Dear brothers of the planet Earth! I AM THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL!
Today I will complement a subject that brings some controversy among you. We have already said here, and it is worth repeating; take only some of what we say literally. You need to think and analyze what we say because if you take everything literally, you make mistakes. For example, I have already said here several times if one day I come here, “Well, you are all going to go to the edge of a cliff and throw yourselves off because you are ready to survive!” will you throw yourself off? Where is free will? Where is the understanding? Where is the reasoning?
My brothers and sisters, you are like ants eager for sugar; everything we say you absorb without questioning, without thinking, without analyzing, and this is not what we want. So many of you are now saying: “Ah, so I won’t believe anything you say”; perhaps this is a good path; maybe this is the path we want you to take. Questioning, thinking, listening, in your heart.
Don’t take everything literally because you don’t even allow yourselves the time to think, to analyze what has been said. And what have we said here? If you have doubts, talk to us, not to the brother next door. The matter is not clear enough, so call and speak to us, and we will be happy to explain what we have said, but what do you do? You listen; you don’t listen with your heart; you hear with your mind, interpret, make a judgment, and act on the judgment you have made.
My brothers and sisters, at what stage of the journey are you? At the beginning, where you are still little puppies who nod their heads in agreement with everything we say? Interesting, I thought this time was over, and you could listen to your own hearts and understand what we say. But, still, it seems not. You are distorting everything we say.
It is interesting! How has our journey with you been? Our words, some procedures, and some rituals, but it is interesting that there are always those who only cling to the rituals; they don’t want to change or hear anything. “Ah, but I want to follow the ritual because it will take me to the Fifth Dimension.” Then I will tell you the terrible news, the change will not come through rituals. The change will have to come from within. It is you who has to change. It will not be the rituals that will change you.
The rituals, our words, expand the consciousness, and by having the consciousness expand you (at least I hoped so), you would be able to understand what is said, what is proposed. So the first point. I spoke here that some groups would become extinct and why? Because it is no longer that time. The energies and times are different, but there are still those attached to the rituals, and as they hear nothing, they are surprised. What? Is it over? Why is it over? And even worse, they try to break my rules.
It is interesting how you behave. Kids who wait for the teacher to leave the room and throw balls at each other’s heads. Then when the teacher comes in, everyone is quiet, looking like an angel. But there’s a big difference in this case: the teacher doesn’t see who threw the ball, but we do. We know the attitude of each one of you. Or what do you think, that I am in the hammock sleeping and drinking juice, or all of us here watching this process are sleeping, as you say, taking a nap?
Is that it? You do things thinking that we don’t see? But I’m going to deliver a fascinating message here: we’re not going to do anything about it. You are making a choice. Those who don’t accept the rules and who try to break them are making choices, and every choice you make always has an outcome, unfortunately. So go on. If I tell you that you should no longer do a certain thing, and you break it and go on doing it, what is the problem? You will imagine: ” there is none because I am doing the right thing. In my conception, I am right”. Very well.
Then continue with your belief. Remember that there is an order from me behind that, and you are telling me: “I don’t listen to your orders; I do what I want. Am I going to be annoyed with you? No, not at all; I will continue to be what I have always been to you. Now you have made a choice, you have taken a step in the opposite direction, you think you are going towards the Light, and you are going in the opposite direction. But it’s your decision. You are right. So go on, take your time.
Another point. What have we already said here about your brothers? That it’s not for anyone to carry anyone on their lap. You can be solidary, not babysitters, not those who decide to change the path of others. So, what El Morya said about donation is correct, but you have taken it literally. The donation cannot really have a face because it creates bonds between you; the bond between the one who donates and judges the one who is receiving and the one who’s receiving because he thinks he has to receive eternally.
No, don’t tell me that this is not true. This is how you think, seldom has a human being who does not feel like this. Don’t tell me otherwise. Now, what did I say just now? You can show solidarity. To satisfy hunger is to show solidarity; to give money is to donate. Do you understand the difference? To kill hunger, to help a sick brother, that is solidarity. So you must learn to differentiate between these things. Ah, but isn’t a supportive human being also creating a bond? In a certain way, yes, but you can be supportive without a face. Millions of people need help. You always have to help the same people, how about the others, don’t they have the opportunity?
So that’s how the supportive beings are faceless. It doesn’t create a bond. My brothers, listen to what we are saying within the heart. And worst of all is that many rebels because they think that what we are saying is absurd. So why do you listen to us? Keep doing what you feel is right. I have already said here if tomorrow I come and say: “Everybody throws yourselves off the cliff! I guarantee you that some will throw themselves off because they think they have to follow precisely everything we say. They don’t believe so. They don’t feel. They do not analyze.
So my brothers and sisters, let us understand once and for all. Any donation of any type that you repeat more than once to the same person creates a bond, and this bond could be better. Now you can donate to whoever you want, and what will you contribute? Whatever you want, as long as it is not repeated with the same person. Is it so difficult to understand? I imagine not. Think about it: You constantly repeat it with the same person. What do you create in them? A dependency and expectations. And the day you cannot give, that person will be disappointed, angry, and not understand why you cannot provide. Do you understand? This is the human being.
For you people who donate, you can donate whenever you want. I am giving an example of the same person. Then you decide: “Today I will not donate,” and what happens to the other person? Because you created an expectation, you created something that they got used to having. So it could be better, neither for one nor for the other. You can donate whatever you want, as long as you don’t create bonds with people. That’s all. You can’t make a bond. Learn that. Because deep down, there is judgment and dependency, which you don’t want to admit exists, but it does. Because deep down you think: “Why doesn’t she improve? Why doesn’t she choose another life? Why doesn’t she do it? Why this, why that? And the day that you don’t give, the other side thinks: “Oh, she has so much, why can’t she give it to me? I need it, why can’t she give it to me?
Do you understand? This is the human being. Only some people are on a path of understanding and wisdom. So, to close the subject: you can give whatever you want to whoever you want, as long as it doesn’t create a bond. That is all. There are many people to be helped, many. Focus on more than just one point. There are thousands, millions of people who need help.
So I will give another example here: an organization that gets together to help people. There is no face there. There is a group of people looking after the others, so it has no face, it is something cold, and when that person charges that organization, they can say: “We are unable to donate,” but it is not just one person, it is something cold, it is an organization, not a person. Do you understand the difference?
So let’s learn the lessons properly. You can donate whatever you want to whoever you want, but do not create links. That is all. You can donate every day. One day to “A,” one day to “B,” one day to “C,” and one day to “D.” Later on again, if you meet “A,” you can give to “A” again. Still, it has not become a bond, a habit, a daily, everyday thing, or something definite. That thing that is not certain does not create expectations. Do you understand? I hope so.
Don’t take everything literally. Take time to listen to your heart. It will give you the right path. The problem is that you hear everything we say with your mind. You make your own judgments and get everything wrong. So that explains it. And once again, it is worth repeating: this large group was not created for games or recreation. Here there is a guiding path. Each existing group within this fantastic group, this great family, has a little piece connected to me, a little piece connected to Sananda. So I will remind you once again: you do not own anything, not even on Earth, you don’t own anything. The groups and the rules are established by Sananda and me; nobody owns anything.
Those who think they can conduct everything the way they want without following the rules, I will repeat what I said earlier: You have turned around and are choosing to go the other way. There are rules here. Those who don’t like rules don’t have to stay. And that’s all right. We’re in charge here: Sananda and me. And I am not worried about whether they will think we are right or wrong. Is that our concern? Never. We know what we are doing. No wonder that with these rules, this group has grown and this group has evolved. Don’t you like rules? What are you doing here? We’re not here to play. We are all here together with one goal: to follow the path of Light, to go to the Fifth Dimension. Whoever is against this has already made his choice and is going in the opposite direction.
So you don’t have to stay in the group. If you want to be here, you must follow the rules. Don’t think we can’t see what you do. Now there is no punishment, no return from us. We are only sad because, once again, you are letting your ego speak, and unfortunately in, this choice is leading you to the wrong path. But it’s each one’s choice, and we respect it. So again, I will end by saying this: Listen to what we say with the heart, never with the mind. Only in this way can you effectively understand what we want.