I always close each week, and I do this with much joy and LoveLove. You should be happy. We have been observing you, and we ‘hit the nail on the head,’ as you say. You are dedicating and transforming yourselves, seeing what you must see, changing where necessary, and learning each lesson.
This was our idea. Be sure that you are on the right way. Transform this walk into a trip, a surprising walk where you still do not know the next step. At each stage, it seems that you are lighter and growing. A soul has no size or limits—the soul couples to the physical structure when it incarnates and adjusts itself to stay within it.
When a soul is too involved by many wrong walks and unconscious attitudes, it is as if the Soul disappeared, involved by a crust, something shapeless around it. The Soul does not expand in Light because there is no space for expansion; it is a prison. However, the Soul continues the walk, and with each new incarnation, more crust grows around it.
So, the objective of this walk is to clean that crust and everything that adhered to the Soul, preventing it from growing and illuminating itself. I wouldn’t say that your Souls are free, not yet. There is still a long way, but I would say that there are many holes in that crust, and the Light of your Souls begins reflecting outside. The Soul is very happy because it perceives that it is in the right way; it is evolving and being conscious of the errors.
Each time the Soul acquires Consciousness, part of this crust falls at each point of the walk. Your Soul begins to see itself as almost free. The possibility of freedom being what it was one day, illuminated, beautiful, and free, makes it walk bravely ahead. I wouldn’t say your souls don’t fear. They still fear all they have passed. Now you are responsible, as human Consciousness, for emanating the LoveLove you know today to your souls and making them feel that today things are different.
Today there is a light ahead. A path to follow: an illuminated path of LoveLove. If you believe this with your hearts, your Souls will think and let themselves be cleansed, remove the crusts around them, even with pain.
So, the walk is not only of your Soul; the walk is yours together with your Soul. Walk with much LoveLove in your heart and with faith. Believe in each step, and indeed, no matter when, the day will come when your Souls will be free, and the freedom will mean so much joy and LoveLove that they will carry you as if you were small animals. They will have pure unconditional LoveLove for you because you helped them be what they were one day. They will hold you and will be grateful. At this time, you will ascend because your Unconditional Love plus the Unconditional Love of your Soul will take you to the Fifth Dimension.
This walk and all that will come are not only by your minds but by your Souls. Therefore, you must walk together without judgment, overcoming each obstacle of the way with LoveLove. It may not be Unconditional Love, but it is Love. Love as you know it now.
Be ready. The next phase is Consciousness, and you will find all support, armors, tools, and Light weapons required for the walk.