I like this joy! I like feeling your little hearts joyful and remembering that great day. I know those who were not there, wherever they were, have felt the energy. We decided to set a meeting closer to increase this group’s connections. Again, each group formed somewhere on the planet is alongside us. These are groups that vibrate the Light. Obviously, we don’t expect that 100% agree, do, and act according to everything we say. We know things don’t work this way. However, we know, see, and feel that most in every group we created on the planet vibrate much Love and Light. Despite everything happening around us, even after all the threats and distorted ideas spread around.
We are impressed by how much humans let themselves be fooled and follow others’ beliefs, abandoning their own. There is no self-love or conviction. Everybody wants to do whatever others do. What is everybody doing today? Ah, today they are wearing yellow, so everybody does it. Tomorrow, it’s blue, and everyone is wearing blue, even those who hate it.” You don’t have limits when it comes to being slaved and manipulated. It is amazing how many can’t look with their heart’s eyes. They see everything with their mind and think: “Is this good for me? Great! So, I am in!” It only matters if it is suitable for the other. “It doesn’t matter if I am attacking or hurting another’s space. I am doing and going ahead with what I think is right.” And that’s how your planet is going.
With a few exceptions, you are all looking at yourselves. You hear whatever you want to hear from your Higher Self. You get carried away by anyone, word or action. You don’t hear anything else. You are deaf and hear whatever you want. It is sad to see humankind acting like sheep and following a shepherd without consciousness of what is ahead. You have complete confidence and surrender to someone, action, desire, promise, war, conflicts, and every negative thing you can imagine. We have been seeing many fearing what is around them. I’ve already said this word here another day: bizarreness. Extremely bizarre things are happening to cause pain and fear. And what is the purpose of it all? It generates fear of thinking, breathing, eating, and leaving home. This suppresses the freedom of going and coming from each one. So, I always like to remember that you attract whatever you vibrate. “Ah, I am protected by Mary, Sananda, and Michael!” However, you go to the streets looking to the sides and thinking you will be robbed. You are vibrating fear; in this case, I, Sananda, or Mary are not there. We are where there is confidence and certainty. You must think: “I am protected, and nothing else matters!” Go and live your life. In this case, we are close because you tell us: “I trust you! I am not worried about the rest because I know you are around me.” And we certainly will! So, remember that what happens outside remains there. Don’t vibrate fear, worry, or be afraid of what happens outside; everything will stay out there. However, if you start fearing and getting terrified, whatever comes to your house, your vibration ends. You attract everything that is outside your home. Many need help understanding when we say this.
The vibration is not a magnet that attracts the opposite. Vibration attracts what is on the same level. I will attract things that make me feel more fearful if I emanate fear. So, I don’t attract good things but suffering, disease, violence, discussion, and disharmony. On the other side, if I vibrate with Love, confidence, and faith, I attract more prosperity, harmony, equilibrium, and increasingly loving persons and situations that will cause happiness. And not only for you. We are not that mean. When we say we care for someone, we do it for those close. So, what do you want to feel? Do you want fear and worry? Those who worry don’t trust. They fear. “Ah, I am worried about tomorrow!” Then, you fear tomorrow, and no, it’s useless to deny it.
So, my brothers, I must say the same thing every time I come here. I am repeating myself, and this is boring. I want to go here and always say new things. Unfortunately, your world does not allow me to do that. I am not saying that you are to blame. However, there are people among you acting like that, and I can’t just be silent. I can’t come here and say: “Well, folks, everything is perfect! Let us laugh a lot! I will tell you many jokes!” It would be strange If I did. However, I would say funny things, like I have done many times. You would laugh a lot. However, this is different now. The moment is not for laughs; it is serious, although not worrying. The moment is severe for those who make it serious. You must make a choice. It is not possible to be on one side now and on the other side the next moment. What do I mean by one and other? One minute you vibrate Light and the different non-light feelings. Where will you get it? Nowhere because you go one step further, and when you shake something negative, you come back two steps. The proportion is always different. Going ahead to Light, my brother is a tiny turtle step. Each Light feeling you have is a small turtle step, but a negative emotion is an elephant step. Or better, a cheetah step, which goes and comes back quickly. Do you understand? The walk is complicated because you go back at high speed instead of going ahead.
So, what is required to go ahead? To believe and forget the world outside. “Ah, how can I do this if I work and walk in this world? I eat and walk poorly in the streets, my pay is poor, and I work too much? Oh! You can complain the whole day. So, how is it if you complained less? Would the situation improve? I guarantee it would. Perhaps, your situation is so bad because you are complaining a lot! You couldn’t be more grateful. You complain. You complain about public transportation, work, and a wife who talks a lot. Then, you complain about your son, who is never quiet! You complain about the other son who does not study. You complain about lack of money. What else do you want me to say about this?. In every house, this is what I hear. What if you were just grateful? “Ah, I am grateful for this complicated family. I am grateful for my work because so many don’t have one. Ah, I am grateful for the transportation available, so I don’t have to walk.” This would change everything, I guarantee. All would change if everybody stopped complaining and seeing the negative side because you would add good energies to the wrong things, and these would start improving. However, what do you do? Everybody complains and increases the negative energy. So, everything got worse. This is very smart indeed. You are intelligent indeed. You love making things even worse. Nobody is patient and grateful. You think you must complain because if you don’t, you are out of the little group that complains and speaks ill of each other. The little group speaks sick of the boss and friends. Where is your integrity and moral? You want things to change, but this feeling you have against friends, boss, and anyone returns to you. And your relationship with that person will be even poorer. Is this what you want? Because this is what you seek and provoke. Everything is negative for you. Everything is wrong for you; nothing is good. You have short moments of gratitude because you see the opposing side. Nobody can see the good, and then you complain that the world is increasingly inadequate. And indeed, it will because you complain.
If somebody starts complaining by your side, why don’t you stand up and go outside for fresh air? No, because you must complain and be part of the little group, so you are not isolated, to be cool and included. This is what I hear all the time. The isolated one is a fool because he wants good things. This is your behavior concerning those who don’t want to be involved with your complaints. You criticize them. Is it what you want? Is this the world where you want to live? Most say, “I am ready to go to the Fifth Dimension!” I have been laughing a lot! Have you heard the thunder? This is the only thing I can do: laugh at a person who tells me to be ready for the Fifth Dimension, speaks ill of everybody the next day, and complains about everything with gossip and intrigue. However, that person is prepared to go to the Fifth Dimension. On another planet, not on this one. I would like to know if a world in the Fifth Dimension can absorb all of this. It is funny, and I have been laughing a lot at the silly things you tell me. Some also challenge me and ask, “Why is it so? Why do you allow it to happen? And that? Why do you not do anything?” And I ask: “Who created the world that is there? I didn’t, and neither did God, Father/Mother, or any of us. For a long time, you liked this world. Today, you have another view of the world. However, you did like, live, and take advantage of such a world. So, don’t ask me why because I don’t do and will never do anything. We will do things not for you but for the planet’s freedom and to allow the Light to enter and prepare the ascension. You say you want to correct your world. Your world has no correction anymore. You have already destroyed everything. What we can do is prepare for the new world. Please, hear what I am saying: the new world. Did you hear the word new? Yes, a new world. New things don’t carry anything from old things. It is new, and there is no way to fix anything here. You must fix it. Those who say to me: “I am ready to go to the Fifth Dimension!” must be ready and love unconditionally. If you love unconditionally, don’t do other silly things. This is the way to go. I will applaud you instead of laughing. I will give you a push, so you can go quickly to the Fifth Dimension.
However, most of you don’t love unconditionally. For this reason, we say you have a long way to go. You must learn a lot and live with many things to know. Everything results from your choices, whether individually or as a group. It is useless to think: “ah, it is unfair to pay for something that I don’t even know that my soul did. It may be unfair, but that’s ok if you open yourself, understand, and accept the error. Then, things start working. You can’t revolt and stop learning. You will be stuck in the same place because you will go forward at a turtle step and will go backward at an elephant step. You will return on your walk, and it will take a lot of work to go ahead.
So, my brothers, I don’t want to be here pointing fingers at you (as many must be thinking). I like calling your attention, which many name scolding. Whatever. I am not worried about labels. However, I also want to show you that we are always here in any situation and without judging. Don’t come to me waiting for me to say: “Look, the thing you did yesterday was not good. You couldn’t have done that.” I will never say this to any of you. You can come to us whenever you wish. That type of answer is created by your minds, not by us. You analyze yourselves and see your errors.
So, today, I want to leave you with a small ritual. We have been talking about listening to your Higher Self for some time, and many continue saying that they don’t hear anything. You do! Why don’t you? Because your Higher Self is inside each of you, not outside. Please don’t tell anyone, but it is not outside. So, you can’t help but listen. You don’t listen to your Higher Self because you doesn’t not let. Ego is enormous, immense, and ten times your size. When you think you will hear your Higher Self, your ego does not allow you to hear. However, your Higher Self is speaking. So, the first step to listening to your Higher Self is eliminating your ego. Think with your heart, not your mind. If you say: “I will hear my Higher Self” but you start asking how would it be? What will happen? Will my Higher Self speak? Will I hear words in my ears? Oh, no, I will listen to a voice in my mind. If I don’t hear any voice at all?” It is over; your Higher Self went to sleep because it got tired of many questions. You must believe: “I will hear, and that’s it.” You will feel just a call. When we say “to hear,” many will wait for someone to whisper in their ear. You will listen to your mind. Your Higher Self will say something in your mind. A phrase, a thought, or a word on your mind and not necessarily on your ear. Why? Because your Higher Self is within you, not outside. It will not leave to talk in your ear but on your mind. Now, this happens when you believe that it is within you. Simple as that.
So, I will do a little ritual. You like rituals, and this helps you focus your belief. It is a simple ritual; there is no need to let it registered for you to keep. Use a candle whenever you want to speak with your Higher Self. What color of the candle? Whatever color. What size? Any size of the candle. What type? Any type. Is it clear? I want a candle with a flame, anyone. “Ah, does it have to be blue?” No! The one you have in your home. “Ah, I don’t have any candles at home!” Any candle because it is not the candle but instead its element fire. So, how does the ritual work? It is ridiculous, so simple it is. You light up the candle and look at the flame. Keep your eyes on the flame for a minute. It is not looking to the flame thinking about the bills to pay the next day. Look at the flame and observe it. Look at the movement and colors of the flame. I am here because this is my element. So, look at him and this: My Higher Self, tell me a single word or a phrase! That’s it! Nothing more. Wait, and you will see. After some time, you won’t need a candle. You will quiet your mind, close your eyes and say: My Higher Self, answer me about this, and It will! You must trust and believe what you are doing. Hear within your mind what is said. I suggest you take note of what you hear because you can listen to a word that makes no sense at the time but later, you will look at it and know the meaning of that word. It is like a charade where the Higher Self passes information gradually, and you assemble the puzzle. However, the Higher Self also answers your questions. So, start listening to your Higher Self. The ritual is simple, you close your eyes, talk to your Higher Self, and it’s over. You can put out the candle. Don’t let it burn to the end. You use this candle many times. Whenever you talk to your Higher Self, you use the same candle. Please, make sure to ask the same things: “How is it? What color and size of the candle?” There is no color or size. You can use anything. You could even use a match, although you could burn your finger. So, it must be a candle because the focus is not on the candle itself but on the element of fire. I am indirectly there and will help those who do this ritual with this intention. I am passing it on to you so I will help you.
I am doing my part (as you used to say), giving you the way to reach your Higher Self. However, don’t fool yourself. If you hear your Higher Self and think, “ah, I don’t agree with It!” then don’t listen because your Higher Self knows what is right and good for you. Don’t ask if you disagree with your Higher Self’s guidance. Do what you want. Follow your ego and mind. Forget your Higher Self because It knows the walk of your soul and what you must learn or not. So, you trust what It says or forget it. Don’t ask anything else because you chose to follow your mind and ego. Where there is ego, there is no Higher Self. This is a warning. O hope each of you learns, exercises, and starts long conversations with your Higher Self. This will be fantastic for you or those who intend to go to the Fifth Dimension. You can begin with turtle steps but one after the other because you make the right decisions and choices. You are avoiding the wrong energy; this is the idea. “Ah, the walk is slow!” Yes, it is, but it goes forward. Everything wrong causes you to return quickly. So, what is better? Proceed ahead slowly but knowing you are in the right direction or going forward and backward, which will take you to the start, not the end.
I hope you think a lot about what I said and do the ritual I taught to start hearing your Higher Self. Not me, Mary, Sananda, Ashtar, or any other Light Being. It is your Higher Self because when you don’t have any contact with none of us, it is your Higher Self that will help you. It will give you direction and tell you whether to stay or run. Not us; you must understand this once and for all. We provide you with direction, but your Higher Self gives you the way because it commands your souls. So learn to hear your Higher Self; indeed, that turtle step can become an elephant step ahead, not backward. Think a lot about it.
Stop living other’s life, fighting, and suffering for others. The way is yours, and the others have their own way. Later at some point during the walk, you meet again but always look at your walk. Other’s walk is not attractive to you because each soul is unique with different ways, lessons, and obstacles. So, take care of your soul and forget what is outside. Look exclusively at yourself and always hear your Higher Self. I guarantee that you will not regret it, be sure.
I leave you with my energy. I will be there for those who do the ritual in the candle flame to help you empty your mind. Let us try? I hope many candles are burning. I will be there for each of you, waiting for the invitation. I want to see who is going to call me.