Archangel Michael Live 29-06-2022


Yes, my brothers. The world is falling apart outside, but it’s all right here inside! Nothing will silence us. If they do it on one side, we talk on another side. Nobody will silence our voice, even those who are trying. They won’t be successful. Certainly, Sananda’s voice will echo somehow, be assured. However, I don’t want to insist on this subject. For me, this is over because the truth always shows. It may seem contrary, but it always does. You know the result of any feeling or analysis we can do about the whole story: LIGHT WON! And it will always win. If a door closes here, we open another one, no problem. We will never abandon you. The only thing I don’t want is despair. I don’t want your vibration going down when something happens. We have other ways to talk, and we will. Nothing will prevent us from talking. Listen well; Nothing will prevent us from talking. Soon, the whole world will hear us. How? It doesn’t matter. We will be the world’s voice, and all will listen to us.

The subject today obviously is the journey. Before starting this journey, I said that we wouldn’t have messages for the mind anymore because we had noticed that your minds were not aligned with your souls. So we changed focus. We decided to treat the souls, and I guarantee you that the result has been fantastic. Bingo! Isn’t it how you say and shout (I have never understood what this means, but that’s right. I just repeated it). It worked. We did the right thing. You don’t know the number of souls freed in this process until the fourth round. Many, I would say tens of thousands of souls. “Ah, but this is not much compared to the planet!” So, I will say that for us, if only one soul was released, it would be fantastic. We don’t count numbers. I am not worried about numbers, nor anybody. We want results. So, if it were only one soul, it would be fantastic. But it wasn’t. The number of souls was high. Many souls are free today. Free to evolve, learn how to love, correct themselves, and try evolution again. No, many are not sad about leaving the planet. They are going with a heart full of joy and openness. They understand that they still need to learn a lot, but they are going with much joy in their hearts. This is terrific because each orb that will receive these souls vibrates according to their quantum vibrated. So there are Third Dimension orbs that vibrate very low, others vibrate more or less, and those in the Third Dimension but vibrate high already know how to love. There is not so much evil on this planet. Many souls are taken to these orbs to end their lessons, and for us, this is very good!

So, be sure of what you are doing. You are not doing it just for yourselves but for many souls. As already said and as Sananda will say today: the more challenging steps will come now. Many things must be said: the bond between one soul and another is endless. There is a connection. Obviously, we will give an example: you have a father and a mother; everybody has. Imagine two lines, one for each side. Your mother had a father and a mother, and so did your father. We already have two open other lines. Each father and mother also had their fathers and mothers. So, it is a line that multiplies and always increases this number. Let’s say that you went to the tenth generation. “Ah, the one I don’t know the name; it doesn’t matter. That individual in the tenth generation is tied to me?” Yes, he is because one of those lines that departed from you arrives to him. From you to him, the lines open. From them to you, the lines close, but all are connected. And what’s the use of this? What is the purpose of maintaining so many souls connected to you? Many will mention ancestry, power, and important functions! It may be! Each piece from the past arrives to you with good and bad attitudes. Everything gets to you. All arrives. But again, what is the objective of this? “Ah, no! I must maintain my lineage!” Nonsense, because these clothes you wear end, they don’t remain. So, that lineage continues in the ethereal, in these connections! Not in the physical part. The physical part dies. So, what’s the use? None. You can pull millions of people on your back, each providing a guess in every life situation. “No! If I were you, I would do it this way! Oh, no! I would do the other way!” And all have their guesses because the connection is there. They feel your sorrow, pain, and joy. In the case of joy, they don’t care, but everybody has a guess when it comes to suffering. Some emanate good energies; others are not so good. They poke even more for the energy to go down. Many will say: “then, this is good. ” I have ancestors who take care of me!” Are you serious? At what time did they live?

Let’s think a little! When I say that you don’t have to judge your souls for what they did decades or eras behind, how can they, ages behind, judge what you are doing now? Other times. Nobody can judge anybody! Ah, yes! Many here will say: “no! That citizen of the tenth generation now is my grandparent, my father; he came back on my journey; he is close.” Will it be? Is everybody like that? That long line of each generation keeps coming back from time to time to disturb a little bit more? Is this a rule? No! It is not a rule! It comes back if the Carma Council considers it must; otherwise, it doesn’t. So, there are no rules, Nothing. For example, your grandfather was you there in the eighth, seventh, and ninth generation. This does not mean anything. He continues to belong there behind. And thinking like that time, he has Nothing to do with your present life. Similarly, you cannot judge your soul. Nobody can judge you, period. So let’s start the liberation. Let’s begin releasing these connections. What’s the use of those bonds. What do they bring? “Oh, no! They bring good energies!” Is it true? Will those who are there good? Are they from Light? Are all of them emanating good energies to you? Are you sure about this? I tell you, they aren’t! Many there are on the other side and emanate everything they can to keep you out of the way. Is this good? Of course not! So, let’s understand once and for all: any connection to the past is not good. Each must follow your way. Each will reap what that soul planted.

For each of you, there are ten generations (later, you count it, I won’t do this counting), ten generations. How many people do you have on your back? An average of one generation every 200 years. Do the calculations. Those who are here 20,000, 30,000 years. What is the size of this population behind you? “Ah, the Beings of Light also accompany me.” Beings of Light? They are Masters, Guides, and Angels and are not part of this population that follows you. If you want to say, for example, some of you here that lived at the time of Sananda. You knew Sanada. You may even have been friends of Sananda. Do you think Sananda is tied to you or has He had more to do? For example, elevate His soul and take care of His life? Oh no! He was connected to you all this time because He was what He was at the time? What about Maria? Is She also tied to each of you who lived with her then? Of course not! Each soul that evolves leaves this chain and this web created behind you. So, let’s start opening your minds, breaking the connection by just breaking your connection? Ah! Many have already understood. “No, I will not break my connection with my father and mother.” Why? How many fathers and mothers did you have along your journey? How many? Do you know who they are? “Ah, but my connection is there!” Do you know who they are? Then, what is the problem with eliminating the connection? Ah, you will stop loving your father and mother because you broke the bond? Your mother and father will stop loving you because of it? So, you didn’t understand anything! You haven’t learned anything. Or do they love you just because there is a connection? Ah! Now I understand! So, if this connection is ruptured, they don’t love you anymore. They go away. They forget that you are their sons and daughters. Is it right? This is how you think? Very well then.

I will give you another example. You have sons and daughters. Adult sons and daughters, do you understand? Adults have their own lives. Father and mother live here, in this country, Brazil. The son is far away in Japan. The connection was broken. You are not together anymore. Do you stop loving that son just because he is far away? Did he stop loving you because you are far away? But you broke the connection. Yes, you did. This connection must be nurtured. Otherwise, it withers and ruptures. Hold on! Then, all these people behind could not rupture the bond? No, because they still think they must be tied to their father and mother. Do you understand where the thread of the thing is? Each one behind you is bound to a father and mother because they think they must and will never release. So, all are glued. Now, if we break the first link, then the thing starts spreading because when we break the first link, those parents will see that Nothing has changed. All are the same, but there is no connection; they can also be free from their parents. This is a complex subject. I know that many will be thinking but never changes. Only the connections change. What is the principal advantage of breaking ties? Ah! Now I want to see the answers. What are the benefits of breaking the connections? You don’t bring limiting beliefs or evil thoughts. You don’t get any limiting things or painful moments. I could be here talking the whole night because the connection was ruptured. Nothing from that soul reverberates to you anymore. So, suppose your mother and father today echo all those feelings, accountability, and beliefs they have and put on you unconsciously. In that case, this doesn’t happen anymore because there is no connection. You become free. You don’t receive their burden anymore. You have only your burden. I think it will be good for you: to carry only your burden. “Ah, but isn’t this selfishness?” No! It is not! It is soul liberation! It is God Father/Mother saying: “you are free. You don’t have to be tied to anybody! You are free!” Nothing will be projected against you anymore. Conversely, you don’t have to cast anything on your sons and daughters. Do you understand? Ah, because when it comes to you, that’s all right. What about from you to your sons and daughters? No? Can it not be? Must you continue projecting your burden on your sons and daughters? All your suffering, beliefs, and thoughts you received are right to throw on them? And they continue receiving because the connection exists. Now think, if the link does not exist, you talk, and the words are gone with the wind. The energy burden does not affect them anymore. I will explain simply: the curse has no longer any effect. You can curse as you wish, but it won’t be valid because the connection doesn’t exist. Do you understand? I know that for you, this will be the subject for many days to come. You! Many questions and comments. “It is because I don’t want it! No! I won’t do that! I won’t lose the Love!” Did anybody here talk about losing somebody’s Love? It is just that it is not fair to receive anyone else’s burden. The burden from your parents stays with them, who consequently don’t have to receive the load of their parents, and so on. Let’s free all these people. Let’s make them all free. We will undo these webs created along time on this planet. Ah! Why were they created? Because they were necessary. You reincarnate here. So, it was required. Now it is not anymore. It’s over. So, this must be over too!

One thing must be clear. You are not forced to do anything. You understand and do what you want. I am just saying the following: as we have been saying that when the time comes, you will pass through a change. Then, the lighter and more adequate to the Fifth Dimension you are, the quick, easy and smooth this change will be. That’s all right with everything you deny and don’t want to do. I am not saying that you won’t go. You will go to the Fifth Dimension. However, wait for the change because you will have to clean, free, and release everything in a single move. While you are here, we allow you to do things gradually while you walk. It is not easy. It is not an easy process, even for us. However, this process is aligned. So, everything is replicated to all when the last soul perceives what is happening. Do you think we will consider deceased fathers and mothers connected to you? If you suffer for any reason, what will happen to them. They suffer too. “Ah, it is because they are seeing me!” No! They are not seeing you. They are connected to you. Your pain affects them. They don’t have peace. “Ah, they have already gone to another dimension; they became spirits.” Yes, they did, but spirits without peace because you don’t let them in peace since you are connected to them. So, now we will see the contrary. They are worried about you, and when you do something wrong, they don’t tear their hair out because they don’t have hair anymore, but they are extremely sad. If the connection didn’t exist, they wouldn’t know anything. They would evolve knowing, having the consciousness that you are ripping what you sowed, and there is Nothing they can do. Oh! Many heads are thinking! “My father and mother help me!” Yes, they do! I can’t’ deny it. Why do they help? The connection is there. So, they help. “Will I lose that help?” Will you lose their help? Here I ask you: you must ask for help from whom? From them? And don’t let their souls quiet? Won’t you let their souls evolve because they are tied to you? You are such a selfish person. Very selfish. They have already gone. They want to evolve and go to the Light. They can’t because they have a son who always asks, “Hei! Send some energy to me! Hei! Help me out here!” They help and don’t go forward their way. This is a selfish act. The same happens the other way. Many parents are close because they want to always give themselves to their son or daughter. Then, let’s end this. Let’s free those souls.

Then, one day in the Fifth Dimension, you give a big party and invite… the invitation will read: I invite all my mothers and fathers that I had along my soul walk! You’d better have a huge place because all of them will attend. “But didn’t I lose the connection?” I will repeat: you will lose the connection, not the Love! Their Love for you will continue for eternity! So, when you call: “those who were my fathers and mothers, come on. I am talking about a party. I want to know you all. I want to remember.” Many people will come, lots of people. And you will remember each moment you lived with much joy, without imprisonment. One will tell he is in Venus, others in Saturn, another one in another Universe. Each in a different place. However, they will remember they have been your parents and will come back to see you with much joy. They fulfilled their role; that is wonderful! See, what a terrific thing. Think carefully. Let’s start eliminating selfishness and your dependence on your father and mother. And you impose that dependence on your sons and daughters too. You like that son or daughter who always says: “Mom, do that, Dad do this.” You want it because you know they are there and you are controlling, manipulating. Isn’t it so? Everybody does that. Don’t say you don’t. It may not always be, but you did this sometime, all of you.

So, my brothers, the moment is of freedom, mooring the ropes, breaking connections. And this is what we will do. Those who don’t want, that’s all right. They won’t be prevented from going to the Fifth Dimension. Again, when the moment comes, it will be challenging to release this at once, but you will. You like suffering, isn’t it? You do! So, my brothers, the moment requires looking ahead. Your souls are grateful because you are on the journey. They are feeling clean; without that substantial unnecessary energy that one day came to them and from which they couldn’t be free. Today they did. “Ah, but is everything clean?” No! Some souls are not. With some souls, we will have a lot of work ahead. However, we can say that the journey will end, and the soul will continue the journey because there’s a lot to cleanse. Not all souls will end on the seventh round, but I am informing you of what you have ahead. I hope you understand. No! I am sure you didn’t. I already know. There will be a flood of questions and comments. That’s all right. The choice is of each one. “No! I don’t want to go through that.” Fine, that’s fine. What you did up to this point is done. Nothing will be lost. The soul was already clean and will continue as such. Nothing returns.

So, my brothers, this is the new path. There is news ahead. Good times. Not so good times. It will depend on how you look and how each will live what will happen. To live with Love and confidence or let despair, hatred, revolt, or any feeling takes hold. It all depends on each of you. There is Nothing we can do. You must find the way. What do you want to vibrate a little ahead? It is essential now that you vibrate higher and higher. It is fundamental that all the lessons we teach you be complied with and learned. More than that, each day is a day. Every day we are closer to the great day.

Again, whatever happens, nobody will silence us. We have many ways to talk. Nobody will silence our voice or Sananda’s voice. Nobody will do this to Mary or me. None of us. So, learn to survive any problem that happens without despair or alarming the whole world to solve the problem for you. When we say that you shouldn’t depend on the other. Many here don’t or can’t understand. They continue depending on others. It is the opinion and the word of others. They will help me. The other will be here and will tell me. Ok. Continue depending on the other. What will you do when everything is silent, and only our voice is heard? You will go out asking: “Who can answer me?” And they will think you are crazy because most of them don’t know how to answer you. So, continue depending on the other. Don’t try to hear us. The connection with us is like bread dough: you put an ingredient one day, another ingredient the other day, and so on. Then, the dough starts to be mixed and grow and grow. You put it in the oven, and it is ready. Then you can hear us. The problem is that you want everything immediately. You ask now, and you want the answer now. “Ah, but that person has the answer immediately.” That person is that person. You are not them. So, learn to do your bread dough. Know how to create your connection with us. Do you want to use your neighbor’s bread? No! You must make your own bread. To learn how to create your own bread, which is your connection with us, so when the moment comes, the moment of despair, you will go inside your heart and talk to us, “What happens? What can I do?” And indeed, we will guide you. You are not going to the streets to ask what to do because you won’t have another person to ask.

So, learn! Stop depending on the other. The other, as the name implies, is the other, not you. In this life, in times of despair, you can only count on yourself, nobody else, because in times of despair is ‘every man for himself. However, who will never, never abandon you? We! Therefore, those who connect with us will have our company and help. Those who didn’t create that connection and didn’t buy the bread ingredients will be alone until everything gets organized. Until then, maybe you will go mad and shout in the middle of the street. No. The scene is not funny. The scene is sad because that person didn’t learn to listen to the Beings in the heart and went to the streets to try listening to somebody. And the Beings were shouting in that person’s heart: “We are here,” but the person didn’t hear. So, it is a sad, lamentable scene that makes us cry. It is not funny. Many will do this because they can’t learn how to be independent of others, and they do it. “Ah, tomorrow I will be better.” And they continue depending. “Ah, I will see it tomorrow!” And they keep on depending and will depend on the whole life. So, when the moment comes, one of them will go mad and go to the middle of the street without knowing what to do. Those with us in their hearts who are sure we are there will learn how to listen to us and be calm and peaceful, waiting for what is to come! Who do you want to be? As this to yourselves, who do you prefer to be? Stop depending on the other. Create your connections with us. It is a little bit late, but there is time. You just want to hear us in your hearts, and you will.

So, know how to receive all the difficulties and bad moments. With faith, which is the beginning of this planet’s transformation to enter a new golden age. And only this way, with all change and what will happen, billions will have the chance to choose to go to the new world. Whether they will go depends on them, the problem is for each. However, they will have a choice. We are walking to this, so each of you selects the path you want to follow. Stay with my blessing and energy. Don’t keep thinking about what was said. Ask for our help, and we will explain all you need to know within your heart.

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