Arcturians – About Light Technologies

Dear brothers of the planet Earth! WE ARE THE ARCTURIANS!

It is with great joy that we can be here today. Let’s talk more about our intentions. We have been present on this planet for a long time; we didn’t arrive now; we are not visitors; we are beings involved with your world. We incited on your planet all the evolution of many parts that you perceive today in your existence. Look back centuries and look at what you have today.

External beings have been incarnated here to bring knowledge and the possibility of evolution. We have been here for a long time. Just as Arcturian souls have incarnated here, others are Pleiadian, Sirian, and Martian. However, the vast majority is always for the Light, always to fulfill the purpose of evolution by the Light.

In the universe, we study all the problems caused by imbalances in your bodies. These imbalances you have come to call diseases; we understand them as imbalances. And why don’t we call them diseases? Because if a body is in balance, nothing will get to it if a mind is in balance. It will remain the perfect body created to live here on earth.

Don’t think diseases come from the outside; they appear because of the imbalance you all cause in your bodies. First, of course, we must remember that the whole universe was built to take the focus out and to cause all these imbalances through food. So you don’t eat properly, you eat what you shouldn’t eat, and all this ingested energy causes damage to your body. Because of that, you get sick.

The human body was created perfect, without flaws, without problems. Problems arise because of how you eat, orient things, your mind, thoughts, and actions. Every emanated energy of low vibration reverberates in the universe and comes back to you. “But it was a thought!” Will a thought come back? No, it will come back in your body, directly in your body. Consequently, this is why many have more illnesses than others. Many just put themselves in the position of being judgmental, critical, malicious, and gossipy, always in the focus of the other. They never look at themselves; they prefer to spend their time looking at the lives of others, criticizing the lives of others, and condemning others. And all of this returns low-vibration energy to every cell of your body, bringing imbalance.

Imbalance opens the doors to disease. Your body is composed of many doors; if it stays balanced, these doors fit well where they need to be to stay closed. Now, if you unbalance the level, the door becomes crooked, and it opens for anything outside to come in. So it’s not the diseases that cause the problem; the causes come from yourselves, from your actions, from your thoughts, and from what you consume.

Observe today how much you contaminate yourself daily. There is not a single human on the planet who is not polluted. Those who insist that they eat nothing wrong, eat everything from the earth, and do not eat animals may even have a very high percentage of the balance, but not 100%. Because the air you breathe is contaminated with dust and gases, the result of chemical reactions that your factories throw out. So nobody is 100% balanced, and nobody is 100% immune.

In this whole context, where do we act? Where does all the healing energy that enters this planet act? If we of healing vibrate such intense energy on the planet, why are there still sick people? Why doesn’t everybody get healed? The answer or answers for us are straightforward. You don’t get healed because you have been contaminating yourselves all along. It’s like you have a filthy place; somebody comes and washes it and makes it completely clean; a few hours later, when you look at it closely, it will be full of dust and substances you can’t see. It will no longer be spotless. So are your bodies.

The healing energy released onto the planet has been working in your body for some time. So now it is up to each one of you to go and improve your balance. When you get into balance, the diseases don’t heal 100%, but you begin to have relief and live with them harmoniously. And this process happens so profoundly that many of you forget that you have the illness because you are learning to keep your balance.

And what is the balance? I will repeat it one more time: eating well; eating healthy things; not eating animals; drinking lots of water; thinking positive thoughts; speaking positive words; acting positively; doing this is balance. So we have brought to your planet some forms of treatment that we would like to explain here a little more.

We have the Arcturian Chambers. Some people can see these cameras, but we can explain what each one is like without explaining what each one is. They exist, and you can use them whenever you want with a few commands. I ask a question: Does everybody here connect with us? Everyone here thinks, “I want to talk to an Arcturian,” and pretty soon, we are having a friendly chat, as you say. No, it is not like that. Connecting with us is easy, but there needs to be a reason, a more formal way for you to come to us and have this friendly conversation. It’s not out of curiosity or just whistling for us to be there.

So it is necessary to do commands so we can open the Arcturian chambers for you. These commands are the activations of the Chambers. We usually say that the Chamber treatment is deep, so we recommend you do it at night before sleep. Because then we will have plenty of time to control, to harmonize the Chamber to do what is needed in your body.

To your knowledge, when one of you activates an Arcturian Chamber, there will always be an Arcturian with you, controlling what happens in your body. And it is essential to explain that the body is not taken from your planet. The ethereal body is taken care of; this one is brought to the Chambers by your Higher Self, and we can do the treatment there. When this body is finished, it becomes part of your aura again. The whole process is expanded to your physical body. All this is very well controlled by the Higher Self of each one. We don’t invade anything; we don’t reach points that we can’t or advance beyond what is allowed. We respect all the orders of the Higher Self of each one.

Another form of treatment is the golden keys, which are more straightforward commands; they are not cameras but commands that activate specific actions here for us. So these are quicker commands that you can turn on for 15 minutes. Now we always like to make you realize that everything has a limit; common sense drives these treatments. Those desperate because they feel a lot of pain want to do it several times a day. And then I tell you that your body can’t take it.

Our energy is an energy of high vibration, and your bodies are still learning to deal with this energy. So if you do it several times a day, you end up extrapolating what your own body can receive, and then you get sick and blame us. The big culprit was the lack of common sense in each of you. You can do as many treatments as you want, but do one daily. And observe what that treatment is exactly doing for you. You may activate a key and feel nothing; you don’t notice anything. That key may not be for you at this moment.

We also have this care when you activate something that you still need to be ready for, that we don’t turn on the key. We have this awareness. Then many may ask, “And when we do it several times, can’t you also just not let anything happen?” No, because then we would be disrespecting your free will. You chose to do it several times, and you are aware that you are not supposed to do it, but you do it; we will not be the ones to prevent this because you have to learn to have common sense.

When activating a Camera or a Golden Key, say the words. No need to memorize or meditate. Request with your heart. Imagine a friend is in front of you, and you are asking him for something. Then ask heartful and with humbleness; not servitude because we are superior, but humbleness that you are receiving something that will be good for you.

Don’t test us. Please don’t do it out of curiosity because nothing will happen. We are Fifth Dimensional beings, and we can see your hearts exactly. If the request comes full of love, we will fulfill it; if it doesn’t, we won’t do it, and you won’t get anything. Learn this. We are not puppets, or machines, where you give an order, and we obey. For everything to happen, the heart is necessary, the love in the heart, and more, the certainty that it will help you enter into balance.

Then it is worth putting here what happens when you enter the Chambers or activate a golden key. Those doors go into balance, they fit where they are supposed to, so they don’t open, and you go into balance in a few moments. And then the whole cycle starts all over again. You begin to get out of balance, and that door opens again. That is what happens. Don’t think that doing the treatment every day and not changing the way you talk, think, and act will do any good.

Everything is a package in which we work towards balance, and the less you get out of balance, the chances of the door opening decrease with time. That’s where you enter the stage of harmony with the disease; it stagnates; you even forget it exists. But to get to this stage, you have to change, and you have to change the way you live. We are not a medicine where you get out of balance, take it, and get cured. No, we will balance you, but if you go back to being out of balance, there is nothing we can do; you throw away the whole treatment.

Another essential point to be made here is that you can activate a Chamber or a golden key to a person at a distance. So you can ask this person to stay connected, at a given moment, to receive treatment, and you ask us to activate the Chamber or the key for that person. Nothing more. But everything has to happen in real time. So the person has to be connected with you.

What is to be connected? It is to be still, meditating, or simply being aware that you are receiving something important. If not, it’s no use. Everything has to happen in real-time. There is no activation schedule. It is necessary that the person is connected, thinking that at that moment, they are receiving treatment. If it is at bedtime, they will tell you; I am going to sleep; you can do it. They will lie down, ready to sleep, and you will activate the Chamber.

Another point. Can I activate the Chamber and only stay for 15 minutes? Yes, but the Chamber is not designed for that. The Chamber is an intense treatment that we prefer you do during sleep. The quick treatments are the golden keys. You stay for 15 minutes, some can wait a little longer, and that is where the activation ends. When you disconnect, the activation ends up.

So with this, all of you who have accepted our Technologies will correctly use them. Don’t invent ways and means to use what we have brought. We brought something very smooth; make it simple. There is no need to complicate it. And for those who want to do a deep treatment, use a pendulum for 21 days. We will be there driving the pendulum showing what the person needs. And then, the treatment will have to be done once every day, for 21 days, without interruption; if you interrupt, you have to start all over again because it breaks the chain.

We are bringing all our Technologies to help you get back into balance. But will you reach the cure? One day, when you change your life habits, you can achieve healing. Or there may be a dispensation from your masters and higher beings that they must heal humanity; then we can act more intensely and heal each one of you. But for this, we will need authorization.

It is not us who decide this; it is your superiors and Father/Mother God. We hope that you have understood the reason for the Technologies, and more technologies will come. Many more so that you can balance yourselves little by little, learning to balance yourselves. It is a learning path where you have to take small steps to begin recognizing all that is good for you and bad for you. And in this way, you will balance your body more and more.

In conclusion, connecting with us is very easy; it’s effortless. Whoever calls us by heart, we are there at the exact moment. Don’t doubt it. Don’t call us only in the curiosity of wanting to see us because we don’t show ourselves to just anyone. Few people see us as we are because we determine it that way. Wishing to see us is curiosity at this moment. Very soon, you will see us all. And then I ask a question: Will your consciousness change, or will you continue to call on us for your treatments? Only time will tell.

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