Yes! It is with great joy that I am here today too! No! No sadness!
No nostalgia! What’s the point? We’re here all the time! All you have to do is call us any of us and we’ll be there, by your side, strengthening you in any way we can.
Today, I wanted to end this journey of ours, which has been going on for some time… No! I’m not ending anything! That’s not to say I’m not coming back! I’m ending this cycle! Which you call a year! For us it’s a cycle of the planet, nothing more! So let’s respect all culture that you have, that you use. So, I want to close this cycle in a very joyful and unforgettable way for each of you! First of all, let me make something very clear! We’ll be doing one today! Whoever made the list, the task I asked for, will be able to use it today during meditation. “Oh, I didn’t do it! Oh, I forgot! Oh, I didn’t know!” I’m listening to a lot of people saying that. So what are you going to do? No need to time shift! Just listen to the meditation again, with the list in your hand. Then it’s very simple! Whoever doesn’t have the list today will do the meditation another day with the list in hand. You don’t need to shift time, you don’t need anything like that. It’s all very quiet, all very easy.
So, if you’re not on the list, don’t worry, everyone will do it, no one will fail to do it because they’re not on the list today! Do it tomorrow, do it later, next year, it doesn’t matter. Do it when you want to, when your heart ask you to. But we’re not going to do the meditation yet. I want to close this cycle by saying a few things to you. Firstly: What was Gaia’s journey this year? It was a very difficult journey! You don’t want to know what Gaia is doing. Gaia is an extremely loving Being. By Gaia’s will, she would take everyone, now, this instant. If I say a single word here or if Sananda gives a single command, Gaia moves into the Fifth Dimension and takes everyone.I’m not going to say that it would be easy! I’m not going to say that you wouldn’t have a few problems, but She would way to calm everyone down. So we’ve been doing a lot of work with Gaia, explaining to her that within the Divine Laws it can’t be like this because each soul has its own path, each soul has its own level, where it is in frequency and that could even be dangerous for some souls. Not all of them! And I could say that the vast majority of people on this planet would not be able to withstand an abrupt ascension. Most would perish because their bodies couldn’t handle the energy.
So we’ve been working with Gaia so that she understands that everything has to be done according to your growth and evolution. With each passing day, more energy has arrived! You are entirely bathed in the energy of the Central Sun. There isn’t a single obstacle, there isn’t a single refractor in the way that prevents the light from reaching this planet. Your planet makes a spin around its axis, which and don’t you understand that the energy you receive is the light of your Sun! No, it’s not! It’s the light of the great Central Sun and it’s not a light that has a visible wavelength in this dimension.You don’t see the light. So today, if you look at your planet and your Sun, only half of the planet receives the light at any given time. As time goes by, those who were in the dark get daylight and those who were in the daylight get dark, stay in the dark. So you tend to imagine that this light coming from the central sun does the same thing. It only illuminates one part and not the other, when the Earth rotates! I’m going to make a comparison! It may be a bit silly, but think of a saucepan (I often look at you in the kitchen). A pan full of water or oil, it doesn’t matter which liquid it is!You’re going to cook something round! What happens?If it’s too heavy, it sinks and suffers the temperature corresponding to what’s around it, whether it’s water, oil, sauce, whatever you put in.
I’m learning a lot! I like to give advice in the kitchen. Call me when you don’t know what to do! Call me!I like to give advice in the kitchen! And I guarantee it’s good, huh?! Call me!No, don’t think it’s funny! I’ve been learning a lot and I like watching you in the kitchen and I’ve learned a lot! No! I’m not going to become a chef (as you call it!), I just like to make healthy guesses. Sometimes you don’t like it very much! But back to what I was talking about! So, imagine your planet thrown into this pot, where the whole ball is covered in that liquid. The planet is heavy, so it doesn’t go up, it stays immersed in the liquid. So think in the same way and translate that as the Central Sunlight. Your planet is totally immersed in this Light! There is no front, no back, no light, no dark! There is a whole planet immersed in this sea of Light of the Central Sun.I wish you could see it! Some of you can! So, every inhabitant, every living being on this planet, receives this Light for 24 hours, which is how long their planet rotates. For the Light of the Central Sun, there is no time!It’s direct! It’s all the time! So, this Light that is coming, is activating all the DNA strands that you have and that were blocked. There’s no point in anyone going to the lab now and asking their scientists: “Look how much DNA I have now!
Nobody will see anything because it’s not a carbon structure! It’s a crystalline structure and its apparatus, its size doesn’t show anything about it. Now, if you take a microscope, there in the Fifth Dimension, I believe that you will see how you are on the inside. So, this has been the evolution of each one of you and you are all going through this evolution, regardless of whether you believe or if you have a dark heart or if you have an enlightened heart! There is no difference! A Light arrives equally and with the same power for everyone! Then what happens? Those who are already more awake absorb much more of this Light and Consequently, they speed up their entire metabolism. Then you get a headache, feel sleepy, feel dizzy, feel tired, why? Because your body, still carbon, doesn’t know yet what to do with so much energy. If it were up to your bodies, you’d be hibernating 24 hours a day but you still have a life to live, so you follow the rhythm of your bodies, but it’s not easy for many. A head feels like it’s going to burst, some people’s spines feel like they’re going to pop out because the Kundalini is expanding its channel of Light and rising at accelerated speeds, in other words, each of you is facing it, in your own way, depending on your degree of depending on your degree of evolution, depending on your degree of belief, depending on your degree of frequency and there are also those little problems when you eat something that is incompatible with these energies and your body feels it a lot, especially at this time of year, when you seem to live to eat. I’ve never seen so many people eating so much in such a short space of time! You look like you’ve come from a season in the desert without eating for months on end. Your plates shake when they look at you! “Here they come again!” Look, you really really need to do a good cleanse when these parties are over, so that your bodies return to balance, but that’s easy, very easy! What should you do?Drink water compatible with the amount of food you eat! If you eat a lot of food, drink a lot of water.The problem is it’s not just water you drink! Then it gets really complicated! But we’re doing one, let’s just say that we’re not looking too closely at your excesses at the end of the year!And I say more, and I think you’ll all like what I’m about to say: Enjoy!Enjoy it a lot because soon these excesses will no longer exist because you will no longer have this in your lives! That’s all I can say, that’s all!
So, back to Gaia’s energy! Gaia also receives all this energy, of course, and its doing self-cleaning. So, I’d like to say something very serious: Pain will be a constant on this planet! Don’t think you’ll have a respite! There is no more respite! Gaia is simply not being vindictive, nor is she being mean, nor is she being something that punish you! Gaia is just… I’ll explain it to you: For a long, long time, Gaia has put up with everything you’ve done to her, she’s held a lot of things back, she’s prevented a lot of disasters, why? Out of love for you! But now there are lessons to be learned! The time has come for you to reap what you have sown. And I’m going to tell you once again: Gaia is holding a lot of things back because you were supposed to be in despair! She’s holding a lot! But not everything she can hold, not everything we allow her to hold it back because you need to feel it! To feel (as you say) in the result of everything you’ve done. Then, I know that many will reply: “Oh, but I didn’t do any of that! didn’t do any of that! I can’t be involved in something I didn’t do!” You’re answering for what life? I imagine it’s this one! What about the others? None of you can raise your hand and say that I’ve never done anything against Gaia! None of you! All of you, in one way or another, still do things against Gaia, no matter how much you want to say you don’t!
So you need to learn some lessons. And as we’ve always said, every being on this planet is where they need to be! No one is in the wrong place! Everyone is where they need to be! “Oh, I didn’t deserve to go through this!” It’s an interesting vision and why are you going through?A punishment from fate? So there’s no such thing as: “I don’t deserve to go through this!” What everyone goes through is the result of the actions they’ve committed, throughout their journey of the soul! It doesn’t matter if that journey is 1 year, 10 years, 100 years, millennia, eons, it doesn’t matter! What matters is that you are reaping, that’s all! Nobody goes through anything that they don’t deserve! Understand that! Nobody goes through anything that they don’t deserve, that isn’t the harvest of what they’ve sown, that isn’t a lesson to be learned. So don’t suffer other’s suffering. Be friends, be human, be supportive, be brothers, this is also a lesson! Now, don’t suffer the other person’s suffering because if you go down this path, it’s going to be complicated because you haven’t seen anything yet! This is just the beginning!
What’s happening on your planet is just the beginning. So just be supportive and be brothers! Don’t suffer the suffering of others, because each one is what they have to go through, what they have to learn. And if some are leaving, it was time for those to go too! Where to? Then you won’t know!
Maybe, later on, when you’re in the Fifth Dimension, you’ll know where they are. So that’s the message I want to make very clear in each of your minds today: Don’t suffer the suffering of others! Help them, lend a hand, give them a plate of food, give them clothes, give them food, it’s all right! That’s part of the lesson too! Now, don’t suffer the consequences of what you’ve sown, no matter how much it may seem that you don’t deserve it. that they are being wronged. There is no such thing as Divine injustice. nothing to do with God the Father/Mother!You reap what you sow, that’s all! So this is the big message I want to leave here today, at the end of this cycle: Be ready! Know how to live every fear that will happen on your planet.Without despair of any kind, because everyone is where they need to be right now!No one is in the wrong place!So, keep looking at your own journey, it’s what matters! The other person’s journey is other! Let them decide what to do with it! Don’t forget this message! Don’t blame Gaia for anything! Gaia is crying because she didn’t want any of this! But it can’t be that way!
You need to learn so that you don’t make the same mistakes in the future and start loving this planet as yourselves! That’s what’s important! Now, I want each and every one of you to concentrate! Forget everything else!
Forget gadgets, forget the dog, forget the cats, forget everything! Concentrate on your own body, your own mind.For this meditation, I’m not going to end this cycle alone! My support team will be here with me! So, I’m going to call on each and every one of them! It’s a big, big team! So, first, I call each of the Seven Ascended Masters: El Morya, Lanto, Serapis Bay, Nada, Saint Germain! Let’s go! Who’s missing? I’m going to jump! Sananda, Maria, Hilarion, Rowena, my Commander Ashtar Sheran. They’re all here! So now, all these Beings who are here around me…Imagine that each one of you is with all of Them around you! So you each have a circle of Beings of Light around you. Feel the energy of the Beings around you. At this moment, close your eyes and see in front of you a great Portal! It doesn’t matter how you see this Portal! It is being opened and I want each and every one of you to go through it! This Portal is being opened for you by these Beings around you. You are now in the Fifth Dimension! See yourself on top of a great mountain with the Sun in the background! See this Sun rising! The first rays of the Sun rising, illuminating each one of you! Mentally, without moving, pick up the sheet of paper you have written on. See it in your hands! You don’t have to physically pick it up! You are seeing the sheet in your hands in the Fifth Dimension.
Repeat after me:
May the rays of this Sun illuminate each of the lines written on this paper and bring me the awareness, wisdom and truth so that I can eliminate each of these flaws from my path! Place the sheet in front of you! What happened to the leaf?It caught fire and disappeared! So everything you’ve written on this paper is being emanated into the Fifth Dimension! It is as if you were there, and we’re going to bring back on the timeline everything that you asked for, so that it all this is reflected in your present moment in the Third Dimension.
Now, you’re going back through the Portal to where you were, here in physicality, in the Third Dimension! When we’ve finished, you’re going to take this sheet, you’re not going to read it! You’re going to take the sheet, fold it up and put it away! You must not open this sheet or read a single line until the end of next year. And when we get there, we’ll go back in time and see how each of you will be! So just take the sheet and keep it!Keep it in a place that you know where it is and that no one will take it and leave it there!And all the Beings around me are, at this moment, energizing each person’s leaf, helping to make each line becomes reality. Gratitude to each of the Beings around me.
And why did I stop to talk about the Seven Masters? Of course I haven’t forgotten! I often like to feel what you’re all thinking! I like to hear each one of you talking! Of course I haven’t forgotten! And little by little, each one of you has remembered. Don’t doubt what I say! Don’t try to make mistakes so that tomorrow you’ll say it wasn’t me who was here! I know very well what I’m talking about and I know very well what I’m doing! Trust me if you who wants to!Those who don’t want to, don’t trust me, be my guest! I just believe that in this long with you, I think you’ve already seen who’s here, on this side, or at least I believe that!
So, at the end of this long cycle, I want to tell you that you have evolved! You’ve done well!
You’ve uplifted Gaia along with you!And don’t lose faith! Don’t lose hope!Don’t lose certainty of what will come, whatever it may be! A change of dimension is neither easy nor simple! So don’t expect to swim in a bed of roses! The thorns will be there too!Nowtrust and the certainty that each one of you is by my side, is by the side of all the Beings you know. Beings you know is what will lead each of you to get through more easily or not! The choice is yours! Who do you want to have around? Your partner? The other or a team of Beings of Light who can help you at any time? The choice is yours! Make your choices! But don’t forget: Don’t suffer the suffering of others! Your world is changing, your planet is changing and you need to reap what you have sown and each of you will reap in proportion to what you have planted, that’s all! But everyone will reap because everyone has planted. Keep my blessing! Keep my energy!And of course I’m not going to finish this cycle alone! Let’s just say that the front line is always with me!
Sananda – My sons and daughters of this planet!
May the light of my heart envelop the heart of each one of you, bringing strength, courage, determination and love. But, above all, bringing to each of you the Divine Spark of unconditional love! And may you live it to the full!
Mary – My sons and daughters!
It is with great love that I would like to take each one of you
and protect you from pain, from suffering, from all the lessons you are yet to learn! This is my mother’s heart speaking, but each of you has your own journey, your own evolution and you need to learn in order to effectively become a Fifth Dimensional being! But at no time on your journey, at no time, forget my lap, my embrace and the love that I in hug and the love that I send to each and every one of you on this planet! Never forget it! Call me at any time and I will wipe away your tears! I will give you hope and all my love! And be sure that you will feel all this energy! Don’t think that we don’t suffer! I suffer for every child of mine who suffers, but I know, as a good mother, that he or she needs to learn in order to grow, in order to evolve, in order to become a being of light. So, what I can do is wrap him in my arms, give him all my love and in this way, he will have the strength to go on, no matter what happens!I am always here, my children! Never forget it and never doubt it!I am always here for each and every one of you, without judgment, with my arms open and my cloak ready to envelop each one of you in a long embrace, at the moment of pure, pure love! Don’t forget that! I will always be ready for each one of you who wants my help! Be sure that we are very close and one thought is enough for me to envelop you immediately!
Yes, my brothers, but one more to go! I couldn’t help but listen to my Commander – My brothers and sisters of this planet!Our troops are ready! The soldiers are overjoyed, happy and victorious! Soon, sooner than you can imagine, we will be there with you, bringing all our love, our strength and helping each and every one of you in whatever way is needed! Believe it! I bring you a big hug from every Galactic representative who is around your planet! Receive this hug! And be sure! You are loved by everyone and everything, everything will happen as smoothly as we can make it! May the light be with you all!
Well, my brothers, I hope you enjoyed them! They were very beautiful messages and may you listen to them several times so that you don’t forget or miss a single detail!
We are all with you! You just have to believe it!
Translated by: Leticia Balbino