Archangel Michael – Portal Meditation 11-11-23


I hope that everyone who is coming can settle down now, because we’re not going to talk today. So for those of you who are already seated with your glass of water, I would like to ask you to sit comfortably, make yourself comfortable, in a quiet position, in a comfortable position. And as you breathe in, imagine that you are breathing in all the light that is coming onto the planet today. And as you exhale, let go of everything that is bothering you, that you want to get out of your way, out of your body, out of your mind. Then inhale slowly through your nose and exhale vigorously through your mouth and let it all out at once. That’s it, that’s it. 

Before we begin, I’d like to warn you that this meditation can be repeated as many times as you like, all you have to do is say: “Archangel Michael, take me to November 11, 2023 at 8:30 p.m. so that I can participate in the meditation. That’s it! Anyone can participate as many times as they want! 

So now, after this succession of breaths, let’s imagine that you’re sitting down, but no longer where you were. Let’s all go to that big field that we normally move around in during meditations. Stand, not sit, there in the field, in your homes, remain seated. Then everyone settles down, without much fuss, quietly. Each of you in your own moment, no matter where you stand. It doesn’t matter if you want to be at the front, in the middle or at the back. You don’t run the organization, I place each one where they need to be. So, I place each soldier in the correct position they need to be in. So just see yourself in that field, the position I will determine. 

Now, I want each of you to imagine that, around this army, there is a large circle of light. This circle springs from the body of Gaia. Right now, it’s like flames of fire surrounding this great army. And these flames, they are not close to you, they are at a safe distance. These flames grow and get closer to you. You are inside my circle of fire.  The element of fire will be reaching every aura of every participant in this army, cleansing everything that needs to be cleansed and can be cleansed at this moment. Now, this circle of fire begins to dissipate and I call Gabriel to create another circle, a circle of water. The water also surrounds this entire army and also sweeps over their bodies, cleansing their auras and taking away everything that can be taken away. Now, the water begins to dissipate and I call Raphael and a great tube of air forms around this army, vibrating strongly, in a great wind around everyone. Cleansing each one’s aura of what can be cleansed. This vortex of air dissipates and Uriel brings the earth. The earth will wrap around each of you in a vortex, around your bodies, taking everything that can be taken. This vortex of earth dissipates. So, each of you now has your four elements in balance, inside and outside your bodies.

We are positioned: Gabriel in front, Rafael behind, Eu on the right and Uriel on the left. Don’t worry about positions, everyone is where they need to be! Now, come and join us, Sananda and Maria. Maria is at the front and Sananda at the back of this large group. We all come together in a great circle, a circle of intense and strong light around you all, with enough force to transform and transmute anything that is different from love and light in each of you. Mary, open your great Blue Mantle and cover this whole group, this whole army and emanate love, love, love, leaving your hearts extremely illuminated. Sananda, grow up, grow up a lot and wrap this whole group in a big hug, putting all the love, wisdom and strength into this group so that everyone is strong and wise to live what lies ahead. All of us now move away and this large group is now covered with a great vault of light. This dome is from the Solar Brothers, who bring light and abundance to all of you. Around this dome, there is a group of Galactic Beings lined up around this great army. Beings of all races are there, vibrating unconditional love and emanating it, all together, to each and every one of you who is in this meditation right now. It doesn’t matter what race they are. Just feel your heart, receiving all their love, all their friendship, all their light. 

At the head of this group is our Commander Ashtar Sheran, who has arrived to further amplify the light that is already being emanated to you. And right now, all this light that is upon you is pouring down like rain and filling every glass of water with energy, bringing this energy of love, wisdom, abundance, friendship, strength and unity to each and every one of you. Never forget: you are not alone! Each one of us and all the other beings you know are ready to help you, just ask!

Now, I ask each of you to be silently grateful for this moment! Now, all the Galactic brothers are retreating, the vault of light is dissipating and we, the four Archangels, Ashtar, Sananda and Mary are surrounding you. This army was not formed for nothing! There are still many who have a long way to go, but there are some who are aware of their missions and in the very near future, they will join forces to effectively fulfill their missions. Each one will know and all will be under my command! Now, I take each of you back to your homes. At the end of the meditation, pick up the glass of water with a lot of love and before you drink, take the glass in both hands and feel the energy that will be in it, then you can drink. 

You can do this meditation whenever you feel the need. It will bring you back to this day and energize the glass with water. This water will give you balance, health and abundance and, above all, the strength and insight to get through anything. So, whenever you feel distressed or weak, do this meditation. It’s a gift I’m leaving you on this Portal! You can come back to it as many times as you like. 

I leave you all my love! And don’t forget: you don’t have to go through everything alone, ask for our help!

Translation by Deepl Translator

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