporter comes and asks: “How was your passage to the Fifth Dimension?” And you say: “Wow, I suffered a lot! My God! It was very bad, it was horrible!” This will have repercussions throughout the Universe because that reporter will put it on the front page of the Universe’s newspapers. And then, who will want to evolve in the physical body anymore? Oh, nobody! Everyone will want to kill themselves, they’ll want to pass as a soul because that person says it was horrible. Is that really what you’re imagining? Of course, God the Father/Mother will do everything to make it as easy as possible, to make it as easy as possible, and to make as many people as possible go! Or what do you think? That all this work we’ve done, years and years and years in battle since we started liberating this planet, for half a dozen to go to the Fifth Dimension? I don’t know what you think! I’ve already told you that if we were going to demand that you pass 100% clean, then I’m going to tell you that no one would go. No one would! But what is God the Father/Mother doing? He’s making an exception so that you can be prepared, little by little, to get there. And it’s not as if you get there, look around, and “Oh, I don’t want to stay!” and turn around and leave! You need to understand exactly what you’re going to find! So you’ll have a good training period, a good adaptation period, so that as many people as possible remain in the Fifth Dimension. And when that reporter comes along: “So, how was your passage? How has it been in the Fifth Dimension?”, ”Oh, it was wonderful! It was very easy! With a few problems…Ah, but when I got here I was dazzled…” That’s it! The news will go around the universe and everyone will want to evolve! That’s it, my brothers! No one here is going to demand perfection, no one here is going to demand that you are 100% ready.
Of course, we need to be a little firm, because otherwise you won’t break free! Letting go, I would say, is the most difficult problem we are facing today! Because when you hear the word “letting go”, everyone shivers, everyone emanates fear, everyone feels sad, and everyone feels angry. How can this be resolved? Don’t imagine that we’ll make exceptions! No, we won’t! Because there’s no way. There is no way that what is here, in the Third Dimension with you, can be taken to the Fifth. There’s no way! But you will have to learn to let go, gradually. Nobody is going to be taken by surprise, because this generates revolt, this generates anger and it is this feeling that you will vibrate in the Fifth Dimension. So, my brothers, stop and think! Nothing will be hopeless, overwhelming, or challenging. You will have a long time to learn, to get used to it, for your bodies to free themselves of everything you eat here that you won’t have there. Understand, my brothers! Do you realize how complex this whole process is? It’s not just taking you from one point to another. If it were like that, there really would be a huge mother ship, which would be loaded with all the inhabitants of the planet and would appear in the Fifth Dimension! How wonderful! But what about your feelings? And what did you leave behind? Has everyone forgotten? Oh, I see! We’re going to brainwash the whole world and everyone will forget everything. Then, everyone will arrive in the Fifth Dimension flabbergasted, and forgotten and nobody will feel a thing! How wonderful! I like the solution! Come on, be patient! We’d never do that! If you have to pass through the physical body, you have to pass through everything! So understand that nothing is a snap of the fingers! Everything has to be done gradually.
You complain that nothing is happening. Oh, you have no idea what is already happening! And you’re living life normally, and the process is underway! It’s already started and it’s been going on for a long time! And everyone is still living their lives! Of course, as each day passes, let’s say that new things will happen. Until the time comes for the most impactful things to happen, then things will be on fire (no, in the sense of the word), because humanity’s reaction will be quite strong and we’ll have to take time to deal with it. Nothing will be forced down our throats, nothing will be imposed on us. Have I ever imposed anything on you? Since we started seven years ago, have I imposed anything? I showed you the way, whoever chose to follow! But I haven’t imposed anything! And that’s how the process will continue, with everyone making their own choices! So let’s stop imagining, dreaming, talking about what will happen, you don’t know! It all depends on humanity’s reaction, on whether the process speeds up or slows down. But it has already begun! We’re no longer depending on you to start anything! The process has already begun! What’s more, there’s no stopping it and there’s no going back! Because the reactions are happening one on top of the other, you can’t undo a reaction. It’s already happened, and it happened! So always be very, very prepared to carry on with your lives as normal, as you have been, nothing more, nothing else! Exactly as you have been leading your lives!
Understand, my brothers and sisters, the journey will be difficult at times, it may even be painful, but it won’t be like that all the time. Remember the reporter: he will interview you when you get there and you have to say that everything went well. Everyone will be what they have sown! That’s why I say to you, my brothers and sisters: plant joy today because you will reap that joy in the future! Plant fear and sadness and you will reap it! It’s your choice, not ours. I only say: build your road with joy, with love, with flowers, with friends, with family, with children. Ah, nothing better than children to brighten everything up! Do it this way and you will see exactly what you will reap in the future. I guarantee that the problems if they come, will be so easy to solve that you’ll say: “Gee, I thought it was going to be worse!” That’s it!
So let each of you make your own choice as to how you want to face this whole process. Forget the outside world! Live your journey, that’s what matters! Let the rest happen, then you’ll think about it! Do it and you won’t regret it!