Arcturians – Emanate Today What You Want to Live Tomorrow

Dear brothers and sisters of this beautiful planet! WE ARE THE ARCTURIANS!

Achieving balance isn’t an easy matter. It isn’t an easy or simple task for you. Achieving balance is being entirely focused on the moment, on what you’re going through right now. Living in the future brings imbalance because it generates expectations, anxiety, and miraculous projects that often do not happen. To live in the future is to walk away from the present, walk away from reality, and walk away from what is really real. Living in the past means remembering and bringing back feelings that aren’t always good. Remembering the past brings pain, sadness, grief, and melancholy.

So, what is the right point? Living in the now and in equilibrium. The present has no history, no future; it is the present. So, the great wisdom is to live the step taken now with love. Every step taken with love will reverberate and bring back more love. Pay attention to the steps you take. How are they taken? With uncertainty, with doubt, with discouragement? What will this step bring you afterward? More doubts, more uncertainties, more insecurities. So learn to take one step at a time, but take each step with love and joy, living in that moment, living the joy of that second, of that moment.

Don’t be worried about the future. The future will come from your actions today. Yes, we understand that you are receiving today much of what you did in the past, but these are the points that you can’t escape. You will have to deal with them and bring them to closure. What you do today comes back very fast. There is not much time ahead. So just emanate only good things: love, joy, happiness, and that’s what you’ll have up ahead very soon.

Whatever you are emanating now, hearing these words will reverberate back to you in perhaps a second; it depends on your state of mind. Live your life looking at the moment you are, emanating this moment, the present. Try to always keep yourself in balance because you attract more of it when you think of imbalance. If you think everything is going well with joy in your heart and with love, that is what you are going to get more and more of.

So, be very careful what you think, say, and emanate right now, at this minute, as all come back to you. There’s no way it won’t happen. All that you emanate returns with equal or higher intensity. We are honored to be a part of this little walk. So, here we leave our energy.

“Think with balance.

Act with balance.

Speak with balance.

Emanate love, joy, health, peace, and harmony.

You are the very scales of yourselves.

Fill the right side of the scale with much love, peace, and harmony. Whatever comes in the future, what matters is what you emanate here and now. Live in balance.”

Don’t despair. Don’t lose heart. Everything is moving very fast to happen. So don’t lose hope, ever. We are all here, contributing to making this planet’s turning point happen as smoothly and harmoniously as possible. And be sure that what you are emanating today will reverberate very quickly in a short time.

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