Archangel Michael Live 31-08-2023


What I want to tell you today is that the process has started. The meeting has been planned and is now taking place. I urge those who constantly complain and make everything seem like a problem to calm down. Please recognize that the negative attitude you project causes problems to arise. There’s wisdom to be gleaned from this: have confidence in yourself and put out positive vibes! Negativity leads to trouble–trust me. Balance is key to problem-solving, and acting rashly or screaming like a madman just leads to more chaos. Balance is key to problem-solving, and acting rashly or screaming like a madman just leads to more chaos.

Balance is key to problem-solving, and acting rashly or screaming like a madman just leads to more chaos.  So stay patient and take it easy. There’s wisdom to be gleaned from this: have confidence in yourself and put out positive vibes! So stay calm. Everything is happening as it should. And I assure you that it will be great, so you have nothing to worry about.

Today, though, I want to talk about a topic that concerns many of you: what direction is the planet heading?

Many of you don’t keep up with the news, isolating yourselves from the world outside. I’m not saying it’s wrong – it’s a personal choice. But living in a fantasy world is also easy. Of course, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and protect yourself. However, isolating yourself and avoiding knowledge can be tempting for its convenience. It’s similar to a hermit who stays in a cave, unaware of the world around them but still maintaining a high vibration. Is it wrong? It’s not necessarily wrong because right and wrong are dual concepts. He is in a different situation than someone in the middle of a storm. 

Who will learn the most from life? Who will handle situations better? Who will learn their lessons better? The person who isolates himself, like a hermit, won’t get the chance to learn anything since he’s closed off in his own world. How could he learn anything if he’s walled himself off? Some lessons will get through to him, but it seems like everything moves slowly. Meanwhile, people in confusion and chaos know how to tackle problems and distinguish truth. He gets out of situations when he has to. 

Who is the winner? Who progresses the quickest? What I’m saying is meant to make you think. As you often say, it provokes thought. So, my friends, I always return to a word that I adore: balance. Too much of anything is not good – the ideal is in the center.

It’s not about being ignorant of everything by saying, “I don’t want to know anything about what’s happening in the world.” It’s also not about constantly watching the news all day long. Rather, it’s about having a balance, using common sense, and having insight. Why insight?

To confirm if what is presented and reported is factual or not. If you cut yourself off from everything, how will you gain understanding? How will you verify what you see and hear is real?

You have isolated yourself and lack interest because you reside on the Moon, not on Earth! If something happening on Earth doesn’t interest or concern you, it doesn’t matter.

However, as you live on the Moon, it’s worth considering.   What is morally right or wrong when you’re in the Third Dimension? I will reiterate: there is no definitive right or wrong, only balance.

What exactly is right and what is wrong? I will reiterate: there is no definitive right or wrong, only balance. I will reiterate: there is no definitive right or wrong, only balance.

Peering through the window won’t help; you either close it and remain oblivious to the air quality outside, or open it and feel for yourself whether the air is clean.  Closing it entirely would leave you in the dark about the state of the environment.

My friends, this is an extraordinary time for all of us on this planet. No need to explain. me, “Wait a minute, Archangel! Do you think the current events on our planet are great? So much destruction, death, and imbalance in nature.” And I say, Gaia is evolving. Gaia is getting rid of the negativity that you have brought upon it.

Let’s discuss fire. The sun can start fires. What happens when there is a fire? It burns things, changes them, and rebuilds in new forms. I am not suggesting that anyone should burn things down because of what I am saying. Do not misinterpret my words. There are two types of fire. One is a destructive fire that is manipulated by human hands for evil pleasures. The other is an etheric fire that doesn’t burn but transmutes.  At times, the cleansing process requires the manifestation of physical fire. What distinguishes the two fires? When a fire is required, it starts and ceases as planned. However, when a fire is intentionally set, it does not stop but rather spreads out of control.

The same is true for water. Humans changed rivers’ paths, constructed dams, and altered how Gaia interacted with water. So when floods wreak havoc, do you think it’s a punishment or that Gaia is mad? No! Gaia is reciprocating, not out of vengeance, but because every action has a reaction, and she is merely the manifestation of that reaction.

The strong winds are causing chaos, and everything is in upheaval. The entire planet is in a constant state of change. But what does all this mean? It’s the planet’s evolution. And why is it so challenging? You’ve made it difficult, please understand that.

For Gaia to rise, she needs to make profound movements and transform her interior, which will inevitably be reflected on the surface. If everything were in balance, it would happen in a peaceful manner in uninhabited areas. But because of the changes you’ve made, Gaia only needs to transform what was already within her because she knew she would ascend at some point. The program was pre-set, but you altered everything by getting involved.  Thus, there is no reason to complain now.

Moving on, how is this relevant? We mentioned that individuals have varying experiences, so let’s refocus on the primary topic – Everyone has something to learn about the planet.

We mentioned that individuals have varying experiences, so let’s refocus on the primary topic – Everyone has something to learn about the planet. Let’s proceed. Isolating yourself and avoiding knowledge doesn’t excuse you from responsibility or prepare you for certain situations. Thinking that you are superior and immune to everything is dangerous. Be cautious, as you may be mistaken.

Watching and learning from events is important. Some people are sad about it. Others don’t care. And then there are those who think, “That’s not my problem.  I’m good!” As if they’re living on the Moon instead of Earth.

But we’ve been warning you, my brothers and sisters, that tough times are ahead. They are happening right now, visible to everyone except those who are disconnected, uninvolved, isolated, ignorant, or living in a world apart from reality.

The entirety of humanity on Earth is a single entity.  Therefore, it’s pointless to avoid other people’s issues since it could be your problem too someday.

The entirety of humanity on Earth is a single entity. I will raise many questions today to challenge those who don’t comprehend. The topic is meant to stimulate thinking rather than to be comprehended.  It’s not like a child that never plays in the dirt’s manner. Remember the word “Balance,” it means getting dirty and feeling content. So, where do you stand – with the ones who want to isolate themselves from the environment? Are you someone who reads everything they see, believes everything they hear, and blindly absorbs information? Which approach do you take?

I have heard many opinions on this matter. Some people say, “But you previously advised against following the news!” While that is true, I have never suggested that you should avoid all information or isolate yourself from the world. Never forget: I appreciate individuals who can think critically and challenge my ideas. It is inspiring to know that there are people out there who can come up with alternative solutions to the ones I propose.  This shows growth and development, as opposed to just blindly agreeing with everything.

So, my friends, let’s focus on wisdom. We should look at things from the heart and analyze them carefully. I’ll take it a step further and say that having groups meditate at a specific time isn’t helpful. That’s why I prefer not to do it. And it’s always important to have someone to support and guide you.

So what do you do when you see imbalances on the planet? Do you look at them and feel scared, or maybe cry? I suggest that if each of you took a moment in your own home to focus on the positive – radiating light and love – it could make a world of difference for your fellow humans.

Feeling compassion for what has been destroyed is not enough.  Instead, look at everything with your heart and shine bright so that everyone in this place can find a clear and easy path.  Just think of how much you could help. You see, nobody told you about this place and what to do. It was the energy that touched your heart, in some way that you may not even understand yet.  You see, nobody told you about this place and what to do. You see, nobody told you about this place and what to do. But now that you have felt it, you have the power to do something about it.

To conclude, isolating yourself and not wanting to know anything during Gaia’s ascension stage isn’t the best option. It’s as if you’re required to act. It’s as if Gaia is summoning you! Gaia weeps when anything that happens affects her children, but she can’t take any actions since she needs to follow her own course. The path was established when this planet was formed and cannot be altered. Unfortunately, things are not going according to plan due to human intervention. As a result, Gaia is experiencing a great deal of pain and sadness.

However, if each one of you examines your heart and senses what’s happening in a specific location, you can radiate a lot of light. It doesn’t matter what time you radiate love; what’s significant is your perspective of the situation. You should not isolate yourself and believe that nothing is happening.  It’s important to recognize that our individual energies combine to bring about all that we see and experience.

 As such, we must each play our part in assisting Gaia on her journey by sharing our love and light. Remember, even as one individual, your contributions are valued.  Providing this positive energy benefits not only her, but also our brothers and sisters who may be struggling. I tell you, your mind is reaching out, so you won’t be alone soon. You will create a big network that brings about light. But somebody needs to start the process. Let us help you expand your energy.

Observe a burning field and imagine gathering water-laden clouds in your heart. Picture these clouds sending rain to douse the flames.

Imagine a flooded place and feel yourself rescuing everyone there, including people and animals. Imagine a massive storm wreaking havoc, and send a wave of love to soothe its rage.

Friends, you may not realize how much power you possess! However, it is crucial that you take action! Do not assume that “it will never happen to me!” No one can say for certain. Do not assume that “it will never happen to me!” No one can say for certain. Earthquakes that happen elsewhere can impact us here. Our planet is a united entity, there is only one Earth. The wind that affects others can affect us too.  Don’t assume that the problem is solely with your sibling and you are not involved.

Instead, take action to reduce your responsibility towards Gaia. By doing so, you can create a simpler and effortless path. However, achieving this cannot be done with just your thoughts alone. Don’t say, “I’ll do it to solve my own problems!” That won’t help. Gaia senses your thoughts.

Act now!  Everything will keep happening as it has to be. The reaction has begun and is unstoppable. So, do your part, even if you feel alone. But don’t worry, if you radiate love and positivity from within, we’ll all support you and enhance your emotions. As time passes, you may face some challenges, but they will be easily manageable. Now, the outcome is up to you!

Do you want to stay alone and avoid knowledge just because you dislike it, don’t want to experience discomfort, or don’t want to be engaged? Fine, it’s your decision. But keep in mind that you can’t learn by isolating yourself. The best lessons come from being in the midst of challenges, not from observing from afar. Only those who have experienced it can truly say, “I’ve learned!” And indeed, they have. Even those who simply observe, refraining from involvement or concern, forge their own path. Do not doubt this fact!

The choice is yours, my fellow Americans. However, always remember a significant term that has taken on symbolical meaning to me: balance! Always think of balance when measuring properly.

Decide on your options and mindset. Decide on your options and mindset. Decide on your options and mindset. Most importantly, we cultivate and promote your positive emotions. We’re here to support you in any possible way.

Translation by Helena do Lago Basile

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